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I Civil Rights Cause Loses A Friend I SIR: I am opposed to any <'ausa they were random mPr:-, further extension of civil rights bers of a hated group, was bar to Negro cltilen11, no mat.fer that ' bari.sm 11t i~ worst. The !vi: they may be entJtlPd to them.

bloody enormity of the w ., t;;

I would atrongly hope that this occurrence ls beyond exaggera- j sentlmertt comes as a shock to tion. · the Negro community, and par- I cannot accept then, as a ' ticularly to my many Negro 1 human being, the manner in friends of years' standing, for my I which Negro leaders have clra wn credentials over the years es a the Walts carnage to their bo5clvil rights advocate are unas- oms ; and have dedared it to he. 11allable. not their Ehame, hut their I was a member of the N.A.A.- glory. So be it. I have heard C.P. in 1945, when few white Germans boast of Dachau, also. ' penons would stand up and he But I wish such persons In counted on the subject of civil kncrw that they will not, until rights, while at the same period killing has been forsworn as a I was both anti-Communist enough i polit1<'al w1>apon. ha\'e my i.ymto be called a red-baiter by ' µathy 01 my support , or my good ~ome friends, and anti-McCar- ' will. thy enough later, when he came I will not be moved by the along, to have been the author of I threat of harm to myself, m a practical joke denouncing him j Joved on~ and my possPssion; . . upon the occasion of t'1e unveiling . to yiclri up anything to thoM• , of a monument in his honor in I who !hre.i trn me-no matter what- I Baltimore city at the height of his e\,cr whether or not I am entitled popularity. I am a longtime mem- to hold ba<'k that which I will not ber of the A.C.L.U. Legal Panel, yield . To yield In threats of and have been a member of the horror is both Immoral ar1tl dan - ! Legal Assistance _Co~mittee of gerous . ' I the N.A.A.C.P. I live I.II • th ree- I would bl•lieve tirnl tears and ' quarte~, Negro dblhock, _ nextndto 8 remorse would be the fitting re- 'j Negro .,um, an app11y l'C my . f d h. h . int ted action o Negro 1ea ers 1p to t e children to • 50-.,0 egra deat h conscious . Iy perterror and elemen tary 1chool , whi ch h appens ed b in 1 d to be the best In town · I have petrat Y co ore p~rs?ns . ' the courlie of despoliation of run for public office on a slate W tu. 1 will not ace t the in- 1 beaded by our present Negro a cp_ S •-- Verd W I human savagery, th~ simple af. Sta•.. enawc, a e come, fro t t h d" ·t __., 1 In ested .th . rt t n o um an 1gm y, th e unh oly auu was v WI unpo an f h . · t' d h 11 responsibility 1n the campaign of ev o_ 11ving no mg an arm H p b I h brandished at me, or at anyone, I enry ar · t dave,_ alls a . ah~~ as an alternative to giving way_ 1 yer, represen e <'n· rig ~ . demonstratora in the courts, I, for one. will not g1\'e w~~ - I ahd I have most recently raised have seen lhe social and pohl!cal the question, with apparent Im- ron~ltion of the Negro advance, mediate success which should cul- during the IRter y1>ars of my minate 1n a rapid correction, of adulthood, _more, by far than ~E'Y the long-standing evil 111 Baltimore advanc~ 1n al•. ~f the prenous city of petit jury panels inherently years aince the Civil War. discriminatory agai nst Negroes. l have worked for It, I have . . wanted this, and as a human But t.he Watts nots disgusted b in 1 would ...-ant it to con.. , and kfllNi me as a human / g ti.Mli. mhuma nity of un- mue. dia(T1 lttMing iming and kill- But, ,e,1tlem• n ing by .N.,_. of buman beings col"Ullunity. by " l' who ~ performed no iq,ecific complacency, or ..... aaaJmt eny Ne•sro, but who the Watt.a riot! , yot. were attacked, and butcher!'<!, LEO~ARD J KERI aMAN lJkt alaui!Jterhou.se pi, ~·· only t>., Baltimore. I I I I I i 1· I I �\ ,·vcUJ-· - ?_(tf\.- . r ~ ~'(_,\_~L~\__L, , i1Jil\G\  ?'c./\JJCf'- ~ ~ \ ,1Yt,l\J G/L'C. cl (.,\l, Cr "{<c J. \WJ:_v_ r- ~ r r ~\(W'l., C:. <s lYKt C eu,,o ,\ a ii l J.) ~\' l Cf~ 1,) (f,\'Y<'.. \ \._ ~m '2.. c~ 0 t'--() r 'l -+ ( ~ t- LQ. - -rntt \ 1'¼__ Lf 'tu_ ~<::!~ r ~ (_1:_&~ ('(IRL\ \., c..-cet cu. - 1Ll ~(, V\.CU.J'l, Ir lu.J~)C(f\ CG - ( 1 ·. ·Ciu_~ V /\lt~ z_, - . ~ ___nooe~?tc~Yn_J-cLcl( t+t~k J:L~J~t-,J !\'\)-.Al'll L·D•l\ut'<l 1YtJ , t-kf-' "1(_ W'llllplmt_J>(:' �- - -· -- --- - ·----- - - - - - -- -- Wimes 'JU,eralh C01>Yri11ht (e) 1966 T he Washington Pos t Co. WEDNESDAY, SEPTE MBER 7, 1966 �STRE ET STRIFE-An Atlanta policeman on the roof or a police car at right as be nrearing a gasmask carries two children to attempts to disperse the angry crowd that safety fr~ m a Negro home filled "ith tear· gathered to protest a policeman's shooting gas, at left, while :Wayor"JniJ tan -.....;a • ;.__ f •::.;; su:;; spec ~ t~;n~ t~h;;_. e ;;_. th__,r__t __,r__,__n~a., ut"o" '. = =>I ATLAl'iTA- From Al Police Rout 1000 Rioters In A.tlanta onto the vehicle, apparenl~y unhurt. The rioters calmed down momentarily, but the disturbance started lo spread again when a Negro man leaped atop another car and joined Allen in his Plea for peace. About 15 Negroes pulled the Negro down and beat him . It was then that Allen ordered the crowd dispersed. "Tear all the houses down if necessary," said the usually mild-spoken Mayor. "I want the people dispersed . Tear the place up." Allen gave the order calmly and without show of anger. One police car was overturned at the height of the melec, and two others were badly damaged. The rioters also tried, hut failed. to overun1trd Preu Intemauonal turn two police paddy wagons SAVED- I\ Y.ecplng mother holds her child after pohce The Negro car thefl suspect, rescued hve youngsters from a te11rgas fi lled home ~~f!:c:,rre~;sto143.215.248.55 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST)fir~J 1 during a brief outbreak of violence 1n Atlanta H arold Prat.her, 25, Police· ] ~ said they opened fire when leaders and has worked to and SC\"Cn other r.cgro min:: 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST) t~ehdalt nd ignored a play down racial incidents. islers approached ~ lien after Although hil twice, Prather Atlanta's schools were to· the riot and promised to col· , made it to his home and when tally i ntegr at e d. Business lect grie\'ances and discuss police attempted to arrest him houses have many Negro em- them with Allen. they foun d the way blocked by µloyes. City facilities are to- The Rev. Martin Luther ~! ~~:~~/~~:e;~:e; ~:l~r ~tit::e~ 5Tt~\~~t~tl~~! forcements were summ?ned. Jcgislafure. g Later, Stoke;y Carm1chael, Only this morning, the prochairman of SNCC, announced gressive Mayor had welcomed that _ther~ would be a d~m~n- carmicliaeJ and about 20 or st ration m the ~egro district his supporters into his offi ce to Pro t es I the arrest of for a conference. They came Prather. to protest alleged police bruThe cro\•·d started gather- tallity to SNCC members in in 1; ¥'hen ,a S.'!CC sound truck the city jail. entered the area. Officers took The Rev. W. Clyde Williams the two m2n manning truck into custody and charged them wi th operating the truck without a permit. The crowd 1 tipped over the police cruiser and tri ed to overturn the wagon. Up until th is point, only 50 1 Negro officers had !iren on the scenr, but 50 morp pol:re11ien wt!n• ~uinmoned, Including 30 Negro and 20 white officers. The presence or white om cers incen!IPd the youths, who began shouting "Kill the white bastards, kOI the white cops." It was at this i>oint that ~Iayor Allen arrived and tried to reason with the mob, but he was shouted down Following thP riot, Allen held a street corner news conference and vol'.erl that police ~ing Sr., father ~f the ~ahona lly · known mt~grabon leader who makes his home in Atlanta: urged Negroes to stay in their homes. "Noth ing can be ga ined by this," he Warned . "Whal do they want? The I\Jayor came down. He tried to speak to them. TbeYwouldn't listen . What do they want? thP:,------~- ~- ~-~-----= would kec.p the ' 1 by he c-amp to l'l'at·1•, .\skc·d the 5i.:cne personally, the Mayor replied; ·'J am concerned with the problems of Atlanta. Any 1eatlerhas:iC'cesstotheMa\·or and I would welcome an ·opportunity to ta!k. Allrn can take much of the (·n•dil for \tlanta'1 previou~ racial Pt'arl"' and has h11d almo:,;t 1-c'llid \egro i;upport at thl' poll HI.' wa:1 one> of the fo\ South(·J nl·rs to t sll v for the 19ti4 el\ 11 ri ht~ b1 1.· Ht further mtcgr.itr.d the i\.tlnnta police fortl" onal co11fc He hit.~ held J)t'f cm· wit' \:esro �I 000 Riot After Arrest in Atlanta; J Mayor _Is,Felled Pleading With Mob I • ' • By Ann Mohr , ATLANTA, Sept. 6 (UPI) Police routed about .1000 rioting Negroes with tear gas and warning shotgun blasts today after they attacked officers with rocks and bottles and knocked the mayor, who was pleading for peace, t o t he ground. Officers chased the fleeing

'legroes down side streets, hur ling tear gas canisters at their

heels. At !'east 25 persons were ar- 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;:====::::::::::=:=::::::::::::=-;;;;;=====-- rested and nine injured, including fi ve Negro children in a t ear-gassed building and a white b t h n h" f th ., . oy cu w e IS a er s car was stoned. The outburst was touched off after police wounded a Negro suspected, of car theft . Leaders of the militant Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee were in the forefront of the rnelee. State troopers and all offduty city policemen were summoned to help deal with the racial outburst- the worst this progressive Southern city has experienced in moder n times. Mayor Ivan Allen J r. climbed atop a car in the r iot-torn Negro district to try and reason with the crowd, but was greeted with taun ts of "white devil" and "black power." The Mayor was finally toppled from his perch when the crowd surged against the car, knocking him off. He landed in a kneeling position on the pavement, but climbed back See ATllANTA:, :A3, Ool. 1 Pi ctures on Page A3 I �1 - ----~\- -,--------~·-··-------~===========-=-=---, A~l_ anta Mayor Says SNCC Provoked Riot By Jack Nelson Los Angeles Times ATLANTA, Sep,t. 7 - Mayor riot that injured 15 persons Ivan AUen Jr. today accused here Tuesday rught. members of t~e ~tudent No~- The Mayor , who pel"sonally violent Coordmattng Commit- . . . . tee of deliberately provoking a directed police m restormg order aTter a mob of Negroes b==-===·=======,: attacked them with rocks and bottles, said, "Hundreds of norma.Uy good citizens were inflamed out of thek normal good senses. They were victims of those who sought to incite violence." . Meanwhile, two SNCC members who harangued the Negro throng from a "Black Power" sound truck before the disturbainces weve charged with inciting to riot and held in lieu of $5000 bonds. They were identified as William Ware, head! of the local SNCC chapter, and Bobby Vance Walton, 20. They were among 73 persons arrested during Tuesday's disorders. The fil"St of those arrested were sentenced to terms of is to 27 days in the City Stockade today. Police Chief Herbert Jenkins also blamed the SNCC for the riot. He said the organization "is now the nonstudent violent committee - and we must and will deal with it accordingly." He said that the group had fallen into the hands of "irresponsible . . . leaders." [Stokely Carmichael, chairman of S CC, today denied that his organization began Tuesday's riot, United Press International reported. ["The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee cannot start a rebellion just like that," Carmichael said in a See ATLANTA, A4, Col. 1 �A4 T hur5day, Se pt. 8, 1966 , , • Rl . THE WASHING TON POST ATLANTA-Fron, Page Al SNCC Is Accused Of Provoking Riot t aped inter ~iew with radio j having a national meeting station WAOK. here befo re Tuesday's out["It is started by conditions break. of oppression," he said.] A city police source said Mayor Allen, pledging that SNCC members from New the d oters and their instiga- York, Philadelphia and the t ors will faee criminal charges, Watts community in Los Ansingled out Carmichael for geles were believed to be at criticism and said if he causes the meeting and in the vicinfur ther trouble he "will b,e ity of Tuesday's riot. met wherever ~ ~ comes under Th Atlanta summit leadwhatever conditions he seeks e to impose." ership conference, made up Police continued to patrol I of leaders of the city's top the r iot area just south of the 1civil rig hts organizations, isnew Atlanta Stad ium today. 1 sued a statement declaring Duri ng the afternoon they , that while Atlanta is not perarrested 10 more egroes in fe et " It is too good t o be putting down another brief destroyed by simpleminded distur bance .attributed to two bigots." SNCC m e mbers. To night. I The conference declared cgi;o police and moderate that t he wounding of a Negro Negro leaders r ushed into au O theft suspect b,v. a white Vine City, one of the city's Ipoliceman was "unfortunate, e- 1 but not sufficient grounds for wors t slums, when 400 groes c r o wded in~o !he 1 anyone or any organization to streets. Some were fighting I go in to a co mmunity and ineach other. About 10 police- cite the people." men restored order. The shooting of the suspect, SNCC's Increasin g involve- Robert Prather, triggered the ment in violence and _its bel- SNCC-inspired demonstrations ligerence toward poh ~e. _au- l:lgainst "police brutality." thority have drawn cnt1c1sm The summit conference, from civil rights leaders, but which discussed but decided most of them still refrain against naming SNCC in its from direct attacks or un- statement noted that Prather equivocal breaks with t he or- was shot by "an officer in the ganizati~n. . . . pursuit of his du ty." The six-year-old civil rights Prather shot in t he hip an_d organizat!~n has pursue~ a side, was' reported in sati smore . m1htant course sm~e factory condition at Grady Carmichael was elected chair- Memorial Hospital today. Beman last May to r eplace John fore Tue s da y's outbreaks, Lewis. Carmichael recently SNCC members told Negro h :s made statements about demonstrators Prather h a d "tearing ,up the country," been "murdered while hand" bl.lr ning down courtho uses," cuffed." Actually he was shot and fighting violence with while fleeing police. violence. Top leaders of SNCC, which has purged most of its wh ite members and lost most of its white supporters si nce emb ar king on belligerent pol1c r b-y " la~ OW· er slogans, repor tedly wer e I I 0 r �-I 1 AIO Sunday, Sept. 11, 1966 . . . Rl THE WASHINGTON POST > -

·:, \. ;'·.;". ,::,~1:-fr: t:t:rt::~.'t·~:;:,~1;1trif\ ~ ·;:;t ~~- .·'~·

SNCC Is LQsing Support of Atlanta Negroes By Rober t E. Baker Washi.J:lgton Post Stat! Wri ter 1 ATLANTA, Sept. 10-This was the week that Atlanta declared unconditional. war on the Studen t Nonviole nt Coordinating Committee. By t he end of t he week, Black Power, SNCC style, was reeling from the assault. s GC's leader was in jail. The Mayor was a hero. The p olice force was riding a wave of praise. ·egroes were r evolting against SNCC's ere br and of r evolt and threate nin g SNCC with violence. "A n ational conspiracy t o d est:roy us," cried s JCC. This f irst battle was a defeat for s cc. But it was a ba.t Ue and not th i~ r~ The spark that set off the war came last Tuesday, the d ay after Labor Day, with a white-cop an d ' egro-suspect inciden t, the same kin d of spark that has set off a score of riots in Nor the rn ci ties over the pa t fe w summers. But Atlan ta's riot was differe nt. It was . maller by far than th e Watts and Harlem riots . • ' o looting, no shootl ng, no l\1olotov cocktails. And Mayol" I va n llen Jr, a South ern liberal, we nt to t he scen e and mixed with the crowd, trying to talk to angry people. The police • u sed no firearms, wielded no bi.lly clubs. And u nlike t he orth e rn riots, whe re agitators arc generally blamed but unn amed, .\tla nta put the fi nger of blame on Stokely Carmichael a nd his wild UJJ'.\.L\ lV£U! signs of i mage-smashing. It and white, this was a misprone little b and of racists." had changed its own image. The Summit · Leadership take in tactics, fearing it may provide a cloak of m ar No longer was it t he idealConference of Negro leaders itrrdom for Carmichael. To istic integrated youth movehere warned Negroes to official Atlanta, t his was a m ent struggling to change "r efrain from cooperating gamble worth taking. society's i nstitutions to let SNCC vowed to fight on. with those who would make t he Negro in. Now it is .,.

vou the tools and victims of Said i<ts Cleveland sellers:

