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2014 West View Street Los Angeles, ~a:lif. 90016 9/ 14/ 66 Honorahle Mayor · Iv.an Allen Jr. City Hall Atlanta,. Ga. Dear· Nr·. . Mayor: Ple.as.e except this l e tter.- of tlianks and congratulation t-o you for the wonderful waiy you naV,e handle the p~oblems y,ou have had to face and are facing there in Atlanta, hefore and during a:11 the unnecessary violence. I ·w:ould lik e to say, I am a Ne:gro ·, who had a, father · and mother · that· taught us honesty, decency, dignity, intelligence, respect for the othe-r fellow. Respe ct. f .o r law and orde.r·. Know the law and' stay within it. Always try and do· to the other ' fellow as· you would ha-v.e him do to you . One. of my fath e:r 's favorite sayings was, the wo.rst. man in the wu:rld to do business "With, is an ( educ ated fool), b.ecause he:·Vthinks ne knows: e~e:cything, but: li tt-1.e- or nothing. With ctll the CiviL Right . leaders we have in .America today, we are bound to hav.e some fool.s· miXS'd up ~iii th the better ones.I stand with Dr.·. Martin Luther King,. because I believe as: he does. Violence is definiteiy not the way. I honestly wish we had more :May<n.•s,., Sena.to;i,s , and Congress.mans: with . the same kind of for.ti tude that you have_. If we did, this would bea be·tter· America :ro.n· all of us· to live in. A man can be as honest as the days are long and s.till not have the guts to stand up fol' · what he knows is right.• He is· afraid he will loos·e a. vote. You testified for· the 1.964 Civil Rights Act because within you, you lmew this wa-s· the right: thing to do, r-egardless to what might happen. to your. political future. When any man stand for what is right and good, he will surely win soon or· later, be.cause this is what God stand for, and he has never lost a battle yet. Mayor Allen, please keep up the good works you have s·tarted, and you won't only help to make Atlanta a better place for · all of it citizens, but you will help make America· a better place for all to live. My :Qra.-yers and best wishes will alwayJs- be and keep you. Respectfull.y youfs, } .' Wt~ t 6.tl-_ · ' g .. �