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I~rnUT:SS Au~st 9, 1967 The Executive Group of the Housin6 Resources Comr,ri.tt ee met at 10:00 a.m., August 9, 1967, in Commit~ee .t{oom ;¥2, City Hall. The following members were present: Mr, Cecil A. Alexander, Chairma..i.-i, Housing .R.esonrces Conunittee Dr. Sanford S, Atwood, Co-Chairman, HousinG rlesources Committee Dr. Benjamin E. ¥lays , Co-Chairman, Housing Resources Committee Mr. Archer Smith, representing Mr. Charles L. Weltner, Acting Chairman, Legal Pn.nel Er. Robert l-Jinn, representing l.lr. Edwin Harrison., Chairman, Construction cu1d Design Panel Mr. 11orelanc1. Smith, Vice-Chairman, Construction and Design Panel Mr. Lee Burge, Chairman, Finance and Non-Profit Fur.ds Panel Mr. ~rJilliam Bohn, representing Mr. Clarence D. Coleman, Acting Chairman, Public Housing Panel Mr,. Charles ii'. Palmer, member., Public Housing Panel Mr .. Frank Terrell, representing Mr. Wallace L. Lee, member, Land Ac--:;_ u isition Panel Mr. Clayton n. Yates, member, Land. Acquisition Panel l·a-. Jim E . Land, member, Land Acquisition Panel Mr . Stewart Wis h t, member, Land Acquisition Panel Dean Williams. Jackson, Chairman, Social Problems Panel Mr. · Lewis Cenker, member., Social Problems Panel Mr. Virgil Milton, Chairman, Business Participation Panel Hr. Jim Wood, Vice-Chairman, Public Information Panel Mr . W. vr. Gates, Consultant Mr. Malcolm lJ, Jones , Director Also present at the meeting were : Ware, Attorney, King & Spalding Mr . Collier Gladin, Planning Engineer Mr. Lester H. Percells, Associate Executive Di.rector, Housing Authority Mrs. Xernona Clayton, American Friends Service Committee Mr. H,-n The L'hairman recognized the presence of both Co-Chairmen, Dr. Atwood and Dr. Mays. �2 Mr. Gladin, Planr1ing Engineer, was t hen called upon to connnent on the Lan<}. Use Study bein6 proposed by the Planriin:; Yepart!llent and the report previously provided this Committee on Zoned acrea~cs of vacant land. M..r. Gladin instead pa s sed out several copie0 of a new report which he had prepared to the Housing .i(esources Cammi t t.ee proposing certain solut i ons to the critical hous ing shorta1e and commented on it brief l y . At the conclusion he asked f or the assistance from the i-fousing 1tesources Committee of its one perman€rit staff member to ass ist the Plannin~ Lepartment in developing a joint plan, with detailed implementation steps, .for presentation at the joi nt meeting of t he Plar..nine; and Development Committee and the Housing llesources Committee (now scheduled for Se--Jt ember lS). Gopi es of Hr. Gladin's report are att.'.1.ched. (Encl. 2). Mr . Alexander offered Mr. Jones' s ervices. Mr. Alexander then introduced Mr. William H.• Hirshson, Exe cutive .Ji.r e ct or, Greater Hartford Housi n·; .Jevelopment ?und I nc. Hr . Hirshson was the guest speaker anc.l presented a very j_nter est:i.n::s i r.-i~Jromptu r eport :.m hi s experiences in t he form,':,tion ~mcJ. oper ation of Hartford 's i\Ton- prof i t Hous ing Development Cor p. The i'ollo.