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I Be t h e Boss of At la.'1t a. , zt anc up f or your ri gnt s . Thi s i s t he be st pi cture l nave seen o Carmchea l - he has bi s mouth ' SHUT ' f or a cnange . They need him ba ck ir T r ini a.ad ~ ~ CONSTITUTION South's Standard Newspape r SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1966 Mild HOURLY TEl\tPERATURES a.m. 63 Noon 77 8 n.m. 71 a.m. 62 1 p.m. 79 9 p.m. 70 2 p.m. 80 a.m. 62 10 p.m. 68 11 p .m. 67 3 p.m . 79 a.m. 62 4 p.m. 80 8 a.m. 64 12 l\t 65 5 p .m . 78 9 a.m. 69 • 1 a.m. 63 6 p.m . 77 10 a.m. 73 • 2 a.m. 61 7 p.m . .?4 •unofftoial 11 a .m. 75 4 5 6 7 60 PAGES, 3 SECTIONS

Ten Cents Snicl{ Asl{s U.S. Court To Rule State's Laws Against Riots Illegal Also Wants Allen njoined from Actin.g By BILL SHIPP ·,, Carmichael and Snick late Friday asked the federal ~1are unconstitutional Georgia 's anti-riot and insur,d the city's disorderly conduct ordinance. behalf of the 'or and his city's disorderly conduct ordithat a nance. , ointed It said these statutes are c;e. " void and illegal on their face" a in that they viol ate the " funda' <:- mental guar antees of fr e e peech, press, assembly, and the · <rht to petition the government ~dress of grievances." <l Moore Jr . of Atlan' counsel for Snick, -\NTS other de'l Sol. Associated Press Wire photo SNICK CHAIRMAN ENTERS MUNICIPAL COURT Stokely Carmichael Was Bound Over to Grand Jury �