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I ., ' I •.,,,..-· ' April 21, 1967 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Da n E. Sweat, Jr. Director of Governmental Liaison From: Malcolm D. Jones Supervisor of Inspection Services Purs uant to our brie f discuss ion this morning, the following is a concise li s t of major problems currently being encounte red in the low-co s t housing program (for more d etail s ee copy of my l etter of A pril 12 to C e cil Alex ander). 1. D iffic ult y for de v e lope rs to find land suit ably z one d a nd a t prices :v,,hich make low-co s t hous ing de v e lopment e con omi cally £eas ible . 2. NAACP obj e cti on to s i tes p r opo se d in areas which they cons i der oc c up i ed p re domina t e ly by Negroes . 3. Sup p o rt of the NAA C P po s i tion by the Intergroup Re l ati ons Section of the Regional Offi c e of HUD, with apparentl y the backing of HUD at the Washingtonll e v el. 4. FHA reluctance to approve l o cations which they consider might offer competition to development of Rockdale; also constant and extreme conservatism against over building in any area until each development is actually tested as to marketability; plus the overflow effect of the difficulty explained in Z and 3 above, although no directive to that effect appears to have yet actually reached the local FHA of£ice. �• · - - -··- - -...... 1............ , . . . . . . . . ., ••.• •••• , ...1 I Mr. Sweat Page Two April 21, 1967 5. Neighborhood resistance by home owners, generally to apartments going anywhere near them. 6. Reluctance of the Board of Aldermen to rezone suitable areas because of neighborhood objections. 7. Reluctance of the Planning Department to recommend rezoning of necessary areas because of inconsistency with previously adopted plans in most areas. 8. Difficulty in keeping developers interested in view of the combination of the above listed problems. 9. Slowness of non-profit groups to sponsor projects (a mandatory provision of the 221 d (3) low-interest rate program). Malcolm D. Jones Supervisor of Inspection Services MDJ:'fy �