"The only way this country violence." virtually all black, wit h a n i g h t, kill SNCC is to kill all can By Wednesday Black Power; s logan, apparSNCC was on t he run. In black p eople." ently convinced that soVine City, a SNCC storage White liberals, SNCC's ciety's insti tu tions must be center with i ts p amphlets on avowed e nemy n ow, began Black P ower, Vietnam a nd pointi ng out that, after all, brought to earth a nd rebuilt, police brutality was burned SNCC was not responsible a nd that each concession by after calls by Negroes threat- for bad housing, crowded the whites only delays t he ening to burn t hem out. schools, inadequate job opd ay. In Summerhill, where t he portunities and the fact that riot took place, Negroes I n July, a SNCC sound Atlant a leadership seems to for med "G ood Neighbor respon d only to cr ises. truck tou red t he Vine City Clubs" and people there oor e slum area where Hector "Only by our own default up SNCC p a mphlets a n d Photos by UPI and AP Black, a white, Harva rd-edut hrew them back at t he will any outside group gai n cated um worker , has a folcontrol of t he destiny of AtI VAN ALLEN STOKELY CARMICHAEL SNCC workers. lowing of Negro poor, blar.. . Atlanta Mayor d\!clares war on SNCC Car mich ael talked back a t lanta," said t he Atlant a i ng : "Wh at h as your white ' a street rally on Thursday : Cou ncil on Human RelaJ esus don e for you today?" " aci Mayo Ivan Allen is tions. o In a p tt wagon. :Al In August, Carmichael led ten other S NCC workers arSo Atlanta, al-1 out 1,o d framing the black p eople of together, 1000 Negroes were a Negro crowd Uiat sur- rived with a s ound truck. feat Carmichael and S NCC, t his city . . . the r evolt is involved. Three police cars rou nded a policeman 'issu ing was beginning to take anSpeakers h arangued the were damaged, a dozen per- agai nst the bestiality of a a traffic ticket to an Alao t her look at itself and t h e Mayor and h is corrupt r acist crowd With cries of Black ~ons were injured and police bama SNCC worker. conditions that made a r iot police department . . ." S NCC workers stormed Power and ch arges of police fired tear gas before calm possible. But only a few people t he Atlanta Ar my Induction brutality. One speaker said was r estored. gathered around. It a ppeared .,......__,.__------------ 11, Center to protest t he war in a white cop had murdered a Mayor Allen and Police SNCC had suffered its great· Vietnam. hlack brother. Another · said Chief Herbert Jenkins im- est defeait. mediately said Carmichael "T he Viet Cong nev'er t he Negro was shot whi.).e h e But A t 1 an t a wasn't called me nigger," said one had h is hands h eld up high. and SNCC were responsible. t hrough. J ust before mid· veteran of the w ar. Anotller said h e was shot Ne a r 1 y everybody else nigh t Thursday, police ar· joined in. Last Tuesday, after police- while handcuffed . r e ted Car mich ael at his of· m en wounded a egro who A Negro policeman on Eugene Patterson, editor fice and charged him with they said was a fleeing car- du ty at the scene arrested of the Atlan ta Constit ution inciting a riot and creatin t heft suspect, Carmichael William Ware, a SNCC and member of the U.S. a disturbance. He was haule was asked to organize a pro- speaker, and the r iot began Civil Rights Commission, off tJo jail. test demonstration. He and .is ware Was being hustled called SNCC a " violenceTo many Atlantans, --- ---------- ------------ --- - -------------- - - :::::::.:.-:..--=~ /! r- ' · ' ··


""-~ �A·nd ""i7nlike the "";"rthe rn riots, where agitators are generally blamed but unnamed, Atlanta . put t he finger of blame on Stokely , Carmichael and his wild SNCC crew who were on the scene as big as life. The showdown between Atlanta and SNCC was bound to come. Atlanta is obsessed with. its image of progress and SNCC is obsessed with smashing images. That Atlanta is a city of comparative racial progress cannot be doubted. Such progress has been hammered ou,t by its white power structure and its Negro leadership, operating through the Summit Leadership Cpnferehce coalition. The city sends racial liberals, by aJl Southern and most orthern standards, to Congress. Its Negroes vote. Integrated high school football games are played without. incident. com mu nit y F ourteen schools for poor people are operating at night. Atlanta's antipoverty program has been praised as a model. For a quarter of a century, the mayors of Atlanta- first Willlam Hartsfield and now Ivan Allenhave been moderate to liberal, racially. Mayor Allen supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act and now supports the 1966 one. Allen has a nearly daily habit of riding to work by way of Atlanta's slums, several relatively small pockets of shacks, and harassing his department heads to clean up streets. He had a tudy made of all available Federal aid and goes after every penny he can get. Yet there is another side to Atlanta. Racial progress at t imes has been grudging. Eight Atlanta hospitals are under a Federal ul timatum t o stop discrimination by next Thursday or face withdrawa l of Federal funds. Allen and Atlanta were able to swiftly clear a slum and huild an $18 million municipal stadium for the baseball Braves and football Falcons to clinch the status of a Big League city, but don't seem able to clear other slums and provide decent housing as swiftly or with the same determination. For all its progress and shining image, Atlanta hasn't been able to reach down yet t o the poor Negro who, as in other cities, has poor housing, poor jobs if jobs at all, and poor schools. SNCC had been showing �-l, 4(y'l JrouM- GLll w.__ ~,~zJ& . Q~\OA-. Jl , . ·l - ���,, EQUIP' HOTE SALON HOTE L! ,,. Tn e Honorable Ivan lien, Mayor Of'fi c e of t . e Mayor tlanta, Georgia ~TATS-UNIS

' P.BR 11VIOH , Vf/l DIR 11101£ ~ �' • C -~ �u CLASS OF SERVICE This is a fosr message unless its deferred char~ accer is indicarC:d by rhc proper symbol. W. P. MARSHAL L CHAIRMAN OF T HC BOARD TELEG AM ® 0 • NL= Night Letrer R . W. McFA LL P RES I DENT LT-Interna tional - Letter T dcgram The fi ling time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TI ME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 611A EST SEP 8 66 AA270 OA140 0 SOA052 NL PO 5 EXTRA 11)S0 LA JOLLA CALIF 7 THE HMN IVAN ALLEN MAYOR OF ATLANTA ·cITY HALL ATLANTA GA SEEING YOUR COURAGE CALMNESS -AND COMMON SENSE ON TELEVISION MADE ME PROUD THAT I HAD KNOWN YOUR FATHER STOP WHEN LAST IN ATLANTA I LEARNED FROM , COLORED PEOPLE .THEMSELVES OF THE ESTEEM THEY STILL HAD FOR MY FRIENDS AND CLASSMATE WILLIAM B HARTSFIELD YOU BOTH ADD GLORY TO THE CITY OF GRADY HARRIS MITCHELL WOODRUFF AND HUNDRES OF THOUSANDS MORE GREAT AND GOOD PEOPLE RESURGENS EDWARD DESSAU CLARKSON 7930 ROSELAt-.o · DR LA JOLLA• SF120l(R2-65) �8- �CLASS OF SERV I CE This is a fost mc.,c;~t~c unless its dc(crrc1..I ch::ir~ acter is inJic=i.tcJ by chc rroroer ~vmbot. WESTER W. P . MARS H A LL CHAIRMAN OF THE BO,\RO NL=~!i~ht Letter TELEGRA ti The filing time shown in the <llte !me on domestic tclcgr,ms is LOCAL TIME 441P EST SEP g 66-AF3g7 CTF389 · C YOA077 DH DL CICERO ILL g MAYO R IVAN ALL EN J R ATL A SYMBOLS DL === [\1 v Lener ..... ,c R. W . McFALL PRCSIOCNT LT =lntern:nional Letter T cl~ram point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME .it point of Jcstination - RECENTLY I WROTE J EDGAR HOOVER FBI WASHINGTON DC TO INVESTIGATE THAT MOST ARROGANT UNAMERICAN BUZZARD STOKELY CARMICHAEL AND ASCERTAIN IS SOME SORT OF TOOL OF THE COMMUNISTS HIS MANY UTTERANCES REVILING EVERYTHING WE AMERICANS STAND FOR IS VF.RY -OBNOXIOUS IT WAS VERY REVOLTING TO READ IN TODAYS PAPER THAT HIS MOB IS CAUSING TROUBLE IN ATLANTA SUGGESTED TO THE FBI THAT CARMICHAELS AMERIC~N CITIZENSHIP SHOULD BE REVOKED AND HAVE THE SKUNK SHIPPED BACK TO TRINIDAD HIS OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE USA IS A FARCE HE EVIDENTLY OBTAINED CITIZENSHIP UNDER FALSE PRETENSES ANYTHING YOU FELLOWS CAN DO TO HELP GET HIM REMOVED FROM OUR COUNTRY WILL BE APPRECIATED BY ALL GOOD AMERICANS SF1201CR2-65) D �B- �CLASS OF SERVICE This is a fast message un,1ess its deferred char~ acter is indicated by the proper symbol. WESTERN UNION W . P . MARSHA LL CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TELEGRAM .ct!, R . W. M cFAL L PRESIDENT SYMBOLS DL = Day Lener NL = N i~ht Letter LT= lnrernarionnl Letter Telegram The filing time shown in the date line on domes ·c telegrams is LOCAL Tl'ME at point of origin . Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination WILLIAM S BURKE (26). SF120l(R2-65) 520; WEST 25 ST CICERO ILL �:$ • ~ f) cf)_ ·- ~ y . Cf)' ,...J \ ~ --\ 7 er> -0 ~ O" 0 eP 8- . �CLASS OF SER'>:ICE This is a fast message unl ess its deferred char, octer is indicated by the proper symbol. WESTERN UNION W . P. MARSHA L L CHAIRMAN OF THC BOARD TELEGRAM S_YMBOLS DL = Day Letter NL= Night Letter R . W . McFA LL PRESIDENT LT.!.. lntcrnacional - Letter Telegram The fi ling time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams i, LOCAL TIME at point of origin . Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME or point of destination 147A EST SEP 9 66 AA082 LA033 L LLE441 NL PO TOL SOUTHGATE CALIF 8 MAYOR AL~EN ATLA ~ SYMPATHIZE Wlll-t THE FINE CITIZENS OF ATLANTA AS WE HAD THE HORRIBLE R-IOTS HERE IN L.A. BUT HUMPHRESYS TOLD NEGROES TH AT HE WOULD DO WORSE ANO ~HEY ARE MRS PROWER 2713 LIBERTY BLVD SOUTHGATE. "SF1201(R2-65) �dltf.'I.~ . didm:y <Wdme'l. 270 cf?foeu.ide ~'I.. - df.pt. 6£ c,!\fw,1 <j}ock, JV. <y. 1002 5 �September 10, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: It made me more proud than ever to be a native Atlantan, when you and Police Chief Herbert Jenkins stood up to those outside agitators, and succeeded in arresting Stokely Carmichael. I look for an influx of people wanting to reside in Atlanta where there is some modicum of safety in our formerly safe country. To see you -- a slight, grey-haired man -- full of sincerity in trying to restore order, on top of that car being shaken so that you had to jump, spoke great courage in action, and is the kind of match America needs towards all of these troublesome "youths" and hoodlums. I wish other representatives of the people in state governments, and in national and federal posts, would show that kind of courage in handling the infiltrators and agitators who have been stirring up trouble ever since these so-called marches, and other distrubing riots of greater or lesser degree started. You are a great man. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ~e,~ (Mrs.) Hazel E. Hanson 6700 Leyte Drive, Apt. C 2 Oxon Hill, Maryland 20021 �~ CARLE. BERGMAN R-e-ffte' 3-B,,x ~ C: ...,2. _? ...t,'-Boulder, Colorado cf' tJ ~ ~ ....1. �THE SEEBURG CORPORATION 1500 NORTH D AY TON STREET CHICAGO 60622 EXE C UTIV E OFFI C E S September 16, 1966 T The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I just V:anted to write to tell you what a courageous, magnificent job you have done in the recent racial disturbances that have beset your fair city. There are no superlatives that adeq1-1;ately describe your able handling of this problem . My congratulations to you. The comments that I have read in Newsweek, the newspapers, and other magazines, are indicative of the high esteem in which you are held. Kinde-s t p e rsonal regards . Cordially , Delbe r t W . Coleman Chairman of the Bo a rd DWC: j r ���,---- - .. -- - . :tf4 - ~ lLr~ frl 4 ~«41~ -W O~ 7h II~ ' F U ~ r/-J /a ~ 1f1J .kcl- ~~ i/4 ;;/_wJJi:; ewl~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &ulj-lruuL �TELEPHONE TABOR 5-6530 CLARENCE F. HOLMES, D. D.S. 2602 WELTON STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80205 Septenbe r 8, 1 966.

Mayor Ivan .Allen Jr.

Mayor of At lant a tlanta , Georg i a Dear Ma yor Allen: It is regreta ble that a handfµ l of ult r aradicals are trying to tarnish the good ima ge of Atlanta . As a ' esterner wh o visited your city a few years ago, when conditions we r e n ot as favorable a s they a re tod ay , I sa i d then ·.n d I say now; Ever y Neg ro should visit Atlanta nd see t he f i ne colleges, homes with sv1 i mmi ng poibls and kn m11 some of the out s t and ing leaders in the Negro commun it y . When I t hink of Atlanta , I · t hink of my Fratern i ty Brothers, Drs. Ben Mays , Rufus Clements, Al bert Manley , Br a zil, .McClint on and h i s fine h ospita l, J es se Blayton and his ra dio stati on, t h e l a t e J udge Wa l do n, the Standa rd Life Insuran c e Compan y, and ma ny many other f i ne Ameri can Inst itutiqns. nt l anta i s truly the At hens of t he S outh with its mc.. ns colleges . ~orehouse hb s turne d out mure coll ege presi den t s , pr ofessors and successful busi nes s ma n than any of our othe r c olleges . I bel i eve the true im~ge of Atlanta could be cre a t ed if your very liberal tla nta Constitution wou ld be mad e pub lic by t he contri bu tio ns of the educated people who live there, rather than by some agitator , pictured on the f ront pa ge of our Denver Post with his eyes bulging as it was necessary f or the of ficer to sub due h im befor e arres t. �TELEPHONE TABOR 5-6530 CLARENCE F. HOLMES, D. D.S. 2602 WELTON STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80205 (2) S i nc e r e l y appre cia ting t he eff or ts t hat a ll goo d pe ople a re lila ki ng f or huma n r e l a ti ons . I am your s f or be t t er huma n unde r s Landing , {J!61./Le -vLf'...c___,,. d, !Yc>-t/JrTLe.i&)) Z) ,() .,r, Dr . Cla r enc e F . Holme s ~ . D. S . Pr e s i dent , Denver Cosmopoli t a n Club CFH/ s s �21230 Kipling Oak Parl-., .Michigan 4823 7 September 16, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Eugene Patters on 1 s beautiful editorial of September 9th about you during the recent riots was reprinted by The Detroit News, and I felt it necessary to tell you how very proud we were of your marvelous display of courage and dignity during that difficult timeo My husband and I are Atlantans who moved to Detroit a year ago. He, a recent Emory graduate, is now a professor at Wayne State University, and we have sung the praises of our home town since the day we arrived here., It is a great city, and you have done well by it. We just wanted you to know how much we appreciate y ou., Betty e C. Sha r tar (Mrs ., I . M a rtin Shartar) bs ��1/4 ~uZ: c:vn,cP ,,c( -~ e - r _-z~r ;;r~ ~ - £ d ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 / ~ / 7 ? ~r ~ ~ /4 ~ d1' ~ ? J a-rn ~ ~ ~ ' : z ; / 7 4 t 7 ~ 4 ~ a,,--u:_~ ~ ~u~ 7 ~ J k / ~/u-~ µ ~~// ~ ~ 5/l/,i~cll< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e- ktLLEI-<_ ~ ~ ~ / 4 - ~ c/~ ~ ~ ~ - k,, ..-Z=, 29 December 2017 (EST)p, dr-~ /J72-.c-- · ~ ~ .zr- ~ ~ . / 4 , ~ ~ ~- ; ; ; ( ? - ~ C L 4 2 / 4 _ ~

