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' Apr i l 12 , 1967 MEMORANDUM TO : Mr> . Cecil A. Al e:i<.&nder,, Chairma Housing Resou~ces Committ e Durin t he past s ever a l weeks I havo b come i ncrea ingly concerned over pr egress (or perhaps lack of it ) bei ng made in get ting many of our propoG d low cost hous ing pr oj cts off the ground . V r y f w have a ct ually made it. t hu far . Rec ntly a t le st ei ht ( 8 ) devel op rs have talked with e serious l y abou l.t. Tbey a ra·, becoming qu.i.to apprehens ive about t h succes of t h progr am , unle s s s o ~ of t he cur~ nt ugge ted withdr a ing f r o t he ob tacles and roadblocks are r mov d and several hav program ent i r ely . port on probl em areas , r o ntly pr epared f or th Ex cut iv Tho summary Group m t ing of t h Hous i ng R s ourc s Committe , pril l G, t ends to bri ng t he probl em into sharp f'ocu. Of l ~gi t i ma't pr opooa.ls which h vo l ady be n mad • 4900 unit a i n j op rdy . The principal probl ems ar t he f ollowing : l . Difficulty ror dev l op r in obt ining cuitabl l nd at pr>i c s whi ch m k devel op nt of l ow cost hou ing economicall y fa ibl . 2. Const nt opposition by singl e family home own r to part nt and co- op dev l o~m nts nywh r in t he general a in which they l i ve . 3 . Li itation on avail. i.lity of its consider d" xc l l nt 11 by FHA ; nd FHA ' xtr con ervat is on · pproving sit in p:roxi ity to other approved itas , for far of luttin the ark tin uoh ar s . 4. zonin of the Pl nnin Dep to support n c in cert in reae for which en r l pl ns h ve b en eont mpl t d for otb r typ of d velopm nt in the f utlll'e . 5~ Opposition by ~AACP and local N of additional low eo th u in p do n t ly by N roe. Th in FHA . Th h tre ly d tr 6. l -, in HUD to which thy consid hi is bin lo ry eerioua nd c~itic l t g ached "I' l to the pro ra • ry J'8• de or , construction occ-upi d r fl et d nd i Diff iculty, polit ically , bee u of n i ghborho d obj ctions to get ite f or lo cot housi •

rezoning of av 11 bi

�Mr. Cecil A. AleKandez, Page 2. One barometer of the aoriouoness of the problem is indicated by the decreas ing number of housing units permitted in Atlanta in recent ye rs: 1963 - 9129; 1964 • 3829; 1965 - 2656; 1966 - 2382 Still another problem is the difficulty; ith cu1•rent facilitLs , in kee ing up with the program and timely fol low through on all proposed February 20, we had. 59 knovm pt1oposal s . It is virtually impos i bl developm nts. On Today we have ?O and the number is incr asing . under our present sy'tem fo~ one p rson, myself , to timely fol l ow up on all proj ct,s as . clos&ly a is desirabl or e"'sential to insur their successful execution. Furthennot-e, our Com ittee 9-n le have not t hus, far Ke ping contact with them is a~F~ v·'job ~ithin its lf. Q.OIV);t<J f'Y'I Q~ tl"on repro s I am bocoming mor and mor current difficulty with HUD 1 I do not s... how the City can fford to los on thi issu atisf ctorily r solved at the loc l level, but will r qui ntatiom:. from th · yor directoto Wac;hington . 8 . lmpl m nt John Cherry ' suggestion of settin p opl ( Realtor, financier~ Site Pl n r, Arehit ct, Build rand when Nonprofit Spon .. r) . Thi i p'rh ps th problem. consciou ug et the following : n all out .effort b made to resolve th A.. r,oven v ry prcductiv • I ~' Consequently, as the program progr of then c ssity for a change in procedure; and pr . ot d by the .lAACP. I doubt that it can be i E oh team could thus b given I and of key t • · L cifia units to produc . Ten uch te m with assignment each ms to st rt with . Thia would produc s.ooo unit (or on year ' s goal for the progra ). Such proc