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EOUSH:G JZl: SCURC:CS COi-iiHTTti..: A;.1 ri.::. 20 , 1%7 Problcr.i /\"rec1s Item l·io . !~o . Un its Location 2S0 We st cf Hollywoocl Road t~ orth of Pr octer Creek Turnkey liarwell 1~oad Sout L of Dc:i.r.khead 1;i~hv:~y Turn key P- 1 I ?- L j I P- 3 P -5 I 45 0 Principal Di ff icul'ly Proijrar.i t y Eac i a l Re la t iolls Seclioll of liUD l. r, ll!tter Tcntdt i vcly cie r;i eci Ly l !i\A 01) 1, 03C'c.l S1:ron;;ly o~l i;osed IJ j h/\J\CP Te nt a t i vcli Jeuied ui_ I iJ\/1 1\ - 1.


/illc1 ,. I I C- 3 Turnk ey Site not actt~d on b j h i1A , l.;ccd.USC:: o f oiJ j ect.io u to t he arc<l by Inters rou u Rc latior,s Section o f IiUD 15 6 Ec:-i.s t of Hol lywood Road 1!orth of lia.znolia Cer.ietery 22 1 J ( 3 ) FJ;A 204 I l ::i0 I C- 5 C- l o r, letter t o ,-:ayor Jac kso n Parkway , just lfo1~ti-1 of Dun~hcad 252 C- 1 i 12 5 zo1ll:~ u A- 1. de clined to i1pj?rove . llilS Experime11t c.1 .l . I P- 6 Off r:t;1c:r i dge Dr ive Ea st of J a ckson l)a r kwuy lf04 Si.: c cial or Tur11k cy Between Hol lywood Road a nd Gun Clui:J Roacl , N. W. I3etwe0.r; iJeKalb /w-~nuc c3;1d i":cLE:ndo:1 c1. ·r I!ami, to n 'T'. e rr. ~ ~ 100 '.·:e:st o f J a c kson l' o.1~i-:,:c,y nort h o f ?roctor Crc12k 1 , 7 00 Llc~wc.:: en ?eyton )<.Oa(: a:id i·i i l l Ro o.J Lort h o f litoy iia.vine difficulty i n ge t tiu2, FliJ\ a.jJ proval . Turnkey or 221 (J) l,e - zo 11ed re c (.:ntly for low cost j·,01...s5.I18 1-ro6 rc1r.1 . li0usin 6 Aut ho r i ty not i nt ereste<l ill sitt; r:;A f i O"'c sym 1;at Le tic t01-1c1rd it . 2 21 d ( 3 ) Zo!le t1 J,- 3 . l{cnt Su? l . re - zoned . u Zoned •) 'i'urn:(e;y /~0 1\CG i<.- J . 22 1 G. ( 3 ) 221 cl ( 2 ) 20,~ cG . 221 Willis Creek ' \.. (3 ) l\ - c.: .J . Pl ann ini:; Dcp c1rt me 11t is dub ious uLout c;cttine PJ.c:.unir,.1:, l cpc1r tment coo .L lc1-;c1 rd 1 Plann i ii:: I.J e pur t1:iClj t ( l lO\.:S i l'it_'; J\ utLorit:,,- l. S <~J. re - zo rJ.J..I1G . rcluctc;n t to ;et r e t 11l~S .i_ ;5. 5 tic a Lout s it e) .cS OL,er C- 21 C- 22 . to iiousing J\ut t1or ity . 600 175 F.::i.irLurn i~oa c:. ::ort;1 of l:oly fc1r:1 ily I o:.sl' i L 1l r:·11 r ~1\.,jj i.iank ;:eu ' iii;_)1·,,1ay at O:,,. burn Poacl Turi key 221 G or (J) -. .

..:,0 1li1; ,~ c~ .c)~ lt~C re ,i ul.r()l,. .

