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CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY HALL-ATLANTA, GA. 30303 PHONE !524-2745 ROBERT L . SOMMERVILLE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM S. HOWLAND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MRS. EVELYN DODDS Sept ember lZ, 1967 SECRETARY Dear Committee i,.,,:ember: Comes now (next week, that is) the fall equinox when our lon6 and occasionally hot summer changes int_o our cool stimulating autumn. Also comes next week, to be exact, at 2 p. m., 'Wednesday, September 20, in the Directors Room of the Trust Company of Georgia, our thi rd quarter full comrr.ittee meetin 6 . Just as the Minnesota T w ins have been leadin6 the American Lea6'1e pennant race (rr.ost of the time, that is), our prog ram will op en with a double billin6 . Our old friend, Hank Fillmer, will pres e nt, as lead off batters, Kenneth Finn and Otis Haire, of the architectural section of the Georgia F. H. A. office. They will tell us all about a new and highly s ignificant progr am known as 221 H, whose aim is to bring about widespr ead re habilitation of old but economically rest o r able prop ertie s by non profit sponsor s . I a m s ure we a r e all fa miliar with the national renow n AUanta h a s a chieved thr ough its applica tion of the 221 D 3 progra m t o n ew construction proj e c ts (Wheat Street Gardens is a shining exampl e of t his ). Bu t 2 2 1 H is s o mething new under the federal sun. It provide s way s and means to r e build and repair ol d properties. As s uch, it opens up exciting n ew vistas for non p rofit sponso rs (our committee c ou ld even be o ne ). Next will be a report on what' s now going on and what's in prospect in urban renewal from Howard Openshaw in h i s first appearance before us in his new capacity as director of redevelopment. Howard will be presented by Les Persells , -who is also in a new capacity as associate executive director of the Housin.6 Authority. Also on hand to update us on planning and housing and to answer questions will be Collier Gladin and Col. Malcolm Jones. And, of course, Chairman Somn1erville will have something to say. Chairman Bob and I are lookin6 forward to meeting with you Wednesday, Sept. 20. Sincerely, William S. Howland �