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-2- We do not consider it necessary or desirable for the County to set up an Authority for low-cost housing , as the Atlanta Housing Authority already has the right to acquire land, build and operate low-cost housing within an a r ea extending 10 miles beyond the City limits o f Atlanta . Low-cost _ ho u sing should be buil t n ear public transportation, publ ic ly -supp orted h ospitals a nd he a l t h f a cilities, and where , water, sewers and polic e pro te cti o n are a vai lable . The Commissioners deplore th e May o r ' s la c k of k nowl e d g e of the Cou nty 's mas s i ve programs to a i d the unfortunate. 42% of Fu l to n Co unty ' s i ncome i s spent o n County-w ide we lfare, h eal t h , h o spi t al i zat ion , j u veniles, e t c.; altho ugh 8 6 % of those who ben e f i t from this are residen t s of the City . is from property tax. 82 % of the Cou nty's i ncome We have no o ther sourc e o f a ny c o nseq ue n ce. Fo r th e Mayor to say that we do not recogni ze our respon sibi l i t y is simp ly a misstatement of the facts. (For the sake of clar ity on t his impor t ant issue we respec t f ul ly requ es t o ur ·entire statement be used.) Walter M. Mitchell, Chairman 'Jas. H. Aldredg, Vice-cnairman Charlie Brown •• �