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Ct1pl D o nald L. Jacks o n Sponsored by: DR. ROSS PET FOODS F eaturing: HON . DONALD L , J ACKSON Broadcast No . 112 Week of November 28, 1965 GOVERNMENT BY BLACKJACK How do you do, ladies and gentlemen. I am your CAPITOL REPORTER, former U.S. Representative, Donald L. Jackson, prepared here with Broadcast No. 112, GOVERNMENT BY BLACKJACK. to tax has been ca lled the power to destroy. The power It is equally true in this day of heavy federal taxation a nd lavish gove rnment ha ndouts, that the power to withhold federal funds from a lower echelon of government i s the power to rend er citi es , counties and states impotent to conduct their essential work at the l oca l l evels of government. To make complete the dependance of local government upon the central federal power, it is essential to break down traditional governmental groupments by super imposing upon municipal and county governments a form of s up erior government at the grass ro o ts level of America. We'll return to the blackj a ck wrap- ped in a money ba g after a brief message. "LEAST GOVERNMENT THE BEST GOVERNM ENT" Thos. Jefferson Historica ll y, and a s a result of prol ong ed deba te in the Cons titutional convention, the people of America have been charged with s elf-rule. To i n sure tha t government would n o t reve rt t o the forms fr om wh ich the f r amers of the c onst i tu t ion had thems e lves e scap ed, on ly cer t a i n and limited power s were assign ed to the Federal agenc y , with all othe r s s pec i f i ca lly reserved in Article 10 t o t h e states a nd to th e people. Thi s reservation of powers was not capricious. pe r ience. It evolved as t he product of personal ex- Eighteenth Cen t ury America and t he men who forge d the Constitution of the United States carried on their work ever mindful of the conditions and circumstances which had forced a n exodus from the re l ative security of the Old World to the forbidding and hostile shores of the New . Uppermost in the minds of the men who labored to frame a unique, and in fact, heretical bluepriu t for Government, was the certain knowedge that powerful central authority and freedom from the individual could not co-exis t . CONSTANT CHECK The Government most r e sponsive to the will of the people is that form in which elected or appointed officials are c l ose enough to those they represent to sense, almost instinctivelY, shifts in public temper a nd op i nion. The essence of the Republican form is that those citizens who are selected by other citizens for public service must esta b- �p lish and maintain a rapport with the c onstituent element if service is t o be .. mean ingfu l . Anything that tends to isolate public s ervants from those they represent at su bor di na te by the architects of the Great Society, and the agents and officials who accompa~y the federal money to the region where it is to be disbursed, will, of course, be empowered levels of government, paves the way for the accretion of additional and danger ous power s t o override and to veto any loca l proposal at variance with the approved blueprint. in higher echelons. .£!!,!! The greatest protection enjoyed by a free people are public officials irmnediately available for the redress of gr ievance. City councilmen, mayors, with the Secretary of Cormnerce or with any of his agents who will exercise final control supervisors, selectmen and other municipal officers elected to serve in clear+y defined over "regional" matters will be considerably more difficult. areas, and charged with specific duties for which they are personally responsible, MAKEUP OF SCAG consti t ute the bes t exampl es of the Republ ican form in practice. Sins of cormnission You get in to talk with your councilman~. but I suggest that getting an a ppointment or omission can be pin-po inted where res ponsibility is fixed and where there a re no grey a reas The propo s ed organization of SCAG (and any of you viewers and listeners may awaken one day to find SCAG's blood-brother on the doorstep) reminds one of the elements which of overlapping jurisdiction. comprise the United Nations - the Security Council and the General Assembly. REGIONAL PLANNING Under various gui~es, and using federal funds as a lever to - force compliance, the federal The "General Assembly" organization would include delegates from six Southern California counties, and from each of 142 c ities in those counties wishing to affiliate. Los Angeles establishment has embarked upon a series of programs designed to "regionalize" large areas County, as the most populous of the counties involved, would carry a proportionate