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.. I • • • j, 2 Yea r Prog re ss Re port 101 MA~IETTA STREET, N . W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 . . . T ELEPHONE: AREA CODE (404) 5 25- 4262 C. 0 . Emmer ich j anuary, 19 67 Exe culi e Admini s trator OPPORTUNITY IN ATLANTA During the past two years Atlanta's Community Action Program has moved with great speed. Thou sands of citi zens and ma ny agencies and organizations have participated io planning de veloping and financing this multi -ser_vice opport1mity progra m fo r Atlanta's low- income citizens. In two years : 14 Multi -service Neighborhood Service Centers have been establ ished, More than 20,000 adults and youths have been placed in jobs and job tra ining, Nearly 39,000 individuals have parti cipated in basic, remedial and enrichment education courses, and More than 55,000 individual s have rece ived fom i ly servic es . Due to Congre ssio na l reductjons in the 1%7 Economic Opportunity budget for the n ation, Atlanta's program ha s s uffe red a 40% reduction in funds plu s the deletion of six s e rvices . E .O .A. is now seeking loca l re sources to help re store these vital serv ices a nd r,ebuild its program. E. O . A. services can be divided into s ix categor,ies: OPPORTUNITIES FOR: A. Neighborhood Serv ice s through 14 Neighborhood Serv ice Centers 8. Employment and Job Training C. Education D. Social Serv ices E. Research . '•• and: ~.- F. Discont inued Programs Each projecli or contracted s er ic e of E.O. A . is suppo, uect by a citizens advisory counci l of which at le ast 1/ 3 musk be pe ople s e rved by th program . A. OPPORTUN ITIES FOR NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES ORGANIZATION ( ote : All f ig ures in this re port; repre s nt up to two years work, de pending 011 how lo1vg th e projec t has b e 11 estab lished. ) All E .0.A. service s are brought to low-income families th rough 14 Neighborhood Service Centers Loeated in poverty areas . A s mall sta H located a t 101 Ma rietta Street , N. W. , plans a nd directs the progra m a nd coordinates servi ces wi th loca l agenc ies . All 14 Centers were e s tabli shed during the first two years . Staff. member,s at nhese centers have conducted 33 ,049 interview s . Headquar,ters: 101 Mar,i e tta Street , N. W. , Telephone 5 25 -4262 , Mr. l,lar,old E . Barrett, Dir,ector. CENTERS IN OPERAT ION ATLANTA AND FULTON COUNTY Central City Neighborhood Serv ice Center 840 Marietta Str,eet , N .W. Mrs. Doris Bridges, Director T ~lephone: 873-6759 �East Cent ral Neighborhood Serv i ce C enter Gw i nnett County Offi ce 486 Dec a tur Street , S. E. Pike and Clayton Streets L awrenceville , Georgia Mr. Gene JohnsoLJ , Coordinator Telephone : 963 -9700 Mr. George Dodd , Director Teleph one: 577-1735 Edgewood Neighborhood Serv ice Cente r 1723 Boulevard Driv e , S.IE. Mr. Samuel Russell , Director Telephone: 378-3643 NASH -Wash ington N eighborhood Ser. Cen. 247 Ashby Street, N. W. Mr. William A. Fowlkes , Director Teleph one: 524-2084 North Fulton Neighborhood Service Center 27 Oak Street, Roswell , Georgia Mr. J. W. Stone, Director Tel eph one : 993 -3795 Northwest (Perry Homes) Ne ighborhood Service Center 1927 Holl yw ood Road , N. W. Mr. Roberst Branning , Director T e lephone: 799-9322 Pittsburg Neighborhood Service Center 993½ McDanie l Street , S. W. Mr. Levi Terrill , Director Telephone: 523 -1 577 Price N eighborhood Serv i ce C enter 112 7 Capito l Avenue, S. E. Mr . Geo ffr ey Hea rd , Acting Director Teleph one: 522 -5792 So. F ulton Neighborhood Servi ce C enter 2735 East P o int St. , East Poin t , Georgia Mr. Clint Rodger s, Direct or Teleph one: 767-754 1 Summe r hi I I-Mec hani cs vi 11 e Neighborhood Serv ice Center Rockdale-Co nyers Offi ce 929 Commercial St., Co nye rs , Georgi a Mr. Sidne y Herring, Coordinator Telepho ne: 483 -9512 EL ECTI ON S: One of the most importa nt opportunities E.O. A. offers is that of re s ident participation . For the first time low- income citizens have come together in neighborhood organizations , block clubs and advisory council s to con s ider their needs and to ass i s t E. 0. A. in pl a nning programs to help meet the se needs. There have been 2,672 neighborh ood meetings . Average monthly a ttendance for a ll E.O.A. advisory committees is 2,250 people . In 1966 elections were held for t he fir s t t ime to c hoose repre sentati ves of low -inc ome ar eas to serve on ne igh borhood and city- wide E.O.A. adviso ry committees . New Electi ons for 1967 re presentatives hav e j us t been completed in 11 Ne ighborhood Center areas . (N. Fulton is s till being organized). 194 lowinc ome neighborhood block organization s a nd 11 ,528 people have pa rticipa ted in the 196 7 elections. More than 500 lo winc ome citizens are serving as block captains a nd elec ted representatives. 725 Lawton Stree t , S. W. Mr. J a me s Hester, Director Telephone: 753-6101 Each block organiza tion chose on e representa tive to serve on it s Nei ghborhood Center's advisor y committee, TH E CITIZE S NEIGHBORHOOD AD VISOR Y COUNCIL. E a ch CNAC selected thre e represe ntatives to serve on a city-wi de committee , THE CITIZE S C EN TR AL ADVISORY COUNCIL , pl u s on e representa tive to serve on the E .O.A . BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Thi s gives 12 re pr es entati ve s o f the poor , 1 ' 3 of the t otal members hip , on th e Board of Dire c tors. ADJOINING COUNTIES J. H. Calhoun , Assistant Di re ct or for Co mmunit y Developme nt, 101 Marietta St . , . W., T e le phon e: 525-4262. 65 Georgia Avenue , S. E . Mrs . Omi e Dixon , Acting Director Teleph one: 577 -1351 West Central Ne ighborhood Service Center 2193 Ver be n a Street, N - W. Mr. A. A. Fromho ltz , Director Telephone: 799-0331 West End Neighborhood Service Center �Center Director Nomi nees: Mrs . Willie Perkins Rev. Ellis L. Green

M r. Charles B . Hart , Jr.

