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CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY HALL-ATLANTA, GA . 30303 PHONE 524-2745 ROBERT L . SOM M ERVILLE CHAIRMA N WILLIA M S . HOWLAND EX E CUTIVE DIRECTOR MRS. EVELYN DODDS SECRETARY February 8, 1967 Dear Executive Committee M ember: As you have p r obably r ead, seen or heard that Atlanta is in the process of an all out effort to be included in the federal government's brand new M odel City Program (in which Uncle Sugar Able starts off by putting up 80 percent of the cost). So fo 'I: our e x ecutive committee meeting at 2 p. m., Wednesday, Febr uary 15, i n the Atlanta Room of the Citizens and Southern National Bank w ill centa r i t s a t tention on this new p r ogram. Bill Ba s sett , w ho i s h e ading up the cit y Planning Department's task for c e prepari ng Atlanta ' s a pplication to be included in the federal prog r am, will t e ll us about the area s e l e cte d fo r p r oposed d evelopment as a model neighborhood . He will al s o b rin g us up to date on the p r og ress of putt i n g together Atlanta ' s a pplic ation fo r a f e deral planning g r ant . Cit y Planning Engineer Collier Gladin als o w i ll b e on h a nd t o an swe r questions. Al s o o n our pr ogram will b e a d i scu s s i on o f a pr opo s ed con stitu tiona l amendment to provide tax relie f t o p r o perty ow n er s w h o reh abilitate the ir buildings . Our fellow commi ttee membe r, Mrs . G ra c e Ha m ilt on, who is doubling in b r ass as a member of the Ho u s e of Repres e ntative s, has been as k e d to t ell us a bout this propo sed amend ment. Cecil A l e x a nder , chairman of the Atlanta Housing Resources Committe e , who was unable to be w ith u s a t the last meeting, has been asked to bring us up to d a te on his com mittee's activi t i e s . Chairman Bob Somm e rvi lle and I h ope you will b e with us on We dne s d a y, February 15 . �