-d.n::; i s some of what Yir . !:fj_rshson ha.d t o say : General Hartf ord cons is t s of 18 square miles , has a popul a tion of 160 ,000 and needs 6 ,000 low-income dwellin[; units, of whi ch S,OOO ar e now subst andar<l. Ther e are only 90-l0C- acres of va cant l and in the ci t y and few 1 8.rge housing developments, but many of 16-32 unit s . The Great er Hartford area consists of 29 separ ate municipalit ies or communiti es of whi ch only f our have approved Workabl e Pro;1rams . The corporation has developed a pre-processed reusuable package for assistance and guidance of developers . This pr~ckace has basic designs for two and. three !)edro_)m units . ~2,00(; to $ 3,000 per project is usually suff icient to t est proposed. project ' s practibility . The corporation has not gone deeply into rehabilitation. It has thus far rehabilita ted t wo units under 221 d ( 3 ) and purchased 12 group units. 221 (h) has not been popular because cannot find suitable area.s in which to work. The Greater Hartford Housing Develor:iment Ii\md , Inc. is sponsored by the Hartford Chamber of Commerce. Funds to finance t he cor-::ioration were obtained from 26 of the major firms in the ?~·ea in the sum of $1:,00,000 ( $700,000 in cash and the balance in commit ments . ) These fun<ls i-:ere obtained throur;h personal solicitation cs loans from life insurnnc~· companies , banks and major industries. The cor por at i on is nonprofit , organized to l encl. s e ed money on a revolvin.; basis and to provide technical skill on a consultine basic to spons ors of rental units for low- income families. Efforts however are not limited to nonprofit or gani zr,tions. �3 Specific After the corporation was orGanizcd arrangements were made to borrow on a maxiir1U111 line of credit of $ 700,000, secure d. by 10 year notes, with interest up to 6 percent, payable as available. Only $350,000 of this amount has been actually dra~m to date. In lieu of intarest, surplus is returned to lenders, as funds are accUJnulated as authori7,ed by the d:Lrectors, in lump sum amounts. Uses The Housing .Jevelopment i."m ;d, Inc. oper ates in the capital region incluc•in.:; Hartford and five of the surrournl:Lng suburbs. The revolvin;:; fund is used primarily f or: 1. 2. J. 4. 5. Seed money loans to other local nonprof it ~roups. Land banking--accumulating land for future development for low-cost housing. To be resold at no mark up. Rehabilitation of larr;e home::; for lari:; o f amilies. Providing talent and technical assista.i.7.ce to nonprofit groups. Assisting in stabilization of nei ghborhoods. Other Activities The non~Jrofi t development corporation also: 1. Helps to bring in private investors. 2. Helps to place low-income famili es wishing to buy new homes. J. lJorks closely with the Urban Renewal Department. 4. Helps pre-qualify below market rates with 1'1-IA. 5. Assist spons ors in re~uesting below market allotments for F1IA projects. 6. Works with t he Chamber of Commerce , City Devel opment Commission and the State Development Commission. · 7. Acts as a clearinz house for s pons ors, builders, and mortgagees . with problems. Experimental 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Cuts time l c?.g . Provides re s erve funds f or sponsors under the rent supplement pro1:;ram, Provides the mis sin;,; vehicle. It doc s what nobody else is doinr;. It docs not provide all the answers. Officers of nonprofit or~anization in Eartford Principal Loan Officers of five insurance companies. Principal Loan Officers of two banks. Two repre s entatives of minority groups. Chairman of Chamber of Commerce--Ex-of ficio. �4 Income 1. 