share without regard to existing geographic boundaries. of the non-federal financial load. Metropolitan Government". One of the se undert ak ings is called Stated simply, Metropolitan Government means the superimposition of a New administrative agency over an entire area or region. Metropolitan Government may The "Security Council", so to speak, would be composed of one delegate from each of six cities in the participating counties; i Supervisor from each coun t y; and a permanent delegate from Los Angeles, presumably the Mayor of that city. be restricted to a relatively small area, or it may encompass a number of cormnunities or If you find this whole thing a little difficult to grasp, ladies and gentlemen , don ' t municipal corporations. despair. The problems peculiar to one area in the Metropolitan complex thus becomes a general problem of all units. It follows that official respon s ibility f or the proper discharge of the duties incumbent upon a municipal officer becomes difficult if not impossible to fix with scores or perhaps hundreds of local and federal office holders and appointees, involved. The vital element of personal rapport becomes the first casualty to planned confusion parading as Metropolitan Government." You have plenty of company! VOLUNTARY COOPERATION . . . OR ELSE! The advocates of such regional undertakings as Metropolitan Government, SCAG, Urban Renewal, and other federally-initiated and subsidized undertakings, point out the all-too~obvious complexities confronting local subdivisions of government. Admittedly, population explosion, mass migration of people, diminished tax revenues at the municipal and county levels of LOS ANGELES PLAN government have rendered infinitely more difficult the administration of the public business. Under continuing and growing federal pressure, coupled with a threat to reduce or cut off Add to these difficulties the unconcealed threat of a cut-off of federal funds unless local federal money for other projects, the Los Angeles City Council is presently grappl i ng with officials acqui esce in the demands of the federal planners, and what sometimes appears a a program called SCAG - S.C.A.G. SCAG, or the Southern California Association of Govern- willingness on the part of harassed office holders to jump on the federal band-wagon becomes ments, is a typical example of federal intrusion into intrusion specifically prohibited by the Constitution. the affairs of the people, an The program, presented by the somewhat clearer. It is not so much that the problems confronting our people are impossible of solution at the grass roots, however. Left to their own devices, free to exercise their planners as a device by which future federal intervention may be avoided, is clearly the own initiative, product of Great Society planning in the a rea of urban affairs. feet following a social, political or economic dislocation or explosion, If more proof is requir ed Americans have always demonstrated a unique capacity for landing on their It is only when to establish the intensity of Washington in a matter of this kind one need go no further they are shackled, herded, blackjacked into compliance with orders from on high that their than the words of Mr. Calvin Hamilton, master planner for the City of Los Angeles. native judgments become confused and their traditional self - reliance falters. On Mrs. John America are, first of all, individualists. November 10th, Mr. Hamilton said, in part, and I quote: "The Federal Government has made it clear that they will not grant any money or federal funds to open space until there is a regional planning program ••••. if the city is to receive any federal funds, we must join Mr. and When something goes wrong, when taxes soar out of sight, when they think that money is being wasted, they want someone to talk to. One can corner Mayor Smith or Councilman Brown, but even if one unde rs tands what the Great Society is, or is supposed to be, it's hard to get it on the telephone. SCAG." SCAG POSTPONED TEMPORARILY A COUNTRY OF REGIONS Before some of this Reporter's audience in other areas sees or hears this broadcast, the Mr. Hamilton's phrase "regional planning" emphasizes the inten t of Great Society planners to compartment the nation into a number of "regions", each of which must, under the provisions of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, prepare Washington , D. C. a comprehensive "master plan" for the region. and submit to The plan, and again we stress, without the suggestion of constitutional authority, must be approved in Washington matter of SCAG will have been decided as far a s Southern California is concerned. It