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I I I iITF UTES f-IQU3ING fib;3GUtlCLJ CO,I rr .t E July l..X::.:CUTffi, COJ:J IT . C 11:l I.'£:r.:tJG 6, 1967 '!he 1xecutive Group of the dousin.,_ Ilesources Committee met at 10:00 a.,m., July 6, 1967, in Cor1u,i:i'i;tce Room #2, City Hill., '.rhe followinJ members were present: Nr. Cecil A, AlE.xander, Chairman, Housing Resources CommittE.:e Nr. Butler Hend€raon., representing Dr. Benjamin ir.ays, Co-Chairman, Housing H.esources Committee Nr. Charlf, s L. '·'eltner, Acting Chairman, Legal Panel Nr. Robert :·!inn., representin .__ Dr. ~.C:uin Ha1·rison and l! r• rloreland Smi'J;h, Chairman &: Vice-Chairman of the Construction and !.Jesign Panel Mr. lee Burge, Chairman, Finance & Non:-Profit--Funcls Panel !"Ir. A.. B. Pacl __,ett, r,:cmber., Fina.nee & ?,!on-Profit Funds Panel 11r .• John \Jilson, member, Finance Ct ;Jon-Profit Funds Panel Hr. Charle s ft'. Palmer, representini, Hr. Clarence Cole,--::an, J:ctin-~ Chairman, Public Housing Panel · Mr .. i-lallace L.. Ule, r,1ember, Lend Acquisition Panel Dean William S .. Jackson, Chairman., Social Problems Panel Mr. Lewis Cenl::er, 1r:embe,r., Social Problems Panel Mr. J.'.'dward L. Simon, representin,:; Mr, Vir-c: :il Hilton, Chairman, Business Participation Panel hr. Dale Clar1~, Chairman., Puolic Inforrr.ation Panel Mr. w. w. , -ates, Consultant . Mr . l'Jalcolm o. Jones, Dire ctor .Also pn:sent at th<. meetin were: fli.r .• .::enry Hill, Treasurer., ;1etail Credit Company J'ir .• · 1illiam Bassett,, Assistant Chief of Planning De,part,,ient Mr . lJilliam Howland., L:.!. :€.·cutive Director of CACLfR fir .• ftet,inald Carter, Coimm.mH,y '!1Elations Comr,dssion Representatives of the Pr~ss Hr. Cecil A. Alexander presicled. ·le o;;iened tc1e meeting by asking tor Panel reports. Mr. Veltner was called on -to giv£, a report on the I£ _,al Panela. i'.ir. Charles L. _'.Teltn€.r, .lcting Chairman., !.£ _al Pane:l, reported ·i;,hat they did not have a chairman as ye t. !1e also stated that they have met t,-,ice and that Malcolm Jones has given them copies of the Housing Code. Mr. Alexander stated that Hr. ·;·-Tilliam Slayton, J xecutive Vice-President of Urban America, su .,_,ested that t.he dayor write a let,ter recor,1nendin. that a V€ry clos£ look l>e ta.'.{en into the Cll2'.'re;nt provisions of Section llS for Federal 1;1,500 �,. 2 re~1abili-tatiort •. r2-l,.k J Section 312 f or 3;~ J.oa,.1s f or propert:T owners in Urban n~m~1-:al and Code I nfor'ce1,:ent project s wh o j;rus t ma ·~e repairs umier the dous:ing Code; t hat some ,:ray be found to r i ther moc]j_fy this to incluC.:.e any areas in the City or be ~ih some le t.islation on t his. \ Nb "tleltner £xp1ainec. that h e .had discussed that with B'rank 'llliarns. He als o sta-t,ed t hat if t ,i.e Com.,1titte'e: f 1:;lt it would :1elp, he 1mule: dr aft a lette r on this for the h aydr's s i gnature. nr. Alexander said :1e t hought t hi _; would be good. and a gr e:ed to provide l".il'. - Tel tner with a co~;y of the l e t ter he had prepare,d for t he t;ayor on this matter. Hr . Ldward L, Simon, r epresenting ?lr, Vir._·il Hiltm1, statE;d t i:at he wished some le3islation could b e i ntr oduced ·i.,o correct th e s i t ·a tion i n llrbai1 HeneHal are.as in wl1 ich houses exist which are: both f ire hazards an<l heal t:1 hazarcls. Hr. '.Yeltner statec: that ~ov. !