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MINUTES EXECUTIVE GROUP, HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE November 2, 1967 The Executive Group of the Housi ng Resources Committee met at 10:00 a.m., November 2, 1967, in Committ,ae Roc;n /i12, e;;_ty Eall. The following members were present: Mr. Cecil A. Alexande:..,, Chair man, I-Ioli.sing Reso-i.:.rces Committee Mr. Archer D. Smith, Chai m.an, Legal Panel Mr. Robert Win."1, r '3pr esenting Dro E:iwin I-i.:;.r r i son, Chairman, Construction and Design Panel Mrs. Sujette Crank, r cp:. es ent i :.g Dean William Social Probl Gms Panel Mr. Malcolm D. J ones, Di rector Mr. W. W. Gates, Consultant 1 s. Jackson, Chaiman, Als o present were invited guests, including: Mr . Dan E. Sweat Jr., Director of Governmental Liais on Mr . Hall Ware, Attor ney, Assisting the Finance and Non- Profit Funds Panel Mr. J. H. Robins on, Community Development Coordinator Mr. J. C. Johns on, City Planner Mrs . Xernona Clayton and Mr . Noyes Colli ns on, both of American Fri ends Service Committ ee , r epresenting .SWAP Representatives of the Press The Chairman, Mr. Cecil A. Al exander, presided. Minutes of t he October 23, 1967, j oint meeting with the Planning Department were briefly reviewed. Mr. Alexander expressed his int ention of appointing a small Committee to review the "Joint" repor t r e cently rel eased, to recommend position which this Committee s hould t ake with r espect to s ome features of the report; that although s ome members of t hi s Committee had part i cipat ed in preliminary discussions during preparation of t he report, but due to pressure of t ime, no member of t his Committee had an opportu.~ity to review the repor t befor e it was released. Mr o Alexander a]~o r Pp~r t cd on a recent meet ing wi th r epres ent at i ves of the Department of H~us1..~:2 w1d F J.~b 311 Development. A t r act of land containing approximately 95 a cres nea~- t he Feieral Penitentiary and new being used as the prison farm was discussed. It was indicated t hat this land could be transferred to t he City of At l ant a f or a housing site, if suitable development plans for use of the land are submitted by the City for HUD's approval. �Mr. Alexander reported that he had received a communication from the City stating that the additional tempory Clerk position, requested by the HRC to assemble information in the form called for by the CIP on low-income housing developments, would not be provided, but instead the Planning Department had recently employed a person to obtain and provide this Committee with such information. Mr. Ware reported that the Finance and Non-profit Funds Panel is to meet soon with Mr. John Sibley and the Board of Directors of Atlanta Civic Enterprises and representatives of EOA to determine their attitude toward the formation and financing of the proposed non-profit Atlanta Housing Development Corporation. Mr. Gates commented on the progress being made in Atlanta by non-profit housing sponsors on housing projects for low and moderate income groups. He also distributed a list of the sponsors who are actively participating and those who have expressed a desire to do so. It was noted that several church sponsors are in need of assistance in providing seed money. It was also pointed out that .All Saints Episcopal Church is interested in becoming a sponsor and that it has available funds. Mr. Alexander commented on the Interfaith group and stated that they have applied for a non-profit coF9oration charter. He also advised that the Loridan Foundation is assisting in the financing of a proposed project sponsored by the Butler Street YMCA. Mr. Alexander discussed the Urban Coalition and suggested part icipati on by the HRC. Mr . Dan Sweat explained the functions of the Urban Coalition Committee and its pr esent composition. He expr es sed a desire that the Housing Resources Committee keep the channels of communication open on housing matters with the Ur ban Coalition Committe e and ant i ci pated that the HRC would become the housing arm and spokesman on housing matters of the local Ur ban Coalition . I t was moved, se conded and motion adopted t hat this Committee will a ct a ccor dingly. Mr . Jones pr esented a. summary of rezoning (Pri ncipal Si t es) for Low-i ncome Housing during 1967 and emphasized t he impor tance which zoning plays in the overall Lm-1-income Housing program. Mr. &nith offered the s ervices of t he Legal Panel to assist on Zoning matter s and pointed out that although he favors a City-wide approach on rezoning through up- dati ng of the City's Land- Use Plan, r ather than r ezoning of specifi c sites f or individual projects, still that the l atter is the only way in whi:ch r ezoning is being accomplished at the pr esent time, and that we cannot aff ord to wait, lbut must take advantage of opportunities, as they develope on a dayto-day basis , and assi st in getting individual sites, which are suitable and appropriate, rezoned if we are t o meet the goals established for this Committee . Mr. Alexander proposed call ing a special meeti ng t o consider appropriate activities and procedures for t his Committee on matt ers pertaining to rezoning of tracts for the Low-income Housing Program, He suggested inviting such people to the meeting as the Chairman of the Aldennanic Zoning Committee, (Chairman of the Planning Board) and the Director of Planning, �3 Mr. Smith also reported the names of t wo additiono.J. attorneys who have met with and are working with his Panel; he also advised that tax al!la.tement on housing projects is not now legal in Georgia and agreed to look into the legal aspects of homestead exemption on co-ops and the fea$ibility of developers providing essential Community Facilities, such as schools or outfull sewers, needed for their projects and leasing such facilities to the City until such time as public funds could be provided with which to purchase such improvements from the developers. Mr. Jones presented and discussed in some detail a list of Proposed Procedures to assist the Low-income Housing Program (which can be initiated now). He pointed out that none of the proposed procedures are, or should be, controversial and that if implemented, should provide consideralbil.e assistance to the lowincome housing program (copy attached to these minutes). He pointed out that several of the proposals have already been recently initiated. Due to the small representation at this meeting, no formal action by the Committee on these proposals was requested or taken. During discussion brought out (as one of to administer it. Mr. simultaneously to EOA, the need for some Emergency Housing in Atlanta was the No. 1 problems of the City) and the need of an agency Alexander proposed sending letters on the matter the Housing Authority and the Y's. Mr. Jones also presented a Summary Report on the Status of the Accelerated Low-income Housing Program, as of October JO, 1967. (Copy attached to these minutes ). He pointed out several of the principal features of the r eport and explained that in order to be more meaningful, the several categories of units contained in previous reports have been changed now to show those Completed, Under Construction, In Planning, Being Considered and those proposed, but which Did Not Materialize. The Summary also shows the number of units in the first three cat egories which are being developed as Public Housing, under the FHA 221 program and under Privat e Development (conventionnl financing). It also shows the comparison and progress made in each cat egory with the 1967-8 goals established in the Mayor's Housing Conference when the a ccelerated program wa s initiated Nov. 15, 1966. In addition to the figures shown for new construction, the report reflects accomplishments which have been made in rehabil i t ation of existing units, which is considerable. The report also includes a separate Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta and pertinent notes related to the Low-income Housing Program. It was pointed out that a comprehensive report is being prepared for release about Nov. 15, 1st anniversary date of the accelerated Low-income Housing Program, showing progress made through October 1967. The report is expected to include a brief narrative of significant factors related to and connected with the Low-income Housing Program. Mr. Winn pointed out that a shortage of personnel and funds at Georgia Tech is preventing adequate treatment of the 11 System 1 s" approach to residential construction, in which Tech is very much interested. It was brought out that North Carolina State has been working on such a program. Mr. Winn pointed out that the Construction and Design Panel expects to meet soon to rejuvenate and redirect the Panels ' effortse �4 Mr, Alexander commented on two additional features: (1) The necessity for speeding up of the City's long range zoning plans in connection with revision of the Land-Use Plan, to include adequate sites for low.income housing; and (2) The submission of a package deal of several sites in various parts of the City for simultaneous consideration of rezoning for low~income housing. Mr. Alexander also commented on the desirability of a general meeting soon (late November or early December) ef the entire membership· of the Housing Resources Committee to evaluate progress made to date, consider difficulties encountered and to chart course of action for :;the second year of the Low~income Housing program. As there was no other business, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon. _Respectfully submitted, -.z;;;,,;.,,.LJ,,. ,...A..-"- G~ Malco1mD......Joz1~ 01/1.Wy Supervisor of I ection Services Encls: Invitational Notice Agenda Possible Sites for Low-income Housing• Planning Department Local Non-Profit Housing Sponsors Urban -Coalition Summary of Rezoning (Principal Sites) for Low-income Housing during 1967. Proposed Procedures to Assist the Low-income Housing Program Summary~ Status of Accelerated Low-income Housing Program (All with original only; Swnmary Report already distributed) �