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From: U. J:I. !>UiUtNlStKuttl Sl3pt. 9, 1966 SIRS: Please put . me on· redord · · as supportin g your a ction of your City, . against . Carmichael. This giving thewe. dissidents and communi"sts, troops and · permits, to march and harass as was done in Ci cero is taboo. They have the equal rights to not have squalor, to bui1a· communities of their own and buy lands therefor and I obtain • loans, and to study books and to earn, and ~vidently th~y _ are smart enough to try to circumvent the laws · and to getGovernors and Cities to obli~e themi$pt, when given an inch .,.____tl::!ak~e...,""'e ail e r;;~ t isx ' ~~a 11s0:t!W)lere there a.re not .---=-=--..p~a1.1.J kic.1.& so t!!'b.ger ' get thei vat.e s as to betrs.y ~ci ety. . . _ CO TULATIO~ 0 HA..IlNG CIELES AND •- - - i~ JL.-th'er.11':i:ji-B-e-~ Don't l et t . AUartta. or USA. Let them l aws · as we o. Respectfully, (Address over - I ~ all _j~ ¥~ _ �o.H.Schoenberger PO BQ~ 52~3 ·-- , Lorig 'Il'ElS.Ch' Calif,.... ~o - ... ... HONORABLE MAYOR OF ATLANTA CITY HALL l' ,. �