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~ J .A-'--/~,<- ~ ~ ~ ~~ a16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST)/4143.215.248.55 ~ ~ ~ ~/4 . ~o/·~ ~~ ~J~/4143.215.248.55 r/4u-~ ~l~ J A3C jV/i t:, f/ll~J_ ,F:1 £51<~w t:. R EoX, 2 12'1 tAiRc 1-1; 1- !? /1.F, B fVl WA 5 #/JV(} 10 rJ, 9'1 o JI - ~ ��I - . - . .( �i GfRBLD GOlDBfRG 112 WEST NEWKIRK LANE , OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE September 13, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I have been a frequent visitor to your fine City and plan to return on October 9th for a Narch of Dimes Conference and again on October 21th to attend a short course at Georgia State College. My reason for writing, however, is to offer my congratulations on the fine job you are doing in -attempting tG ease the strained racial situation which now exists. }zy- interest is somewhat involved. I moved to Oak Ridge from New York City some 18 years ago. To me, the closest thing to Cosmopolitan progress and living in the Southeast is your fine City. LocaJ.ly I am a Research Chemist for Union Carbide. I am also a Colonel on the staff of Gov. Frank Clement. Ab0ve all, I am serving as Chairman in my third year on our City Council appointed Human Relations Advisory Board. My interests are many and varied, you see. Because of this I can more fully appreciate what you are doing. May your efforts meet with the success that they deserve. Yours sincerely., 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST) Ger ald Gol dberg �~htitib'¼'ilttt QJ:.(111.t;g.t 1@.a:hw-~.im.~xrt-tfy Q}~.o:litta: OFFICE OF THE PRE S IDE N T September l 4, l966 Dear I van: We displaced Georgians have been proud of your performance in the very trying time through which you have gone recently. I have watched from a dis tance the exceptional service you have rendered to the great City of Atlanta all through the years and have always had a fee l ing of pride in the accomplishments which you and your associates have made possible in the city which meant so much to us for a few years while we lived there, and has continued to mean much to u s all through the years . I had t he pleasure of mak i ng the Commencement address at Georgia State College last spring and I spoke on "The Importance of the Moderat e in Society . " I hope t hat you did not object t o t h e fact that I u sed you as an example of a moderate who had made possible t he gr owth and development of the Ci ty of Atlanta in the way it has devel oped under your l eadership. It would give me a lot of plea sure t o have you spea k to our student body at Davidson s hould you ever have an oppor t unity t o come t o the Charl ott e area . You have our b est wishes f or a succes s f ul r es olution of the probl ems which you have been facing recently and our deep admiration f or your courage and wisdom. JI;: D. Grier Martin The Honorable I van Allen Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia �1fi~ise t@rmtiu_g @ahfo,cffe!{~ ~ _ 1660 ~ouilr J\rm1rore J\bettUe 1fios J\ngcles 6, filnlifontia: ��September 7, 1966 Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor Atlanta City Hall At lanta, Ge orgia Dear Mr. Allen: As a native Georgian and graduate of Georgia Tech, I was very proud of th.e way you attempted to control the race demonstration yesterday. The bravery you exhibited in the face of danger leaves no doubt in my mind that you are well suited to lead the people of Atlanta. I have been proud of the lead Atlanta has taken with this terrible p roblem, but I am confid ent that I shall oontinue to say with pride tha t I am from Georgia. I wish for y ou wisdom and s t rength during these trying times . Yours Dan T. Hughs, Minister The Master 's Presbyterian Church 1636 Masters Drive Dallas, Texas 75217 �MR . AND MRS . AUBREY 1627 W A SHINGTON MILAM STREET HOLLYWOOD , FLORIDA 3 3 0 2 0 Sept ember 10, 66 De ar Ivan: iy -ri f e die almost t wo years ago, and I have r e centl married a charming lady , ·mo has a b autiful home her e and we are living most happily . Thi s doe s not by any mans indicate I h ave lost inter est in my home cit y, as I have the morni ng paper mailed t o me and r ead it as closel y as I vd , ays have . I wa s shocked at the di stre ssing incident you have r e centl under gone wit an el ement of Negroe s, and no one doubt s i t was from out side int erfer ence . You will r ecall that some years ago I commended you heartily for your p osition be f ore a Committee in Washi ngton Tihen many others disagr eed . Enclosed are e~itorials fr om both Miami papers commending you and t he ci t y of Atlanta and I have heard f av orabl e comment her e on your appearance be for e a Committee on city neens , Be assured of m be st wi she s ~ �PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY BARTLESVILLE , OKLAHOMA September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor: I have followed with interest the recent racial difficulty in Atlanta. I wish to commend you on the position you have taken. The near riot having been incited notwithstanding your moderate attitude and leadership in solving the complex problem in Atlanta and the achievements made by Atlanta to this end is all the more disturbing. I believe you have and certainly deserve the wholehearted support of a great majority of all people both black and white. Sincerely yours, 'M1H6~ Robt . B. Burgess 2050 South Osage Bar tlesville , Oklahoma 74003 RBB:lj �Irving McKinley Levy 75 Central Park Weat N -!".'I! °¥Q!'.~ Qlb: 23. New.York SUaquehanna 7-8885 September L4, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Georgia My dear Mayor Allen: As. an old friend, it is with great interest that I follow all the news of the City of Atlanta during your Mayo ralty. I have recently seen you on television which prompted me to write and expres.s m_y admiration for the brave and outstanding manner in which you rise to· m ·eet the problems of your· City. May you be granted good health and many yea r s to continue in just and ,patriotic leadership. Sincerely yours, IML:rkc �Se•astopol calif-P. O. ~ox 31 ~sept 12-66 95472 Dear Mr . Allen . ltho there may not • e rnan1 ~a ho , ill ~rite you-- I want 1 ou to know there are ~ood decent people who a re I salute J'OU Respectful l ;yJames Roa inson proud of sir . J' OU for ,;,hat you haYe done . �r THE \XTESLEY FOUNDATION Th e Me t hodist Chu r ch at the College Ca mpu s Alfred, New York 14802 ORV I LLE w. J OHNSTON, Chap lain Phon e: 587-4353 September 19, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Atlanta, Georgi a Dear Mr. Allenj May I commend you for the courageous nd enlightened l eadership that you are giving your f i ne city . I have l on been a stron~ exponent of civil rights f or a l l people and have often referred t o Atlanta as one of our most progressive cities i n dea ling with her probl ems., The kind of le adership that I believe you and your administra tion are giving is the thing that wi l l ult :im.iltel y provide the solutions to our problems in the fie l d of human r i ghts . Keep up the fine work and may your number increase with Godspeed. most sincerel ~ 1t.~ ~ Orville W. ohnston Methodist haplain �, _ b'"'f-- ~ \ \ ~ ~ - ~ < t 0 . , ~ ~.,, -.---,. :_o-JL ~ s~~ "t-fi7_~cr-y ~ ~ \-\..., , "\ 6 6 c__~ +-,--"1~ ~ ,, c:,._:~ ...... r • - _____,. - - • _~ p ~' I r9.~ ~ - , : , ~---s=;, ~ \, ~~ , ~ ' - ~-~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ d O ~~ 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST).Lu.. ~ ' ~ ~ ~ . ~ \ c.'.r-,... .....--0-- \~ ~ ~ ~ .,,..,--...~ ~ ~ \ I1'-,7_ ( ~ ~ ~ ~~ '--\ ~ , 0 • ' \ c,-{" l ~ ~~ ~~"'-L~- l \ . - .,..___,, ~~J. a o ..\ '~+~ ' ~ %.::s::; . .~ ~ \ ~~ I. ~ ~ i, ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~- \ c:... ~ \-SL. G- "---"..- I ~~ ~ ~ Maude Cooley Barnes 437 West Sixth Street San Bernardino California 92401 ~--.,...-<" , ~~ ~ ~ ..,........, ~ \ I IOI, I.>..) -=- - ~ \...,.;::G.. ~ ~ < - . S L '--\ ~ ~ '\~ ~(:!'.) �ARCH! E M. RA LJB 56 1 4 JORDAN ROAD BETHESDA ~cw 14 , MARYLAND /41.~eq J2f--t= ·~ 1.~ 4/'2-'I' ~ r7 ~ m~~ . ~ Leh jG . ---e l"1 ~ ~r~/d'vQ_JZ__ w,/~ -&,,,/ ~ ~/ ~ ~ N<U1/ a#- -~ ' �.. . t •I I ,> , ' .. I , t ' \ •r • I .. • ' . r ·...l ~ . .;,. ' ' I•• �ept. 7, 1966 Ivan Hill Mayor All..lanta, Ga o Dear Mr. Hill: You and many of your fellow mayors have really been on the f iring line in the racial disorde:es t 1is summero Of all the people involved, as seen on t elevision, you strike me a s having acquit ~ed yourself with the most courage, dignity, and r esponsib:1.11.ityo It took real guts to go down in t he midst of a riot and to stay there until it was over. And then to talk about it in a calm and dispassionate, even compassionate way. Atlanta is lucky .u. to have you. I 'm a born-and-bre North Carolini an who has lived in .Pennsylvania for 10 years now. I've oft en been embnnsassed by t he conduct of white Southerners these past few years. But I'm proud of you. Our Negro fellow Americans are going to try our patience for a while .. They and all Ar.:ericans are lucky t have courageo~s public officia ls like you on hand to keep order without resort to cruel oppression; to press for progress without caving m to emotional excesses and unrealistic demands .. Sincerely, New �THE MILAN G. WEBER ASS OC IATES AEROSPACE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING OUR CLIENTS DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THE AEROSPACE MARKET I S DECLINING �WEAVER, RADZIK, ELIAS & STRICKLEN ATTORNEYS SUITE 1212 ROBERT C. W EAVE R JOSEPH C. RADZIK BETTY L. ELIAS AT CONT INENTAL 408 SOU TH L AW BUILDIN G SUITE 633 CAL1F'ORNIA FEDERAL SAVING S BU I LD ING SPRING. STREET 1695 CRESCENT AV ENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 900 13 CHARLES W. STRICKLEN MA DI SON ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 9280 1 AREA CODE 714 6-6611 TELEPHONE 776-2430 JAM ES J . WALSH WILLIAM D HU CLARK PLE ASE REPLY TO: September 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan All·e n Mayor of Atlanta, Gerogia My Dear Mayor: I saw you and your city on the news cast last night, during and after the riot. I was very much impressed with you and I was deeply moved by your reflections as you strolled amid the ruins left by the riot. You showed great understanding of the problems that face your city. At the same time your courage and determination must be a great source of comfort to the people of Atlanta. I salute you as a great leader and offer my deepest sympathy to you and all of the good people of Atlanta. I trust that your courage and wisdom might serve as an inspiration to the leaders of other American cities. Yours respectfully_, ' / - [ 1/ "L Mrs. Robert '- c. 1 ( . • ~l Weaver -t!. /i.t.,L4./ �605 enn J-..ve , SE tJ a sh ;s , D • C • Dear Mayor I van ~ ll en f!!.. j ust, l i stenFH1 t o t he even5. ne; ne~rn #.. a nd heard yon

eak , anc c1ec l cu·1~ ~ro n r st anc1. on t he p re1-rnn t s i. 1;uat 5.on

in Atl-:n t a , .h.nd m~ wan t v er? rnuch fo:r :rou to know 1 t hat ?OU ham;. a very bi~ follow:i_ng here .\n the v api. tHl of the uni tecl Stat es o o O And I wish that I c ould express l1ow ver? ranch rH~ , ancl riy fclm5.l~r a dmire ~1 ou for you s t ·u1el on the si 1; m t 5. ons FLX).sting ; and having t ·1e guts t o speak ou t , ·~ncl let M:r Carr-1ichael know what t iE1bre e i.s in opposition with • •• T. ank5. !lf1' ~rou irer~, sincere]. ~, HrH L , Srn:,_t h and f P..rnily

fa Hh ' DoCo

�17 FIFTEEN FIFTY BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI , FLORIDA 33132 TELEPHONE 377-4781 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE FEDERAL DEPOS IT INSURANCE CORPORATI ON September 8, 1966 The Honorable J. P. Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall, Atlanta, Georgia Sir: Let me commend you on the handling of the recent riot in Atlanta. There is enclosed a pamphlet which I think you will appreciate reading about Communists and the manner in which they operate. I think you will see a close relation with the statement of Gus Hall, General Secretary, Communist Party, USA and the riot that was held in Atlanta. You will probably remember I was with the Federal Reserve in Atlanta for twenty years and am thoroughly familiar with your family background and I know you have and are doing a good job. The reason for this letter is simply to congratulate you on seeing and understanding the real cause of the riot. J EJB : ek Etrn st J. B a rber , !E>fe sident �TNE W ACKENNUT SEC UR~TY REV ~E W / August 1966 Vol. 6, No. 8 COMMUNISM and YOU! "Fronts are things of the past. We don't need them. We've got the ••• DuBois Clubs, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee , and Students for a Democratic Society going for us ••• " Gus Ha 11, Genera I Secretary, Communist Party, USA COMMUNIST ATTACK ON YOUTH - XVII When the Democratic National Convention was being held in Atlantic City, continued attempts to disrupt the convention were made by Negro demonstrators who kept up their demands, despite compromise attempts, that the Mississippi Freedom Democrats be seated. The demonstrators were members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC - pronounced SNICK), often described in the press as one of the largest, most militant and radical organizations of the New Left. In Selma, Alabama, in early March 1965, fiery SNCC leaders wanted to continue their march to lvbntgomery despite a court order forbidding it. Only intervention by Federal Conciliator LeRoy Collins prevented it. A few weeks later, despite a voting rights speech to Congress by President Lyndon B. Johnson, SNCC continued to picket the White House and threatened further demonstrations. This induced the "Washington Post" to say SNCC members appeared to be "driven by folly to demonstrate for the sheer, sterile sake of demonstration." S NCC and its demonstrations go back to 1960 and the first lunch counter sit-ins, when the organization was formed to foster the growth of civil rights agitation. According to the II New York Times , 11 S NCCwas born April 17, 1960, by about 300 people, almost all of them Negro youths, and has since become the inspiration for all the organizations of the new student left. "The Saturday Evening Post" of May 8, 1965, reported that SNCC "is a wonder, perfectly desi gned to fit the anarchic student temper. It has a full-time staff of 230 but no membership . Its broad base is a separate group called Friends of S.N . C.C., which has 150 chapters, two th irds of them on campus ." The arti cle says SNCC leaders travel a far - left dinner circuit, "where they are sometimes lucid, sometimes totally bewildering, 11 and it quotes a government investigator as saying th a t SNCC has been "thoroughly infiltrated by Communists." A report by the Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee concurs , saying SNCC is "substantially under th e influence of the Communist Party. 11 SNCC officials admit no effort has been made to pu rge Commu nists from the membership. "We have no political test fo r membership and we never will have," a SNCC Washington official said. 11 Newsweek" quoted another official as admitting that Communist Party members had gone to Alabama and Mississippi to work with S NCC. SE C URIT Y RE V IE W AWARDS : GEORGE WASHINGTON HO N OR MEDAL . FREEDO M S FOUNDATIO N AT VALLE Y FORGE , 1962 ; VIGILANT PATRIOT AWARDS . ALL-AMERICAN CONFERENCE TO COMBAT COMMUNISM . 1963 AND 1 965 . �The Washington Star 11 revealed that the organization hoped to establish "Friends of SNCC 11 groups in "uncommitted" nations around the world. "Such foreign affiliates of SNCC, 11 reporter Walter Pincus wrote, "could present Communist parties around the world with a ready-made organizational weapon for stirring up anti-American sentiments." lvbny troubled observers have pointed out that it makes little difference whether or not SNCC radicals are Communists: 11 lf they do the same things, it may not make much difference what kind of cards they carry." 11 This emphasizes the interesting transition SNCC has made from the civil rights field, for which it was organized, to its invasion of the field of foreign policy. It was one of the leaders in the Washington demonstrations August 6-9, 1965, when sit-ins were staged at the Capital, the White House gates were blocked and Communist publications, such as "The Worker, 11 were distributed. A SNCC leader was among those arrested by Washington police. SNCC made its position clear in a statement in the March-April 1966 issue of" Insurgent" published by the DuBois Clubs: "The Student Nonviolent Coordiroting Committee has a right and a responsibility to dissent with United States foreign policy on any issue when it sees fit ••• We maintain that our country's cry of 'preserve freedom in the world' is a hypocritical mask behind which it squashes liberation movements which are not bound, and refuse to be bou-na~... by fhe -expedierici es of United States cold war policies . 11 SNCC on the draft: "We are in sympathy with, and support, the men in this country who are unwilling to respond to a military draft which would compel them to contribute their lives to United States aggression in Vietnam in the name of the 'freedom' we find so false in this country. 11 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People immediately disassociated itself from the SNCC position and pointed out that some SNCC workers are becoming disinterested in civil rights and are turning to peace demonstrations. But SNCC's radical approach evidently was not radical enough. United Press International reported from Atlanta May 17, 1966: "Two of the nation's most militant civil rights leaders, John Lewis and James Foreman, have been deposed by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). One source said they were considered 'too moderate.' SNCC ormounced the changesc Stokeley Carmichael, a founder of the all-Negro 'Black Panther Political Party' in Alabama, was named to succeed Lewis as SNCC chairman and he promptly announced the orga'"'ization would ' intensify its efforts in the area of independent politics.'" A "Miami Herald 11 story of July 1 quoted Carmicha e l as saying: "We inte nd to disrupt every pi ec e of (political) machinery in this country. 11 Later in May, Carmichael snubbed President Johnson's invitation to a White House conference on civil rights, announced SNCC will continu e to organi ze all - Negro political parties under the Black Panth er emblem and refused to bar Communists, saying: "We are requiring no loyalty oaths. " During the Meredith Mississippi Norch in June, he espoused a "black power" doctrine and another SNCC spokesman threatened a deputy sheriff in one town that if he didn't behave, the marchers 11will burn that courthouse, baby." On a television program, Carmichael stopped just short of advocating that Negroes resort to any means to achi eve equality: "I've never rejected viol enc e as a means to obtain an end, " he said. Columnist Joseph Alsop summed up th e situation: "In the person of Stoke ley Carmichael extremism has active ly taken over SNCC ••• " Communist Gus Hall, in summing up the records of the DuBois Clubs, Students for a Democratic Society and SNCC, said: "They're just part of the 'respons ibl e left' - that portion of American yo uth that reali z es society is sick." Responsible] Sick? Who ? Th e Wack e nhut Corporation is a national investigative and security organi zation with 26 offices extending from Puerto Rico to Hawaii. It also operates in Venezuefo through a 50% owned subs idiary company . Acutely aware of the threat of Communism, it prese nts this series of articles to its friends a nd employees as an educational servi ce . For additional copies, contact: THE W ACKE N H U T CORPORATO N . 3280 P ON CE DE LEON BOULEV ARD . CORAL GAB L ES. FLOR ID A . TELEPHO N E: H I G HLAND 5 - 148 1 . �T H E B A N K SECURITY A . H . NORRIS, PRESIDENT H . K. MORGAN, CASHIER W . W . TOMPKINS , VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD T . NORRIS, ASST. CASHIER EDGEFIELD, SOUTH CAROLINA Sept ember 9 , 1966 Hon . Ivan W. Allen , Jr. Ma yor of Atlanta Atlanta , Georgia Dea r Mr. Mayor, Congratulations to y ou on your sensible sta tement on t h e preserva tion of l aw and orde r i n Atlant a. I s hould like to nominate y ou fo r America ' s Mayor Number One. Sincerely yo urs, 7 ~ 7 f • r ~~ R.H . Norris Pre sident �Lines Lane Woodbridge, Connecticut September 9, 1966 The Hon. Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: While the "urban problem " is very real and can be associated wi th conditions of misery, misfortune, and frustration, it is not so great that it cannot be overcome by sincere, honest, and diligent leadership such as you are affording to the City of Atlanta. I regret that only my thoughts can be there with you at this time. Cordially, H O· ~ if Hugh O. Brock, III Yale Law 1 67 College Park, Ga. �THOM.AS G. LEE P . 0 . BOX 2:U3 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 September 8, 19 66 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: you for the stand you have taken in the recent . I commend ,.. race riots in the city of Atlanta • • for one thing, I admire your courage. If more of our public officials had the fortitude and courage of their convictions, and were willing to support the local police force, the race riots would have been halted long ago. I further concur that the riots are promoted by outside agitators such as those connected with SNCC and other pro-communist organizations and not by the colored citizens of the respective areas. It is time our country, and our national leaders awakened to this fact before it is too late. Again I commend you for your courage and convictions and I know that the majority of the American citizens stand behind you. Q TGL:lcw �INTERNATIONAL FINE ARTS COLLEGE OF FASHION 1737 N O R TH BAY SHORE DRIVE • MIAMI , FLORIDA 33132 • TELEPHONE : 373- 46 84 Monday evening, August 29, 1966 ... at home, 4736 North Bay Road Miami Beach, Florida - Dear Ivan, This is a personal letter. destroy it and acknowledge it. I would hope that you would ·read it, It takes much courage to write it, for it is a most unpleasant subject. A vision concerning you haunts me. which later came true. I have had dreams before, But I have never had a waking vision or picture. I am not psychic or a visionary, but I do have a vivid imagination. In my mind there appeared, five days ago, a picture of a young man. He is killing you. I think he is shooting you. He is up close, in a crowd, and standing slightly below you, facing you. place. You are speaking. Atlanta, or the South. Where ••. ! don't know. His skin is fresh and clear and his complexion is naturally tanned or brunette. of 25 to 28 years of age. He is a young white man He has a fresh, open face. He has dark eyes He has thick, straight, rich brown hair •• long on top and close cut over the ears. His lips are parted. It could be other than The young man kills you. His face is so clear before me. (or so they seem). You are in a public He has deep dimples or a mole on his cheek. His eyes are rather close set. He has a full (almost fat) nose that is straight, with full lips always slightly parted. He wears a clean, white shirt open at the throat with no tie. trousers are nondescript . He has a chunky, stocky build. His I am behind you (though really not there) and all I see is this young man's face ••• �[f . I I I open and listening. And he kills you. or tries to. That's all I saw---all I know. Edward would be disturbed if he knew that I wrote this letter to you, Ivan. Perhaps this was just a very bad dream on my part and I am being quite foolish to relate it to you. But the terrible feeling stays with me that what I have described has either happened to you , or will happen to you within the next three years at the most. At the risk of losing your respect, your friendship and your affection, I am compelled to write this to you. Take care of your dear self and know that Edward and I count you as a wonderful friend. God love you~ ~k Mrs. Edward Porte r �9 o4- .Ec15-/ C;q;Ji.iol Sr., W<1.,5'"h / ~g -i..o n/JJ, C.,. Se;ac.. .9/ /9~& /~ J~ ~ / lr?~ Cc/-Jc;.~.£L ,I ~~; c-1/~ . (2~ ?n,_, mo/(YI,.'~ ~~Ape<A,VL,0-~ ~ :;Cu..Ju .a±~ ~-~~ ~ - ~ ~ • ~ ~a.r ~ ~ r ~ . ("!a..,,i__~~ .Q;/- ~ G.__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '--A_~ ~ _ ; ; c ~ ,:;\_ ~ ~;; ~~ &-LCf'J~ o2 .~ 7 ~ ~ 3/ (!_~ ~ r4 ;a-L~ , ~~ ~ _;t:;; ~ • ~ ~ cV/-- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~U(_~ .~hA....,,_ , ,:u,__.._ - ~ ,~ a.__Le,_ I ...Df__,, ~ , htc;-.4--~~J ~ L ~ A..o...d- �0 . F . LANGFORD C . H . LANGFORD WEND E LL LANGFORD ROUTE 4 ORGETOWN. TEXAS ROUTE 2 FLORENCE , TEXAS NE UNDERWOOD 3-2683 PHONE STAT E 3 - 2458 S e p tem b e r 8 , 1 966 M ayor Ivan Alle n Jr. C ity o f A tl ant a A tlanta , G a . D e ar M a yor Allen; I w o ul d li ke to e x p r e ss my d ee p e st a p r ec iation fo r y our st a nd a nd con v ictions ag ainst S NCC a nd the r acia l h at r e d t h a t they r e pr e s e nt . The r ece nt rioting a nd r a ci a l trou bl es o cc urr i n g 1n north e rn c it ie s h a s to ~ome d eg r ee vindi cat e d the South f o r t h e sl a nde r a nd ca sti gation b y northe rn a u t horti e s a nd p re ss dir ec t e d to wa rd the South during th e ra c e pro b le ms l a st w int e r . Th e ir vi ew po i n t cha n ge d 36 0 d eg r ee s w h e n th e t rou b l e wa s in th e ir o w n b a ck ya rd . It i s ve r y e n c ourag in g to s ee t h a t y ou a r e w ill ing t o s tand fo r th e p r inci ples o f justi c e a nd l aw a nd o rd e r, a nd to mee t t h e s e agi t at o r s face to face . Y ou r fir m act ion was e ffec ti ve s ince the l ea d e r o f SNCC fe l t that h e was muc h safer b ac k north . LAMPASAS I h av e h a d th e for tun e to be i n At l anta twice, and it i s my obs ervation t h a t a ll cit ie s bo t h n ort h a nd s o uth s houl d u s e y ou r fine cit y a s an e x a mpl e . A tl anta, M a yor Alle n, is a cr e dit to t h is c o untry1 - a n d I am g r e atful t h at it is in the South a n d onl y wis h that T exa s h ad a "Atlanta" . Most r e sp ec tfull y y ou r s , WBL / ms AUSTIN �/ ' . /-,~ / c; ./ / / c9 t{;6. ~ : : J ~~ 1 /17143.215.248.55 ~ r ~ d;u_ . ~ -z0· ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~A ~~__/ ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~~ ·r -- .dA-~ ~ ~~ ·~ ' dJuv' /4 a . ' · ,,:_..,,-,,,___.-- .~ ~~ ~/ ' ~ 7~ t--r-:;/-/- ~ ~4 . ~ I c3 t1 -uJ. d / 1/ z;z,,