West End Mr. B . F . Waldorn

Mr. Ben Benson

Mrs. Peg Brad y

.\1r . William Killingsworth

Mrs . Emma Jordan Mr. A. R. Phillips Mr . Fred Young Mr s . Gertrude McLennan !rs. Eliz a beth Godbee Mrs . Maxine Abbott Mr s . Edna May o Mr. Ro y Harwell Mr. Al vin Ba rner Mrs. Bertha Stewa rt Mr s . Roxie Lipford Mr. R. C. Chinn Mr s. Lu cy Cas tell Mr s . D. L. Stov all Mr. Col ema n Smith Mrs. Be a tric e He nd er so n Mr s . M. U. Barn e tt e Mr. J. C. Die tri c h Mr s. Su e Bradley Mrs . C. B. Co l e Mr. Ja c k Bagwel l Mr. Robert Ri ce Mr . F . H . P ound Mr s . Gene J ohn son Mr s . Ann Mill er Mr. Ros well Ja c k son Mr s . Mary Chandler

~lr s . Ma ry Mo rton

Center Director Nom inees :

Mr. H. D. Wiley

~fr s . George L o ngi n o ,t .\!r s. Mamie Wynn Mrs. Gladys Brad le y Rev. Caro l T i nsl ey ... ,,, l CITIZENS CENTRAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (1967) \.larked * above Plus Executive Adminis tra t or No mi nees \1 rs . Annie Laurie P ace Mr . Ralph Long Rev. R. B. Short s Mr. Robert Blount Mrs. Lennie Hes t er Mrs. Mary Morton Mr. J a me s H. Aldredge Miss Dori s Alexa nd e r Homorable Iva n Allen , Jr . Dr. Wa ll a ce M. Alsto n Mr . Harold N. Arnold Dr. Sa nford Atwood Dr. Warren D. Bachelis Dr. Paul R . Bea ll Mr. Dl'la ne W. Beck Mr. Glenn E. Bennett Mi ss Ca th erine Bo lin g Dr. Jame s P. Bra wle y Dr. Rufus E . Clemen t Mr . Clatence D. Coleman Mr. Jack C. Deliu s Mr. Wellborn R . Ellis Mr. Arnold D. Elli s o n Mr. Rich a rd Forbe s Mr. J a mes Furnis s Mr. Collier 8 . Gla di@ Mr. Herma n B . Gu inn Mr. J os eph F . Haa s Dr. Jame s F . Hackne y Archbi s hop P aul J . Ha llin a n Dr. E dwin Ha rri s on Mr. Richa rd C. Hic ks Mi ss Rebec c a Hollin g s wo rth Honora bl e Ll oy d Elm o Hole Mr. Willi a m S. How la nd Mr. Wi lli a m E . In mo n Mr. J ohn H. J a cob s Dr . A. P . J arr e ll Mr. Herbe rt T. J e nkin s Mr. Malco lm D. J one s Mr. Ala n F . Kie ppe r Mr. J oh n F . Kis e r Mr . R. E arl L ande rs Dr . Noa h L a ng da le , J r. Dr. Jo hn W. L et s on Ma jor Geo rge Mars ha ll Dr. Albe rt E . Man le y Mr . Sam Ma sse ll , Jr. Dr. Ben jam in E . Mays Mr s. Fra nce s McKay Mr. J . 0 . Moore Mr. Jack P . Nix �• ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY F· 8 2 ATLANTA, INC. Neighborhood Service Areas F•79 --·, ' ~ HAPEVILLr: \ --'®PIIL_ G. EDGEWOOD B. NASH-WASHINGTON H. NORTHWEST (P.H. ) I. WEST CENTRAL C. PR ICE D. SOUTH FULTON E. SUM-MEC F. NORTHEAST F·74 F•IOB A. WEST END J. CENTRAL CITY K. PITTSBURG L. NORTH FULTON (Gwinnett County and Rockdale County areas not shown on map) ) r �.., ,,


\ NEIGHBORHOOD AIDES: E. 0 . A. h as trained an d employed i ndigenous re s idents of low-income neighborhoods to assist with cente r agency a nd c ommuni ty work. Aides have visit ed over 103,225 homes in door-to-door case-finding a nd have served over 37,049 individuals on a continuin g basis. ·' • .. ~ l 2. VISTA (VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA) A domestic Pe a ce Corps providing a ide s, teachers, counselors and adv is o rs for. the Wa r on Poverty . Headquarte rs a t 10 Marietta Street, N . W. Mr . Dav id Da mmann , Director 1 VISTA Volunteers , Telepho ne : 525-4262. ACTION : 54 Volunteers have been as s igned to Atlanta for, one year. 25 of the s e are pre sently working j o IE.O .A. target areas . The other 29 a re expected during the ne x t fe months. Las t year, Atla nta had 32 VI T'l\ Volunteer s. B. OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOY MENT AND JOB TRAINING 3. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE One Manpower Counselor is lqcaced in eac h Neighborh ood Service Cen ter to provide job placement an d referrals to other services . Admini s tered by Georgia Sta te Emp loyme nt Service , 101 Mariett a Street, N . W., Te lephone : 525-4262 . Manpower Program peciali:;t, Mr. Don Bryant . ACTION : 33,627 tindi vtid ua ls have rece ived employment counse ing . 87 % of th e e were unemployed a t the time of coun seli n g aQd most of the re mainin g 13% were under-emplo yed . 6, 16 1 indivjdual s have bee n placed in job s . Hun dreds of others h ave been placed in E. O . A. training programs for yomh s . The remai nder a re receiving trainjng , education , counseling or, other, service s in prep a ration for e mpl oy me nt or a re w the process of be ing p laced. . , ",4 4. NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS (In-School) T rainin g and employment of lo w-income high .sch ool youth s in the Atla nta F ulton County School Sys tems to pro vide work exper,ience and mone y t o enab le them to re mai n in schoo l. Admini s tered by the Atlanta and fulton County Boards of -Ed ucation a t l.J,01 Marietta Stree t , N . W. , Telephone: 525 -7886 ; 1rs. Alice Washington , Coordinator. ACTION: 650 students now emplo yed in the public s chools . More than 2,500 youths have panic i paced s ine e the beginning . 5. NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS (Out-of-School) A job trainin g and employment prognam for out-of-school, unemployed youth s aged 16 through 21. 57 pubJic a nd no n-pro£it Atla nta a ge ne ies pr.ovide 150 work locations and 6 20 posi ti ons . Return co schoo l is encour,aged . Office at 68 Spring treet, N . W. , Telephone : 577- 1904 , Mr. Henry Pace Directo r . ACTION: 620 posi ti ons are avail a ble . 6 10 yo uth s a re employed . 3 5 have returned to s chool. 224 have ac cepted full-time e mployment. Nearly 3,000 you th s have participated since the beginning . 6. YOUTH OPPORTUNITY CENTER Opera ted by t he Geo rg ia cate Employment Service to concentrat e on the emp loy ment needs of youths a ged 16 through 21, with emph a si s OQ c ounsel in g , testin g , and refe rral to other age n c ies for r,emed ial educ a tion or t ra ining . 522 West Peach cr.ee Sure et . ~Ir . A. \\' . Seagers . Director . Telephone: 875-0971. ACTION : 8 2, 000 ha Ye bee n interviewed . 5,735 youth s ha Ye b een pl aced in full -ti me jo bs . 30,000 ha v e been refe rre d to jobs a nd o th e r age ncies . �7. SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER tere d by Senior, Citizen Services of Me tropolitan Atla nta , Int . , lr20 Marietta Street, N . W., Room 7 19 , Telephone: 577-2474 , Mrs. Carolyn French, Project Directo r. A center to screen pro spe ctive loa n applications and to provide assistance in the management a nd development of sma ll businesses. 101 Mariett a S tneet, N. W. , Telephone: 577 -3315 , Dr. Merle C . P at terson , Director. ACTION : 36 men a nd women , plus 4 s ubs titutes , tra ined a nd serving a t Grady Hospita l (30), Fulton County Juvenile Court (4) and Carrie -Ste e le Pitts Ho me (2) . ACTION : 850 individuals h ave been ioterview ed or counseled. 33 lo ans tota1ling $322,000 hav e been approved a nd granted. 3 eight-week se min a r s have been conducted in lo w-income neighborhoods. 10. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE OLDER WORKER (50 pl us)

