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";'. , ATLANTA UNIVERSITY i . I ..: ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30314 . July 10, 1967 ·I ! SCHOOL 01" ARTS AN~ SCIENCES


I· -., ' '. I ! 1' ·j: I· iI I f ' J· Mr. Eugene Patterson, Editor t . Atlanta Constitution


i. 10 Forsyth Street Building Atlanta, Georgia i i I_ ' . ,• t . , ~~ ' ,,;, Dear Mr. Patterson: i

Mr. Coffin's article in Monday, July 10, 1967, Constitution contains i unfqunded speculation concerning my desires in connection with the

·selection of a new E0A Director. ·

I I· I . ! There is no objection to the mentioning of my name as a possi ble~ . ·c andidate, but Mr. Coffin goes beyond the bounds of reasonable judge:ment and speculation when he indicates that I "apparently want the job. 11 The record will show that my former appointment to the program was made prior to any formal application and was accepted by me only after . pressure from the Negro community was exerted. Many people, includi ng some whites, have inquired about my availability for the position with E0A and all have received a negative reply. · It would have been an easy matter for Mr. Coffin to check with me before writing the news release. Indeed, the article gives the impression of exceeding comment and analysis; it is dangerously close to attempting to i nfluence what happens . !I .• • I I . I would appreciat e having my feelings expressed accurat ely or having this letter published in your newspaper . Sincerely yours, q;1_ ~~ ~ ~-~~ . Tilman C. Cothran, Chairman Department of Sociol ogy TCC:BK cc: I. Mr. Alex Coffin, Reporter Atlanta Constitut ion ) �