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O F SI X TH F L OOR . McC L UF! E BUILDING <\.tR..'1'.1'::.'1KJ.F<rJ>!ll1'll' 9 Hin,: lI'1IT<C!l<K:'u 4060 1 CLIFFORD E. SMITH CLIFFORD E . SMITH , JR . CL YOE E. REED RUDY Y ESSIN E. G A I N ES D AV IS, JR. E DWARD L. FOSSETT TELEPHONE September 15, 1966 A REA CODE 502 .227-6656 Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Having read all summer about the racial unrest in various parts of the country and the activities of the leaders of certain militant Negro organizations in fomenting these disturbances, I have wondered what had become of the laws against incitement to rioting. I am de lighted that you have decided to make use of your law on this subject and am of the opinion that if it had been used more generously elsewhere, the trouble which erupted in Atlanta, which has had an ex cellent record in race relations, might not have ever developed. · I hope that you will stick to your guns and prosecute Mr. Carmichael to the full extent justified by the evidence, and that your example may encourage the public officials charged with maintaining law and order in other cities, to deal with these disturbances in the same manner. Respectfully yours, EGD/ewl �