An independent irrogram ad mini stered by the Golden Age Employment Ser:v ice of the

tlanta Section , National Council o f Jewish Women , 793 Piedmont Avenue, N. E. , lfelepbon e : 875-944 3, Mrs. Naom · Metzger , Executive Di r.ector,. 8. COLL EGE WORK STUDY PROGRAM Part time employment to keep youth s from ow-income famiil ie·s in coMege.. ACTION: 969 individuals have been placed i n jobs . There have been 1,740 job ap lications and 3,028 requests for 'applicants kom businesses . ACTION : Pro gram approved fo r eight colleges : Clark College, 60 presemly employed , 60 previousl y emplo yed no posiitions available ; Emory Univer sity, 69 prese ntl y employed , [4 pueviously employed , 20 avai lable posic.ions; Geor• gia State College, 25 presently employ ed , 2iJ. previously employed , 12 positions ava ila bl e; Georgia Institute of Technology, 28 presently employed , 10 previousl y employ ed , 30 positions av a ilable; Moreho use College, 201 presentl y employed, 192 previously employed , 15 positions available; Morri s Brown College, 134 presently employ ed , 125 previously employed, no positions available; Oglethorpe University, 35 presently employed, 20 previously employ ed , no position s ava ila ble ; and Sp el man Co llege, 40 pre s entl y employ ed , 100 pre viously employ ed , no po s itions avaiJa ble . 9. FOSTER GRANDPARENTS DEMONSTRATION PROJECT A progra m to prov id e children in institution s with adult af£e ction and com pa n ionsh ip while a lso giv ing o lder c i ti zens a chance to be employed in a use ful , pers ona lly satisfy in g job. Adminis- • ' ... 'r 11. MOTA ' ...'. The Ma np ower Development and Training Act of 1962 provide s jo b trainin g for needed skills. Admin is te red by the Georgia State Emp loyment Serv ice and the Atlanta Board of Education . Offices at Atla nta Industrial Employmen t Offoce , 6iJ. Trinit y Avenue , S. W., Telephone: 524-24 11. ACTION : 5,104 individuals have been tra ined. A ne w c onera ct bas been r:eceived to train 200 people between February 13, 19)67 and March 3 ] , 1968 in groups of 4 5 in 8 O F i2 week tr.aining programs . Anothe r: 100 experienced but unemployed wonkers will receive On The Job ~ra ining . MDTA cl a s s e s will train for: s uch jobs as hoste s s , waitress , waiter , bus bo y , bus girl , chef , short order grill ma n , s pecialist c ook , combin a tion coo k , salad gid , kitchen helper a nd sn a ck bar ho s te ss. Addition a l tra ining c ontracts are exp e cte d soo n. C las s es now in pro gress a re we ldin g (20), bric k lay in g (2 0) , produc tion mach in e (20), d e s ign technician at Lock- .. ' I\ �Archer High School , 2250 Perry Bouleva rd , N. W. , Telephone: ,94 -156 7, Arvella L. Farmer , Assistant Principal. Howard High School, 551 Houston Street, N. E. , Telephone: 522-5096 , Bennie C. Williams, Assistant Principal. Parks Jr. High School, 1090 Windsor Street, S. W., Telephone: 753-6125, Robert J . Still, Assistant Principal. West Fulton High School, 1890 Bankhead Avenue, N. W., Telephone: 799-3177, E. C. Norman, Assistant Principal. Bethune Elementary School, 198 North side Drive , N . W., Telephone : 524-6854 , Norr i s L. Hogan, Assistant Principal. Capitol Avenue Elementary School, 8 li Capitol Avenue, S. W., Telephone: 5238696 , Obadiah Jordan , Jr., Assistant Principal. We sley Elementa ry School, 186 Wesley Avenue , N . E. , Telephone: 378-4393, Aaron L. Watson, Assistant Principal. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS FINANCED BY NON-EOA FUNDS Dykes High School, 4360 Powers Ferry Road , N. W., Telephone: 255-5236 , Jack Glasgow, Assistant Principal. Grant Park Elementary School, 75 0 Kalb Avenue , N. E., Tel ephone: 627-574 1, James Chwers , Assistant Principal. 17. PROJECT HEAD START An enrichment program for culturally deprived pre-school children operated by the Atlanta School System and seven pri vate a gencies . An application is now being prepared for an 8 week program for 3,000 children to be held next summer. 5,989 children have attended in 2 summers. Atlanta Board of Education , Instructional Servic..es Building, 2930 Forrest Hills Dr iv e , Telephone: 761-5411, Miss F rances C ox , Director. 4,609 have atte nded in 2 summers . Rockdale C ounty 's Head Stare Program 40 a ttended last summer. Gwinnett County's Head Start Program 240 attended last summer. Wheat Street Day Nursery's Head Scare Program - 200 have attended in 2 summers. Free For All Day Nursery's Head Start Program - 260 have attended in 2 summers . Hinsley Temple Day Nursery's Head Stare Program - 120 have attended in 2 summers. Berean Junior Academy's Head Scarac Program - 240 have attended in 2 summers. 18. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Instruction in reading a nd writing for ad ults over 18 years of age who are unable to function on an eighth grade educational level, to improve their employment potential. Administered by the Aclanca Board of Education, 2930 Forrest Hills Drive , Telephone: 76 1-5 4 11 , Ext. 206 , Mr. A.Ian Koch and Dr. Curtis Henson , Coordinators . ACTION : 48 classes for 900 participants are in sessio n. 1,273 people have already participated . 19. UPWARD BOUND A project to reduce the drop-out rate of 11th and 12th graders with ability by providing remedial a nd interest classes and encouraging chem to set goals for further education after high school. ACTION : Morehouse College, 223 Che stnut Street, S. W. , Telephone: 577 -1505 , Dr. Arthur Banks , Director. 150 enrolled at present, 228 last ye a r. Emory Univer sity, Emory University Campus, Emory University, Telephone: 377-24 11 , Ext. 7546, Mr. Loui s Becker , Director. 49 enrolled at present , 50 last yea r. Morri s Brown College, 642 Hunter St., N. W., Telephone: 577-2628, Mrs. Vivian McGee, Director. 91 enrolled at present , 100 last year. �r ··-- ~-~------··· -.-~ .,. ,,. . ··-~&---:-:,,· ~;:rrr:--.,.1,