2. Interest on loans. Fees chc:irgecl for services (Usually 2% 1st $500,000, 1!~ above $500,000 and up to $1,000,000 with decreasin~ seals above $1,000,000) Disbursements 1. Pays loss es 2. Pays into reserves. 3. Pays intere::t on loans directors declare interest payment of X number of dollars periodicall y as available. 4. Pays administrative expenses of Development Corp. Recommendations 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Small proj ects in scnttered areas are pr eferable. Avoid crec1.tion of future ghettos by encouraging the construction of large developments. Encourage use of two and three bedroom single family homes for small bvilders on small sites. Try to ,1et as many families as possible in single f c1.mily homes and tow'Il hous e cooperatives. Try to keep familier; in ap:)roximat el y same e conomic groups. Disburse f unds to other nonprof it organiz ations only as needed . Statements 1. 2. J. I n Connecticut, the Stat e has a loan f und to suppl y seed money to nonpr of it sponsors i n form of loans and grants. Rehabilita t ed homes are most suitr1.bl e for housing large families. Land hel d i n l anci bank is subj ect to usual t.mces • .l\dministrati::;n Staf f consists of two men (Yir . Hirshson, Executive ili.rector, who is the outside contact man; and his assist ant uho is the inside administration man) and a secretar.1. At the conclusion of Mr. Hirshson's talk, Mr. Alexander then introduced Mr. Tom Lord, Assistant Director Nonprofit Housine Center,Urban America, Inc., which organization sponsored and underwrote: Mr. Hir:::;hson 1 s trip to 11.tlanta. Mr. Lord explained that Urban filllerica is a national, nonprofit oreanization hendquartered in Washington, D. C., ant! is dedica.tad to improving housing for low-income people in the nation's cities. The Nonprofit Housing Center of Urban America provides technical assistance to nonprofit sponsors of lower income houain~ anc.~ helps communities organize revolving funds and nonprofit housing development corporations. The Center is financed by the Ford Foundation, the Episcopal, Methodist, United Presbyterian and UnitecJ. Church of Christ churches. �5 Urban America doe s not o-9erate on a fee basis and al ways en deavors t o keep local people involved . It attem9 t s to adapt to local conditions and assist in brincing public and private interests to:-:; ether i n a joint a ction to s ecure i nprovement in housing for low income people. He also announced that Y.ir. W. W. Gate s, Consultant to the Housing -~ esource s Comr.d.tt ee, is Urban America's representative in Atlanta. othnr .. :tt cmo As time was e; ro,-.ring short, Mr . Alexander then a sked Mr. Jones to simpl y p ass out to the membur s of t he Committee ( without comment) a s elf-explanatorJ r eport da ted Aur;1 1st 9, 1967 ( Encl. 1) pr epared by the Housing J:lesource s Cammi ttee staff pertainin[:; to the II Pre;t.iminary Rep ort ( from the Plai.minf .u,=. .;partment )--Amount of Vacant Land in the City by Zonin6 District," da t ed. July 21, 