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T . r .. _f- °;__ ._ HOUSING ci~SOUR C~S COM:--: ? 11::S . CI Y 1-IAL Room 1204, City Hall AT'J l'-:TA, GA. 30~.l 0 3 Tel. 52? -t.t.r.J flrc a Cocl c •iOt, IVAN ALL::N, JR. , MAYOR H. [/d<I. L/.!~ DE~< S, l1dm1ni'.;!r.i '. 1n.- f<,"i 1~tu.i: i\~RS . M1::,;, ! .. t.~o::;-s, Ex,~c. u: :vl.! S~c r•:!t::i ry DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Dircc or of Go·, ern;;1e n! af Li aisG :1 Dear Co:,:..lli ttee Member : Cl:airrr.a. •., Ce cil Ao Alex anc.~:c., ~,'. o i s out of t he City, a s ke · me t o i:::-...forr., yo·_ t h a t t!1 e c1ext r.i.e e ting o · t h e Exe cu tive G_ou;:i or t noi.lsi ng ResOl.:.:::- c es Co:::'_-:-_:.tt ee, normally schecu led for T 1urs d y ., September 7, ..rL.l b e t el at ..... O: Ov a . :: . T- es d- -, Septen:ber 12 i n Co~ni tte e oom //2·, Se co 1d F1.oo::.~ ., City ·a11. A bri ef r .:po_:, will be exp e c ted on the a c tivities of each Panela ,J Rcq_u e st t h t all m(.,mbers of the Land Panel a.ncl Cha irmen a:'1.d Vi c~- Ch2:.irr-.er, of other pa.vie.ls atten t h e mee ·c ing on Septemb er 12 ., w: i ch will oe devoted ..!..arg ely t o c onsi .er2tio_ of av2.ilable - c-.Ld i n the City approp riate2.y zoned f or rm.1..1..ti- fa..,.ily low-income housi n c developm~nt see attached material). "\-!e hope to determine a t the rric.eting r e ccrmnendation s for prese:-itatio:-: at a j oint :neeting with t h e Planning and Development Committee of tte Bea ... d. of ;..ld em.en, pr e vious y equest e d by t · ,e :ousi. g Resources Corr.mi t tee and now s checi.uled for 2':00 pornQ t'ri day, Sep t ember 1.50 I expect to ave some specifi c p oposals drafted for y our co nsicerat~on at ·the Septemb r 12. ~e t ~n 0 0 Both :n e tings are v ery i mportant in view of the Planninc Department s curr ent study of the e ntire Ci t.y in p reparat · on for a compr ehensive revision of tte City s Land Us e Plr o Pleas e r e s erve these dat es or. yom· c a l e n dar and plm t o attend. A return addr e ss p o8tcl card is enclosed f or y o"J.r c onveni en ce ·in letting us know whether you will be able to attend he S p t e:.·.oer 12 m ·e ti 1 u• Si cer e ly your, ... ~ "': _JV~ / / ' . -

~ ~ - ~.,.-. -- - ·- J ~ ~-'...C/ - /·

. ••

• ,,.-,. --- - / - - _, ..--- 'ial col..110 D. j·ones (/ Super_vi.so o • !"lsp e ction Se rvices EJJ/ s11 E::cls: lo r-,4~cran 'ur:i d5.ted At:gust 9, 1967 pert a i ning to availab::..li t y of l ar.c -1:o: 2.ow-ir.corr:e housir.g (with n closur e s ). 2. Return addres s postal car o �