dure would lso p rmit a pyr iding of dmini tration thro h th Hou i R ource Committ e• in s unu:h s we could then d l vith only on@ sel cted indivi ual (C ptain) of aeh te This would lso automatically broad nth bas of responsibility end ffo~t a .... the v r l k y peopl on each t , rather than i avi it all to individual d v lo oth rd v lop rs, of cour I would not be di nd or 't would be for l ndln t i tance and advic to them wb 1 ...... c. Initiat conaret Corporation; with ·d qu te funds• rel ere tion of llou ing Dev lop nt i sion imil 1• to th on in Phil d lphi • D. Alo , an duo tion l pro N bould be conduct d fo'f:' (Board of Ald rmen and Plann1n · Do rd) to thoroug ly acqu int th 1 hou ing nd dv nt g of th progr land with th p ople th •lv can help ~ath r th n hind r th be dooe through lay gI"oup. Th Bo rd of Ald th• p:robl confrontina the Hou in Re~ourc ia ion and their wbol heart d cooper tion r: . A e~i~s of cle r t lking 1 tr ight from th tion re n eded •s tor quire nt and ob t cl and radio pr s d w c •• Thi i v•ry uch in ord•~ now. (A typical ex pl f this itt hearing A ril , ( #2-67~3 -G ) io hich petition to re i th Zonin 20 ...a r tl"&ot off .Brmme ill Ro d fro • M-1 to A•l, t • er it con truct!on of 264 unit �Mr. C cil A. Alexander Pag J. of 221 d ( 3) co-op sales housing was denied, over rulin the Joing Planning Board recommend tion; because people in the general neighborhood apparently did not under ... stand what was proposed and about a dozen p ople froo the area app ar din opposition t the hearine. This oppo ition led the rezoning and may cause the d ath of the • ) I prcJect. F. Re~oning is need d of substantial tracts of vacant Industri land low density Residential land to hiBher density Residential, ith ce.rt in portions eaxarkcd for- low cost housing . In this conn ction 9 major pol.icy decisions at"e necessary as to which is to have preference ; continuation of existing zoning in anticipation of futur development , which may neve~ mat rialize. or making suitable locations avail.able now to eet the Cityis urgent need for low aost bousiug .. In thb conocction. three specific pl nm. Collier Heights, Boulder P rk and the Peyton Road area , al l p rha.pG well oonceiv d at the time they wero pr parod , constitute the majority of the open land arc in t:he western pat-t of th City and most of it is currently reserved for in le family development at ve~y low den ity. Tha aurrent n ds of th City fo~ high rd n ity develop ent; require a roconGideration nd valu tion of thos pl n . The R-4 Zoning in the hulk of t h S venth Ward, much of it open lan<.i, fo ooth r exampl. R co oon as pos ible. ~d th procedures p:ropos din A - r above be pl c din Ro p c1:fully, Kalaollll D. Jons Sup rvisor of Ins ltDJ s o CC: ,/ yor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mr. Dan E. Sve t, Jr. ction S rviceo ffect as �THE VECTOR COMPANY 1204 KEN E SAW AV E N U E • K N OXV ILLE, TENNESSEE 37 9 19. ( 6 15) 5 88 •2435 April 14, 1967 Mayor I van Allen 68 Mitchell Street S.W. City Hall Atl anta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen, I am writing this letter t o you as one of t he developers f or t he pr oposed low rent turnkey housing f or your city and at t he suggestion of Mr. Cecil Al exander wit h whom I have di s cussed our problem or st alemate as it now appears . So that you might be able t o more clearl y ~iew our posi tion I wil l attempt to give you a brief background : We and our real estate agents spent many hours and days scouring Atl anta f or the best possible sites from September to November 1966, and we final ly narrowed our findings to two; one of which is the Ekipper and Harwel