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C. Ao Perkes Jr- I Attn- 1224 TiliaSan Mateo , Calif- ,!!le Mayor of Atlanta- September 8 , 1966 MayorCity HallAtlan ta , Ga - Dear Sir- ~A War On"Vhitey~ !?l: 1966 - Pgs !QQ. to 112 + Edtr'! !!!!.2 r e f e r ~ ~ Magaz i ne article Rus sell S ckett - ti.s:Rewa _& lf :rld ~ !Q, ~~P _ri -A'J!g, a th , _.Eg• ~~y;i1.~~ LIFE Maga zi ne s May 6th arti c le t•Integration T~ndetta ln a northeln · town a sensi-tive article triWllpha ntly done should be r ead by all! A race issue, yes, but there is more to it than s hown here - has segregation of t he u.S.Negro caused this since being brought here as slaves hundreds of years ago? Negroes are s t i ll s e gregated in all par t s of the world where they exist - Brazil taking the l ead over mosts. A erican countr ies - the strain of segregation is les s a pparent in Cuba (4o%-Negro), Puerto Rico & Venezuela thru raoe mixing where there i s now a muletto Negroid mixture. It will take hundreds of years for it to bec ome le ss noticed in the u.s. Thru oruel Southern ways aan.y U.S.Negroe• still are i ndiff e rent to moral standards eaeshed in a transmitted African culture Of course if you we r e a t ypical U. S.Negro & knew you we r e brought here by the whites you'd have a ill fee ling ag inst them especially if they re fered to you as •inferior, a n i gge r , black ie , a ca nnibal, savage, an animal or l ow pr i mate!• A majority of the U.S . Negroes are more f or t una t e than a ny of the other Negroid races that exi s t i n S.Amerioa & es p ec i al ly t he dark pri mitive Canni bal tribe• of Africa whi c h still exi s t to this day & he is or e for t unate now than before the Civil Rights mov ement (1954 ) or even 5 y ears ago but is nowagai n more in-flamed & r es tless than eve r be f ore l Why? Soae people have clai ed that t he Negro has had as uoh c hance as all the ot her r aces in the u.s. but thru l ow moral standards, ori e , violence, aninkling of low mentality & I.Q . or even segregation(?) will never make i t - a myth, a dogaa, Co pa r e h i s nei ghborhoods to th whitea or the Chinese or Japanese or Aller-Mexi-cans - the Negro es ne igh borhood s still are as primitive in existance s Afr ica & the Afr icans where pagan-worship, witchcraft, voo-doo & cannibalism e x i s t ~ & that c ountry doesn't haTe a written language or industry , schooling l ike Japan , China, Mexico , eto 1 I n Afri ca there are hardly an y whites to practice segr ga- tionl Unfortuna t e ly a~ y or or a leading u. s . c ity gave in to their demand• before resignin g & move d them into new neighborhoods & hi-rise apartments & 1 e di a te l y cre a ted a nother eve~tual run down, filthy , ghetto! From present Afric 's populati on of 2so,ooo,ooo to the u . s . where the Neg roes re stil l refered to as a •minority• race - thi s i s a do gma - from hand full between 1725 to the late 19th century they have multiplied t o ove r 21,058,000 (Ebony-Mag ) June 1966 1 How many Ame r-Indians now exis t in the u.s:r,J .- 5OO,OOOJ Chinese, over a mi llion - J apane se, less than a mi ll i on - Amer-Mex i can between 4 & 5 aill1on 1 There are more Negroe s in the u.s. • alone• t ha n I r i sh in I re land and Cannadians in Canada & Australi na & Welsh in their homeland 1 The Negroes are-no longer a minority raoe - what is being witnessed now is a N gro population explosion of mul t itudes ove r 4~ higher than t he whites - segregat i on not only created ghettos, crime, vio l ence but i ll egi t imacy where ny j or u . s . c itie• re being swelled by ranks in majority of Negroes over any other r ao - Vashing-ton, D.c. fth dis, 5OOO-whites , 75 , 000 Negroes; Chicago , over 900 ,000 - Phi l,PaDetroit; Oakland & San Francisco Bay Area almost a ail lion l Te Klu-Klux-Klan & u.s.Nazi 1)1':lrty have been i ssued a a n~erou which they are but nother daftge rbus organ1zat1on in c • ~i ng a are the Black-Muslias - they preach .!:!..2!,-hatred - - • the laws are o\leniz tins a or worse e whi t �2 aana law for hi & not the black - break the ; the Polioe are for the white• strike & a.arch ag ins t the - don't back outi• Fro a Street in Harlem in the 30's they have branched into a majority of u.s. cities preaching their hate & viciousness against the whites - their paper "Moh ad-Spe ks• is now distri uted in all u.s. citie & especially Negro reaa - only reoiently they have taken t the air on (FM) radio wi th their spontaneous insults against the whites, white power structure, Police , Governor & President Johnson, Kennedy, his wife1 I Another dangerous organiza tion the " Black N tionalists" have & use the ethods of the Musli s but to eventua lly kill all white by nu ber & to practice violence •but to firs t t o out-breet by numbers the "whites 9 & we'll •outnumber them & bury them with g uns & fis ts but first the hated power structure of the whites - The Police must be f irs t t o go" - the Black Panthers use these ethods to a