�REYNOLDS ALUMINUM SUPPLY COMPANY In business since 1914 GENERAL OFFICES• 325 W. TOUHY AVENUE• PARK RIDGE• ILLINOIS 60068 • TEL. 312 825-8811 September 8, 1966 Office of the President Honorable Ivan A. Allen Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: We, here in Chicago, w ere concerned when the news first came in by radio that there was racial trouble in Atlanta. When the newspapers appeared on the street, it was heart warming to see that you again were among your people. · The press that y ou personally received in all the Chicago papers h as b een most gratifying - demonstrating again that you as Mayor were willing to take the risks necessary in all phases of running your office. I just want you to know that I am in complete sympathy with your program, and wish you well at this particular time . Best personal regards. ~ It¼ Paul H . Fox �i 'J.7 Ad ams St . Saa Cliff, Now York Sapt . 7, 1966 Ron . I va n Al l en, J r . Oity Ha ll Atl nta, Ge or gia 1y dear ayor A. 11 n : W were i nt re etod to se th s hots of y oura l f handlin g the riot in Atlanta, on the TV thia evoning . You may be ussur ed that mi l lions of poople in the North ympathiz e with y our problom in ttem~ting t o b tt r th c ondition of the und erpr i vileged. -- whil your effort are hams trung by th pr ofes s ional tr oubl&- mak r and prov ocat urs dho delib rat ly inQi te t o riot un d r the oloe.k of 11 prora oting civil ri ~hts . 11 As you stat ed i n your oommenta, there is no exc uae what.s o ver for any gr ou pa of p op l t o riot in our etr et , and it i s t o be hop ed that you will aontinu to d a l with any a uoh att mpta with a firm hand. With al l ood wi shes, I m G or We iss �September 9, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Let me take th i s opportunity to express my g ratitude to you f or your conduct and the h a ndling of the turmo il that recently erupted in you city. I have watched y our administration with interest ever since I was a student at Emory University. I have seen Atlanta go forward in these chaotic ti mes under your leadership and had t h e feeling that your city was becoming a "li ght" in the darkness that prev a ils in our times. You certainly have our prayers, admiration and respect as you seek to deal with radic a l g roups such as SNCC. Your being there on the s p ot and demonstrating not only y our wil lingne ss to talk ab out the p roblems but to i nvo lve y ourse lf personally even to t"he risking of y our own we l l being serves as an example a n d an inspiration to all thinking peop le in th e South. Let me say a g ain that I deeply appreciate you and your leadership a nd pray that Go d wil l g ive you streng th, wisdom, and guidanc e in these times. RJH:bc �September 14, 1966 Mr. Lyle Bruner Route 1 Dandridge, Tennessee Dear Mr . Bruner : During thes difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encourage- me~t. With appreciation I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr • . Mayor lAJr:lp �230 South Ashlani Av enue Ch i cago , Illi nois 606 07 Sep tember 9th, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . City Ha ll Atlanta , rieor i a Dear Mayor All en : Fi na lly someone has the guts to do something that a l l the other chicken poli ti cians ·wouldn't do ... that is •.. a rres ti r.g tha t rabble- rouser named Stoke ly Carmichael. The people up here are glad that you have taken the a ction you have as it is very true. He does incite riots . Ani he doesn ' t deserve to wa lk the streets like normal people because he isn't normal. Sincerely yours, rs ~ ,/ ~ J . Alex <} �1373 Wash ington Avenue Bronx,N.Y. 56 September 9,1966 Tbe Honorable Iv an Allen Jr. Ma~or of Atlanta Ga. Ci ty Hall Dear Si r : Thia letter ia to express to ypu our prof ound regret for the disrespec t shown to you during your most courageous effort to calm our people during the disturbance a few days ago. We are a group of five-thousand fami lies , pledged to live together a s ne1ghbors,w1th sincere respect for each other. We are all races and creed living here. We a re not just a gainst violence, we -just won't have 1 t because we have lived long enough to know t hat it does not solve a ny problems.We fee l too, that i t ls down-right stupid not to work with the Whites who t ry s incerely to respect our bid for a better life for ourse l ves and our children. r 6 a -,_).µ,k, - Sincerel y, -~ \'\ r 1 Louis A. Fickling,Pre dent Claremont Vi llage Organization �Se nt. 7, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. Atlanta, @a. Dear Mayor Allen: Let me congratulate you on the stand you took with the mob which was about to erupt into a riot. You are to be commended for advising the neo nle of Atlanta who was running the city. According to the news re norts it would annear that Stokely Carmichael incited certain groups to violent action. It would apn ear that in this case that charges of violating his oath when he acquired U. S. Citizenship would be enough totake his citizenshi p from him and denort him. We have enou gh undesireable so called Americans without imoorting more to join their ranks . Let me agaim congratulate you for your courageous stand. Sincerely, ~v; .'. . ,I ~ / 7 -;, ~ _17 -7,r'~ �REV.G.E.DEJONG - E EASTLANOST. TUCSON: ARIZONA " " ' OA .t+:- J . ~ / f I f:7I 'V\PVVV""" �J. L. EA L OW I N, REAL TOR 801 ~ PRINCESS OWNER STREET WILMINGTON, · NORTH CAROLINA O F Rea/ 6lale leaf 6lale _Apprai!Jal AT DELCO . N . C . ANO FA R M I NG LIVE STOCK RAI S INa 2-3210 Jn,iurance S ADDLE ACRES FARM GENERAL TELEPHONE Sept. 9, 1966 Hon. Ivy Allen, Mayor, Atlanta , Ga. Dear Mr. Mayor: As one citiz en to another, allow me to congratul ate you on your stand in conne ction with the disturbances which have recently occurred in your good city. If more of our le ade rs in publ ic office would take a firm stand on behalf of the rights of all citizens this pl ague of racial disturbances could be brought to an end. As long as we encourage and condone such tactics just so long wi l l we have trouble. I visit your city frequently,as we have a son living there and I always enjoy my visits there. Again more power to you. �• Bria ~""est DY 7J~ -1,.J I ;:1, • f'JJJ~AIJ J,,- •J -:;: -./IJ.,tl /-1 Ila.. f0, --:),~ 1 (y4, ~,~ : ~J 1'7 4. &44 J(, .. d,'1 J:,..,,_f - (. 0'-4 f,y..,~,,r --- • f ,11-,, ~ I · (G ,. . .._,u, · ·1/ ~ ) ~ \J',.-.,1,£,J + a.\t..4.4. d c., ,f.,, ~, I '"""" • w' ~.__ I ~ C fl,... J J • ""~ Ii -;-- · ,r,o fl, • " f p. ,,,. IA."' T· ',.,. __ . I J I �Dear Mayor Allen, I just want to send along my apology for the actions of a few hoodlums in your cit, y]the other night and to let you know their thinking is not the thinking of respectable citizens, Negro and White, in Atlanta or elsewher e. I for one, sincerely hope this incident wil l not dim your si ghts for Equality , nor reduce your efforts to make Atlanta the grea t city it can become. I'm certain t he Good Will Committee hastily organized, is an indication of the strong desire of Atlantans to hel p you. I've be en in at least thirty major South ern cities i n the past four years and none, absolutely none, ha s yet reached the climate of good will t hat exists in Atlanta. The neares t in spirit and cooperation to Atlanta that I found, was Roanoke, Virginia. You may not remember me but in 1961 the late Trezzvant Anderson, Reporter f or the Pittsburgh Couri er , introduced you to me and we chatted at your Mayoral headquqrter s for al most an hour. I recall so well you saying •••• "A few y ea rs a go I was an avowed s egregationist but I know now, tha t we must get on with the job of building a gr eater Atlanta, a grea ter Georgi a , a grea ter Southland, and t hus, a grea ter America." Henry Aaron of your bas6ball team, is a go od friend of mine, and h e ha s said many nice t hings abou t you and your efforts to bring about equality fo r all people in the city. I also know you have been forced to bear considerable abuse, a s has Ral ph McGill and others , for your policy in this r egard but you hav e held your ground. Plea se don 't count t his as f lattery, I just want you to know you have t .ou sands of fri ends a cro ss the coun try who appr eciat e what you have done i n r ecent years . Moreover, we woul d not like to s ee you become discouraged . I hav e been wi t h t he American Broad cas t ing Company, stationed a t the Unived Nation s , since 1962 but this l etter is sent on a personal ba sis. Maybe one of these days we can ar range an i nt erview to tal k abou t the Winds of Change " in At lanta. Good luck . I counted the l ate Br anch Ri ckey a s a good friend and was privileged to tal k with him many t i mes i n the f ities when he r es i ded in Pitts burgh. He gave me a copy of Frank Tannenbaum ' s book entitled "Citi zen and Slave " and on t he l as t pa ge , in the l a st chap ter he under s cored the words •• "We shal l some day l ook ba ck and wonder what the is sues were all about". Thi s I bel ieve be cau s e t here are Ivan Al lens , Ral ph McGi l ls, Marlin Brandos, Burt Lanca sters , Shelley Winters, Governor Scranton s , and t : ous ands who believe that "God hath made of one blo od all na tions of menand we are Hi s children, brothers and sisters al l ." Si n c erel ~ R- ~ Mal vi n R. Go ode 80 Howl and Avenue Teaneck, New Jers ey �Pres ton C. Lorick , P r es. 1865 - 1022 Lee Al e ,candor Loric k , Pre s . 1923 -1946 T el e phone AL 4 -3059 C able A ddres s (Lori c k / ESTABLISHED 18 65 1 5 27 MAIN STR E ET COLUMBIA, S. C. MARY CRAIG LORICK BAKER LEE LORICK PRINA MARY LORICK BO Y LE ' 1-._eu.., H : .. ~ ' I ( /}i,' e. i,.. ~c.J~ C~ .r. R. fl:io.J~) - �I~ . J.v-wJ ~ !J,, . }nlJ~ ~~ff"' . ft~ n,i all,, . ?J- -:VL 0 ~~ _1u,,,L . --!/ 4 / _ , Yl!~J "f~ ...j p1 Q~=~--~ r ofN-_ ~{ ll/n1 d ~J }J/__,{L Jl,._,_ '*'--- ~--f,£u_ }?1 o-,_,/ ,d( ~~p~ Cl-u_ , ti ~ n..e,~ -;l_ ~.::- ~ t:l ./J- ~,f- . {;{ ~ ~,,.__ m~~l(<U-v.Jevn& ?f-t'/a,. 2 ~ jd ~~ «A ..lot . ~~ - M-~-fa-~ ��September I 4. 1966 Mr . & Mrs.. G. C . Bolton 9514 Pre ton Highway Loui vill , K ntucky 40229 D ar Mr. & Mi-s. Bolton: During th ae difficult ye, it is gratifying to bav your m ge of confid nee and encour gement. I am happy to report that I 1 nded on feet during the recent incident hen the r on hich I w s ndin s baken.... With ppr ciation, I am Sine r ly, Ivan All n, Ji-. yor IAJr:lp �I ��September 14, 1966 Mr. Claude Towne 237 South Boulevard Oak Pa.1'k. lllinois Dear Mr. Towne : During the e difficult days , it is gratifying to have· your m s ge of. confidence nd ncour gement. Thank you for your kind invitation n-d I shall be happy to look you up whenev r I visit your city. With ppreeiation, I m Sincerely, Ivan All .n, Jr. M yor IAJr:lp �wne representing 237 SOUTH BOULEVARD OAK PARK, ILLINOIS September 8 , 1966 Mayor Ivon Al l en, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mey-or Al l en : You have had considerable national publicity -t his As you know this Chicago !etropoli tan District has been having similar di f ficulties . Y:oek . I knO'\"' Mayor Sabonjie.n of aukegan, Illinois , and have had him as a guest speaker at rrry .iiigh Tv,olve Club here in Oak Park . Ouk Park is a municipality that acijoins Chicago on the v.es t . · here in Oak Park I am the perennial program directo for the High Twelv e Club, a service club fo1· the members of th hlnsonic order . Locally we have a membership of 183 busineGs and professional mon, and execut ives . The club meetc ea.ch F,ridey- noon for a luncheon and a program at the Oak ark Arms Hotel. Probably your travels occasionally bring you to this n.rea . If and .,.hen they do , you have rrry st anding invitation to come out to Oak Park and speak to the High Twelvio.ns . Col . Allen P. Julio.n, director of the Atlanta Historical Society , was here in June . The hotel is a ha.11' hour . st of the Loop .. A bus shuttl es between the hot 1 and the airports , and the Loop . e furnish our guests a room at the · hotel . Come and break bread with us and autograph our famed guest book, and tell us about the negro situation in Atlanta. Sincerely yours, Claud Tm.ne Pis.- In Mississippi I am a Colonel by th~ Gr c of Governor Ross Barnett. ~.T . TELEPHONE: EUCLID 3-3623 �September 14. 1966 Mr . John Sikes Wilt:n.ington Morning Star Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mr. Sikes : During thee difficult days, it is gratifying to bav your message of confi ce and encouragement as expressed in your editorial which appe red in the Wilmington Morning Star. With appreciation, I am Sine rely yours, Ivan AUen. Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 14,. 1966 Mr. William W. Bryan. Jr . ~ Time -Picayune LaFay,e tte Square New Orleans, Louisiana 70140 Dear Mr. Bryan: During the e difficult days. it is gr. tifying to have your me · sage of confidence and enco\U'agement. I r m t your f th r fondly. reg rd and ppr ci tion, I am With kindest Sincerely your , I n All n. Jr. yor JAJr:lp �mi,t mim:es-Jirnyuu:e Juhlist,iug Q.tnrpnrntinu LAFAYETTE tnqt SQUARE, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, 70140 TELEPHONE 524-2411 NEW ORLEANS STATES-ITEM ~uttt.a-Jittt!JUUt EVENING MORNING AND SUNDAY Sept ember 13, Ivan Allen Jr ., Mayor, City of Atlant a , 68 Mitchell Street At l anata , Georgia Dear Mayor Allen : I want t o compl ement you on your actions duri ng the rac ial unr est. It made me f eel better about a bad situation. Some of t he CarMi chael s tat ement s ~about you must have l eft the Maidox crowd du'Tlb founded. I should t ell you tha t I am the son of Wri ght Br yan. Sinc erely, J rJ Is; A,v Will iam W. Br yan Jr. /1 �• September 14, 19 66 Mr . Al Aigner, President G. J. Aigner Company 426 South Clinton Street Chicago, Illinois 60607 Dear Al : During these difficult day , it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appi-eciation, I am Sine: rely, Ivan Allen, J:zo. Mayor IAJ:r:lp / �a. J. A1g~ a"'PO"!f 0 IN DEX TABBING LOOSE LEAF INDEXES FILE GU IDES (AREA 312) 426 South Clinton Street Chicago, Illinois 60607 HArrison 7-7414 September 8th, 1966 Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of A~lanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia It 0 s too bad, Ivan ••. .•• that some of the leadership among our negro communities in large urban cities do not use their heads instead of the imported, irrational stimulation of some o f the people who have been formenting disorder and a n archy. As I read the Tr ibune i n Chicago yesterday and today and saw y our good appeal to reason on TV last night, I was proud of the fine way you have been try ing to handle a very dif f icult situation there in Atlanta . . .. Here i n Ch icago as the President of our Chicago Federation of Settlements I have been in a way, very closely related to our West Side Riots a nd the many other situations that g r ew out f rom t h e ef f orts o f Martin Luther Ki n g and h is cohorts h e r e i n Ch icago . My h eart goes o ut to y ou, Ivan . I k now t h at the situation is o n e t h at r easo n alone could cure. But, with the rebellious dema n ds for immediate r esults it is impossib le to do much to solve t h e situatio n. Und o ub tedly y ou will h ave to go the politic a l r oute a n d u se f ederal money and other wasteful e x pediencies . ... It is a p ity t h at ou r f ri end s i n t h e n e g ro c ommu n ity c o uld n ot realize t h at t h e b iggest p r o b lem lies i n their own inadeq uacy a n d sho rt comin g s of p ers o n al devel opm e nt, wh ich make t h em less us eful as employees, goo d citizen s, a n d go od n eighbo r s. These problems take more than r iots a nd demon stration s to correct. Unfortun ately even ten y ea r s o f cra sh prog r ams will not s o lve a cultural lag, lack of s kill or illit erac y . . .. I h ope t h at o ur t wo Settleme n t Houses i n Atla nta h ave been of s o me use in yo u r s ituatio n. I feel ce r tai n t h at t h e Beth l ehem Commu ni t y Cent er a n d Wes l ey House Cente r s would be of so l i d he lp i f t h e y a r e in t h e l ocatio n wh e r e a ny of yo ur t rouble exis t s. Th e ir t rain e d Social Workers c a n h elp you r p o lic e a l o t . •.. In c l osing, plea se c onsi de r t hi s a wa rm hand shake a nd best wi s hes WORLDS LEADING MANUFACTURER OF INDEXING PRODUCTS �page 2. Mayor Allen, 9-8-66 from all of your friends here at Aigner Company. speak for all of your friends in NSOEA. Al G. ACA/pe Enclosure I am sure I �September 14, 1966 Mr . R ichard P . Towne, Sr . National Blank Book Company Holyoke , Massachusetts 01042 Dear Dick : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. I gr atly appreciate your ta.king the time to accumulate the newspap _r clippings covering occurrences in Atlanta . All in all, I beli ve the pres ha given us sufficient and fair cover ge . With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely your , I n Allen, Jr. yor IAJr:lp �NATIONAL HOLYOKE• NEW YORK BLANK BOOK MA SSACHUSETTS CHICAGO LOS ANGELES 01042 ATLANTA NATIONAL September 9, 1966 Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. 3700 North Side Drive, N. Atlanta, Georgia w. Dear Ivan: The attached photo copies show what appeared in the Boston Herald in regard to the Atlanta riots. Also our local Holyoke Transcript carried a nice a r ticle which named you as a National director in Holyoke. You did a magnificent job for the city and the cause of keeping law and order under the most · h~ctic ~ircumstances. Your daring and judicious handling in the emergency will long be remembered. I speak not only for m¥self but for others here at National who are impressed and proud by what you did. Sincere l y , ~~ ... - Richard P . Towne, Sr . RPT/me c Encs. COMPANY • 413/539-9811 DALLAS SAN FRANCISCO �FIRST NATIONAL BA.1-VK LOUISVILLE, GA. OLO SLAVE MARKET Ol'flGIN.t.L Sep t embe r 13 , 1966. EJUILOING JAMES B . POLHILL, JR . VICE PRESIDENT The Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor, Cit y of Atla nta, Atlant a, Georgia. Dear Ivan: I have watched wi th interest, concern , and deep appreciation, your for thright attitude and act ion in connection with the rac ial disturbances in Atla nta . I have long admired and respected you and claimed you as friend, and now I know you to be all that I t hought you were and more. It is my hope and prayer that the situation in Atlanta will clear up without further difficulty, and I am sure that this end could be accomplished if it were not for out side agitators. More power to youl May the good Lord guide, direct, and sustain you in these trying days. Sincerely your friend, �September 14, 1966 Mrs . Mary (Allen) Jac kes 417 N. Palm Drive Beverly Hills, California Dear Mrs. Jackes : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lp �Asheville Chamber of Commerce, Inc. POST OFF I CE BOX 1011 · ASHEV I LLE. NORTH CAROLI NA 28802 · PHONE (7 04 ) 25 :3-3351 September 22, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Allow me to extend compliments, along with the countless number you are justifiably receiving incident to your courageous, skilled and adroit actions during the recent difficult days in your city. Your unparalleled leadership again becomes a beacon superbly worthy of emulation by the entire Southland. Warmest wishes. Cordially, RichM.genhardt , CCE E xe cutive Vice Pr e sident RKD/sh �September 18, 1966 1668 Juanita Ave. San Jose, Califoraia Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I would like to commend you for some of.. the attitudes you expressed following the racial difficulties recently in" Atlanta(repor ted by UPI, Sept. 9). Your aw~reness of the inequities confronting Negroes and willingnes s to publicly acknowledge them deserves the highest praise. The endorsement you have given to the 1966 civil rights bill and opposition to the Dirksen amendment requires a good deal of personal and political courage. The Nation will be indebted to you for wha tever counsel and guidance you can offer to your community in ameliorating the injustice that has been done the black man. I hope you will not be sidetracked from the pursuit of insuring the basic dignity and worth of a ll men by the irrelevant issues of 11 bla ck power" and "outside agitation 11 • �September 14, 1966 M r . C . N. Wibner, President Ross & Winner, Inco:rpor ted P . O . Box 8188 Charlotte 8 , North Carolina D ar Charlie : During the e difficult day , it i s gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreci tion, l am Sincerely, lvan All n, Jr . yor IAJr :lp �ROSS 8 WITMER, INC. 1649-A WEST MOREHEAD STREET P. 0. BOX 8188 CHARLOTTE 8, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 375-3374 CHARLES N . WITMER PRESIDENT September 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Atlanta Georgia Dear Ivan: We were very much disturbed to read about the recent trouble encountered in your fine city. I am herewith enclosing an editorial written by the editor of our paper which I think will be of interest to you. I see Fred Storey when I am in Atlanta, but it seems like ages since I have seen you. Perhaps we will run into each other at one of the football games, because I intend to take in several weekends when Tech and the ~reshtrtan teams are playing. 'P~ 0 My congratulations on the fine job you did in getting the beautiful stadium built~ and I know my good friend, Gabby Street, enjoyed building it for you. Good luck and for goodness sakes keep off the top of automobiles bec au se you might get killed! Sincerely, d 4~ C. N. Witmer CNW/hs �ROY L. MORGAN 3900 WATSON PLACE, N. W. • APARTMENT 2A, TOWER B WASHINGTON, D. C. September 21, 1966 Dear Ivan: Enclosed find a clipping which to me does not do you justice. However, I agree with one thing, you certainly looked great in the Atlanta racial crisis. It proved what I always said, you are a man of great stature and certainly you have won the plaudi~ and respect of all good and decent citizens throughout the United States. I have heard many wonderful things said about you and your fairness in handling this matter. Of course, it is no surprise to me. I can appreciate your views which are similar to mind. However, there is a breaking point, and I think that under all the circumstances you were most tolerant and understanding . I wish to reiterate what many have said, that there was nothing that you did in the Atlanta situation which was not outstanding. You have no apologies to make to anyone. I think the article , which I have enclosed, is a weak one, and not as strong as it should be. With warmest personal regards to one of the best, Sincerely, Roy L. Mo rgan Honora ble Iva n Allen Ma yor o f At lanta City Hal l Atlant a, Georgia Enclosure ���D85 So. Palomares Pomona, California September, 12, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen fayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Sir: ,1y heartiest congratulations on your on your public statements regarding the plight of the Negro American in the cities of the United States. Your compassion, reason, decency and dedication made me proud to be an American. This countryneeds more leaders of your caliber who without hate, bitterness or Rancor. Of all the public officals I've listened t o in the past 20 years. You made more sense than all the others. In my opinion you made sense becauqe you told the truth and your willing to be fair, Again I Commend my canidate for American of the year. u Y·r1;.~ ~~ W. Hall

