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August 29, 1966 To : Mayor Ivan Allen~ Jr . From: Dan Sweat Subject: J ournal E ditorial of August 25 . 1966 on Urban Renewal Code Enforcement I talked to Reese Cleghorn of the J o urnal Editorial Staff Fr i day about the subject editorial. Reese said he wrote· the editori al and that it was simply a matter of the newspaper ' s calling attention to code enfxfrcement practices of the city over a period of several years and that he felt the time had come to voice the paper ' s opinion more strongly. He says that it goes back to the establishment of the separate insp ctions some six years ago and the placing it back under Mr . Wofford . He gave no indication that anyone from the d p rtment had talked to him recently but d i d m.ention the Lightning situation and the name of Wayne Kelley and Willie Williams which would suggest to me th t he poss ibly has talked to ome of the dissidents in Vine City. He said so f r as he was concerned the editorial w aimed a.t Wofford and the enforcement prog r m and not necessarily the people in the Atlanta H ousing Authority . Since my d iscus sion with him, I have obtained what I believe to b ccurate figures on public housing in Atlant over the last t n years . I have tt ched a su.rnm.ary oi these figures. You will note wid g p between the 7,576 completed hou ing units and the 20, 994 displaced families. This report do s not �Mayor Allen Page TWo August 29, 1966 take into consideration the private sector of the housing market and I would imagi ne that a considerable a mount of low nd moderate income private housing h s been constructed i n Atlanta over this ten year period . \ ' I' I I hope that we can document this information through our CIP study and I will follow up with the CIP to try to make sure that we can obtain this information. Y <.1 U will note I have shown the total figures and also broken out the units constructed or planned inside urban renewal areas . I am afraid that I would have to admit that we don 't show up very well with low income units constructed inside urban renewal projects. H owever , I don 't think this repr sents the true criteria for measuring the succ ss of our urban reney.,al program. I do feel, howev r , th t ther should be a complete s tudy of our housing patterns and th City policy on l ow income nd moderate income housing construction. The CIP should shed much light~ on our current situation d perhap we can use the CIP Housing Study the jumping oll point toward comp1•eh n iv housing pl n for the city. / DS:ly �