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May 26, 196,9 , Mr. Erv in Stev ens Chai rman , C itizens Central Advi sory Counc il E conomic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. 799 Parsons St reet, S. W. Dear Mr . Stevens : May I acknowle~ge receipt of your l etter regarding the c ompo ition of the Atlanta Housi ng Authority. The recent Legi lature ssed a bill inc rea ing the size of the Hou iag Authority. H d this bill not been vetoed, it would have made it po ible to dd two additional member to the board, nd I would h ve been gl d to consider the appointment of one or more temmt . Unfortunately, the Gov rnor vetoed the bill, which preven · my taking thb ction. Mr. Sterne, ho i now erviag a cba.irm n of the a thority, and who • rendered valuable ervice, ould be re-appointed to tbia position in June, hould he con ider ccepting the r ponaibility g in. U l may be of furt er si tance, plea e let me kno inc r ly, Iva IAJr:am / Alleri, Jr. �