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.... HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE July '2:_7, 196 7 A-1 Zoning (Approx. Acres;) Comparative Tabulations 17th District--Fulton County L.L. Map Appendix to July 5 Ana:cysis July 21 Memo 249 250 12 34 4 18 259 4 10 186 15 4½ 4 36 47 6 6 99 15 20 29 23 185 30 12 39 247 l? 20 AL 251 20 8 13 Al & R5 260 111 110 268 34 . 248 241 Unable to get ·approval (by FHA) 33 8 107 98 Comment 5 Rejected (by HA) 12: Rejected (by YtlA) Committed · Unable to get approval (by FHA) Rejected (by HUD) 2 "·· 5 Other Use (No Bridge) 10 10 295 Sub-total 15th. District DeKalb County L.L. Report Rejected (by HA) 207 &lb-total 14th District Formerly Fayett L.L. 15 ~ 6 .Appendix A 13 8 16 Al & R3 . 35 6 32 Sub-total _.2 11 72 �• 14th District Fulton County L.L. Map 34 34 32 20 20 5 14 2.7 12? .22: 10 229 A;ependi.x 20 12'. 13 15 19 6 4 4 8 Corm,, ent A Committed Committed Rejected (by F"tlA) 31 AL & Al 251 8 41 20 89 39 6 73 143 205 167 185 241 109 llO 174 72 5J 84 12 20 10 18 39 12 10 8Cl&Al 36 20 28 9 15 9 7 8 7Cl&Al 8 A2 40 A2 & Ml 8 13 JO 8 ll6 15 14 Other Use (Vocational School) Rejected (by HUD) Other Use (Morehouse College) Committed ,cormn.itted Committed


8 3: 3 2 3 4 20 10 ll7 ll8 186 212 179 180 2 --1± - aib-total 253. - 393 Summary, Grand total Committed 125 Turned down or rejected 122 other Use 31 482 764 ··278 2713" ---~


'_204 ·.a:.cres 486 acres { -<Experience to date indicates that not more than 1/3 of' suitably zoned vacant l and will actually receive final approval for inclusion in the low- income housing program. �