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CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY HALL-ATLANTA, GA. 30303 PHONE 524-2745 ROBERT L. SOMMERVILLE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM S . HOWLAND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MRS. EVELYN DODDS SECRETARY May 18, 1967 Dear Executive Committee Member: Three timely topics top the program for our Executive ~ommittee meeting at 2 p. m. Wednesday, May 24 in the Fulton Federal Savings and Loan Directors Room, at Pryor and Edgewood. I. George Papageorge, special assistant to the regional administrator, HUD, on Community Relations, will give us some up-to-date comments on code enforcement and other points pertinant to Atlanta's workable program. 2. Collier Gladin, city planning engineer, will bring us abreast of deve lopments on our city's urban renewal program and associated activities, such as the model neighborhood program, which barely escaped extinction in the Congress this week. 3. Chairma n Sommerville and members of our Rockdale-University C e nter Subcommittee will have something to say about the e x cellent de v elopme nts p r opos a ls pr es ented for these two p r ojects . We al s o h ave invited John T . E dmunds , assi s tant regional a dmini str a t o r f o r renewal a s sistanc e H UD, to s p e ak to u s b riefly a b ou t how his office views our present and proposed proj e cts . Ch a irman Sommerville and l are looking forward to meeting with you n ext Wednesday afternoon. Sincerely, 1;~t7/u4.IJ William S. Howlan:-r �