l Road site. In earl y November we presented same to the Atl anta Housing Authority who together with the Regional Housing Authority gave us approval for same per copy of letter enclosed of November 21, 1966. I also wish to call to your attention the fact that the regional officials together with the project planner from HAA and two officials from Washington visited thi s site and all expressed their approval of same. Therefore, based on this approval, we proceeded to hire the firm of Good and Goodstein, Architects, Knoxville, Tennessee, who have been the Architects for fifteen to twenty Low Rent Housing Projects in the past five years, and therefore are cognizant of the requirements and procedunes of Low Rent Housing. The Architects, The Atlanta Housing Authority officials, the Regional Authority officials and ourselves have had many meetings during the past five and one half months in order to be able to present our preliminary proposal which we did on March 30, 1967. We have all worked together without any knowledge of there being any objection to the proposed location. We have spent between $30,000.00 and $35 ,000.00 in actual costs becsuse we were assured that the property was approved by everyone concerned and we have designed what we believe to be excellent apartments costing nearly $20,000.00 per unit. EARLS. WORSHAM• ME L V I N T. GOLD B ERGER. REA L ESTATE DEVELOPMENT

l �THE VECTOR COMPANY 1204 KENESAW AVENUE• KNOXV ILL E , TENNESS EE 37 91 9 . (6 1 5) 5 88• 2 4 35 April 14, 1967 Page Two We truly are very distre ssed that t he pr oject i s being hel d i n abeyance as we had set up a time schedule f or the various phases set up in the "'furbkey" program, one of which being t he "letter of intent " phase wherein we are then able to exercise our land option and t his stoppage pl aces our land purchase in a predicament as well as our aforementioned costs. We are aware of the great and urgent need f or this housing by the City of Atlanta and your desire to cooperate in every manner and we wanted you to know to what extent we had gone in attempting to help sol ve this housing shortage and of course we stand ready and willing to assist in whatever manner you think we might be able. Hoping rthat you will be able to solve this dilemna in the very near future. /,1/ ~ r."--c:i'"--f'.'d'e...J-.6-4.~..v-- The Vector Company MTG: ncd cc :M. B. Satt erfield Cecil Alexander E A R L S, W O R S HAM · M E LV I N T . GOLDB E R G ER· R E AL ES TAT E D E V E LO P M E NT - - ----t �--- O!ol3X t ~ 3- EDWIN L., GTERNli: . M, O. GATTERFIEL.O CHAIRMAN 1'.XllCUTIV£ DIRECTOR ANO 0(CAltTAAY GEORGE 6. CRAF"T CARL.TON GARRETT VIC' CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR 0,- f'INANC£ ·;, J, B, BL.AY,ON ' GIL.BERT H, OOGGG JOHN 0, CHIL.EG DIR£CTOA .0 '1' HOil»INQ FRANK G, E,HERIOG&: GEORGE R, GANDER Ti.CHNICAI. Dl~J.CTOA \\, ., OZ.& HURT OUILOINC ATLANTA, GEORGIA . 1, \_ 30303 JACK&ON 3•6074 Nbvember ?l, 1966 · . I ~ ~ .' '·.· Mr. Stuart Davis Schaffer· Realty Company 66 Pryor Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 ·, \ Daar Yir. Davis: We have visited the proposed 11turnkey 11 site on Harwell Road, · previously referred to as the Diplomat Apartments site, and are prepared to receive a proposal from you in accordance with Paragraph H Page 3 of Section 2o6 .6 of the Low-Rent Housing Manual. · Please let ~s -know· it there are any further 1questions. , .. Sincerely yours, ' :/ f ? ~ ~--?~ . J . ~: ' M. B. Satterfield Elcecutive Direct r ·. . .· \ · ' ! · . /· MBS:dm ..... /cc: .... Mr. John ·E. Lyle -= : Housing Assistance Administration


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