=~---J �STA NCIL K ING M I LT CI N WILLIAMS SALES • LEASES • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RESIOEN,IAL - 903 W . DOTHAN, COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL MAIN ST. PHONE: ALABAM A September 792 · 5103 14, 1966 The Honorable Mayor, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor: No one can synpathize ·with you more than the people of the great State of Alabama (more common'.cy' known as L. B. J 1 s whipping boy). We know, better than aey one else, what you are up against w.i.th these race riots. Yes, what you have recent'.cy' experienced, in Atlanta, is an ug'.cy' race riot that no amount of managed publicity can transform into a piecful demonstration. It was an ug'.cy', violent, defiance of the law by an unru]y mob of aggitators and misguided scum, yet, according to the ne,;,rs media you excused it and apologized for them by saying and I quote" That all of this is brought on by cities not growing properly. I guess we've got to build better cities. We've got to impr ove opportunites and education far all of our people". Even though you was insulted physically and verbally abused you assured this mob that the law was present to protect them not the innocent law abiding citizens who need and are entitled to protection from that mob of scum, dope addicts, beatniks and u ~ comlllUnist. As long as you and other elected officials, tbrou.ghout this Great Land, don't have what it takes to stand up and be counted and stamp out the Stokley Carmichael' s and the_ like, this mob violence is bound to get worse. So, why don't you quit appeasing, apologizing and making excuses and take an honorable stand for your GREAT STATE and your GREAT CITY. Let it be known that these L.B. Jc sanction punks cannot come into your city and insight a riot and get away with it. Let it be known, by action, not by words that they will be dealt with very quickly and very firmly. Have you got what it takes to stand up and be counted? Once your city heads down that road of lawliness and violence you will find it to be four ti.ms as far back up as it was dm-m. Action is the answer. SK:wj �Tehachapi California. September 13, 1966. The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. MAYOR, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia. Dear Mayor Allen: As a veteran of both world wars, allow me to .offer sincere sympathies to you and your splendid city, in your nigger trouble. Mayor Allen---America a.s a whole MUST do something about this black curse---and do it drasticallyo If we do not, then the unionbastards, teen-age punks, lawless renegadesl and others will overfl ow~--and law and order shall have been osto The rabble will follow the niggers' path. Let that occur, and our nation is lost. You know thato Already 1 unmistakable signs of rot and decay are about us, as. our "authoritiestt allow the niggers to run wild, but block white men. If that is not discrimination, then what is? Enougho•<>Kipling» in his poem "MacDonough's Song," laid it out clean when he wrote, in part: "Whatsoever for any cause:, seeketh to take or give, Power above and beyond the Laws---suffer it not to live! Holy State, or Holy King, or Holy People's Will-Have no truck with the senseless thing; Order the guns and kill1" And ~ , Your Honor, is exactly wha t we white Americans must do, if our nation and law and order are to surviveo I'm ready1



