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HOUSING RESOURCES COHMITIKE Room 1204, Cit y Hall July 6, 1967 The Executive Group of the Housing Resourc s Committ ~e of the City of Atlanta, Georgia t his date unanimously adopted a motion t hat the Committee prepare a memo;rial for us by ~..ayor Ivan Allen Jr . in connection with his s cheduled testimony, Thursday, July 13, befor the Senat e Avpropriations Cotmr.d.ttee, pointing out the need for, and this Committee 1s support of, reinstatement of the Rent Suppl ement program . Atlanta is now promoti ng an accelerated five- year program for construction of 16, Boo low- cost housing units by the end of 1971, in order to provid dee nt, safe and sanitary housing for all of its citi zens Of this amount., 9, 800 units are needed during 1967 and 1968. · The City has planned strongly on the Rent Supplement program to suppl ment Public Housing for f lies in th lowest income br ckets . Without it our Public Hou ing requir nts will have to b substantially increased. 1he R nt Supple nt program stimulat a Private Enterprise in producing the ne ded housing units, provides a wider field 1n both design and location, ~ell as broad r economic mix, than conventional Public Housing developments . At th s time it k ps th prop rty on the tax digest at full tax v u . Althou h sev ral Rent Supplem nt proj eta w r in plannine in tlant t the tim th funds wer r c ntly cut off by Congr sa., only t.wo proj cts had ctually r *cei~ d £inal pproval; on of 108 units for e t St . u-a.rden and one of 150 unit for th Catholic A.rohdi cs of Atlanta. Thi Committe inoer ly hope · and trongly urg s that th~ Senate Approprl tion Commit will ee it w y ol ar tor inst the R nt Suppl nt progr which 1 so sential in m tin th ne d of th lo t-1.ncome familie in Atlan • a well a in ost of th larg r oiti e t hroughout this nation . Re otfully sub:nd. tted, C cil A. Alexander. Chairman Hou ing Re ourc Committ �