I , j . .. During the wmter , s tudents paut1c1pate in Saturday morning classes at the colleges a nd a re tutored by program assistants. During the summer , students live and study on the college campuses. Morris Brown and Morehouse held 8 week programs and Emory held a 6 week progra m l as t summer. Simila progua ms are planned for next year. Three ye ars ago , a pue-college demonstration project, one of s ix in the country, was conducted by Moreho use College for 370 students . Results from this project helped pave the way for tbe na tion wide program, Project Upward Bound. D. OPPORTUNITY FOR SOCIAL SERVICES .",. . 20. SOCIAL SERVICES Socia l Service Superv isors and staf,f are located in each Neighborhood Service Center to provide help with health , e ducation and fam ily problems. ACTION: Coun selors have held 33,049 interviews at the Neighborhood Service Centers. 21 . DAY CARE SERVICE Sup ervis ed c a re for children in order to release parents for job training a nd job opportunities . 10 projects ar,e in operation c a ring for 7 10 children. Antioch North Day Care Center (50) 540 Kenn edy Sti;eet, N . W. , Telephone : 523-4861. Mrs . Mary Ray, Direct or. Bowen Homes Day Care Center (Ga te City As sociation) (100) - 1060 Wilkes Circle , N.W. , Teleph one : 799- 11 70 , Mrs . France s Wyatt , Director. Colle ge Park C ivic & Educa tiona l Cente.r (3 5) - 407 West Ha rva rd Street , College Park , Georgia, Telephone : 766-4456 , Mrs . E loise Tlhoma s , Di recto r. Children 's C enter of Met.r,opolita n A tl anta Family Day Care (35) - 725 Lawton Street, S. W. , T e leph one : 7 53-6101 , Mrs . Doris Hattley , Ca s e Worker. ~ ~ .~ )1k -~ J'1'M;l; ,, 'l' .. / East ..Poin t Child Care Center ( 24) 1147 Calhoun Avenue , East Point, Geougia , Telephone: 767 -4404, Mrs.' DeVern Howell , Directors . South Side Day Care Center, (120) - 802 Pryor Street, S .W. , Telephone: 577-2640 , Mr. Henry J. F urlow , Director. Guady Homes Day Care Center, (Grady .l'Iomes T enant Association) (90) - 100 Bell Street, S . E. , Telephone: 522-1595 , Mrs. Elizabeth R. Carter, Director,. Gate City at St . Pau l's (Gate City Association) (36) - . 1540 Ptyor Road , S. W. , Telephone: 622-9711 , Mrs . Barbara Martin , Director. Fort Street Kiddie Korner (100) - 572 Boulevard , N . E . , Telephone: 876-9 279 , Miss Yhonna Carter , Director. Tabernacle Baptist Church (120) - 475 Boulevard , N .E. , Telephone : 876-1 T/9, Mrs. Mattie Bruce , Director . 22. L EGAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A central Legal Ass i s tance C enter, financed by E .O.A . , is presently opera ting in the Fulton C ounty C ourt House. 2 additiona l centers a re pla nned for l owincom e neighborhoods . All legal t:ases for E .O.A. target areas will be re ferred to one of these three centers . The program will ha ndle civil c ase s, and provide represen ta tion a nd counseling for preliminary crimin a l hearings. Administered by t he L ega l Aid Society of Atlanta, 136 Pryor St. , S.E ., Tel. 524-5811 , Mrs . Nancy Cheves , General C ounsel. ACTION : Unde r the previous E .O. A. Leg al Assista nce P rogram , Legal Aid la wye rs worked in Neighborh ood Servi ce Ce nte rs part- ti me . L egal Aid la wyers serve d a tota l o f 17,324 cas e s a nd clo s ed 2,376 court case s . 23. CRIME PR EV ENTION Police wouk in each Neighborhood Service Center to become friends wi t h residents and help them with their problems . This progra m was developed by th e Atlanta Police Depa rtment fo llowiin �. ,·r a recommendation of the Crime Commiss ion . It is the first program of its kind in the country . Atlanta Police Department , 82 Decatur Street, Telephone: 522-7363, Lt. C. E. Wright a nd Lt . C. Dixon, Officers in Charge . ACTION : Since January, 1966, police officers have been working in E . 0 . A. Neighborhood Service Centers. They have communicated wiith over 9)0, 000 eople. These officer,s a ttended 176 meetings on off-duty time , got 306 dropouts back in school and helped 58 hardship cases . T'hey s upervise numerous youth act1vH1es a nd clubs and get youths involved in Neiighborhood Youth Corps , Job Corps , Community Schoo.I a nd Rec reation Programs . The o fficers and their Centers a r e: Officer Gambell , NASH-Washington; Officer L yon s, Price and Sum-Mee ; Officer Carde 11 , Central City ; Officer John s on , Nor,thwes t ( Perry Home s); Officer Nelloms, Edgewood ; Officer Grah a m, Northeas t ; Officer Owens , West End . 24. PLANNED PARENTHOOD Family plannin g s ervice a d min is tered by the P lanned P arenthood Ass ociation of the Atlanta Ar ea , 3108 Piedmont Road, N. E . , Teleph one : 233-4493 , Mr:s . Julian F reed ma n , Acting Director . ACTI ON : Over 2, 193 individ ual s s erved . 3 Fam i ly Planning Clinics in operation : Beth lehem Communi ty Center Clinic , 9 McDonough Boul evard , T elephone: 627-0176 (Monday even in gs); erry Homes Clinic , 1660 Drew Dr ive , N. W. , Apartment 756, T eleph one: 355 8278 (Wednesday evenings ); a nd J ohn 0 . Chiles Homes , 435 Ashby Street , S. W. , T elephone: 755-4228 , (Thursday e venings) . 25. MUL Tl SERV ICE CENTERS FOR THE AGED Recreation , s ocial services and day care for famil ie s living in the three high- rrse apartment buildings for the aged built by the Atla nta Public Hou s ing Authority. Progra m administered by Senior Citizen Services of Metropolitan Atlanta, [nc . , 120 Marietta Street, N . W., Telephone : 577-3828, Mr. A. E. Horvath, Director . ACTION: A total of 1,794 fa mi ly units are being served in the Antione Graves Ce nter , 126 Hilliard Street, N .E . , Telephone: 577-1790; the John 0 . Chiles Center , 435 As hby Street, S. W. , Telephone : 753-4084; and the !Palmer House , 430 Techwood Drive , N . W. , TeJephone: 873-3453. The Atlanta Department of Parks and Recrea tion is providing recreation specia li s ts under co ntrac t to provide comprehensive rec rea tion programs. The F ulton County Department ofi Family a nd Children Services provides a full- ime representative in e a ch Center by agreement. The Fulton County P ublic Heal th Department provide s a health main tena nce program in e ach Center by agreement . 