Chet Schwarzkopf J Box 445 Tehachapi, Calif. 93561 f) �2115 Sherman Ave Evanston Ill 60201 12 Sept 66 Dear Mr Allen You won't remsmber me but about eight years ago I was a guest in your office for a day. For ten years I had been advertis- ing manager of Herders and my superiots thought it would be educational for me to see how you handled your advertising, and it was. Sometime after that Cort Horr showed me some data about your then plan to try for the governorship and I fuink I recall your statement that as of then you were quite dim about integration. These things come back to me as I read about your racial prob- lems and I mnk it in order to write to commend you on the statesmanlike attitiude you have taken in handling them. courage is also noteworthy. Your personal The state of Georgia has much to do to catch up with the procession but the mayor of Atlanta has shown outstanding leadership. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr Atlanta Georgia �AVERY PRODUCTS CORPORATION 415 Huntington Dr., San Marino, Calif. 91108 September 9, 1966 Telephone (213) 682-2812 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Georgia My dear Mayor Allen: In this morning's issue of the "Los Angeles Times," I read with great admiration a rather extended series of remarks attributed to you relative to the problems of desegregation in Atlanta and nationally. I have mentioned this matter to several other executives in our company and find that they, too, were greatly impressed with both the clarity and honesty of your views as well as your fortitude in expressing them. Your forthright acceptance of the responsibility of your community for all of its citizens is refreshing, to say the least. Your equally forthright action against clearly disruptive elements is equally sound and refreshing . Very sincerely, ?.4.~ R. S. Avery Board Cha i rman RSA nl �I /6--d ~ . ~ ,,__,,..,___...~ ry ~ ) ~/ S~J~ /rfa ,;)_ J . Jr &t1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' - , ~ I r/ J!LrMce t . r v~ M~ 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST)ti: rwr W ~ le cv2/J ~ (1 q ~ j_ -- ~ ~ tQ ~ (!2_~ S"~ -___.. -.,- ~ -- ~~ -~~ D ' ~ / ~ 4JJ L~o A �WASHINGTON OFFICE Director Donald E. Channell AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION Assistant Dir ector Lowell R. Beck Assistant Director lor Public Information Harry W. Sw egle 1705 De Sales Street, Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel. (202) 659-1330 September 12, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: In connection with the recent trouble that you have been having in Atlanta, I thought that you would like to know that the reaction in Washington both by the press and the public has been favorable to our fine City and to its great mayor. papers. Editorials appeared in both of the major Washington Enclosed is a copy of the editorial of the Evening Star. As a former A tlantian, I am very proud of the way our city has progressed under your leadership. Sincerely yours, Donald E. Channell DEC :dg Enclosure \- '"""'\ _ 1. . .... , -~--- �FOUNDED POLICY AUDIT & PROGRAM RATE PLAN ALL EDWARD LINES D , STRUCTURE OF P. W. ALFRIEND, IV A. O. MCMLII ANALYSIS INSURANCE DRAWER & 3S7 PRESIDENT GARDNER VICE LOSS PREVENTION ENGINEERING BONDS INSURANCl!t fS L . BOOTHE, JR. I 8 N O RT H aUILDINO WA S H I N Q T O N S T ·R E E T ALEX ANDRIA, VIRGIN I A PRESIDENT PHONE , KING CABLE ADDRESS ; 9-1223 "SAVINGS" September 12, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayo r A tlanta, Georgia Dear Friend: The folks up this way are certainly impressed and pleased at the way you are dealing so effectually with lawlessness. Your firm, ye t gloved hand, is a fine e x ample for other municipal officials around the country. Thought you might be interested in the attached front page Washing.a. ton Star story, wh ich mentions that the Vice-President praised you in his recent press conference . With kind personal r egards and b e st wishes. E D W/sa w Encl: news paper clipping �I I _I 6~ 3;:i._- 6 7 -I-It ~ ~~ / /Jd · l tJ /4-jT / 'lt? �( 502-587-1212 BOONE - GUNDERSON CO . 550 SOUTH FIFTH STREET • LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40202 September 1 4 , 1~66 Mayor Ivan Allen City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan, Enclosed is a c l ipping from the morning paper of the Courier-Journa l and this ar ticle indicate s the high esteem th a t I have had for you in the years passed. Ve admire you for your princi pals for law and order in government affairs. The clipping attached is for you to pass on to your children or grandchildren for testi monial fortitude or wisdom . Kindest persona l regards, OFFICE SUPPLIES • FURNITURE • BUSINESS INT ERIORS �816 Sheldon Road Charleston, South Carolina September 15, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: Undoubtedly you have received many letters and other communications pro and con with regard to your handling of the recent so called civil rights situation in your good City. II II I am not one of the types that immediately fire letters to newspapers and public officials bn every controversial matter. It may be that I as well as others should do more of it. I do feel compelled to write, commending and congratulating you on your handling of the problem as I have seen it expressed in the newspapers and on television. It is very heartening to know that there are still some elected officials who have a sense of responsibility and obligation to protect the rights and privileges of their constituents as a whole, rather than to pressure groups, purely with the thought in mind of perpetuating a regime. It is quite a paradox for us to be sending our young men to Viet Nam and other foreign countries to guard against insurrection and invasion of the rights of people while permitting it to go along virtually unchecked in this country of ours. May the Supreme Architect of the Universe continue to provide you with the wisdom and fortitude to discharge your responsibilities in the be st interest of all people. Very truly yours, C . W . Mathewes , �• SHEPHERD & CAMPBELL U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS TRADE MARKS PENNSYLVANIA BU I LDING PENNSYLVANIA AVE. AT 13TH ST .. N . W. FRAN K G. CAMPBE LL DAVID L. SANSBURY WASHINGTON September 13, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: I am writing to suggest what I be lieve would be a practical way _of putting a stop to the incitiilb.g of violence of norm a lly we n behave d colored people by the Brack Power gagg. They were able, I understand to create the riot by outright deception in tha t they stated the suspected auto thief was shot while handcuffed , when the truth was he had ne ver been handcuffed and was trying to get aw ay from the policem an when he was shot. At [e ast, that is what I re ad in the Washington papers. I, therefore, propose that you secure the enactment of leg is lation (by speci al session of your legislature, if it is not now in session) in the nature of the f oUowing: An Act It shall be unlawfu l for any person, or association of persons to create or publish or otherwise disseminate within the State of Georgia any false statement which wou ld tend to create disorder, or to incite riots, or inflame persons against persons, or to incite people of one race against the people of another race, or to incite persons of one religion against persons of another religion. Any person violating the provisions of the foregoing act, shau, upon conviction there of, be fined not less than two thousand dollars or imprisoned for .not less than two nor more than five years, or both. Nothing in the foregoing shau be construed to restrict the freedom of the press in publishing statements that are true nor shaII anything in the foregoing be construed to prohibit the publishers of established newspapers from publishing statements which they have adequa te reason to be Iieve are true, it being the intent of the Legislature to prohibit the promulgation of false information calculated to disturb the public peace. �2014 West View Street Los Angeles, ~a:lif. 90016 9/ 14/ 66 Honorahle Mayor · Iv.an Allen Jr. City Hall Atlanta,. Ga. Dear· Nr·. . Mayor: Ple.as.e except this l e tter.- of tlianks and congratulation t-o you for the wonderful waiy you naV,e handle the p~oblems y,ou have had to face and are facing there in Atlanta, hefore and during a:11 the unnecessary violence. I ·w:ould lik e to say, I am a Ne:gro ·, who had a, father · and mother · that· taught us honesty, decency, dignity, intelligence, respect for the othe-r fellow. Respe ct. f .o r law and orde.r·. Know the law and' stay within it. Always try and do· to the other ' fellow as· you would ha-v.e him do to you . One. of my fath e:r 's favorite sayings was, the wo.rst. man in the wu:rld to do business "With, is an ( educ ated fool), b.ecause he:·Vthinks ne knows: e~e:cything, but: li tt-1.e- or nothing. With ctll the CiviL Right . leaders we have in .America today, we are bound to hav.e some fool.s· miXS'd up ~iii th the better ones.I stand with Dr.·. Martin Luther King,. because I believe as: he does. Violence is definiteiy not the way. I honestly wish we had more :May<n.•s,., Sena.to;i,s , and Congress.mans: with . the same kind of for.ti tude that you have_. If we did, this would bea be·tter· America :ro.n· all of us· to live in. A man can be as honest as the days are long and s.till not have the guts to stand up fol' · what he knows is right.• He is· afraid he will loos·e a. vote. You testified for· the 1.964 Civil Rights Act because within you, you lmew this wa-s· the right: thing to do, r-egardless to what might happen. to your. political future. When any man stand for what is right and good, he will surely win soon or· later, be.cause this is what God stand for, and he has never lost a battle yet. Mayor Allen, please keep up the good works you have s·tarted, and you won't only help to make Atlanta a better place for · all of it citizens, but you will help make America· a better place for all to live. My :Qra.-yers and best wishes will alwayJs- be and keep you. Respectfull.y youfs, } .' Wt~ t 6.tl-_ · ' g .. �r M1·. and Mrs. Walter H. Breiling 4206 Verne Avenue Cincinnati 9, Ohio Se ptember 14,1966 Ma yor of Atlanta,Georgi a Atlanta , Georgia Your Hon or the Iayor :. 1 Th e a ttache d c l i pping is the most atrocious i n ci dent that has yet befal l en the Ra ci al ~ovement. \ -e a re both 6G y ears old and are White~ My wife wa s born and l ive d in .1-1.rkansas. in Ohio. I was born a nd lived my li fe We like y ourself a re glad to see pea ceful citi zen ac tion in reference to a gr ie van ce. Th is is t h e Ame rican way and we like yourself are i n a ccord with t h is manner of a ction. Y et we are like th e 11.fay or of \ a uke gan, .... llinois. ,hen they had the i r rec ent fl a reu p he refuse d to meet with what h e calle d and des cribe d a s "S cum" the Black owe r g rou ps until he is assured of mee ting with first c lass c itizens. This means th at whether it be .i.n Geo r g i a, lllinois ,, Oh io t he res pons i ble citi zen s ·who work , l ive and conduct t hemselves as respe ct able citizensa r e the ones to set t he t i me place and manner of do ing the ne ce ssary thing s to keep a fa ir and just i nt erpretation of the law. ½e admire your c oura ge to go out in t he open and aGdress those peo pl e i n the ir own n ei ghborho od. They should re spe ct you first as a man, and second as an offi ci al of the Ci ty of .1-1.t lant a , 0tate of Georgi asthe United 0 t a tes of Americ a . You are in our o pinion aware of the needs of a nyone else ,hen ce we offer no suggesti ons or con done and admire your policies whether t he t hey a r e either guilty or not of wrong or if be set free . the s itua tion better than ad.vice. \ ie do howe:ver, person is white or negro not gui lty then they should Sto kley Carmicael is gu ilty of "Insurrection" as he ch os e to agitate c..nd encourage an at tack on go vernment . His attack on you was an attack on cit i zens of the na tion. ~,e are back of you and the sooner the minority groups learn the correct way to a ddress their grievances the better. T~e 1 000 ne gr oss who poured into the str eets,attacked the officers with rocks and bottles,tipped a pol ice cruiser and attacked white motorists were al l "Insurrectionists". Their l eader and those gui i ty vf the a ct s hould be punished with the maximum pena lty of the law. In your st at e of Georgia it is a s we un cie rst a nal:,"DbATH". May pe ace a nd order preva il in .1-1.t l anta and over the na t i on. The way it now s eems there is a planned program to attack, ~ebraska , I owa, Ghio,I l linoi~ New York, ~as sachusetts, - ennsylvania,Georg i a , 1~ s si s si ppi, Al a bama a nd L~liforni a . ½here wil l it s trike next ? The rider a Lt a ch ea tc t ne Civil Ri ghts l egi slation which makes it a } eae ral Crime t o tra ve l f rom st a te to st a te to stir, agit a te a nd cause civi l riots. But s i n ce t his l e gislaaion i s n't going t o pa ss it now seems l ike l y t hat ea ch s t a te wi ll ha ve to p~ss t!1ei r own laws on t h i s "V er s ion of 1..,arpetbagW2 ers of 1966 11 • ,. e a re f vr y ou and y our e ff orts to maint a in order. be j;) (} ) y our s tru l y, 'fl UVJ /V Ul{1A-v.. ,7 vJ ~ �1 EDWIN S. FERN NATIONAL QUALITY AW.A.RD WINNER NEW YORK LIFE COMPANY INSURANCE LIFE-GROUP-HOSPITAL-ACCIDENT and SICKNESS 113 E. MAPLE A VE. OTl'UMWA, IOWA TEL . 2 , l.087 September 14, 1966 Hon . Ivan Allen, Jr. , Mayor of Atlanta , Muni cipal Building, At lanta, Georgia. Dear Mr Allen : I saw this Stokely Carmichael on a TV panel a co up le weeks ago and he had an evil look in his eyes. me as a negro ~ who was looking for trouble. He struck I am very h 8 pDy that your city of Atlanta has opened war on SNC C. MUST HAVE LAW AND ORDER. We I think you have taken the right action and oth er cities should do the same. We just can't tolerate riots and mob rule. The way all the negro.- trouble is popping up all over I want to our country it would appear that it is all planned. congratulate you for taking prompt action and hope that you can put a stop to mob violence, riots, and destruction of property. We are making progress in our relations with negros but such progress must be by peaceful mean~s. Sincerely yours, 6~f.~ Edwin Our SECOND CENTURY MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIFE UNDERWRITER S LIFE MEMBER IOWA LEADERS CLUB ROUND TABLE s. Fern �September 15, 1966. Mayor Ivan .Allen, Jr ., The City Hall, Atlanta, Georgia. Greetings: You a.re a very courageous man. The calm , purposeful way in whic h you pers on ally face a noi sey crowd is admi r a ble. No one can say that y ou dodge duty or danger. do not communica.t e . No one can say that you More strength to you. Respe#-7:/~ James H. f~ therbee , 32-56 35th S treet, Long Island City, New YArk, 11106 . �1130 W. ""'9th St. Corona , Calif. 13 Sept. 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta , Georgia Subject:- Firemans' Strik e Dear Sir: COl GRATULATIONS on the handling· of the Atlanta firemans·1 strike! If half as much "intestinal fortitude" had been shown by Calif .st ; public offi cials, the Wa:tt I s riots and the nurses·• strikes would not have become a "model". for the country to fo l low.. Ya: 111 are doing good work in the handling of your riotsJ Kirk, Capt., USAF 11 tarheel 11 ) �Sept ember 12, 1966 Ms.yor Ivan Allen: This i s a short not e of r ea s sur ance t hat I, as a citizen of t hi s great l and, am behind y ou 100%0 I appr eci a t e , deeply, your act ion in dealing wit h St okel y Carmichael and his ilk . of t hi s situat i on, I am When I re ad about your handling warmed to knrn~ that the re ar e men wit h enough courage in thi s l and to stand up f or what is right. t he Carmichaels should be bound and j ailed. You are r i ght and Wha t ever laws are ne cessary should be used agai nst t hem and in the coming electi on, t he r e i s no doubt in my mind t hat not only wi l l we repl a ce Johnson supporters l ocall y but in 1968, J ohns on wi ll be replaced by popular vote . gr eat l and have taken all they are going t o take . f or it. The 11 whitie s 11 of this And sti ll pay ~p$$$$ The communists, the freeloaders and t he liberals are elements t hat destroy not bui ld America . They a re in the twilight of the ir years . I int end to work day and night_ to see to it that they are withdrawn f r om t he f r ont pages and that my tax dollars a re used f or buildi ng up my country and not f urther contributing to anarchy and marches f or freedom. Thank you again f or giving us h ope . Senator Dirksen is givi ng us hope . Governor Wallace is giVing us h ope . Mayor Dal ey is giving us hope . Thank you all and pleas e cont i nue in the cause of jus tice and freedom as we know it . Si ncerel y, Mrs . R. Martin Helick 7521 Rosemary Ro~d Pittsburgh, Penna. 15221 �O F SI X TH F L OOR . McC L UF! E BUILDING <\.tR..'1'.1'::.'1KJ.F<rJ>!ll1'll' 9 Hin,: lI'1IT<C!l<K:'u 4060 1 CLIFFORD E. SMITH CLIFFORD E . SMITH , JR . CL YOE E. REED RUDY Y ESSIN E. G A I N ES D AV IS, JR. E DWARD L. FOSSETT TELEPHONE September 15, 1966 A REA CODE 502 .227-6656 Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Having read all summer about the racial unrest in various parts of the country and the activities of the leaders of certain militant Negro organizations in fomenting these disturbances, I have wondered what had become of the laws against incitement to rioting. I am de lighted that you have decided to make use of your law on this subject and am of the opinion that if it had been used more generously elsewhere, the trouble which erupted in Atlanta, which has had an ex cellent record in race relations, might not have ever developed. · I hope that you will stick to your guns and prosecute Mr. Carmichael to the full extent justified by the evidence, and that your example may encourage the public officials charged with maintaining law and order in other cities, to deal with these disturbances in the same manner. Respectfully yours, EGD/ewl �LEONARD J. KERPEl.MAl'\l ATTORNEY A, LAW CHAMBERS A T 500 EQUITABLE BUILDING CALVERT AND FAYETTE STS. BALTIMORE 2 , MARYLAND TELEPHONE SA 7-8700 RESIDENCE NO 9 - 2112 September 13, 1966 CABLE: BOLTLEX REGI S T E RED PATENT ATTORN EY Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor City Hal l Atlant a, Ge orgia Dear Mayor All en, As a Democratic candidate for Mayor of Baltimore City in next year ' s primary elec tion, please allow me to congratulate you , and express my broad admiration, for the great social p ro gress whi ch has been made under your leadership by Atlanta whites and Negroes; and for your excellent handling of the exp losive situation brought upon you from outside by those like Stokel y Carmi chael who are too ful l of hostility and too empty of patience, and who, unlike any trul y forward-look ing citizen, have no stake in the future of your progressive communit y . In short , those who , in the memorable phrase of the elder Rev. Martin Luther King , were referred to by him when he said 11 Seems like nobody here wants to understand anybody". I hope tha t before many months have passed, th e Negro community of Atlanta, as well as Negro community of Baltimore and of Jl..merica will realize that racial progress for Ne groes and the protection of the liberti es of both whi te·s an Ne groes requires a studious increase in the measure of civic responsibility which is exercised not only b y whites, but by Ne groes. As it was said in Lu¥'.e Chapt er 12, 11 Unt o whomsoever much has been e;iven, of him will much be required 11 • �If you 1 11 pardon a present l y unpopular pronouncement , muc h has been given to whites and much has been g iv en to Ne~roes . Very sincerely yours , Leonard J e K erpe lman LJK : ah Enclosure cc: Local ( Baltimore ) press �LEONARD J. KERPELMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW CHAMBERS AT 500 EQUITABLE BUILDING CALVERT AND FAYE,TE STS. BALTIMORE 2, MARYLAND TELEPHONE SA 7•0700 September 12, 1966 RESIDENCE NO 9-2112 CABLE: BOL TLEX PATENT ATTORNEY REGISTERED Hon. Ivan llen, City Hall Atlanta, Geor :ia ayor Dear Mayor Allen, An invitation from you to drop into town a nd study your marvelous methodology could certainly be a boon to my pro spec ts. Very truly yours, Leonard J. Kerp elman LJK : ah �September 15, 1966 The Honorable 'fvan Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Congratulations on your handling of the recent riots in Atlanta. As a former Atlantan living in Boston, I am able to make comparisons between the two cities~ However wrong Stokely Carmichael may be when making inflanunatory statements, his remarks can carry weight only when people are motivated to listen--and poverty, unemployment, and pol ice brutality are strong motivators. I believe that these conditions exist in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Atlanta is far out in front because of the biracial dialogue that has developed, but even this was not developed overnight, and I can recall when Martin Luther King's viewpoint was considered "radical" by Atlanta's ruling bodies. Please continue the good work you are doing, but please remember that although Stokeley : Cannichael 's views have been distorted, perhaps by· his own milieu , the seeds of truth created them and the resulting riots. Sincerely yours, fJ~~ q · ( , '·-1-JA~ Myrnf R. Truitt (Miss) 1680 Commonwealth Avenue #3 Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 �Parsona ge, 281i:i Dnhlia ;=;t. Phone 33.3-9458 Church Phone 222-5390 CAMPBELL CI-IAPEL A.M.E. CI-IURCI-I Rt. REV. H . THOMAS PRIMl\1 Presiding Bishop 1724 Villa· Place Nashvillo 15, T ennessee lfiOO East 22nd .~.: ,enue REV.E.D. CHAPPELLE Den,er 5, Colorado 704 East Colorado Ave. 'Rev. D . C'.. Coleman, Mini;,ter' r:oloruclo Springs, Colorado Presiding Elder Mayor Irvan All en Jr. M8.yors Off ic e, A.tlanta, Ga. Dear Mayor All en ; Kindly all ow me t o express my gratitude to you or the courageous stand y ou took in the di sturbant cre a t ed in your fair city.