·tz.ddox had ve toed suc;1 a bill not lbng ar o.i:ir. i'hlcolm Jones, Di rector:, s aic'. t hat hf, .,.nev of t h e: hous e in C}lf s t.i on and that wium las t inspE. c tcd. it vas structurall y sound, so t hat it did not warrent demolit i on; t 11at there fore i t c annot :x. ,_:,e i..oli s i1E:d under the "In Hem" ordinance. 'i'his ordimmcE: calls for t he miner t,o inar::c r c, pairs on s uch property • Nr . Si mon s a i d tl.1at s omeone .. needs t o r e -inspec i., the house in c-ue s t ion be cau se it .is not sound now, iJr . J ones stci.teo. that it has been some ti,·:ie s i nce the housf:· had be:-en inspE;c ted, 11 :r.n Uern11 orclinance. and t l1at perl1aps now t ;.t=; City could. t a'.,e a.c ·i:.~_on to 6.cmolis n i t undE";r l;,he ~'Ir . !:.lexander asl(cd !-"ir . J ont-s to e. Aplain t.h€ "In J.em" ordinance.r'ir. Jones e; ·plained that it was adopted h:r ti1e City , aftE: r a c tion ta_;_-:e n by the 19u6 Le .islature which gave the (;ity , ui th t.11e aut11orj_ty placed in the J-3 uilc,inl., Official, the ri . ht t o inspec t builc.ings which wEre dilapidated., and ·i:,o call upon t '.1e 01.-ner to ma\:e rE:pairs or demolish• If t l1E.. building is more than 5o~; C: ila:i_ iclated, t h€n the Bu:Udin 6 Departr:ent calls on the owner to dernolish and if t he ot:n(,r fails to d.o so a.f·t.€r 90 da_,rs, th1;.n th€ building may be demolished by the City and a lien placed against t he property for t lle cost of demolishing,; the·l;, tl1e City G.oes not have · ·the right to r€p2.ir . nr • .Alexander tJ.1en called on the Finance :~ I,Ton-Profi t Funds Panel for its report. i'-ir.• Lee Burr..,e, Chairman , Finance .?: i\lon-Profit Funds Panel stat,e.d t Jat t l,ey were ,,-,orld.n;. on trying to get a local non-;irofi t '.Ious:L,g DE"vc.lopmE';nt Corpora t ion formed to aDsi st in the. housing pro .,ram, �3 Hr. Ale; :ai1tier ·i:,;·.en as;:_E=d fo r the Puolic l"fousing Panel 's re.port. }:x. hr. Charh.s F. ?a.l iner, r·epresentinr; ClarEnce Cole;nan, sta.t8,:l i.,hat, one problc.,, with 1micl::. his panel is corcerned is ti1e mJ.u policy {of discoura~g public housin; ) in racially iuenti.fiable areas~ He stated (,hat they felt this Has a very unrealistic ~olicy anr..:. t cw i:. this Committee should ta.·: e this up. I·ir. lu.c:..-:ancler agr eed ti·Ia t this c.~cludu l both all - · 'h it.e are as anC::. all-'rc ;_,ro areas. Nr. Palm~r also stated that Atlanta 1 s gru·..te.st n<::ed is more Public Housinc:,.. Hr. Ale1~and<::r stated. tl1at, i1ons i ng i s also neec.le 0.. on the. eust s ide of Atlanta. Er. -~ obert 'j_nn 3 rcpresEmtinr; Dr. Harrison, as _~ed ii' we could tr:.r to get some cooveration fro111 Fulton ancl De (alb colmtieo on loca1,ions for low-cost housing2 l'ir. Jon£.s said tha·i:. this ~-ras d:i.scusscd r€cE:ntly anc.;, that he felt some type of coop€ration could be e.fi ect, c.. on a purel.:r voh,ntar,,r b a:::iis. i~:r • . il.le::anw.r t..;-1en called for t:1e 1a..'1d Acquisition Panel report and as th€re was none he neJ.'_t cal.led for t '·1e ,ocial Problems PcU10l rt.,po1~t. Dean !:"i lliai;1 .s . · Jac 1cson, Chairman, Social Proble1,:s Pan6l, stated that ht 1cished to point out t,i1e late Charl es O. - . ;,une.rich 1s part on his Panel. de a~; kcd if the Cor.unitte€ would apy;r OV(. a motion t o ac :..:nowl eC::.ge his sn-vice with a l€tter to his f arnily ?

