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mmmm HOUSING RESOUE,GSS COMITI'EE U'i' Items for discussion with the Mayor '<.i March 21, 196? ¥ 1. CurrenL report, prepared .L^ebraary 20, 196?, shows 59 separate projects . (£ more ti';an the previous report) proposed, in developinent or recexitly completed in Atlanta. Coraposite sujiimary figures are listed below: (Eor comparison, corresponding figures in the previous report of January 10 are also shovm, in pencil). 3372 units in Reasonably Finn category •ih . i|!m» I 594 3 ' "iJ

' ' '. ►1" Hi " Jj 1237 units. Probable 's 2hb9 units. Being Considered ' I , 'I !,»'it '„•. 74'iyUi .U ,,,dj "I( I h ('ji -4tl 6oo 1392 units. Doubtful Total >^t i -;^-ll,l!90 units Proposed 7 r Tf/^-' // '/O Chis includes III1.O Public Housing units under construction and in planning, plus K' ^il ir,. V« I, . iirPit 6^ „; iLlj units being leased as Public Housing. /•'n'i V In addition, I651; existing units have been rehabilitated since October, I966. if .• /]' p: ?3r*I ? -"-lo22 01 tnese units are expected to be available in I967 (3578 short' of goal) ('9^7? of. these units . are expected to be available in I96S ( S2:)3130 233 above goal)