· You exemplified courage and l eadership beyound the call of duty. Jam a Negro minister born in Georgia and am interested in the progress made under your fair leadership.The Denver Post has carried several art icles relative to the progress you h ~ve made. It is to bqd t hat this Carmi chael is a lloud to go a round Pedling hqte ,he has done more to destroy the transquility and harmony of the racial question than any one man in the country. Perhqps this is unreasonable to ~sk of you but I should like for you to use all t hat is withen your power to take him out of circula tion if its on:W for a year t hen we would have an opporYunity to try to convert some of his misguided followers. Respectfully Rev. D. C. COlem -, n �BR O A D WAY LOS AN GELES . AT 4 5 TH C A LIFO RN I A A D AM s 9003 7 2-42 7 1 September 16, 1966 Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of City of Atlanta Office of the Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: As a Negro Citizen and a national officer of the NAACP I am writing to thank you for the way you have carried yourself and the expressions to the general public that you have made during the Atlanta riots. I am a friend of Dr. Rufus Clemments of Atlanta University. We have often discussed you and your progressive policies and I wanted you to know that I appreciate your efforts in behalf of Civil Rights and a peaceful community. Enclosed is a copy of the New York Times editorial that I thought would re-enforce your determination to continue along the lines you are following. Sincerely yours, President H CH:fl E n cl . �i-Ia i s on du Canada 31 Blvd. Jourdan Par i s 14 Sep t ember 16 , 1966 113.yor Ivan Allen J tla.nt a , Georgia Dear r ayor Allen: Now t.h at both bla ck racist s tokel y Carmi chael and white racist G. L. Roclmell are en joying 11 separa te but equal t r eat ment in separat e but equal villas 11 in municipal jai ls, t he a ttach ed cartoon seefilS appropriat e ••• If you l i ke t he cartoon , perhaps you would be kind nough to fori1ard i t to some newspaper or j ourn al f or possibl e publication . I have s everal other cartoons i ncl uding one on Ver unerd and South Afri can _ a rtheid i f you would c are to SE:e t hem. . yyours~ �FAVORABLE - OUTSI DE ATLANTA, IN GEORGIA 4r. Charles R. a lke r 2898 Lynda Pl ace Decatur, eor ia Mr s , Jeanne 1, Geegg Route 2 Timbe r Rid e Road Mariett a, Geor ia Mr . and Mr s . Louis R. Fruecht, Jr. 3510 Indian Lane Doraville, Georgia FAVORABLE - OUTSI DE GEORGIA Mrs . w. H. Brach 103 Worth St reet Iselin• New Jersey 08 830 Mr . Roy L. Morgan ( Roy ) 3900 Watson Pl ., N. w. partment 2 Tower B Washington, D, c. Mrs . Maude Cooley Barnes 437 Wes t Sixth Str et San Bernardino, California 92401 Orville W. Johnston. Chaplain The We ley Foundation The Methodist Church t the Coll 1 red 1 New York 14802 e Campus Mr. Richard K. Degenhardt ( Dick) President Ash ville Chanber of Commerc, Inc . !s cutive Vic P, o. Box 1011 A heville, North Carolina Mr. Loy S, Braley 1668 Juanit Avenue San Jose, California 28802 �FAVORAB LE - OUTSIDE ATLAN TA Mi s s M rna R. Truitt 1680 Commonwea lth Avenue #3 Brighton, Mas s ac husett s 02135 Mrs . Felder F. Heflin 1600 South Jo ce Street M, Sgt , Robert H. For mby 16- B Webb Avenue estover . F. B, assachusett~ Apt . B-40 9 Arlington , Vir ginia 22202 Mr. Leonard J , Kerpe l man Attorney a t Law 500 Equit abl e Buildin Ba ltimore 2 , Maryl nd Mrs , R. Martin He l i c k 75 21 Rosemary Road Pi t tsburgh, Pennsylvani rs . Fannie St ark Bo x 294 Cli n on I South Carolina 15221 rs , Viol et Beilby 546 Vi ne St reet Shc eveport , Louisiana Mr . E, Gaines Davis , J r, Smit h , Reed , Yessin & Davis Bui l ding 40601 Mr , R, H, Bt'Own Rt , l Mr , Edwin S. fern 113 E. .apl e Avenue Ott umw~ , Iowa Mrs , i dne Wilmer 210 Ri verside Dri ve , Apt , GE ~ew York , New Yor k 10025 Mr , R. v. Ostuni 6935 Trolley Wa Playa Del Rey , Cal iforni Sixth Fl oor, cClur Fr ank ort, Ken tuck Mr , I, Marti n Sh r t r 21230 Kipling Oa k Park, Michigan 48237 Mr . John T. Reves Bremen. Georgia Box 3 Hartford, Arkansa ~r . Delbert w. Colemen ( D 1 ) Chairman of the Board The S bur Corporation 1500 North D yton Str et ti! , Mr, J . J , Daniell (Ji ) Harieta_ , orgi Chic Captain John L, Kirk USAF o, Illinois Hr . Thomas M 8 73 North Sup e t 29th Street Corona, California D catur . Geor A3C Mich 1 F, Eskew CMR Box 2129 Hai on de Can d Fairchild A, F , B. Wa hinJton, 99011 Pris 14, Fr nc 1130 Mr , Sidn y Si on 31 Blvd. Jourdan r , J es K, Dobb 3353 Cott Wy, Apt. 97 r, Horatio Luro (France) Old 60622 ill Fartn Cart rsvill, Georgia Sacr Mis R, 1, Leal 837 1/2 Bo ton Str t Lo An _ele , California Dr. H, Claude Hudson Pr-esid nt Broadway F ral S vlng Lo l Cali ornia Mr, Jam H. Wetherbee 32-56 35th Street Lon I l nd City, N w York 90012 nto, Californi Clar nee 11106 r. Ho 95825 & L , n.o.s. n A n. 90037 �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr. Tom • Bobo, Sr . 98 Wills Drive Al pharetta, Geor ia r • • R. Wherritt 101 Norm ndy Vill a e Shreveport, Louis i ana Mr. John w. H 11 1385 So. Palomares Pomona, Californi Louise Brunin cable. M. D. 1660 South Ard ore Avenue Los An eles 6, california r . James B. Polhill, Jr . First N tional Bank Louisville , Georgia ( Jim) Mr . and rs . ralter H. Breil inp, 4206 Verne Avenue Cincinnati 9, Ohio r. J ames Robinson P. O. Box 31 Seb stopol, California 95472 Hr. Charles Smithgall (Charle ) Press-Radio Center Gainesvill e , eorgia r. C.R.M . Sh ppard P. o. Box 466 Tucker, eor i a 30084 Mr. Irving M. L vy 75 Central P r k Wet New York City 23, N York r . r nk • ca pbell h ph r d & Cm boll P nnsylvani Buildi ng W shinRton, D.C . c. JU 2014 Wet Vi ew Stre t Hr . Mack Lo An elcs, Cali~orni r . Loui Dr k Ber k l e , Calif ornia Mr . D. T. Du.rd n , Sr, Box 261 Al o , G or~ia 30~11 w. M thews, Jr. 816 Sheldon R d Mr. C, Charl ton, South Carolin Vinnie Willi 229 LUTI1pkin Stl'e t Thom on, Gori ~ 9001 6 Dr. D. Grier Martin ( Grier ) President Davidson Colle e David on , North Carolina Mr. erald ~ldber . 112 West Newkirk Lane Oak Ridg , Tenness e Mr . Ma urice Boone Boone- Gunderson Co . 350 South Fifth Str at Louisville, Kentucky 40202 �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr . James w. Dalton 103 Antigua Drive Cocoa Beach, Florida Mr. J. Vincent Cook Mr. ary L. Pleger Mr. P. Maurice Boulogne Cook , Pl e er & Boulogne 798 Prince Avenue Prince L ndon Bui ldin Athens. Georgia Mr. L. ~ . Evans 2121 Rive rland Road Ft . Lauderdale , Fla . 33312 1r. H. H. Niebrue ge 1309 Faraday Place Decatur, Georgia 30033 Mrs. Ruth C. Fountain Box 463 -C Albany. Georgia Mr . and Mrs . Wm. R. Warwi ck 2356 Old Stone Mountain Road Chamblee, Geor i a Mr . Quincy B. Powe ll 347 Pea body Street Athens, eorgia 3060l Mr s . Archie T. E. McCormick 330 Pa t Mell Road ~ s. w. Townhouse B-3 Marietta, Georgia Mrs. Isabelle H. Mauterer 215 Woodrow Street Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Rt. 3 Mrs . Rola nd P. Perdue, III 245 Ri vers ide Drive Athens , Georgia Mr . James M. Smith 2070 Sylvania Drive Decatur, Georgia 30033 Miss Fr edda Le 4131 J anice Drive East Point , Georgia Mrs. Gus W. Hann 601 Willivee Drive Dec tur, Geor ia Mr . James A. Dunlap ( James ) Gainesvi lle, Georgia Mrs . Anne B. Emery 1173 Holiday Boulevard forest Park, Georgia 30050 Honorable Jack H milton ( Jack ) Mayor City of Dec tur Decatur, Georgia v. Chelena, Sr. 418 Kenilworth Circle Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr . Cha rles Elliott (Charli e) 401 Flat Roc k Trail Covingt on, Geor P,ia 30209 Rev. Mr. Robert L. Mc Bath, Ministe r East Point Presbyterian Church 2810 Church Street Eas t Point, Geor ia Rev. Ralph C. Shea , Sr. Minister Jones Memorial Fir s t Methodist Churc h 189 W. Georgia Avenue Forest Par k, Geer ia r. Ward, President Mar- J c , Inc. Airport Circle P. o. Box 1923 ainesville, Georgia 30501 Mr . Max Mrs . Paul B. Dye, Jr. 660 Victory Drive aynesboro, Georgia Mr. Lee R. Groan President Georgi Jayce s P. o. Box 616 Perry, Georgia 31069 �FAVORABLE - OUTSI DE ATLANTA Mr. N. N. Burnes, Jr. ( Asa ) President Rome Manufacturin Co. Rome, Geor ia Mr. Frank K. Mart in As s t. Solicitor Genera l Offi ce of Solicit or General Chattahoochee Judicia l Circui t Musco8ee County Courthouse Columbus, eorgi a Mr. Ea rl T. Mayo P. o. Box 2151 Valdost a , Geor ia Mr. Emory Bass ( Emory ) 112 Geor ia Avenue Valdost a, Georgi a Mr . Frank Thompson . President ( Frank ) Southern Foods , Inc . 1616 Murray St reet P. O. Box 2037 Columbus , Georgia Mr . Wil on M. Hardy ( Wil on ) Hardy Realty & Development Co. P. o. Box lij70 Rome, Geor ia 30161 Mr. and Hrs. o. H. Mimms 3294 Embry Circle Chamble, Georgia Mr. and Mrs . Walter L. W t Sanderavil1, Geor ia r . and Mr . w. s. Hillian 2756 Mt . Olive Drive Decatur• G orgi Honor bl Malcolm M cl an Mayor Cit of S vannah P.O. Box 1038 S vannah, G or ia Mr. Gorge c. Turn r Vic Pr ident Hubbar~ P t Company B en, G orgi 30110 Mr. Julian H, Cox ( J uli an ) 265 E. Hancoc k Avenue Athens Geo i a Hr . John Matt ison, Jr. 727 Courtenay Dr . , N. E. Atlant a , Geer ia 30306 ~ti/Ji /~~t t!M¢Xla~i Mr. B. Sanders Wa l ker {Sanders ) 240 Second Street Macon 1 Georgi a Mr. Cha r l e C. .c Geheo 0Charlie) 16 East J ones St reet Savannah, Geor ia Mr. Howard M. McMaho., 1716 Beverl y Wood Court Chambl ee , Geor gia Mr . El gin Carmichael Cardinal l ove Co. , Inc . 113 Ann Grong Street Rome , Georgia 30161 Mrs . Mary Ridley Hill 398 Fortson Drive Athens, or i 30601 Dr . John R, Bertrand, Pre ident B rry Colleg Mount Berry , Georgi 301ij9 Hrs . J sse s. Howell, Sr . · ~06 Avenue " E" W s t Point, Georgi 31833 Hrs. J. w. O'Donne ll 117 Michigan Avenu D oatur, Georgi Mr. Jams Sol P rtin Vid li , Georgia Mrs . H. w. Barnes Griffin, G orgi Reverend alph L nwood Smith Mini ter, Fir t Chri tian Church North Cl v land at Soci ty Av. Albany, Georp,ia Mr. John P. B (Johnny) Milledgeville• Georgia �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Members of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension Cartersville, Geor ia The Macon News 120 Broadway Macon, eor ia 31208 Rev. Louis Tonsmeire Rector Church of the Ascension Cartersville, Geor ia The Chattahoochee Baptist Con feren ce Chattahoochee Association Hall County Gainesville, Georijia ~rii Mr . Quimby Melton Griffin Daily Ne s Griffin, Georijia �- - - - - - - - - -- FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr. George J. We lls Lakemont, eor ia Mr. Henry J. Miller 6332 67th Court Riverdale, Maryland Mr, Wi lliam G. Cox ( Bill) 1872 Colt Drive Chambl ee, Georgia Miss Eve Blake 3282 Robin Road Decatur, Georgia 30032 Mr. Mi lton D. Harper 2115 Sherman Avenue Evanston, I llinoi s 60201 Mr. Edward w. Alfriend, IV Oresident Insurance, Inc. P. o. Drawer 357 Alexandria, Virginia ~r/ Charles G. Abel Senior Vice President The National Investors Lif Little Rock , Arkansas ' Hrs . Jo Alice Hulley 1030 Bush, #4 Sn Francisco, California 94109 Mr. Harold c. Hudson 32ll Sandusky Drive Decatur, Georgia Ins . Co. rs . Henry J. Reichman 1075 Hanl ey Avenue Los An e l es 49, California Viti Reverend Henly C mpbell Union City Methodist Church Union City, Geor ia Mrs . H. Prioe 8825 Fir ston Plaza South Gate , California Mr, Don ld E. Chann 11 ( Don) Am rican Bar As ociation 1705 De Sal s Street Waehi n ton, o.c. 20036 Mrs . Alfred w. Tuck r 100 LaS 11 Stre t N w York, New York 10027 Mr. Stancil King King & Wi lliams Realty Co. 903 • M in St et Dothan, Alabama Mrs . Paul w. Bumbar r North C nter Str et Hickor, North C roli n 548 Mr. Lawson L. Pa t t n (Laws on) Lake l nd, G orgi 31635 Mr. R. S. Avery Boar d Chainnan Av r y Product Corpor t i on 415 Hunti ngton Dr. San Marino, California 91108 Mrs . A. P. I k Mr. Julian M. Harri son, Jr. Julian H rrison, Inc. 1312 Turn r McCall Blvd. Rom , G o rg i 30161 (Juli n) 4717 So. W ston Okl ahom Cit , Okl ho Mr. s. Wi llinaham Willin ha S h & Door Company Mr . Ell n Syk M s Br d nton , Florida r . B n s. 11m r ( B n ) 195 Broadw y N w York, N w York 10007 Mr. Ch t Schw rzkopf Box 4~5 T hachapi , Cali orni ~ v rend v nt h & Ch rry St s . con 11 G or r,i a 93561 c. Lee Wil on CL ) Silv r Cr ek Pre byterian Church Box 176 Lindal , Georgia 30147 Mr . P. B. P tte on 1000 s. E. 13th St . erfi ld ach, rlorida A. G lli an 4530 Liv!n aton Rd •• s. E. Washinton, D. c. 200 2 Hr. Geo~g �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA~ IN GEORGIA Mrs . Jeanne 1. G~e g Route 2 Timber Ridge Road Marietta, Geor -ia r . Charle Decatur, Georgia 4r. and Mrs , Louis R. Fruecht, Jr. 3510 Indian Lane Doraville, Geor ia FAVORA LE - OUTSIDE GEORGIA trs . W. H . Br ach 103 orth Street lselin, New J ersey r . Roy L . organ 08830 ( Roy ) 3900 Watson Pl ., N. w. Apartment 2A Tower B ashin _ton, D. C. Mrs . 1aude Cool ey Barnes 437 we~t Sixth Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Orvi lle w. Johnston~ Chaplin The We 1 Foundation The Methodist Church at the Colle e Campu" Alfred, tew York 14802 Mr. Richard K. De enberdt ( Dick } !secutiv Vic Pr sid nt A hev lle Chanber of Comt::1erce, Inc . P. o. Box 1011 Asheville , North Carolina Mr. Lo S. B ley 1668 Juanita Avenue San Joe, C 11 ornia P. . 2898 Lynda Place 28802 a l ker �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Miss Myrna R. Truitt 1680 Commonwea lth Avenue #3 Brighton , Massachus e t t s 02135 Mr s . I. 1a rtin Sharta r 21230 Kipling Oa k Park , Michigan 48237 Mr s . Felder r . Hef l i n 1600 South Joyce Street Apt. B-409 Arl i ngton , Virgi nia 22202 1. S t. Robert H. Formby 16- B Webb Avenue \ estover A. F. B. Massachusetts Mr . Leonard J. Kerpel man Attorney a t Law 500 Equitable Bui l di ng Baltimore 2, Maryland Mr s. R. Martin Hel i ck 7521 Rosemary Road Pittsbur h , Pennsylvania Mr s . Fannie St a rk Box 294- Clin on , South Carol ina lr . Edwin S, Fern 113 E. apl e Avenue Ottumwa , Iowa 15221 1rs . Sidney Wi"ner 210 Ri ve r side Drive , Apt , 6E New York, New York 10025 Mr. R. V. Ostuni 6935 Troll ey Way Pl aya De l Rey, Ca l i f ornia Mr . E. Gaines Davis , Jr . Smith, Reed, Yessin & Davis Sixth Fl oor, McCl ure Bui l ding Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Mr s . R. H. Brown Rt . 1 Box 3 Hart f ord , Ar kan as Mrs . Viol et Beil by 546 Vine St reet cheevepor t, Louisian '4t~ IM!9f~ll t ll Mr . J ohn T. Reeves Bremen, Georgia Mr. Del bert w. Col eman ( Del) Chairman of t he Board The Seeburg Corporat ion 1500 North Dayt on Stre t Chicago, Illinois 60622 11 . Mr. J . J . Daniell (Ji ) Marietla , eorgia Captain John L. Kirk USAF Mr . Thomas Master on 873 North Superior Av nu Decatur , Georgi 30033 1130 West 29t h Str et Corona, Cal iforni A3C Michael r . E kew CMR Box 2129 Fairchild .F. B. W shin~ton , 99011 Mr . Sidney Simon Mr , Hor tio Luro ( France ) Old Mill Farm Cart r vill , G or ia rs. J mes K. Dobbs 3353 Cottage Way, pt . 97 Mis Maison de Can da 31 Blvd. Jourdan Paris 14, F'rance Sacramento, Californi R. I. L al 837 1/2 Bo ton Street Lo Ang le • CaUfornia Mr. Jame H. W therbee 32.56 35th Str et Long I land City, New York 90012 Dr. H. Cl ude Hudson President Broadway rederal ving Los An ls. Celiforni Clarence 11106 r. Ho s, 95825 • Loan D.o.s. 90037 A n. �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr . Tom w. Bobo ., Sr . 98 Wills Drive Al pharetta, Geor ia Mr. A. R. Wherrit t 101 Normandy Vi ll ge Shreveport, Louisiana Mr. J ohn w. Hall 1385 So. Palomares Pomona, California Louise Bruning Cable, M. D. 1660 South A~dmore Avenue Los An ,el es 6 1 Ca l ifornia Mr . James B. Polhi l l, Jr. first National Bank Louisvil le, Geor ia ( Jim ) Mr . and Mrs . Walter H. Breiling 4206 Verne Avenue Cinc innati 9, Ohio Mr . J ames Robinson P.O . Box 31 Seb stopol, California Mr . C. R. M. Shep rd P. o. Box 466 Tuck r, G orgia 30084 Mr . Irving M. L vy 75 Central P rk Wet New York City 23, N w York Mr . rrank G. C mpbell Sheph rd & C mpbell P nn ylv nia Building Wahington , D.C. Mr. M ck c. Ri gsb 2014 Wet View Str t Lo Ang le, Californi Drak Berkly, Californi Mre. D. T. Durden, Sr. Box 261 Ala o, G orgia 30411 Mr . c. w. M th we, Jr. 816 Sh ldon Road Ch rleston, South C rolin ~ Vinni Willi 229 L pkin Str et Thom on, G or ia Mr. Ger ld Gmldber 112 West Newkirk Lane Oak Ridget Tennessee Mr. . Mauric e Boone 95472 Mr . Charles Smit hgall ( Charles ) Press-Radio Center Gainesville, Geor~ia Mr. Loui Dr . D. Grier Martin ( Grier ) President Davidson College Davidson > North Carol ina 90016 Boone- Gunders on Co . 350 South Fifth Street Louis ville, Kentucky 40202 �FAVORABLE - OUTSI DE ATLANTA Mrs . Isabelle H. Mauterer 215 Woodrow Street Columbia , South Carolina 29 205 Mr . J ames w. Dalton 103 Antigua Drive Cocoa Beach , Florida Mr . L. G. Evans 2121 Riverland Road rt . Lauderdale , Florida 33312 Mr s . Ruth C, Fountain Route 3 Box 463-C Albany, Georp,i a Mr . J. Vincent Cook Mr. Gary L. Pler,er Mr, P. Ma urice Boulogne Cook, Pl er,e r & Boul oP,ne 798 Prince Avenue Prince Lyndon Building Athens , Georgia Mr. H, H. Niebruegge 1309 Faraday Place Dec a tnr, Georgia 30033 Mr. and Mr s . Wm, R, Wa r wick 2356 Old Stone Mountain Road Chamblee , Ge orgi a Mr . Quincy B, Powell 347 Peabody Street Athens , Ge or gia 30601 Mr s . Archie T.E . McCormick 330 Pat Mell Road, S. W. Townhouse B-3 Marietaa, Geor gi a Mrs . Roland P. Perdue , I II 245 Riverside Dr ive Athens, Georgia Mr. Cha rles Elliott (Charlie ) 401 Flat Roc k Trail Covinr,ton , Georgi a 30209 Mr. James M, Smith 2070 Sylvania Drive Decat ur, Georgia 30033 Rev . East 2810 East Miss Fredda Lee 4131 Janice Drive East Point, Geor gia Mrs. Gus w. Mann 601 Wi llivee Drive Decat ur, Georgi a Mr. James A. Dunlap ( James ) Gainesville, Georpia Mrs, Anne B. Emery 177 3 Holiday Boulevard Forest Park, Georr,ia 30050 Honorable Jack Hamilton (Jack) Mayor City of Decatur Decatur, Georgia Mr, and Mrs, Carl V, Chelena, Sr, 418 Kenilworth Circle Stone Mountain , Geor~ia 30083 Robert L, McBat h, Mi nis t e r Point Presbyteri an Church Church Street Point, GeorP,ia Rev. Ralph C. Shea, Sr, Minister Jones Memorial First Methodist Church 189 W. Georgia Avenue Forest Park, Geor ia Mr. Max F. lard. President Mar-Jae , Inc. Airport Circle P. o. Box 1923 Gainesvi l ee, GeorFia 30501 Mrs. Paul B. Dye, Jr. 660 Victorv Drive Waynesboro, Georpia Mr. Lee R. Grogan President Georgia Jaycees P.O. Box 616 Peggy, Georgia 31069 �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr . N. N. Burnes, Jr.(Asa ) President Rome Manuf acturin Co. Rome, ,.eor ia Mr . Frank K. iarti n Asst. Solicitor eneral Office of Solici tor General Chattahoochee Judicia l Circuit uscoP.ee Count Courthouse Columbus , Geor ia Mr . Ear l T. Mayo P. o. Box 2151 Valdos t a , Geor i a Hr . Julian H. Cox (Jul i an ) 265 E. Hancock Avenue Athens , Georgi a Mr . John Mat tison, J r. 727 Courtenay Dr . , N. E. Atl nta , eor ia 30306 Mtt/Ji/~~rt/M~Xla~~ Mr. B. Sanders Wal ke r ( Sander s ) 240 Second Street Macon, Geor g ia Hr . Charl es c • .c ehee 0Charlie ) 16 Eas t Jones St reet S vannah , ~eorgia Mr . Emory Bas s ( Emory) 112 Geor i ia Avenue Va ldos t a, GeorP,ia r . Fra nk Thom s on, President ( f r ank ) Souther n Foods , I nc, 1616 urray St reet P. O. Box 2037 Colu bus, Geor P.i Mr . Howard M. c -1ahon 1716 Beverl y Wood Court Chambl ee, Geor ia Mr . El gin Carmichael Cardin- 1 Gl ove Co •• Inc . 113 Annamrong Stree t Rome, Geor i 30161 Mr. Wi l son M, Har dy ( ~il~on ) Hardy Realty & Deve l opment Co. P. o. Box 1470 Rome , G orr,ia 30161 rs . Ma ry Ri.c:Uey Hi ll 398 fort s on Driv Athens , eor i 30601 Mr. and irs . o. H. Mi mms 3294 Cmbry Circle Ch mbl e, Geor ia Dr, John R. Ber t r and , Pr es id nt Berry College Mount B rry , eo~ ia 30149 Hr . and Mrs . Walter L. W st Sand rsvi l l , Geor ia Hr . J s c s. Howell Sr , 406 Avenue 11 E" W s t Point, eo i 31833 r. and Mrs . W. s. i llian 2756 Mt . Ol i v Driv D c tur , Geo ia Honorabl e Malcolm Macl ean yor City of S v nn h H P. O. Box 1038 Sav nn h , Geor ia Mr, H r v y B. Molan 3564 SQxton Wood. Drlv Ch blee , G or ia 30005 ,r. GeorR C. Turn r Vice Pre ident Hubbard Pant C pany B n, ~eor ia 30110 Mr s . J . w. O' Donne ll 117 Michigan Avenue D c tur, G or 1a Mr . J es Sol Par tin Vidali • Georgi Mrs . H. w. Barn s Griffin , G orgia Reverend lph Lynwood S 1t h Mi ni ter . f i rst Christin Church North Cl ev land at Societ Ave . Albany • G OrP,ie r . John P. ( Johnny ) Milled vill, Georgia �FAVORABLE - OUTSI DE ATL ANT Membe rs of the Episcopa l Church of t he Ascension Carte rsville, Geor ia The Macon N ws 120 Br oadway Macon , eorgia 31208 Rev. Louis Tonsmeire Rector Church of t he Ascens on Cartersville, eor ia The Chattahoochee Bapt ist Conference Chattahoochee Associat ion Hall Count y Gainesvi l le , Geor gi a ~r¢1 r. Quimby Me lton ri fin D i l y ews Grifin, Geor ia �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mr . Geor ge J . We lls I.akemont. -eor ia Mr . Henry J. Miller 6332 67th Court Riverda l e, a r yland r . Wi lli am G. Cox ( Bill) 1872 Colt Drive . iss Eve Blake 3282 Robin Road Decatur, eorgia 30032 Chamblee, Georgia r . 1il ton D. Harper 2115 Sherman Avenue Evanston Illinoi 60201 Mr. Edward W. Alfriend, IV Oresident In urance , Inc. P. O, Drawer 357 Alexandria , Virginia 4rl Charl es G. Abel Senior Vice President The Nat ional Investors Life Ins . Co. I rs , J o Alice Hulley 1030 Bush, #4 San Francisco, California Little Rock, Arkansas 94109 1075 Han l ey Avenue Loa Ange l es 49s California r. Harold C. Hudson 3211 Sandu~ky Drive Decatur, Geo?'P.ia Vit i Raver nd Henly Campbell Union City fe thodist Church Union City, Georp,ia Mr . H. Price 8825 rireston Plaz South Gate• California Mr , Donald E. Channell (Don) Am rican Bar Associ tion 170S De Sales Street W shin ton, o.c. 20036 Hrs . Alfred • Tuck .r 100 L Salle Street New York, New York 10027 Hr. R. I rs . Henry J . Reichman s. Avery Bo rd Chainnan Avery Product Corporation 415 Huntin ton Dr . san M rino, C lifornia 91108 Mr . Stancil KinR King & William R alty Co . 903 w. Main St t Dothan, Alabama Hrs , Paul w. Bumbarg r 548 orth Center ctreet Hickory , North C rolin Mr . L wson L. Patt n (Lawson) Lakeland, G orgia 31635 Mr. Julian H. Harrison, Jr. Julian Harrison, Inc . 1312 Turner McCall Blvd . Rooe , Go 1 30161 {Juli n ) Mr , A. P. Ike 4717 So . w ston Oklah City, Oklahoma r. S. Willin h Willin h m Sash & Door Company S v nth & Ch rry St . Macon, Ceorp,ia Ellen Syk rad nton, Florid Mr • Mr . Chet Schwarzko Box 445 Tehachapi, calJ.forni r. Bens . Gil r (Ben) 195 Bro dw y Hew York, New York 10007 93561 Mrs. P. B. Patt c. Lee Wil on (L e) Silv r Creek P byterian Church P verend 1000 s. on E. 13th St, D rfield Beach, rlor!d Box 176 Lindale, G or ie 30147 Hr. Geor e A. G lli an ~~30 Livin to Rd., S. E. Wa hin ton, D. c. 20032 �FAVORAB LE - OUTSI DE ATLANTA, I N GEORG I A Mrs . Jeanne M. Gregg Route 2 Timber Ridge Road Marietta , Georgia Mr . Charles R. Wa lker 2898 Lynda Pl a ce Decatur , Ge or i a Mr . and Mrs . Louis R. Fr uecht , Jr. 3510 Indian Lane Doravi lle, Georg ia FAVORAB LE - OUTSIDE GEORGI A Mrs . w. H. Brach 103 Wor th St reet Ise l in , New Jersey / 08830 Mr. Roy L. Morgan ( Ro) 3900 Wat s on Pl ., N. W. A artment 2A Towe r B Was hington , D. c. Mr s , Maude Coole Barnes 437 West Si xth Street San Bernar dino , Cal iforn i a 92401 Orvill e • J ohns t on , Cha l ain The esley Foundat ion The Methodis t Church at the College Campus Alfred, New York 14802 Mr, Richard K. Degenhardt (Di ck) !secutive Vice President Asheville Chanber of Commerce , Inc . P. o. Box 1011 Asheville, North Carolina 28802 Mr. Loy s. Braley 1668 Juanita Avenue San Jose , California �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA ~ Members of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension Cartersville , Georgia The Macon News 120 Broadway Macon 9 Georgia v- 31208 Rev. Louis Tonsmeire Rector Church of the Ascension Cartersville • Georgia .; The Chattahoochee Baptist Conference Chattahoochee Association Hall County Gainesville, Georgia ./ Vitt,i Mr . Quimby Melton Griffin Daily News Griffin , Geor gia ~ �i FAVORAB LE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA . Mr. N. N. Burnes , Jr. ( As a ) President Rome Manufacturing Co. Rome , Georgi a Mr. Frank K. Martin Asst . Solicitor General Office of Solicitor General Chattahoochee Judici al Circuit Muscogee County Courthouse Columbus , Georgia / Mr . Earl T. Mayo P. o. Box 2151 Valdosta , Georgi a ~ Mr. Emory Bass (Emory ) 112 Georgia Avenue Valdosta , Georgia / Mr. Frank Thompson , President ( Frank ) Southern Foods , Inc. 1616 Murray Street P. O.Box 2037 Columbus , Georgia / Mr. Wilson M. Hardy ( Wilson) Hardy Realty & Development Co. P. o. Box 1470 Rome , Georgia 30161 • Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Mimms 3294 Embry Cir cle Chamblee , Georgia • Mr . and Mr s . Wa l t er L. West Sandersville , Georgia Dr. and Mrs . w. .,, Mr . Julian H. Cox (Julian) 265 E, Hancock Avenue Athens , Georgia , Mr. John Mattison , Jr. 727 Courtenay Dr. , N.E. Atlanta , Geor ia 30306 ~tJIJJ/~~tt/~¢Xl,~~ Mr. B. Sanders Walker (Sanders) 240 Second Street Macon , Georgia ~ Mr, Charles C, McGehee 0Charlie) 16 East Jones Street Savannah , Geor ia Mr. Howard M, McMahon 1716 Beverly Wood Court Chamblee , Geor gia I, / Mr. Elgin Carmichael Cardinal Glove Co ., Inc. 113 Armstrong Street Rome, Georgia 30161 v Mrs, Mar y Ridl ey Hill 398 Fortson Drive Athens, Georgia 30601 ., Dr . John R. Bertrand 1 President Berry College Mount Be rr , Georgia 3014 9 / Mrs. Jesse S. Howe ll , Sr • 406 Avenue " E" Wes t Poi nt, Geor ia 31833 S, Millians 2 756 Mt . Olive Drive ~ Mrs. J, W. 0' Donnell 117 Michigan Avenue Decatur , Geor gia v Mr. J ames Sol Part in Vidalia, Georgia Decat ur , Georgia Honorable Malcolm Mac lean Mayor City of Savannah P. O. Box 1038 Savannah , Georgi a }Mr. Harvey B. Moslan 3564 Sexton Woods Drive 3000 5 Chamblee, Georgia