26. PROJECT ENABLE Gr:oup educati on for low-i ncome pare nts to increas e motivation for s elf-help . C ommunity and persona l probl e ms are ident i fied and become the ta rge t for action. Administered by the Atla nta Urba n League , Inc . , 239 Auburn A.venue , N. E . 1 Mrs . Lilli an C lark , Director , Telephone: 522-8839 . ACTION : Seven groups with a to tal of 167 pa rents hav e compl e ted th e ir di s cu ssions. The re have been 238 refierrals to other agencies for help. 1,069 p e ople ha ve been i nt erviewed . A leader,s hip tra ining phase will s ta re soon . 27. VOLUNTEER TASK FORCE A proo; am to p rovide tra ining a nd s upervi sion of local volun teers who s upp1ement s ervice s of th e E .O.A . profess ional s ta ff . Volunteers ar,e drawn ~r:om all areas of th e city , i ncluding E. 0 . A. I '• .' ~' • I �ta rge t a reas . Admi ni s tered by t h e Community Counci l of the Atlanta Ar ea , Inc. , G lenn Build ing , 120 Ma riett a Street, N. W. , T e lephone : 577 -2250 , Mrs. Elinor Me tzger , Di rectoE. ACTION : 46 vo lunteer s tra in ed and serving. Vo lunteers are placed in Neighborhood Seuvice Centers , Community Sch och, Commun i ty Ce nters , P lan ned P a r,e nt hood Ce nte rs , St. J oseph's Hospital , Senior Citizens Center s , an d Day C a re Ce nte rs. Volu nteers incl ud e both me n a nd wo me n . Interes t ed pe rso n s s h ould ca ll t h e a bove numbe r. New cl a ss of 33 to s ca re in J an ua ry wil l las t 6 week s (4 weeks classes plus 2 weeks on- job-trai ni ng). Nex t cla ss starts Ma rc h 20 th. E. RESEARCH PROGRAMS Tr aining and work experience for 500 -700 ha rd-core, unemplo ye d out- ofschool y ouths per y ear , in work s hop situa tions . Administered by BEES-BIZ, foe. , a non -profit , private organization . 570 P ea chtree Street , Telephone : 8 7 356 53 , Mr. Joseph Minecci , Directo r. ACTI ON : 233 were enrolled during the program . 31. PROJECT UP- LI FT Job traini ng for unemployed p a rent s of depe ndent children o perated by Fulton County Depa rtment of Family a nd Chil dre n Ser vices a t 50 Whiteh a ll Street , Mrs. Willie Thompson , Direc tor , T e leph one: 572 -2 155. ACTION: Program will end by February 28th . 22 7 indiv idua ls a re now in crainin·g. 387 have co mpleted the c ours e . 28. EVALUATION PRO GRAM An e igh tee n month ev alu a ti on of Atl a nta' s Communit y Action P ro gram. Adm in istered by Emory Uni versi ty , Te lephone : 377 -24 11, Ext. 517, Dr. J ohn Doby , Di re cto r; Dr. Fred R . Crawfo rd , P ri n cipa l In ve s tiga tor. ACTION: P relimina ry research un derway. 29. ELECTRONIC DATA PROC ESSING PROGRAM E .O . A. was s ele cted for a n O . E.O. Pil o t s tud y to de s ig n an d imp le ment a da t a proce ssing sy ste m t o a utoma t e acc o unting a nd fin a nc ia l work . The projec t des i gne d procedure s fo r data ga th erin g fr om th e Neighborhood Service Cen ter s. Adm ini s te red by Electro nic s Da ta 817, 10 1 Sys t e ms Co rp oration , Room Ma rie tt a Stree t , N. W. , Tel eph one: 525 4262 , ex t .58 , "!I.fr. Davi s Hamli n , Director. ACTION : E . O. A.'s budge ta ry a n d payro ll a c counti ng de pa rtm e nt 1s now a utoma ted and us i ng compute rs . F. DISCONTINUED PROGRAMS 30. BEES- BIZ 32. PUBLIC HEAL TH P ublic Health Nurses for Ne ighborhood Ser vi ce Centers . Administer ed by F ulton C ounty Dep a rtment of P ublic Hea lth , 99 Bueler Street , S. E . , Telephone: 572 -29 27 , Mrs . Gladys L. Garla nd , Coordin a tor. ACTION : 4 nur s e s worke d with th e Neighborh oo d Serv ice C en t er s. 33. HOMEMAKER SERVICES Sub s t itute h omemakers assumed respon sibi l ity fo r households in low-in come are as d uring e mergency situations. Admin is tered by Visiti ng N ur se Association of Atla nt a , 1270 Techwo od Drive. Tel ephone : 873 -2683 , Mrs . Mary Ca ldwell, Coordina tor. ACTION : 28 home makers served 522 ho mes , and made 13 ,4 36 vis its . 34. RECREATION CONDUCTED BY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTERS ACTION : The Recreation T e ch nician and staff of the Neighborh ood Se rvice Centers organ ized and s upe rvis ed sports , tutorial program s, ch i ld ren 's ac- ) ' ill"• �t1v1t1es , swimming , basketball , baseball , teen clubs and adult activities in lowincome areas . summer of 1966. ite. 38. MEDICARE ALERT 35. SUMMER RECREATION E.O.A. financed summer recreation in 1966. Total attendance was 277 ,000. The program s were administered by the City of Atlanta , (Parks and Recrea tion Depa rtment), 10 Uni ted Appeal agencies a nd 3 priva te a gencies. Agencies and departments were : Atlanta Parks and Recreation Dept. Butler Street YMCA Wesle y House Centers Sal va tion Army Warre n Memoria l B oys' Club We s t E nd Boys' C lub Grady Ho me s Boy s ' C lub George Wa s hin gton Carver Boys' Club Atlanta Council o f Camp Fire Girl s Grady Home s Girl s' Clu b Apt Ac ade my Atl anta Urba n League Vine City Council 36. HOME MANAG EMENT TRAINING E .O . A . Home Managemen t T ec hni c ians and aides working in Neighborh ood Service Centers taugh t residen t s c ooking, sewing, housekeeping, budgeting , child care , hygiene , consu mer buying, and facts about loans a nd installment buying. G. OTHERS 37. SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM A program to provide scholarships for primary and secondary students from under-priviledged homes to allow them to attend summer sc hool. Admini s tered by the Atlanta and Fulton County Boards of Education . Dr. J oho Martin, Assistant Superintendent for Ins truction , 29 30 Forre s t Hill s Dr. , Telephone: 76 1-54 11. ACTION: 6,500 yo uths attended the E.O .A. financed program during the s ummer of 1965 . Program did not operate A t wo month program. 10,697 citizens 65 year s and older were contacted. 110 paid worke rs , older people from lowincome are as , a nd 11 7 volunteers explained health and hospital benefits ava ila ble un der the ne w Medicare legislation and helped people a pply before the March 31 , 1966 dead lin e . SUMMARY EOA ADMINISTERED PROGRAMS Multi-Service Ne ighborh ood Centers Neighborh ood Youth C orp s ( out-of-s chool progra m) Small Business Devel opment Center Men 's Job Corps (Recruitin g) VISTA (Vo lunteer s in Service to Americ a) Placement a nd Supervi s io n