S.i. Le.: :,o t ,l. C~ U -" C,j\ JJ _;,- I i!.!. i..- ~!cau::; ...; o f o oj ect i o:·. L:;- I ri'l r~r\.,roi.; 1 ·, l~clc:1tio11::, ::;er::tio1; of I it; :; to .:e 1,c raJ Gr(; Q. l l , t l "'i C! i io r L ~-i·v: t:: S t. • Sit <..! l iO t a ctL!c.i Oll by ll!'./1, i JCCd U S C .L Ol o :, jcctior, to u·; fc L:itio: ,:; Scct .: . Oll of i. UtJ , Ly I r:l.~r .-•rc ., .t t 1,1.. u.r,~a. �It em No . Un i t s C- 23 4 80 i·Jo . Loc a t ion l:'ri1 ,ci p cil L,ifficulty Pro;;;ram r; orth of i3r o wnsvil l e i.Zcl • te:tween l!ollywooJ anJ I',ol ton Ed s . ~;it e not act cc: O iJ Ly I-:U1, } JCC0USC: of ,:,once . . - .L . 0L j ecti01, to ti ic area by Int"'r;t roui.• f, clu Lions S1::c tio n Tur r,l,cy o.r l-i Ci.1 . f D- 1 22L, 0'-·" .L .!. B::'.'ownsm ill Road south 2/.l d ( 3 ) Co - o p . of Oak Drive D- 3 D- 5 D- 8 JJ - 9 D- 10 152 62 364 l oO 280 So uth s id(: Sim~Js on Road I:ast of P. i ;;htm·rer Roo.d 22 1 d ( 3 ) ? 1:·/codb ir;e at Boul e va rd Urive ,., 1 2::,,_1_ Li 1 urn,~cy o.c~ .er OY' (:.) ) 250 360 l Zo.rjeJ. ii - 1. OJ.:.j0 ct i on fr oi7 sone r C!s idents of ne:it:hLor;--.ood. . Re - zon i ng c: en i ccl 1\ pri l 17 , by Doarci of ,\l clc:rr:ic1, . I Str::Jr. i ly 0Vi ose<l ]_;y ci tiz.c~s n ~s iu i ng ... , Col lier lleibtl l: ~ i r: i/ rotcst:::'. to Eoctr'<-~ CJf f1lde r;;,en . Site is not i n Coll i e r Hei i:r.h t:., i:'la r. i,rr.;;a. . 1-!ousin t_'; Autr.or i ty no t i nte r c stcci i n -c h is site for '1'ur.1i<.cy ; I'E/~ cool towa rd. it .

C:.onE:c.i l~- 3 . P .l.aur.iri;; Je;i:i urtri~er1t i::, relu c tant to hc-:vc

rc.czoncc.; l;ecause not cor,sis ta:, l wit i1 i.,c,uldcr Po r k Plc..n . Bou l der Park Drive Sout hviest of :·li l dwo o d Lake TO',·.'l, i:(;U 3 C S We:st o f ;•iorelar.d i\'ver,u~ So uth of Constitution izoo.cl , 2'.il d (:j) Co - o ,; P.ejectcd Turnlrny P l ar.i: i n:.:; Depc:.rtmcr1t ant i ci~; a tes stroLg o:c; 1-J usition to C.:cvelopmc;:;t of thi:.; tract f ox' low co s t i1ousin.:; . 221 d ( 3 ) /,pplicati0r, on one site suL;:--iittl.~ci t o Fi!/\ anci su t :.; e ,1ucntly · ·wit r,Jraw r, ( appc.. r cntly te:ccLu;_; L of r,E:. i ,)1Lor. ,oocl ov j (:: c cio r.) ; 0U1c r o.Di_:,l ication wit hn clc.i ( el.' 0SUi n2. i:> l j for :.;irr,ilar r c~ c:~ o~: ) . Cu:-;ter Avenue i:as t

21 d ( 3 )

SL; of Cbosewood i)ark D- 11 l 1, . , , ~J Fil/\ as n o t sui taU c sit e rote:.l 6S04 Tr4 ~s c011 s t itt.:tes a,-,Jro:-:irna telJ '2 / 3 of t I ,e_ Ci -cy ' s 6 oal fo r t;, e fir s t ti.-o yc0.rs o f tl,L; :t--ro;;rum . !Je ve.lo .J c! :::'S i,i[j () we r e originally enthusiastic a r c Lcccrnir. 6 V C l1j d i:.;cou ra ge C.:. ar. c. s or:ic are su~gc s t i:1e ~ui t ti n~ tl ·, 0 j_.,ros r r1,n • . �