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THE MINUTES OF A. SPECIAL MEETING '. GEORGIA ' .I THE 1 1TH DAY OF DEC , A special meeting of the Cormnissione rs of the Housing AuthoPi ty of the City of Atlanta, Ge orgia, was held in the Conference Room of the Authority s 824 Hurt Building, Atlanta, -Georgia, at 11:00 A. M. on Dec ember 11, 1969. The meeting was call ed to order b y the Chairman, and upon roll call, tho£e ~resent a nd absent were as follows: Pres en t Absent Mr. Edwin L. ·Sterne Mr. Geo rge S . Craft Mr. Jack F. Glenn Mr. J.B . Blayton Rev. W.H. Borders The Chai rman d e clared a quorum .present. The Chai rman reported that this spe cial meeting wa s convened pup suant to a duly dated a nd si gne d Notice of Spec ial Mee ting which wa s served each Corn.~ i ss i oner in due time , form, and manne r as r equired by l aw . The Chairman read the original of the "Notice and Certificat1:: 11 set fo rth b el ow, and the same was ordered spread on the riJ.inutes ~ as follows: NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSI NG AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA , GEORGIA Notice is here by g iven tha t a special mee t ing of the Board of Commissicners of THE HOUSING AUTHORI'rY OP THE CITY OF A'I'LANTA., GEORGIA, will b e held at 82L~ Hurt Bu ilding .I' in the City of Atl anta , Ge org ia, E.S.T., the re gu l ar mee ting pl a ce t here of , at 11:00 o 1 clock A. M., on t h e 11th d ~y of De cember , 1969j fo r the purposes of considering and ad opting a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ I NG THE ISSUANCE OF NEW HOUSING AUTHORITY BONDS (S EVENTH ISSUE ) OF THE HOUSING AUTHOR ITY OF THS CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA, I N THE PRI NCIPAL AMOUNT OF NINE MILLION9 SEVEN HUNDR ED FIFTY-F IVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ( $9,755,000) TO AID IN FINANCING LOW- RENT HOUSI NG AND PURPOSES INCIDENTAL THERETO; and for the purpos e of transacting any other business which may properly come before such me e ting. Dated this 11th day of December, 1969. Cha i r man �I /. 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, LES'l1ER H. PERSELLS , Secretary of the Board . of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8th day of Decemb er 9 1969, I served a true copy of the fore g oing Notice of Special Meeting on ea ch and every Commissioner of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Author ity of the Cit y of Atlanta, Georgia, in the following manner: by lette r . Witness my h and this 11th day or De cember, 1969. Secretary The following resolution wa.s introduc ed by Mr. Craft, read in full and considered: ~ ' ', '· �Commissioner Craft moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as introduced and read, whi ch motlon was seconded by Commissioner Glenn, and upon roll call the "Ayes "_ and "Nays" were as follows: AYES Mr. George S. Craft NAYS None Mr. Jack Fo Gl enn Mr. Edwin L. Sterne The Chairman thereupon declared said motion carried and said resolution adopted. Ther e being no further business to come b efore the meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman .· Counsel Secretary [ t �