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August 2., 1967 The Rev. C . A . Samples Northwest Community Civic Forum 131 7 Westmoreland Circle, Room 451 Atlant , G orgia 30318 Dear Mr . Samples : Th nk you for your letter of July 31 . Chairman Sommerville and I do hope th t you will find time to attend ou.r next meeting in September because I think th t there will be many timely subjects to be di · cu sed. It is our intent to keep all meetings on timely subjects and to encourage informal discu slon. To inform you what took place t the la t two committ e meeting , lam enclo ing copie of our monthly newsletter . You will note that t e chm eting th re la con ider bl di cue ion on the topic that were brought up. If you would like to rec lv · this new letter monthly, I will be lad to put you on the m lling li t. When our September meetin t cbeduledi I will end you th notic w 11 in adv nee and again hope th t you will be able to tt nd. Sincerely your , William S. Howland WSH: d nc. bcc:~ / yor Allen, Jvf r. Sommerville �