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CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY HALL-ATLANTA. GA. 30303 PHONE 524-2745 ROBERT L. SOMMERVILLE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM S. HOWLAND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MRS. EVELYN 00005 SECRETARY )1't' ,w µf'~IJ! A ~ ~ V . ~ ~cJJ-< !/-'(~ ) ,vi" i,I, lr"I Ir:oJ ~ (' {;t ~ ' o.JA' April fr ZO, . ~ 1967 We are going to celebrate Confederate Memorial Day, April 26, with a progr m for our second full committee meeting of 1967. time is 2 p. m.; the place is the Atlanta Room of the Citizens and So thern National Bank Building, Marietta and Broad Streets. am Massell, Jr., vice mayor and president of the Board of will be our first speaker. Mr. Massell, who is chairman of manic Government Study Committee that has been evaluating Administration Service survey of Atlanta's city government, us up to date on his committee's findings and ideas. Aldermen, the Alderthe Public will bring Rodney Cook, chairman of the Aldermanic Planning and Development Committee, will be our second speaker. He will discuss conditions affecting areas being considered for futui;e urban renewal projects. Chairman Sommerville and T. M. Alexander, Sr. , chairman of our special Rockdale Proposal Study Committee, will give us the latest information on the Rockdale situation. Chairman Sommerville and I hope you will be able to be with us from 2 to 3: 15 p. m. Wednesday, April 26. Sincerely, �