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Sept ember 12, 1966 Ms.yor Ivan Allen: This i s a short not e of r ea s sur ance t hat I, as a citizen of t hi s great l and, am behind y ou 100%0 I appr eci a t e , deeply, your act ion in dealing wit h St okel y Carmichael and his ilk . of t hi s situat i on, I am When I re ad about your handling warmed to knrn~ that the re ar e men wit h enough courage in thi s l and to stand up f or what is right. t he Carmichaels should be bound and j ailed. You are r i ght and Wha t ever laws are ne cessary should be used agai nst t hem and in the coming electi on, t he r e i s no doubt in my mind t hat not only wi l l we repl a ce Johnson supporters l ocall y but in 1968, J ohns on wi ll be replaced by popular vote . gr eat l and have taken all they are going t o take . f or it. The 11 whitie s 11 of this And sti ll pay ~p$$$$ The communists, the freeloaders and t he liberals are elements t hat destroy not bui ld America . They a re in the twilight of the ir years . I int end to work day and night_ to see to it that they are withdrawn f r om t he f r ont pages and that my tax dollars a re used f or buildi ng up my country and not f urther contributing to anarchy and marches f or freedom. Thank you again f or giving us h ope . Senator Dirksen is givi ng us hope . Governor Wallace is giVing us h ope . Mayor Dal ey is giving us hope . Thank you all and pleas e cont i nue in the cause of jus tice and freedom as we know it . Si ncerel y, Mrs . R. Martin Helick 7521 Rosemary Ro~d Pittsburgh, Penna. 15221 