Mr. George C. Turner

fl ~C, L Vice President -, Hubbard Pants Company Bremen, Georgia 30110 • Mr s. H, w. Barnes Gri ffin, Georgia Reverend Ralph Lynwood Smith Minister, First Christian Church North Cleveland at Society Ave. Albany, Georgia .t Mr. John P. Baum (Johnny) Milledgeville, Georgia �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Miss My rna R. Truitt 1680 Commonwealth Aven ue #3 Bri hton , Massachusetts 02135 Mrs. I. Martin Shartar 21230 Ki plin Oak Park , Michigan 4-8237 Mrs. Felder F. Heflin 1600 South Joyce Street Apt . B-4-09 Arlington , Vi r ginia 22 202 M, Sgt. Robert H, Formby 16-B Webb Avenue Westover A,F,B, Massachusetts Mr. Leonard J , Kerpelman Attornev at Law 500 Equitab l e Bu i ldin Ba l tim ore 2 1 Mary land Mrs, Fannie Stark Box 294Clin~on , South Carolina Mrs, R, Martin Helick 752 1 Rosemary Road Pittsbur h , Pennsylvania 15221 Mr. Edwin S, Fern 113 E. Ma le Avenue Ottumwa , Iowa Mrs, Sidney Wilmer 210 Riverside Drive, Apt, 6E New York , New York 10025 Mr. R, V. Ostuni 6935 Trolley Way Playa Del Rey. California Mr. E. Gaines Davis , Jr. Smith , Reed, Yessin & Davis Sixth Floor , McClure Building Frankfort , Kentucky 4-0601 Mrs , Violet Beilby 54-6 Vine Street Sheeveport , Louisiana Mrs. R. H, Brown Rt, 1 Box 3 Hartf or d , Ar kansas Mr, John T, Reeves Bremen , Georgi a M. Mr. J. J , Dani e ll (J im ) Marietaa. Georgia Mr. Delbert W, Coleman ( Del ) Chairman of the Board The Seeburg Corporat i on 1500 North Dayton St r eet Chicago , Illinoi s 60622 Captain John L, Kirk USAF 113 0 West 29t h Street Corona, California Mr. Th oma s Mas t erson 873 No rth Superior Avenue Decatu r, Gear ia 3003 3 A3C Mic hae l F. Eskew CMR Box 2129 Fairchild A, F.B, Washingt on, 99011 Mr. Sidney Simon Maison de Canada 31 Blvd, J ourdan Paris 14, France Mrs. Horatio Luro (Frances) Old Mill Farm Cartersville , Geor gia Mrs. James K, Dobbs 3353 Cottage Way , Apt . 97 Sacramento, California 95825 Miss R. I. Leal 837 1/2 Boston Street Los Angeles, California Dr. H. Claude Hudson President Broadway Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Los Anpeles . Ca lifornia 90037 Mr. James H, Wetherbee 32- 56 35th Street Long Island City, New York 90012 11106 Clarence F. Holmes, D. D. S. 2602 we Q n Street Denver 9 C olorado 80205 