Medica re Alert

EOA PROGRAMS CONTRACTED TO OTHER AGENCIES C ommunity School s ( Atla nta Public Schoo ls) Head St a rt Project s (A tla nta Publ ic Sc hool s a nd 7 priva te organi zati ons) Day Care Cente rs (pri va te organ izati o ns )

Summer Recreati o n Progra ms (City of Atla nta, 10 United Appea l Ag enci es, 3

oth ers)

Pro jec t BEES- BIZ (priva te no n-profit

organizatio n) Manpower Placement Cente rs (Georgia St a te E mploy me nt Service) Employment Eva luation a nd Service Cente r ( Voca tio na l Re ha bilita tion) Legal Service ( L ega l Aide So cie t y) Pla nned Pare n thood ( Pla nn ed P a renthood As soc iation of Atlan ta) Multi -Service Centers for th e Aged (Senior C i tizens of Metropo lita n Atlanta , Inc .) Volunteer Task Force (Commun ity Counci l) Fos ter Grandparent s (Senior Citizens o f �,.

I~ • -t"2 ti l,• I'),, Metropolitan Atlanta , foe.) ejghborhood ¥ out Cor,Rs (Io -School) (Atlanta and 'F ulton County Public Sch oo ls) Project Enable (Urban Le ague )

Public Hea lth Services (Fulton County

Health Department)

Homemaker Services (Vis iting Nurse

Association of t\tlanca)

Summer School (A tla nta Public Schools )



P roject Up lift (F ulton County Department of Fam~ly a nd Child.en Se.vices)

Youth Opportunity Center (State Employ ment Service) College Work Study lh ograms (8 colleges) Project Upward Bound (3 coHeges) Womens' J ob Corps (WICS - Wo men in Community Service) Crime Preve ntion (Atlanta Police Dept. ) Manpower Development and Tna ining Act of 1962 (Georgia State Employ ment Ser,.,jce a nd Atla nta Board of Education) Proj ec t Hire (Help Enicia ce R.ene wed 'Employment) ( Georgia State Employment Ser,vice) Go lde n Age Employ me nt Service (Atlan ta Section. a ci ona l Co un c,il of Je wish Womelil) Adu le Bas ic Educatio n (Atla nta Board of Educat ion)

