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l!OUSIHG RE SOURCES c mil"i ITTLE Room 1204 City Hall Te l, 522 - 4463 Ext. 430 February 24 , 1 05 7 A, Alexande r, Chairman of the City's newl y formed Housi ng Re s ources Commi tte e , a nnounced t oday t hat 5 9 s epa r at e low and med ium cos t projec t s have been propos ed, a r e i n deve lopment or recently c omp l e t ed i n At lant a, The se include 33 7 2 units in t he Reasonably Firm category 4 237 units , Probable - 24 8 ~ un i t s, Being Considered 1392 uni t s , Doubt ful

11 , 4 90 units Proposed

Total This includes 1140 Publ ic Hous ing un i ts under const ructio n and i n planning , plu~ 144 uni ts whic h a r e be i ng l e ased as Publ ic Hous ing, In a dditi on , 1 65 4 ex i s t i ng units have been rehab i l i t at ed since Oc ~ober, 1966, ,';Of this number , 1322 units a re e stimat ed to be a vailable during 1 96 7 (3 578 s hort of g oal ) and 5133 units are es timated to be a va ilable during 1 968 (233 a bove goal ). Total 2, 6455 un i ts i n sight ( 3345 short of c omb i ned goals f or both years) " The Housing Resources Commit t ee, constituted for the purpo s e of promoti ng and assisting in development of low a nd med ium cost ho using, held i ts organ i zat ional meet mng at City Hall , on February 14 and i s now f unctioning with 45 of i ts 48 members assigne d to pa nels spe c ia liz ing in t he following fields: Legal Construction and Desggn Financing Non Profit Funds Public Housing 3. Land Acquisition and Re hab i litat i on Social Problems Business Participation Publ i c Information In addition to Mr. Alexander as Chair man, Dr. Sanford s. Atwood, Pres i dent of Emory University, and Dr. Benjamin E, May s, Pre sident of Morehouse College, are Co-Chairmen, 4, Mr. Wmo w. Gates, former Chief Underwriter for FHA in Atlanta, ~erves as Special Adviser to the Ho·1sing Resources Committee and will be available, by appointment, in the Committee office, Room 1204 City Hall , to advise and assist Developers and Builders interested in FHA programs. 5, Malcolm D. Jone s , Sup ervisor of I ns pection Services, Build ing Dep artment, is _ as City staff member and Director of the Committee. vjr, 1 He acquaints Developers and Builder s with the program and assists them by coordinating with City Departments and other agencies when needed, Mr. Jones would like to keep in touch with the status of development in all proposed projects under this accelerated program; his telephone number is § 22-4463, Ext. 430, �