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I . I think you HANDLED YOURSELF magnifi cently ; 2 . I have alviays thought that Atlanta was more kind to t he Ne gro Question than any ci t~r lhn Ame rica . 3. I feel they have evidenced a gr eat INGRATITUDE towards a citizenry a nd a Police Departme nt which s hould not ha ve been subjected to su ch inf amous a nd ungrat et'Ul DISORDERLY t r eatmn t. 9- 8- 66 FRANCIS H. FANNON, K.S.G. Pursuing Knowledge and Joys IN MERRIE OLDE ENGLAND Box 509, A lexa ndria, Virg inia, U.S.A. �~- ~D . I ,~ .--- / S'.., 13 -,, \

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· Honorable M~ ror of ATLANTA, Georgia . �