1967. Also attached wns a comparison, prepared by t he Hous ing Res ource s Committee staff, between the Analysis by H:.iC of the Zoning Nap previously provicled tho HiW by the Planning Department and the tabula tions containe d in Ap,)endix to July 21 Nemorand.um f rom the Plnnning :Jepartment. Time did not pcrmi t detailed consider a t i on ::in c. cl.i s cussion in the me a tin,<:; of this r e) o1~t which was clesiz n ed to serve a s a basis for conclusions and recommendations of the Housin6 ,i esourc..:;s Cammi t ·::.ee for its prop osed me c tine; in the near future with the Plalliii ng m1cl Jevelopmcnt Cammi ttee of the Board. of Alder rnen. Mr . Alexancer th3n announced tha:i:. the Housi ne; .de s ources Cammi t tee ha<l been requested by respective devel opers of three r a.ther l arge tract::, to support them before t he Joint Planning Board anu the Zoninr; Committee of the BoarJ of Aldermen to e et t hose properti e s re-zoned to A-1 . Mr. Alexander called up on r-rir . Jones to expl ain each s ite to the Comr,1i t t ee . Mr . Jones p ointed out the loca tion s of the three site s on the map and explained the p rop osed development of each . ( Two wit h plats and t entative site l ayouts ). After Mr. Jones I presentation of the three ~)rop osals, Mr. Alexander ca lled upon Mrs . Xernona Clayton, American Friends Service Committee, for comment on any of the p roposals ancl. whether they woulc~ com:-ilicate the work being done in the s outhwcst area by SWAP. ff.trs. Clc:1y ton explaine d SlrJAP' s purpose and operati on in the Beci.cher-Cascade-West Gordon Roac; and Fairburn Road area south to Sewell Roa d . She offered no obj e ction to an;f of the proposed p roj ects. Site No . 1. 51 acre tract north of Brownville Road b et ween J ackson Parkway and Bolton Hond, now zone d M-1)) proposed by ~·!hitting -Turner Cons t ruction Co. for Turnkey Qevel opment f or Public Reusing. This tra ct ha s b een tentativel y approved by t he Hous inc Authority and HUD and favorc,ble c1.ction a l ready rco.ommonded by the Planninc Boo.rQ. It is scheduled to ·::;o b efore the Zoning Cammi ttee of the Board of Aldermen in Publi c Hearing , Au,;u ~, t 10 . �6 After due consiueration aad 0.iscussion, :Mr. Lee Bure;e moved that the Housinf~ ;_·~esources Coll1Ii1i ttee endorse this proposal and recommend favorable action by the Zoning Committee and the Board of Aldermen. The motion was scconC::.ed and carried. unanimouslJ . Site l'!O. 2. S9 acre tract ( eastern ,,ortion oi' D. lar2~er tract of 171 acres) loca teci betweEm Westview Cemetery anJ Peyton Road S. 11., north of Utoy Creek , proposeo f or development of carefully p lanned 3Go units of town houses under ~21 d (3) co-op, by r~~. John A. Hartrampf. (The pr0perty is currently zone~ il-3) 1'1 r . Hartram:1f Has asked the price ranGe of units he propos ecl. t o build . He s tated tha.t the si.n::l e f a,1il7 hounes would. be in the '.iil5, 000 to ~,25,000 ran13e and . payments f or ti1e two bedroom town hous es woulc! be ap·-iroximately $90 to :;,110 per month. After du e consi0er c1.tion, motion wer e made by Mr. Lee Burge that the ImC Comrrittcc endorse this proposal and reques t the PlanninQ: Board thnt it recommend favor.3.bl e a ction on the rezoning petition for this si tc. The motion was seconded. ancl carriet~ ';,.ri th .: 10 dc.-e ·:m tint; votes . Site No. 3. 4.5 a cre s plit tract on b oth s i des of Bankhead Highway N. W. (10 acres on the nor th sicle , just wes t of MaJnard Road, and 35 acres on the south side) prop osed for Turnkey c':cvelopm~nt f or Public Housin;;, with 221 d (3) as an alternate, by HLC and Associates Construction Comp any of Gr eensboro,

