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1373 Wash ington Avenue Bronx,N.Y. 56 September 9,1966 Tbe Honorable Iv an Allen Jr. Ma~or of Atlanta Ga. Ci ty Hall Dear Si r : Thia letter ia to express to ypu our prof ound regret for the disrespec t shown to you during your most courageous effort to calm our people during the disturbance a few days ago. We are a group of five-thousand fami lies , pledged to live together a s ne1ghbors,w1th sincere respect for each other. We are all races and creed living here. We a re not just a gainst violence, we -just won't have 1 t because we have lived long enough to know t hat it does not solve a ny problems.We fee l too, that i t ls down-right stupid not to work with the Whites who t ry s incerely to respect our bid for a better life for ourse l ves and our children. r 6 a -,_).µ,k, - Sincerel y, -~ \'\ r 1 Louis A. Fickling,Pre dent Claremont Vi llage Organization �