jo .1! /I . If " I 1 '1 ' I ( i'th- ^ f 4"'! ri » f fo ^ V 1M. i) •»>,: t 1 O u3.X ly ouSj units in sight (3315 short of goals for both years) (Letuer frora PhA, dated February 20, 1967 lists 1,515 units in sight under the 221d(3) fcC program alone). ^'••1 ' r ( )\\' ' 1x5 5'i if.jjjf, f "I, 2. V V- If. I- 'W The lower figure in current report, as compared with that shovm in previous report, ! 01 unius estm.iated to become available during I967, is due to change in categories of I t n.^j prospects for items 0, 9, and 16, due to failure thus far of the builders to obtain x'Ha approvals, previously anticipated; and also in not obtaining rezoning approval I]' ^4. , 11 pi 1 fell' of item 7. w 3. f'A'i f:;v^ Tne h&asing prog^ram of existing units for Public Housing (sometbnes refeirod to as Aenu Certificate Housing) is the quickest and easiest Xxiay of providing Public Housing and is une only way (xvith the possible exception of a portion of McDanisl Street -Drojcct) O.X obuainir g adciticnal Public Housing units in i^tlanta during 19b7. The goal of I9OO units of low cost housing in Atlanta during 196^ is ^oing to be very difficult, if not virtually impossible, to obtain unless 'bhe.e is a substantial increase in leased Public Housing. Ni 4 BK ' 7 V F h] I %1'\ if 'K \r <1 >1 ' m �- 2 - ·~1.:.r j_nc; t he recent i\'./1.iiRO Confere nce in 1.-,a s h i n gton, Honorable ·.-!illi2c., ~ . :,-,i u.r.2.l l (;,cu Jersey), U . ~ . Hou se of Rcpre :c;ent2.t ives, aut hor· of the l e a sing p ror~:ca.m (c o0taine d in Se ction 23 o.r t he ~=ousing Bill of 1965 ) stronr;ly urge d its u se to s ur;p l emcnt , not repl ace , th8 conventional _:)ublic Ilousin g progr.s.m. r e latively e2.sy to obtain and admi niste r . It is ciuick, (almosi:, in s".:.antaneou s) The p otentiaJ. of thi s p r oe;r am is tremendous . '::'h is prorrr mrr is :r.oH in use in 77 ci ties i n 26 t; tates, with 1S,8!.i7 units app2.i e d for c.:~d i·1ith 12, 000 •,nits u nder contrc=.ct . It ar p ears t he refore that t he i-iou si .;:; .t,ut(,orit y s t oul d b e ur ;:::e d t o exp2nd t hi s year it s cur:ce r:t c:.lloc ation of 300 units unc~er the l e a s i .; p r c e;r am , t o per nap s 1000 uni ts . AE hou.2:h t 1·1:'..s p ro; r 2.i11 doe s not within i ts elf p rovi de addi tional housine; uni ts in 1,;:.e c orr.2·::.ur,ity, i t coes provici.e de c ent , safe c=..nd s2ni t2.ry hou s i ng a.·or t hose i.n the lcwes t inco:,:e brac:'.c ts and , equall y as i.--:-19ort ;.:,nt , it encour age s pri vate enterprise to buj_ld , reh abilitate and raaint.sin property in good conditi on . Alco it keep s the pr ope rty on the t ux di ['; e st, a t ful l tax r ate . Li . vne fa c tor, not ye t con s ide1°ed or i ncluded i n our comp ilatior.s, is exi sting hou sine in t _c l ow ano. ::c.ed:i.um co s t fielc. , wh ich is being va c ate d by fa:,,.ilie s :-:.ovi ng out of t he Cit y or into h i r,he :c c ost housinf' . This fa ct or a lone cou l d con ceivabl y pr ovide 2 57; o f t he City ' s over a ll r equir eme nt f or low an d me dium cos t h ous :i.ng . 5. kn cut o t o'1m dc vcJ.ope: r Ddvised tha t j_n J211uary he had three applic ations :'or 22ld(3 ) r.cusir:e: pro j e c ts in Der alb Ccunty r e j e cte d by FHA be c ause De Kalb County ' s Vorkabl e: Proc;ran hc=,s exp ired . On Fe bruary 23, he ini'ormed !:1e t hat he was t e at day fil ine; a!~;pliccit io:c. s wit h FE.A f or t wo similar pro jects in Atl2nta ( cne fo r 2 50 units ar,d one ~or 360 unit s ) . 6. ~z1:,r.:ict frorr. r1,, 1ocation l1eport //2, Cfr, under 21igi bility for Low .{ent ?ublic 11 .:1€: 'r1& 1e 2:,:)l icar.t :nus t hae an ad.dress in Atlar.ta . T1is c.oes 1.ot me2J1 he must rcsi.de.r,ce for any lenc~th of' ti.me , but he :nus1, be li, i ng , Ut, on a_:::plic:a·~.ion, e=--~-1c::ss sc...;.:.·c:e o · c.:=:,::i:...ican·:-s (p r e viously r e:;id inr; in r,ei,:.::hbor :'..nf coc.. tie s 2:-:.c: .:nm:i.';i alit:.:::s , cy· even oti1er are.s.s of the State) co.ning to the Atlanta area 2::-,d ~ ,__ l7ic: ~·c::· .Ju'c:i..:;.c '.. ·usin~ , i n antici.r:, a-:-,iori of it being available here . T:,is coul d �- 3 - To pre ve nt t his from hapµeni ng , it appears that s t rict requirements, should be e stablis hed fo r all app licants, pre s cribing a minimum length of time of legal r e sidence with in the City Li~its f or eligibilit y f or Public Housin g in Atlanta . 7. The i mp ortance of conservation and rehabilitation in the f u t ure of e xi sting hous i ng resourc e s, r ather than demolition and rebuilding, was the theme s ong , repeate dly emphasize d by Federal off icials, throughout . t he two NAHRO Conferences recently he ld in Atlanta and Washington. This point was particularly stre s sed in bo t h place s by Mr. Don Hummel, Assistant Secretary for Renewal and Housing As sistan ce, HUD, who on t wo occas ions stated that during the first six months of this fiscal ye ar, his off ice ha s r e ceived applications for Urban Renewal proj e cts amountin g to more than hree time s the budgeted funds availabl e for the entire year. As each application is r e corded and gi ven a processing number at time of receipt of the applic ation in HUD, the imp ortance and advantage can be readily seen of Atlanta filin g as soon as possible its . applications for any futur e Urban Renewal proj e cts desired. 8. I n view of r e cent technological advances in buil ding materials and in order to obtai n r educt ion in con s truction co sts through -as sembly line proc e dures in t he hous ing field 'r:, y pref abric ation , as is done in so many other i ndu s t ries, I recomrne n'd that a spe c ial low co s t Re sidential Zone District be e stablished in Atlanta which would permit ere ction of low c ost single f amily home s ( or combination of these toge t he r wit h -dupl exes and/or apartm~nts) simil ar t o, or e quh ralent of, the 11 $winge rt1 by Nat i onal Hoirra s : . . . . . . . . . . I I . tha t f or s i ngle · family houses or dupl exe s, the minimum l ot · si ze be -50 X 100 .( 5000 sq . ft .• ); . that an exception t o t he Housing Code b~ made· to per mit, in su.c h zo~ing · distric t ', the be droom· s i ze s of· t he 11 Swinger 11 · house or e qui val ent ; and that an excep tion t o t he Plumbing Code be made t o permit the p r efabric ated plumbi ng or equi valent of the 11 Swinger 11 house. (See current zoning chart attache d) 9. I Substantial predominate ~y Whit e occupied areas of the City: whicl~ · have c hanged to predom inately ll egro occupancy during the past few y~ars include t he Was hi ngton & Capito~ Avenue area, Boulevard & Park Avenue area 0 Center hi ll , . Kirkwood .and Peyton Road, north of Utoy Creei<. This _is apparently n~:lW t ak ihg ..plac~ ~n th~ .Peyton Road-Willis Mill Roac.1 area south of Utoy Creek as far as Sewell Road. ·.. ·, ,, . Continuat ion of this ' wholesale transition can create serious problems for Atlanta in the future. �-4- 10. La st week t he Duvall- Wilson property (17l ·acres) in the Peyton· Road- Willis Mill area was placed under option by Mr. John A. . Hartrampf, or the Realty Group, and his brothe r, Dr. Carl R. 't-lartrampf 1, for low cost housing . This is probably the · larg est undevel6ped single tract in the City and has the potential of about _ 17O~ units. · The · Hartrampfs have requested an appointment with the Mayor before ·starting actual develop.;. • .I ment of t his area. 11. On March 15, · the Housing Authority opened 4 substantial· .bids · fb'{' the· development · 9£ . the Rockdale U. R. Project _; . bidders were ·Douglas"'."Arlen of New ;Y~ri<; David - L. Rosen of New York; Robert Chruchrow Construction Co. of New York and l·'iarvin Warren Corp. _of , Cincinnati. M~rvin Warren Corp. proposed 76% coop and 24% rent~l; Rosen proposed 250 coop and 250 rentals in the first stage. 12. Others proposed rental,_only. Materiai has recently been received perta.foing to the formation and operation of t he Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation which, among other things, is utilizing .! tax . delinquent property for development of low cost .housing. .. . .. \.


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