No longer in operaEion

1966 E.O.A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr . Boisfeuillec J ones , C hairman Mrs. W. M. (L uc y) Aiken Mr. Harold Benson Mr:s. A . l... Benton Mr. William L . Ca ll oway Mr. Robert Dobbs Mr. George L. Edwards , Jr. Mr. Melvin Grantham Mr . J oho W. Greer Rev . Jos eph L. Grigg s Mr. J oho S . Herndon Mr . Je s se .Hill Rev . M. L. King , Sr, . Dr. J oho W. L etson Mr. W. H. Montague , Sr. Mr. Carl Plunkett Mr. Julian Sharpton Mr . A. H. Sterne Mr. Erwin Stevens Mrs. Nancie Stowers Dr. Paul D. West Mrs. 11..eRoy (Ano) Woodward Mrs. Mamie Wynn Note: The 1967 EOA Boar,d of Directors wi ll be expanded to 36 members , in cluding 12 representatives of those ser,ved b EOA (o ne elected by each Neighborhood Advisovy Co uncil) , 12 r,epresencacives appointed by public agencies which se rve the poor, a nd 12 representatives appo inted by othe r community groups . The representatives 0£ ch ose served by EOA h ave already been elected. They a r e marked ** below . 12 CITIZENS NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COUNCILS (1 967) C e ntral City Mrs . Doro th y Brown Mrs . Kacie Brown Mrs. Helen Ta ylor Mrs . Annie Jackson

Mr. Harold Raines

Mr. L. L. Turner:

Mrs . Rosie Hole Mr . Tommy Griffin Mr. Spencer Blount Mrs . Betty Pool Mr . James Austin Mrs . Nora Keyros Mrs . Evel yn Brown

Mr. Alonzo Watson

Center D irector Nom i nees:

*Mrs . Ethe 1 Cox

Mrs . Bertha Jackson Mr:s. Oneda Se ay Mr . B . A. Kitchens Mr. D. A. Coley East Central Mrs. Mr s. Mrs. Mr s.

/ **Mrs .

Annie B . Chamber s Beatric e Wil s on Catherine Gant Margaret Grant u s ie LaBord �Mrs . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs . Grace Pullum Petronia Hall Clide Anderson Ruby Whitfield Ida Hermon Pearl Williams Willie Lewis Miss Doris Mathews Mrs . J ohnnie Mosley

Mr. ewis Holmes , Sr.

Mr. Jam e s Gilbert

Mr. Emmitt Sowell

Mrs. fannie Woods Center Direct or Nom i nees: Mlls . Annie L. Hill Lt. Larry ReP as s Mrs . Mildred Perry Rev. Clarence Maddox E dgewood Mrs . Ruby NI. Heard Rev. W. C. Hill

Mr. Lorenz o Johnson

Mrs . Dorothy Harris Mr. Julius White Mr s . Mary Mobley Mrs . Fl etcher Walker Mr. Col umbus Maddox

Mr. Leroy Vobbs

MJ::s . Maggie McMullen Mrs . Lizzie Stephen s !Mr. Thomas Carlton Mrs . Charity Smith IM~s . Clet a Mitchell Mrs . M. B . White ~ rs. Millie Acree ~fr.s . Dorothy Adams Mr. F ed Cox

Mr. oss Douthard , altern ate

Center Director Nominees: Mr. R,ufus Favors r. Charles Turner 'f_M t . John Gaither Mr . J oho Cosby NASH-Wa shington Mns. Ruby McDowel1 'l' Mrs . Dornthy Pyrom ~ rs . Dorii s Davis Mrs. A,nnie Sewell Mrs. Mary A very

Mi . Oc i,s ~ ochran

M . James Mavshall Mr.-s . Joyce Burney

/ ** Mr. Erwin Steve n s

Mrs. Lena Pritchell Mr. Edgar Hill s man Rev. L. W. Strickland Mrs. Alma Pool Mis. Margaret Knight Mrs. Alice Dixon Mrs. Parialee Faulkn·e( Mrs. Geneva Ma ck Mrs. Lilli a n Hunt Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey Mrs. ~essie Miller Mrs. Kacie Jones Mrs. C. M. Wolfe Mrs. Carrie Porter Mrs. Cynthia Hampton Mrs. Verna Kirkland C enter D irec tor N ominees: Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Th,ompson Mrs. Maggie Moody Mr. J a me s Gardner Dr. Elsie Edmondson N orth F ulton Being organized Northwes t - Perry Mrs. Ruby Hawk Mr. J oho Slato n

Mrs . F lossie Zackery

Mrs . Sh irley Dowdell Mrs . Ode ssa Wheele Mrs . Arie Shelm on Mr. Ray mond Morri s

Mr. Richard Feagin

Mrs. Loretta Gresham Mrs. Vera Mc Coy Mrs. Margie Freeman Mrs. Bernice Hou sewo rth Mlls . Delores Mitchell Mr. Je ss ie Gascon Mrs. Garaldin e Hughes Mrs . Barbara Davis Rev. David Middlebrook Cente r Director Nominees:

Mr. Robert Dobbs

Mr. Bob Sha w Mr s. Jo s ie Wynn

Mr . Carey Fleming

Pittsburg Mrs . Mrs .


Mrs . F lorence Alexander Nettie Blanton Cavrie Wright Annie Evans I ,! �l Mr,s. Ro sa Ha mmonds Mr. John Tolbert Mrs . Mario n Mood Mr. N. H . Scott Mr.s . Mammie F l eming Mr. Clar en ce Smith

/** Mrs. Bea trice Garl a nd

Mrs. H. H. Dye r '·,:~ Mr. Ben Jen kin s Mrs. Willie 1?. Thornton " ' Mrs . Lennie He s ter Center D irect or N ominee s: Mrs . Slinia Sears

Mrs . Sallie Billingsley

Rev. Calvin Ho us ton P rice Mrs. C hri sti n e Benson Mrs. Mary Fuller Rev . L. W. hiope , Sr.

Mr,s . Grace Ba rk sd a l e

Mrs. Ollie Powell Mrs . Nett ie Bennett Mr s . Lois Wi lli ams Mr,. Ch arles Darden Mrs . Lena Ow e ns Mr. Me lv in B a rnes Mrs . C. M. Martin

Mrs . Mary F . O' Nea l

Re v. H . F . Green Mrs. Eula ne Houseworth MFs . Evel yn B a ttle Mrs. Fr ance s Th omps on Mr s . Arthur Willi a ms Mr s . Ruth Co ffer Mr. Geo rge Br,u mfi e ld Mr. Ga briel McC ra ry Center D irector Nominees: Mr. He nry Phi pps

MFs. L oui s e Wa tl ey

Mr. Robert B a rne s

Mr . Willi am Merritt South Fulton Mr s. Mary L emo n s Mrs. Lu cy Will is

Mr. J ohn Walt on , Jr.

