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STRE ET STRIFE-An Atlanta policeman on the roof or a police car at right as be nrearing a gasmask carries two children to attempts to disperse the angry crowd that safety fr~ m a Negro home filled "ith tear· gathered to protest a policeman's shooting gas, at left, while :Wayor"JniJ tan -.....;a • ;.__ f •::.;; su:;; spec ~ t~;n~ t~h;;_. e ;;_. th__,r__t __,r__,__n~a., ut"o" '. = =>I ATLAl'iTA- From Al Police Rout 1000 Rioters In A.tlanta onto the vehicle, apparenl~y unhurt. The rioters calmed down momentarily, but the disturbance started lo spread again when a Negro man leaped atop another car and joined Allen in his Plea for peace. About 15 Negroes pulled the Negro down and beat him . It was then that Allen ordered the crowd dispersed. "Tear all the houses down if necessary," said the usually mild-spoken Mayor. "I want the people dispersed . Tear the place up." Allen gave the order calmly and without show of anger. One police car was overturned at the height of the melec, and two others were badly damaged. The rioters also tried, hut failed. to overun1trd Preu Intemauonal turn two police paddy wagons SAVED- I\ Y.ecplng mother holds her child after pohce The Negro car thefl suspect, rescued hve youngsters from a te11rgas fi lled home ~~f!:c:,rre~;sto143.215.248.55 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST)fir~J 1 during a brief outbreak of violence 1n Atlanta H arold Prat.her, 25, Police· ] ~ said they opened fire when leaders and has worked to and SC\"Cn other r.cgro min:: 16:37, 29 December 2017 (EST) t~ehdalt nd ignored a play down racial incidents. islers approached ~ lien after Although hil twice, Prather Atlanta's schools were to· the riot and promised to col· , made it to his home and when tally i ntegr at e d. Business lect grie\'ances and discuss police attempted to arrest him houses have many Negro em- them with Allen. they foun d the way blocked by µloyes. City facilities are to- The Rev. Martin Luther ~! ~~:~~/~~:e;~:e; ~:l~r ~tit::e~ 5Tt~\~~t~tl~~! forcements were summ?ned. Jcgislafure. g Later, Stoke;y Carm1chael, Only this morning, the prochairman of SNCC, announced gressive Mayor had welcomed that _ther~ would be a d~m~n- carmicliaeJ and about 20 or st ration m the ~egro district his supporters into his offi ce to Pro t es I the arrest of for a conference. They came Prather. to protest alleged police bruThe cro\•·d started gather- tallity to SNCC members in in 1; ¥'hen ,a S.'!CC sound truck the city jail. entered the area. Officers took The Rev. W. Clyde Williams the two m2n manning truck into custody and charged them wi th operating the truck without a permit. The crowd 1 tipped over the police cruiser and tri ed to overturn the wagon. Up until th is point, only 50 1 Negro officers had !iren on the scenr, but 50 morp pol:re11ien wt!n• ~uinmoned, Including 30 Negro and 20 white officers. The presence or white om cers incen!IPd the youths, who began shouting "Kill the white bastards, kOI the white cops." It was at this i>oint that ~Iayor Allen arrived and tried to reason with the mob, but he was shouted down Following thP riot, Allen held a street corner news conference and vol'.erl that police ~ing Sr., father ~f the ~ahona lly · known mt~grabon leader who makes his home in Atlanta: urged Negroes to stay in their homes. "Noth ing can be ga ined by this," he Warned . "Whal do they want? The I\Jayor came down. He tried to speak to them. TbeYwouldn't listen . What do they want? thP:,------~- ~- ~-~-----= would kec.p the ' 1 by he c-amp to l'l'at·1•, .\skc·d the 5i.:cne personally, the Mayor replied; ·'J am concerned with the problems of Atlanta. Any 1eatlerhas:iC'cesstotheMa\·or and I would welcome an ·opportunity to ta!k. Allrn can take much of the (·n•dil for \tlanta'1 previou~ racial Pt'arl"' and has h11d almo:,;t 1-c'llid \egro i;upport at thl' poll HI.' wa:1 one> of the fo\ South(·J nl·rs to t sll v for the 19ti4 el\ 11 ri ht~ b1 1.· Ht further mtcgr.itr.d the i\.tlnnta police fortl" onal co11fc He hit.~ held J)t'f cm· wit' \:esro �I 000 Riot After Arrest in Atlanta; J Mayor _Is,Felled Pleading With Mob I • ' • By Ann Mohr , ATLANTA, Sept. 6 (UPI) Police routed about .1000 rioting Negroes with tear gas and warning shotgun blasts today after they attacked officers with rocks and bottles and knocked the mayor, who was pleading for peace, t o t he ground. Officers chased the fleeing

'legroes down side streets, hur ling tear gas canisters at their

heels. At !'east 25 persons were ar- 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;:====::::::::::=:=::::::::::::=-;;;;;=====-- rested and nine injured, including fi ve Negro children in a t ear-gassed building and a white b t h n h" f th ., . oy cu w e IS a er s car was stoned. The outburst was touched off after police wounded a Negro suspected, of car theft . Leaders of the militant Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee were in the forefront of the rnelee. State troopers and all offduty city policemen were summoned to help deal with the racial outburst- the worst this progressive Southern city has experienced in moder n times. Mayor Ivan Allen J r. climbed atop a car in the r iot-torn Negro district to try and reason with the crowd, but was greeted with taun ts of "white devil" and "black power." The Mayor was finally toppled from his perch when the crowd surged against the car, knocking him off. He landed in a kneeling position on the pavement, but climbed back See ATllANTA:, :A3, Ool. 1 Pi ctures on Page A3 I �