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January 5. 196j Mr. John. C . Wil on Horne - Wilson, I c . 163 P ter Street, S. W. Atlant , Georgia Dar John: Information h reached me that ince you h ve been elected Vice President of the Atl Chber of Commerce you hav d to relinquish th chairma hip of the Cham er'• Urban Renew l Commltte • B ing mindful of all you baVi done to help the pro r e:le ance nd red velopm nt p:ro rams, I don' t t the city to b d priv d of the b it of your expe:d nc nd thlnkin • Accordingly~ I i vit you mo t cordl lly to b com th. Citiz ns Advitory Committee for Urb Re,...,............ Bob Sommervill J in it me in th earn st hop b bl to ace · pt nd conttnu the :faithful tt nda c t it me tin bich you carried 1'1 x-offlcio in your former c_hainnan•hip. Sin.c rely,. Ivan All n, Jr. 1AJr •• ea cc •••• Mr. R. L. Sommerville Mr. W. S. Howland �