tv.ir • .Palii1f,r seconded t ;-,e motion an..::l it was ca1Tit-el unani, .ous l y ..

Dean J ac ;~S0i.1 s aid tha t his Panel ;·e:,lt it nE- ede;d mar£ ;.~eprcoe.ntation frorn the coliJurun i ty, an C::. ·cl!o ado.j_t;iona.l rnunbcrs, .;r. l!.rwin ::teven s and. ·Jr- . Lewis Cenkcr, hacl bu::n a(· c £ d; t i1at his Pa.'1el als o dec ideG to Nor: ~ on a stai..€ment of purpose for thi s Co1,t.111i ttc e ,· ,Ie s a:Ld t f1at t/ 1e Atlant a Hous i n Author.tt y wa s also di scussed . . It. wns ielt c.:1c ·rousin :.uthor.i. t y m cded s ome-- sort, of soc.ial FOr. -E. rs for people moving in"Lo ~1ov.sing d€Jvelopr,a,mt.s; -Lha·L thi s s ~10ulc1. be a se:parate a cency by itself so t h€ needs of t .1e pe ople could be ,te t. I·~ . Al e;· andc r as .~ul if t _1e Committee wanted to i nvite a i11e ;,1bE;r of the Housin;_, Aut hori t ;r to spea'-.: on t hi s ma. lJt.6r a t t he nc~~t m, e ·i:,·i.ng? Also if a copy of t he ,j ocial Pr oblems Pane.:l 's rci,Jor t should be r ef erred ·che Cor,,r,nmi t y Rclat:i.ons Corum.i.o t~-: on 1 anc-. a c opy provided t he ·Iou.d n §; / u-i.;' ;or ~_ty? '1.be Committ e e agrEed to both . Nr . Alexander t hen as:cEid the Publ ic Informat,i on Pane,l for i ts r eport. �4

i'.ir . Dal e Clart , Chairdan, Public :Cnforrnat io11 Panel, reported. Uw.t they hc1.d

a r,,E:;e t i.ng ·co br .:i1c; t l1E-"'. membe rs u p to Cla t €.- on r,.,.rcnt.::; ;_:nc 1• t o C:isc uss thG Cm;i.-.. i ·i:.t,:,e 1 s 11'_1lite Pape r". i]E; s tc::.L,f: (l ..,;12.c he had. i 'mmc, thaL, i:.,1e 1\'i:,lanta Chamber of Co:rrn:nerce had (£i v e;n us li:\..gh priorit:r on tl1e.i r a c:;enda. Hr. Alexander t hen as;~e d , r. J 0 1w s to K cpl ain the. r E- ports listed on t he ac;en<la. h r . Jon~ s s t .:.t ec. t hat the f irst was a per iodic invEnt ory r e.port of low and

·,1cc1.iurn cost i1ousi ng in A-Llan·ca which was r evis c-i.l J une 2 ~;, 19o7. .--le expl a i ned