forth Carolinn . Zoning is now H-1 a nJ M-2.

After amp l e dis cuss ion, Mr . Virgil Milton moved that the Housing Resources Committee en,lorse this prop osal and r equ es t f a vorabl e reconu1Jencl.ation by the Planning Board on the rm. onini:; petition for this sit e . The mot ion was seconded and carried unanimo'I.L'.Jly . As there T..ras insuffi cien t time f or other bu sines ::; tho C0Wi1i t t ee adjourned a t 12 :00 noon. Respectfully submitted , .-v:,~ ~ ~~h/ Malco'lJ~ I)~' -Jones ..~ ~ .. - ~'.. Supervinor ol' Ins _ c ct'ion Service s Enclt, : 1. 2. 1:ou,Jin:.: JL ~ourcc,::; Cor:1r1ttc ,, K : 0.; ) '.:.o I·T..:.:.l>-::T _· , E :,:cutiv,. <Grau~"), I-IRC, ~-:·.t cd i'.u 2,1.1; t 9, 196 7 (with attachments ). Pl;:nn inJ u :rp~...~tr:1d·1t r r,par t to t h ,.: F0uci ng ·~le. , our ccs Cor.rri1i t t2e ~ t cd J.u ;~u .:.t · 9 , 1967. �'--; in.~·:; on ~lo profi t , 0.1:.,0I','\ , I l0·1s inr; Sc 111i11c1 r 4 Reg ion J Progr ..111 1 f-l ote l Di n k lc, r Plc11c.1, All ~int a · Ur h.rn A11wric,1, i 11 CCCj' 0 r . ;0 ,1 ·,-_ i th the Fl'ci c rJ I i iot :~iil ..~ ,·\{ :,~ 11ni~~r'"1tic,n. i:: ;"' :·t'· c i1tin !_~six re:··::,, · l! :·:..:;,;i,,_u:, cr 11H'11; 11.. :·t :C-f','11::,0,·cd hou si ng. 1 Tt 1, ~--;t "' s-:. !·1 !1 1 .ir~ 1.1r2 dcs:~·.1-- ! to .!\·qLi._:i,, t r0rr1.··-~c;· : :'d- l1f 11 ' (-'Cr -ixlli·t , ' j c,,' 11i,-.it in,·, s ,~1 1d ,', ._,·.- :,::enc::s \·,,;: ,,;1' :; \·. ith '.r·.-1 11 ,·: i tli tlJ,, spe\::< ·c s of ~"' rt',_.· ,1.-r1s ,7,.,l...,i!..: :-- :l ;c,r ,·c,rL;t.:,ri 1g lo'.ve r

-.-o,ne ho::s:nt;. Ti 1 c::0 J'r0_;r.1,.1s ·,;,- Jude :

Thursc!Jy, Se pt .mbe r 7 8 :00 a .rn. l~ cg is trJ tion 9:00 J .111. Welco mi ng Rern J rk s Jnhn i\l . 1.on 1;o, Depu ty Direc tor ,'~on prof it I ousing Center U r ban 1-\ mcr icc1, Inc. 1 [c.iwa rcl f-L Baxte r Reg iona l Admini s tro tor, Depa rt men t of I-lousing a nd U r ba n Developme n t Reg ion 3 . 1;;c ',:-'c:1:· 1Jrke t intcr0·t rat2, S, , t·,~, 1~)2 l (d)(3 ) ! ·.c3ry11, c!2s i'..:;1' _c! for f.J;; ·,i:·~::s ·:.,: u1 in com es in 1.: •• l·2-: s cf :i n;it,1tions for :c·:: rcr t i::-t,b lil: i~ ous ing; 0 T',c ,n c11 ket r0te of inter ·t, S-~c, io r1 ?;~l (cl) (3) Pro.:;rani \·;;ih i"er~ ts su;.:,r,!e,1121~' ., I :):-' ,1 F ecJ era I f;-Jil t. desigred fo r fac1ili es of le·:·: income , and 9 : 15 a. m. CJse S udy: Allen Te mp le Developm en ts , Inc . At lanta , Geo rg ia l5 1 U nits , Sec . 22 l(d )( 3 ) Proj ec t 1. -1- Mi lli on ~,1o rtgage belo1,v 1 .ar:,e t rnte cf i.it,, rcs t o (or:r (am Section 22 1 (11)( l . w 1ict enab les n~np-;of it ' uou;:i s to Sf.:'Oilsor housin;; th2t is rehabi litated · :~j so\i to !ow income faii-.i: ·,: s . .'\ ne'.'t ... 1 , . 0 '·- Atlorney : l'vlc CreacJy Joh nston Jo hn sto n and-Ca lho un

