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August 31, 1967 HOUSING RES:JURCES COMMITTEE SUNMARY STATUS ACCELERATED OF LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROORAM • , (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) Estimate Available No-. Units Ca tegory 1967 1968 1969 Firm 6, 340 (2 , 514) (2, 974) (852) Probable 1,479 7,819 ( ( 185) (3, 159) (130) {982) -~Total In Sight BeL~g Considered Doubtful Total possible (but not probable ) (2 ., 534) ( 644) (64£) (500) (500) 6, 653 2, 999 17,471 2 ,65li Lost 20) 1971 ••• Since previous report of June. 28, in addition to 3,152 uni ts shown on that r eport a s Los t. (The major i ty of these l osses are due to disapproval s on locati ons and zoning.)

Includes 1,140 uni t s of P.H. + 470 units under Turnkey f or P.H. + 162 units l eas ed f or P.H.

In addi tion, 4,671 units have been rehabilitated t hrough the Housing Code Division, 181 units by the H.A. in the Wes t End U. R. Project and 30 units voluntarily by private enter prise. Note : Includes only the f ollowing for conventionall y financed housing: Mul t i - fa;nily units costing not mor e t han $10,000, exclusive of land II II II n II nII ! $12,000, Duplex units II II II 11· II II II $15,ooo, Single .family uni ts See N~TES (last page) for comparitive figures with previous report. Respectfully Submi t t ed,


d'~ ~~ Malcolm D. J ones /-'/~ Encls: 1. 2. Summary of Publ ic Housing in At lanta Inventory of Projects and Living Units ( Private and Publi c) < ~~ Super visor of Inspect i on Services �