t lle i;1eaning of t he abor c viad.on s unr__ t ·1at rni,1e L!n i ~s \.:'-r e not a s f i r.-,1 a s :Lh€- ,· 1;-i:i. ht be . HE.. then cn:lame d the Sur1li',1ar7 and t ~1e Fates at t .-1.c e ncl of "the inven t ory; also the r El at ed paper entitl u.i. 11 Problei,, Ar0as". (',;;le co:w of 3w nmary attac hed to t ,1esc minutes .) i·fr . Al e::and.er . at t i1is poi nt stateo t hat h e ha d neglected to as',: if t he nus i nc.s s Participation Pam .l had an~,t,~1:i.n t o r e.p ort a nd t he::y d i d. not. r'lr . J ones t lien statec~ t hat not lon;: a_eo, as a 1nesul t of r e qUE;s ·i:, by t lx, Land Acquisition Panel, he h ;;_r:_ as 1(et:: t:1e. Pl annin;; D0partH1CJ1 t t o provid.c him ,.f.i. th i nformation concer nine; vac an-L l and i n J\tla n ta •:-ihi c h 1.:as zone.a f or apartr-ents • .:Ie reportE:C.: t ha t he ha~ rec entl y r €-ccivcd a zoni n;; map ~-i t h orange colored a n ,;_'.::; sFpcrimposc.d ovl:r t he niap , L1e:.ici:.~ ·... the va c an-i:, land . Ie stat e<.} that tht. ex&.c t si?.,f of tiwst p;:-.rcel s Pas no t .n m.in ( Es L·].1iie.i:.cd. onl 3r ) ano. that he h ad ~une over t :.i e entire map a.'1d c u ,1~ i l ed a l ist of t::-ic v a c an t land s t1mm zoned for apd.rtments . .- le tl1e:m expl aj_nE::d l-t1f: s Luci .· anu rE.portE:.d i\,s findin s lli1d conclusions. ( .3ec cover sbE..et, Preliln- nar .,- /'. nal./sis , attach(-: cl ) l'::r . : 'E,ltntr d.S'.~<:. d fiKt11•e 0 -1 -~i ie nwn!Jer of ·1acart. acrE-s not zoned for ap.?.rt1,1E:nts? T,1E a3 not a\'2 i_laLle • .i;ir. Buri:.c as ·.,~-- .:'..,.·.> L!. t ·v1e. qnam ,it~r o_f othE.r v a c ant l and, zoned Indus trial 'fhe 1 i 1.1rc.s WE.l'C= not available . or othe ri.-Tise. i·.:r. J\l c..,.ander state-:~ that, tne: Land t,cqaisition Panel ,1a::; now going to .get ·to revleH tht Land Use StL,dJi . He as1,e:d if there was any otner business bt fore adjournin~? l'.ir .. Jones as --:ed. that tr1e Cornmi ttu. give him s ome i dea as to action to ta.:ce about the above ,,1en-Gionul s ·i:,ucJ;r on l and zoned f or apart !,;ents. 1-ir. Ale,{an6.E:r s tat€d. that i'1c- felt the.re w€r€ tv o steps whic h could be ta:~en: i·Jr . ~::- ur e nx;uested be obtained from 1. 'Ihat t;1e figure s i ·I r . 'cltner and the Planning Department-. 2. ·.£'hat this Conrrnitte£ go to run i-ii th this study and r€latcd figu.rEs and snow them wha.t ,,'<:, a:..· e up aga:i.nst. �5 The onl~l other ·chin . which ti1is Cammi i..teE.. could 2,ct upon no, is to urge the Pl2.r1nin:, Dep artment l,o get more zon.:..ng cnane,ed in both the Fulton and. De ~(alb porti ons of A-i:,lanta.


·cltnE;r as\:ed vri-ia t a0out the ~ent :Ju.r:plemcnt item on the ar;e:nci.a? Hr. Jom s sta l.r. J that t,l1e Hous e of i-?.eprescnta·dvcs rej e ctt d. it t his y ear; the i.·.ay or 112.s 0E-en callul up on t o [~O to ':ashington to ::•ive ·rE:stin.i.ony- ne_-t i-rGe ' . b6fore the Sen a'liE. Appropr i ations Comrili ttee in ~ ;_1p·, ort of try ing to get the prot;Tam reins~ated; that ile, <r . Jones, has beei• c a lled upon by .:Jan ,SuE:.at in the i;ay or's of fice to prcpai,e st.vt- ral stai-c1,£nt,G i D sL;_,1.ort of ·i:,he pro r~rarn . !'Ir. AlexQnclcr c:.s :ced if it would ,:.ic,e:L i.t the · ,aJ or if this Co,,nni.tvE:c prt-pc1 r <:: d a rE:port or s tatement also suppor t i n ;:, the ,-,'.ent ,r3upplement program. }':I'. t,l tncr 1110vel:. ·vha t this Co ir.i ;:, ~cc. pi,epa:.:-e. a ffi(;;Jorial t o t l1at ef:fo c I~. Jac k son s e conc£(~ the motion and it tc2.s c a rri E:d 1ma11b ;ously . As t he re was no furthEr business ,., t ne :;x: e t 5.ng adjourned at 11 :45 a. m. !.1 € spc c tfully sub mi Gt c d, -JI '.._ . . ,, ~ ~ - , .,ale olm D. J on~J upE.rvi sor of nspcction Servic es ilicls: Summar;v of Low.cost Housin 6 Tnventory qepor t Preli.J inar ." .:'. nalysis covE..r s ht e t, t, . �