Mrs. L ouvenia Williams Mrs . Alyce Price Mr. Ro n ald Br,idges Mrs . Jul ie Ch aney Mr. William Johnson Mrs . Myrt ice R owe

/ **Mr. W. T . Brook s

Mrs . Susie Perkins Center D i rec to r N omi nees : Mrs . El i zabeth Huggins Mr. Alfredo C a llejas

Mi;. Milo Fisher

Summerh i l 1- M ec han icsv il I e Rev . J . B. Marcin

Mrs. Rosa Burney

Mr. Edward Johnson Rev . L. C. Clack Mr. L ewis Peters Mrs . Alice Hudson

Mr. John Gres ham

Mrs. Curtis McWorcher Mr. Hudson Whitsett Mrs. Evel yn Burriss Mrs. Ann L. Childs Mr . Andrew Brooks Mrs. Annie Byrd Mrs. Lizz ie Jennings Mr . Edwa rd Mood y Mr. Edwa rd Grimes Mr. C. L. Walton Mrs. Eliza beth Anderson

Mrs . Dori s Gascon

Mrs. Mattie An s ley Cente r Director Nom i nees : Mrs . Mrs . Mr s .

Mr s .

Gus s ie Lewi s C a therine Col bert Leila Ha ncock A. L. Ben ton ( elec t ed in 1966 for 2 ye a r t erm co Boar d ) West Central Mrs. Doro thy Patt erson Mr s. Leo la Pe rr y Mr. Wa lter Bur ton

Mr . Wi lk i e A. Jorda n

Mr. Na thaniel Wa lke r Mr. L ewis Evans Mrs. Mary Hall

/ **Mr. Edward Young

Mr s. L aura Willis Mr. Jo hn Dixon Mr. Elish a P itts Mr s. Cori ne Smith Mr s. Frankie Kendrick Mi ss Nedra L. Reid Rev . K. M. Dunlap Mrs . Nellie Price Mr s. Evelyn Perdue Rev. R . Johnson �Center Director Nominee s: Mrs. Willie Perkins Rev. Ellis L. Green

Mr. Charles B. Hart, Jr.

,. ' ... West End Mr. B . F. Waldorn

Mr . Ben Benson

Mrs. Peg Brady

Mr. Willi am Killingsworth

Mr s . Emma Jordan Mr. A. R. Phillips Mr. Fred Young Mrs. Gertrude McLennan Mrs . Elizabeth Godbee Mrs . Maxine Abbo tt Mrs . Edna Mayo Mr . Roy Harwell Mr. Alvin Barner Mrs . Bertha Stewart Mrs . Roxie Lipford Mr. R . C. Chinn Mrs . Lucy Castell Mrs . D. L. Stovall Mr. Coleman Smith Mrs . Beatrice Henderson Mrs. M. U. Barnette Mr. J . C. Dietrich Mr s . Sue Bradley Mrs . C. B. Cole Mr . Jack Bagwell Mr. Robert Rice Mr . F . H. P o und Mrs . Ge n e Johnson Mr s . Ann Miller Mr . Roswell Jackson .'vlrs . Mary Chandler

.\,frs . Mary Morton

Center Director Nom inees:

Mr. H. D. Wiley

Mr s . George L o ngino Mr s . .'vlami e Wynn .'vlr s . Gla dys Bradley Re v . C arol Tin s ley 1 CITIZENS CENTRAL ADV ISORY COUNCIL (1967) \,larked * a bo ve P lus Execut ive Administrator Nominees .'vlrs . Annie L a urie P a ce .'vlr. R alph Long Rev . R . B . Shorts Mr. Robert Blount Mrs . Lennie Hester Mrs. Ma ry Morton TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. James H . Aldredge Miss Doris Alexander Honora ble Jiva n Allen , J r. Dr. WaHace M. Als ton Mr. Ha rold N . Arnold Dr. Sanford Atwood Dr,. Warren D. Bachelis Dr. P a ul R. Beall Mr. Dua ne W. Bec k Mr. Glenn E. Bennett Miss Cath e rin e Boling Dr. J ames P . BrawJey Dr. Rufu s E . C lement Mr . Clarence D. Coleman Mr. J ack C. Deliu s Mr. Wellborn R . Elli s Mr. Arnold D . Ellison Mr . Richa rd Forbes Mr. J ames Furni ss Mr. Collier, B. Gladi n Mr . Herman B. Guinn Mr. J oseph F . Haas Dr. J a me s F . Hackney Arc hbi s h op P a ul J . Ha llin a n Dr. Edwin Harr ison Mr . Richa rd C. Hi cks Mi ss R ebecca Hollingsworth Ho norable Ll oyd Elmo Ho le Mr. William S . Howland Mr. William E . In mon Mr. J ohn H . J aco b Dr. A. P. J a rrell Mr . Herbert T . J en kins Mr. Malco lm D. Jone s Mr. Alan F . Kjepper Mr. J ohn F . Kiser Mr. R . Earl L a nde rs Dr. Noa h Langdale , Jr. Dr. John W. L eeson Ma jor George Ma rs ha ll Dr . Albert E . Manley Mr. Sam Masse ll , Jr, . Dr. Be n ja min E . Mays Mrs . Frances McKay Mr . J . 0 . Moore Mr. Jack P . Nix �... Mr. A. B. fPa dgett Mr. J . W. P ink s too Dr. Claude Purcell Mr. William Ray, Jr. Mr. M. B. Satterfie ld Mrs . Bruce Schaefer Mr. Opie Shelton Mr. Robert E. Shrider Mr. Robert Sommerville Mr. IDouglas W. Scronbehn Dr. Herman L . Turner Dr. J oho Vena ble Dr. Paul D. West Rev . Samuel W. Williams Mr. Marion Williamson Mr. John C. Wilson ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA, INC. Mr. C. 0. Emmerich IE xecuti ve Director Mr. Harold E. Barrett Associate Administra tor for Opera tion s (and Director of Neighborhood Services Organization) Mr. William W. Allison As soc iate Administrator for Planning u % Mr. William G. Terry Ass ociat e Administrator or Genera l Service s (and Director of Merit System) 4.' t- Mr. Luther A. Mclendon, Jr. Director of F inance % 4. .J t4. QM .Jo M a>o M ~< >- wi::j t- a: a: %


Mrs. Wade T. Mitchell Director of Information ci t0:: I- 0 <llw <<-' < II- 0 w I- 0 ~ a.. -z < a.. a: <( .J .... u o< ~ 0 % 0 u w �