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Eve r y one hopes that you wi ll not only t ry t h e Tr easonab l e Red Ri ot i nciter St oke l y Carmichae l for Arson and Tr eas on but that you asses .2 ines against his 01·g anizati6n, for that i s one thing that the Connnun i st ',J'hi tes who are backinc tht:Jse riots c a.mot stand .

uil e i t is hard on the Whi te Al l .Americ an c i t i z0ns of

t l anta for a timo , i t i s tho th i n 6 that has to b~ done by s omoone and t 1e sooner it come.; to a head and we st nrt usinc; gunfire to start arson and pi l l age , the sooner tho country return again to be .America . Just r ememb r ;o Hhe re there a few baclk Cor:IJ.nunists tryin 0 to pull down our Government , there are mill i ons of ·wni t;es who feel afrai a to speak out as l ong we have the ' elfare ,Hate Ad.r;iinis t r a tion in ,fo.shington . ,re hope that you have the ,oac kb one nee d e d t o c arry on . GOUD LUCK HOPE KG c~equd you . �· l:ansus Hr 1:ayor: Al l the fuen the r ess screans that " The Image of Atlanta-His Honor, TI-L ;..AYOR and Possibly .:Ore -- - Hurt b R~cent Riot 11 they are l yin"' CITY HALL and thoy lmow it f or ovcry f i rm in m rould prefer a G..::u .1.G IA stronc:, town that vlill f i uht for Law & Order, r athe r thrui a tovm that is Gove rned by the Bl ack CoillP.lUnists as many ar e . �