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' Apr i l 12 , 1967 MEMORANDUM TO : Mr> . Cecil A. Al e:i<.&nder,, Chairma Housing Resou~ces Committ e Durin t he past s ever a l weeks I havo b come i ncrea ingly concerned over pr egress (or perhaps lack of it ) bei ng made in get ting many of our propoG d low cost hous ing pr oj cts off the ground . V r y f w have a ct ually made it. t hu far . Rec ntly a t le st ei ht ( 8 ) devel op rs have talked with e serious l y abou l.t. Tbey a ra·, becoming qu.i.to apprehens ive about t h succes of t h progr am , unle s s s o ~ of t he cur~ nt ugge ted withdr a ing f r o t he ob tacles and roadblocks are r mov d and several hav program ent i r ely . port on probl em areas , r o ntly pr epared f or th Ex cut iv Tho summary Group m t ing of t h Hous i ng R s ourc s Committe , pril l G, t ends to bri ng t he probl em into sharp f'ocu. Of l ~gi t i ma't pr opooa.ls which h vo l ady be n mad • 4900 unit a i n j op rdy . The principal probl ems ar t he f ollowing : l . Difficulty ror dev l op r in obt ining cuitabl l nd at pr>i c s whi ch m k devel op nt of l ow cost hou ing economicall y fa ibl . 2. Const nt opposition by singl e family home own r to part nt and co- op dev l o~m nts nywh r in t he general a in which they l i ve . 3 . Li itation on avail. i.lity of its consider d" xc l l nt 11 by FHA ; nd FHA ' xtr con ervat is on · pproving sit in p:roxi ity to other approved itas , for far of luttin the ark tin uoh ar s . 4. zonin of the Pl nnin Dep to support n c in cert in reae for which en r l pl ns h ve b en eont mpl t d for otb r typ of d velopm nt in the f utlll'e . 5~ Opposition by ~AACP and local N of additional low eo th u in p do n t ly by N roe. Th in FHA . Th h tre ly d tr 6. l -, in HUD to which thy consid hi is bin lo ry eerioua nd c~itic l t g ached "I' l to the pro ra • ry J'8• de or , construction occ-upi d r fl et d nd i Diff iculty, polit ically , bee u of n i ghborho d obj ctions to get ite f or lo cot housi •

rezoning of av 11 bi

�Mr. Cecil A. AleKandez, Page 2. One barometer of the aoriouoness of the problem is indicated by the decreas ing number of housing units permitted in Atlanta in recent ye rs: 1963 - 9129; 1964 • 3829; 1965 - 2656; 1966 - 2382 Still another problem is the difficulty; ith cu1•rent facilitLs , in kee ing up with the program and timely fol low through on all proposed February 20, we had. 59 knovm pt1oposal s . It is virtually impos i bl developm nts. On Today we have ?O and the number is incr asing . under our present sy'tem fo~ one p rson, myself , to timely fol l ow up on all proj ct,s as . clos&ly a is desirabl or e"'sential to insur their successful execution. Furthennot-e, our Com ittee 9-n le have not t hus, far Ke ping contact with them is a~F~ v·'job ~ithin its lf. Q.OIV);t<J f'Y'I Q~ tl"on repro s I am bocoming mor and mor current difficulty with HUD 1 I do not s... how the City can fford to los on thi issu atisf ctorily r solved at the loc l level, but will r qui ntatiom:. from th · yor directoto Wac;hington . 8 . lmpl m nt John Cherry ' suggestion of settin p opl ( Realtor, financier~ Site Pl n r, Arehit ct, Build rand when Nonprofit Spon .. r) . Thi i p'rh ps th problem. consciou ug et the following : n all out .effort b made to resolve th A.. r,oven v ry prcductiv • I ~' Consequently, as the program progr of then c ssity for a change in procedure; and pr . ot d by the .lAACP. I doubt that it can be i E oh team could thus b given I and of key t • · L cifia units to produc . Ten uch te m with assignment each ms to st rt with . Thia would produc s.ooo unit (or on year ' s goal for the progra ). Such proc dure would lso p rmit a pyr iding of dmini tration thro h th Hou i R ource Committ e• in s unu:h s we could then d l vith only on@ sel cted indivi ual (C ptain) of aeh te This would lso automatically broad nth bas of responsibility end ffo~t a .... the v r l k y peopl on each t , rather than i avi it all to individual d v lo oth rd v lop rs, of cour I would not be di nd or 't would be for l ndln t i tance and advic to them wb 1 ...... c. Initiat conaret Corporation; with ·d qu te funds• rel ere tion of llou ing Dev lop nt i sion imil 1• to th on in Phil d lphi • D. Alo , an duo tion l pro N bould be conduct d fo'f:' (Board of Ald rmen and Plann1n · Do rd) to thoroug ly acqu int th 1 hou ing nd dv nt g of th progr land with th p ople th •lv can help ~ath r th n hind r th be dooe through lay gI"oup. Th Bo rd of Ald th• p:robl confrontina the Hou in Re~ourc ia ion and their wbol heart d cooper tion r: . A e~i~s of cle r t lking 1 tr ight from th tion re n eded •s tor quire nt and ob t cl and radio pr s d w c •• Thi i v•ry uch in ord•~ now. (A typical ex pl f this itt hearing A ril , ( #2-67~3 -G ) io hich petition to re i th Zonin 20 ...a r tl"&ot off .Brmme ill Ro d fro • M-1 to A•l, t • er it con truct!on of 264 unit �Mr. C cil A. Alexander Pag J. of 221 d ( 3) co-op sales housing was denied, over rulin the Joing Planning Board recommend tion; because people in the general neighborhood apparently did not under ... stand what was proposed and about a dozen p ople froo the area app ar din opposition t the hearine. This oppo ition led the rezoning and may cause the d ath of the • ) I prcJect. F. Re~oning is need d of substantial tracts of vacant Industri land low density Residential land to hiBher density Residential, ith ce.rt in portions eaxarkcd for- low cost housing . In this conn ction 9 major pol.icy decisions at"e necessary as to which is to have preference ; continuation of existing zoning in anticipation of futur development , which may neve~ mat rialize. or making suitable locations avail.able now to eet the Cityis urgent need for low aost bousiug .. In thb conocction. three specific pl nm. Collier Heights, Boulder P rk and the Peyton Road area , al l p rha.pG well oonceiv d at the time they wero pr parod , constitute the majority of the open land arc in t:he western pat-t of th City and most of it is currently reserved for in le family development at ve~y low den ity. Tha aurrent n ds of th City fo~ high rd n ity develop ent; require a roconGideration nd valu tion of thos pl n . The R-4 Zoning in the hulk of t h S venth Ward, much of it open lan<.i, fo ooth r exampl. R co oon as pos ible. ~d th procedures p:ropos din A - r above be pl c din Ro p c1:fully, Kalaollll D. Jons Sup rvisor of Ins ltDJ s o CC: ,/ yor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mr. Dan E. Sve t, Jr. ction S rviceo ffect as �