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J. L. EA L OW I N, REAL TOR 801 ~ PRINCESS OWNER STREET WILMINGTON, · NORTH CAROLINA O F Rea/ 6lale leaf 6lale _Apprai!Jal AT DELCO . N . C . ANO FA R M I NG LIVE STOCK RAI S INa 2-3210 Jn,iurance S ADDLE ACRES FARM GENERAL TELEPHONE Sept. 9, 1966 Hon. Ivy Allen, Mayor, Atlanta , Ga. Dear Mr. Mayor: As one citiz en to another, allow me to congratul ate you on your stand in conne ction with the disturbances which have recently occurred in your good city. If more of our le ade rs in publ ic office would take a firm stand on behalf of the rights of all citizens this pl ague of racial disturbances could be brought to an end. As long as we encourage and condone such tactics just so long wi l l we have trouble. I visit your city frequently,as we have a son living there and I always enjoy my visits there. Again more power to you. �