sen 1: rars de_cribing and ,~is·· . ,s :, · ~_; tr.csc p(ogr~,rr1s 2nd th:, 111anagerr.ent cf i:,.:;u:: in::; for lo·11er i 1;,:__0mP. fa mi i ies ','lOU;cJ te o; 1/,_: !1 ...; t,J ; ") t -tor pro f:t groups . inform ation on th:;~e /Ogr:1n1s •:: i rI be prese11ted by tr~ :J<:c v:: ,o li cwc~ ·~ ucr:r;,)s fu I ly r1r: :eloped ar,d are m;,.nagi r:g . 11L'r~ µ r· of it spo n ~.r)red proje c t, as ·,-:ell as rq~n_ .,c nt"' tivcs o f Fl M .,1,d Urban f..rne rica . Urban Americn, a national, nonprofit or g;::inizo:ion hea dquartered in '/.'a shin eton , D . C. , is d1-;d icate d to improv in g the qual ity of life in the 11;,ljon's c it ies. It represent!: J merger o f the AcnoN Counci l fo r Better Citi es ancl th e; /\mc ri ca n Planning and Civic As ociation. -1h ~ Nono rofi t Hou sing Center of Urban Ame ri ca p rovici cs tec hnica l assi stance to not-for-profit sponsors o f lov:e r in come housing and h1-; lp s comm un iti es organ ize revo lving dew; lop ninn t fun ds and nonpro fit housing clevelopment corpora tions. Th e cente r is fin anced by the Fo rd Founcl c1 ti on and the Episr:opa l, Method ist, United Pres by tc rio n, an d Un i ted Church of Ch ri st c hurch es. Gene ra l Contractor : Robert Mc ivor DeSoto Constru c t io n Company Dev elop111en t Funds and Housin g Developme nt Cor poration s Milton P. We ide r, Deputy Di recto r Nonprofit Hou sing Crnte r Urban Arne ri ca , Inc . 5 :30 p .m. Recept ion 6:00 p. m . Top ic : "The Housing Gap- -a n Opport u1 1ity for Nonprofit Groups" Fri day , Septe mber 8 9:00 a .m. 12:00 p .rn . Mann cment of Lowe r Income Housi ng Q . V. Willi ,1 1r1so n v_ Wi i!iom so n & Co . Atlanta, Cco r gia Q. r\liort~agee : .J J mes M . Meye rholtz Trus t Comp ny of Georgia Commenta tor : Haro ld L. l< rame r Ass is ta n t Di recto r ~lonprofi t Hou sin g Center Urban Amer ica, Inc. Dinner Speaker : Ha ley Sof ge Exec uti ve Dire c tor Me_tropol itan Dc:: de County Depart me n t of Hou sin g an d Urban Deve lopme n t Mian:i, 1-lori da 11.rchitect : ~/l i lton Prassas , A. IA FH A Evalua tion & Processing: Ralph Johnston, Chie f U nderwr i ter Atlanta Off ice, FH A orr:u.: 4 :30 p.177. Parti cipa nts: B.~:c:1:use of the ccn1pi sx i~= ~s ir, utili..-ir~ tfic sc rr::.; ""Z-; r-:1s_. t2c· ~ se of ~r1e .~2- 1 l c ., .~ ,1·; ·,·12 11i: ·1.Jr:'~d 1· -=1~ ::,ro'.i '. s;:ons: . .- :,·, I r:,,_.,;._:u· ·:: o f t11e

i ,.:: :._1:--r.· s i·1~crcnt in :-(l ; ::. ~-.- ~ 1;rn;,,.: rt ios fo r

1r 1·, ~ S,,'t , - J . .. t ·· ..,,;r r.~c · t r,:6 .1onJ I ..11,,....,1e1rP 11,.:: u1(1 Rent Supp lc1nrn t l !ousin;~ Prugr ;:i m H;:iro lcl /\llir iel 1t As:.; is to 11t R,.:;~ion,,i /\ rlrni1ri ·,t ro tu for FHA, I-IUD l~(;; '.io n 3 John F. Th i)'.p! :11 Direc tor , /\t liJnt.1 l11 ';u ri nr; Sponso r: Dr . Jolin A . Mi dd le ton Rev . A . D. Powe l l Alim Temple A.M.E . Chu rch of /\lla nta , Inc. f_ 1../Y 1: 3 0 p.r n. 10:3 0 J .117. 1 :00 p .rn . Housin:;: ,:m Community Services : The Bi cente1111 ial Story · Larry Ki"to ll, Dirr: ctor The 8i ce 11 lt..:11nic1 I Cor po r,1 tion St. Loui s, l\.li sso ur i Proj ec t Consu ltat ion wit h Urban A1!1e ri cJ ~i ncl FH /\ " ,1 :f Lunch eon U rban Arncr ir::-1, Inc_ 171 7 Mz1ss,1eh usc tts Avc-nue , N . W . W;:islli r1 Gto n , D .C. 2003 G (2 02) 2() 5-2 224 ·. --..;:--.-;..· -- ---·- --- �