is to the credit of the City Council of Los Angeles that they laid the matter aside for a month in order to allow further study of a very involved proposal. It is to be hoped that the threat of a cut-off of other federal money will not be permitted to influence a final and irr evocab le deci s ion in th e matt e r. Meanwhile we urge that our listeners in Southern �Ca li fornia communicafe their opinions to their own mayors a nd city co\JQci l men, with a reminder that th ey a re e l ected to tend shop in their own communities and that if a need for r egi ona l r e presen t a t ion ever deve l ops, spac e can be prov id ed on e l e ct ion bal l ots to accomodate the names of ca ndida tes for those positions . gr i dd ed series of "regions" or " a r eas " . Thi s gr ea t countr y isn ' t a Much has been said and written about the main - stream of American life, what it is , what it comprises, a nd where i t is moving . Wi t hout l a bo ring these ques t i on s, l a di es and ge ntl emen, I would s u gges t that it s sourc e is in the l egi s lative chambers of ci t y and town hall s f r om coas t t o coa s t. For it i s th er e that our peop l e s peak with a uthorit y and with a purpos e born of familiarity with their peculia r and Fede r a l money IS important , but even more i mportant is the citi zen ' s non - "regi ona l" problems. right to confront persona l l y his e l ect ed r e pr esentat ives a nd demand an accoun ting of offical ac t s . Thi s wi ll be lost to you - a nd to you - and to you - when your address becomes John Doe, Federal Region #9, Redeve lopment Dis trict #4, Portland Area 8, Zip Code 99999 . Remember, ladies a nd gentlemen, the "lea s t gove rnment " i s still "the best government". CAPITOL REPORTE~TV-RADIO_J.OG RA DIO Long Beach, Calif . Ri ve r s i de, Calif. San ta Barbara, Ca lif . Sa n Diego, Ca lif. Bak er s fi e ld , Calif. Chico, Ca lif. Eureka , Ca l if . Fresno, Ca lif. Lak e Ta hoe , Ca lif. Lodi, Ca lif. Redding, Ca lif . San Franci s c o, Ca li f. Wailuku, Hawaii Boise, Ida ho Reno, Nevada Eugene, Or egon Portla nd, Or egon Sa 1 t Lak e City, Utah Span i s h Fork, Uta h Spokane , Wash KFOX !<ACE KI ST XEMO KGEE KPAY KRED KBIF KTHO KCVR KVI P KFAX KMVI KYME KBET KWFS KPDQ KSXX KON! KPEG TE LE VIS I ON KCOP Los Angele s , Ca li f. XETV San Diego , Calif. XHBC Mexica ll i, B. Cal. KLYD Bakersfield , Calif. KHSL Chico/Redding, Calif. Sun. 8:00 PM Fri. 12: 15 PM Sun. - Noon Mon . 5 : 30 PM Sa t . 6 :00 PM Sun. 10: 15 PM Sun. 6 : 00 PM Fri. 4:30 PM Sat. 6 : 45 PM Sun . - Noon Sun . 1 : 30 PM Sun . 2:30 PM Mon . 12: 30 PM Mon. 12 : 15 PM Mon . 12 :30 PM Sun . 6 :00 PM Saturday Noon Fr i. 12: 15 PM Sat, 8:30 AM Wed. 12 : 15 PM Sun . Sun . Sun . Sat. 9:30 PM 12 :00 Noon 3 :30 PM 6 : 30 PM Sun . 10 :00 AM TELEVISIO N (cont) KIEM KICU KRCR Redding, Calif. (2) Eureka, Ca li 1. Fresno, Calif . Salinas, Ca lif. San Lui s Obi spo, Calif. San Franci s co , Calif Santa Maria, Ca lif. Anchora ge , Al aska Fa irbanks , Al aska Phoenix , Ariz. Tu s con, Ariz . Yuma , Ari z . Hono l u l u, Hawaii Ida ho Fa ll s, Ida ho Las Vegas , Nevada Reno, Nevada Medford, Or egon Kl ama th Falls , Or egon Eugene , Oregon Eugen e , Oregon Rosebur g , Oregon Coo s Bay , Oregon Portland , Or egon El Paso, Texas Yakima, Wash. Tacoma, Wash . KSBW KSBY KTVU KCOY KTVA KTVF KPHO KGUN KIVA KTRG KIF! KSHO KCRL KTVM KOT! KBZI KVAL KPIC KCBY KPTV KELP KNDO KTVW Sat. 4:30 PM Thur . 9:30 PM Sat , 1 : 00 PM Sun. 1 :30 PM Sun . 4 : 30 PM Sun. 4 : 30 PM Sun. 10 :45 PM Sun. 6 : 30 PM Sa t. 10 : 30 PM Sa t. 10 :30 PM Sun. 8:00 PM Sun. 4 :00 PM Sun. 4 : 00 PM Sun . 5 : 00 PM Sun . 11 :00 PM Sun . 12 :,00 Noon Sun . 2 : 30 PM Sun . 6 : 30 PM Sun . 4 : 30 PM Sun . 1:00 PM Sun. 3 : 30 PM Sun . 2 : 30 PM Sun . 2 :30 PM Sun . 2 : 30 PM Sun . 10 :00 PM Sun . 10:00 PM Sun . 12 : 30 PM Sun . 6 : 30 PM Mon . 10-10 : 15 PM Individual broadcast tapes for group mee t ings $3 .50 Subsc rip t ion ra tes fo r weekl y CAPITOL REPORTER broadcast scripts : $ 7 . 00 Six months, ma iled FIRST CLASS 5 . 00 Six mon ths, mailed THIRD CLASS 7 . 00 Fifty (SO) selected CAPITOL REPORTER Broadc asts, 1964-65 Individua l scripts (by da te and number) 2~ ; six copies $1 . 00 Co rrespond ence and script orders shoul d be addressed as fol lows : CAPITOL REPORTER Box 100, Mirama r Ho te l , Santo Monica, Ca li f. Inq u iries on Mr . Jackson's availability for speaki ng e ngagements shou ld be addressed a s abo ve . Dona ld L. Jackson is sponsored on radio and te lev ision by DR . ROSS PET FOODS and permi ssion to reproduce b road c ast material in port o r in fu ll is gra nted if c redit is gi ven . 1..1:0 I: N OLTE ~TC • LI TI-IO C O . LO• ANCELltS �