similiar degr e e __ wor e te are lJhuru, Black Art• , RAM, Black Flag, Blk V&n§uardl Le Roy Johe - a i litant Harl em Negro tr ins a majority of Harlems frustrated, hate, fear , doped, crazed Negro youths to train them to kill whites - in a rented theater s o e Negroes dres s As whites & the blacks kill them in play fashion preying for the day "when we can get O the whites this way & kill them! LeRoy-Jones rave s . Al so edi~or Dan Watte •Liberator Magazine" writera,,.J.Neal; R. . . . Snellinga1 Watta, Calif- some Mex-A ericane were arrested by white Police for drunknees in June 1962 - no thing happened - some Puerto-Rioans were stopped for d-rinking - then some Cubans - law & order prevaled, · nothing happened till AU9ust 1965, soae Negroes a mother & son were rreated by Police for the same ~ffense & within 5 minutes they were at tacked by a vic i ous mob & withing ,5 minutes 25 ilea of · Watts, Calif- looked like Hiroshima did in 1945 - the Jungle war persisted by these young savages t ~ planned purposely1!1 A staging groundl


Vatts was not Harlem - many causes were given but one overlooked & the final one was the Mus l i s , Blaok Nationalis t s, Bl a ck Panthers had a lot to do in organiza-tion with t hi s - lik e the Mu s lims the Black Nationalists have representatives work ing in mos t u.s. (Negro) c i t ie s right now with more & worse planned agains~ whites, Poli ce, ~ffici a ls, & u.s. Gov't - LeRoy Jones now has agents .working in Negro ghe t tos back east & L.A., Marin City, E. Palo Alto, Oakland, Calif- Richmond Calif- S .F . Fill more Dis ! Robe r t F. Will ia e, ex-Mari ne i n Cuba•radios •for Negroe to revo lt & strtke agains~ whitesl The Deoons f or de fen se i n the heavy black south (now majority) have armmed them-selves to shoo t & ki ll any & all whi t es who interfere with them1 The Muslias are n ow@ work Hunters Point near S.F. They have not been too sucoeasfull so tar , in Oakland, Calif- or E. Pa lo Alto but Marin Ci t y almost & Richmond; Calif! A ki nd elderly, r efined , law abidding Negro woman tol d e - •you should see whats happening h e re - some outsiders pro bably Mu sl i ms or Black Nat iona l i st• ha v e come & got hold of all t he young ones & tea ching them t o get white s ·& Police, tie up Court s , pres s ure all Mayo r s of ea ch city & Governors of each state on up to the President! Maybe its LeRoy Jones group fro m Harlem - you should hear what they aay about ~ou whites & what the y have p l a nned - I don•t · ha t e you whites - Just t he y d after this hate t~aining - i t s no t natural" she sai d1 Tho s e jobless kid• the y teaching to h a ~d espise , u rder in~t a d of e du cation , sc hool & nothing to d o they fall victims to this l ust" she went on 1 •1 · wouldn't want t o b e white t or anything!" She· wouldn ' t give me her name - sai d so e wou ld kill her for giving the •secret" between •bla cks• away l ? The Muslia e wi t h the Black Nat ionalist + the Black Panther + LeRoy Jones out-fit fr om H rlem plan t o af ter ki l ling all •whites & Police to invade & burn up whit • neighborhood s next t imel" · She aidl She also stated in NYC will have bot pell (probably s u• er ) - water will be low in dam & all Negroes t turn on all fau c ets during hot s pell & when water •runs out• to burn everything down inolu• -ding •bett e r pa r t of town• - •1 wouldn't want to be white tor nythin~ for what• pl nned aga ins t you & the white •power structure• she quietly saidl 1 �3 Here again false charges of Police brut lity to a Law Officer have broken down all Law & Order - tied up our Court of each & every City, every Mayor of each city on up to the Gove rno r of eac h Sta t e being p res s uri~ed by mobs on up to the ·Presi-dent - no respe c t for law & o rder anymore - a fi ne Uni v ersity of learning over-thrown by rebels; Po l icemen carried weakly out bodily in arms of tirants, filthy bearded mobs whom Castro is their hero run the ~autlet here - this is how Castro got his start - when the time will come to overthrow the .s.Gov't comes is not known but l a ck o f ti ming has thrown their timing out of wack! They still lack a ma jorit y - h a ve t o recru it more members to make a ma·orit first; people with t he r evo l ut i onary, Marxist beli efs ! d A- r e,e - X e t U a k ifmstb{.nadcasi, fo . -a ·I u. . Ne g roe s s r e a ga ns '(hi tey Russia an Al lie up to 1945 - aft e r Atomic weap ons were · p e rfec ted they became a mortal t hreatening e n emy -·now China - Russia eventually plans to . snea ~ attack t h e u. S! Like the Japanese in 1941 to talk fr iendly & keep motives hidd en but thr u Spi e s infiltrat e d in u.s . ~ Communists still some unknown by the FBI some decient l aw abbiding cit iz e n s respect f ul! not to c a use suspicion even in u.s.Gov•t they know o u r missle st r e n g th & the i r doom - their method i s better & still su rvi ve - the y have di r ected thei r Communis~, Ag ent front Organizations into the y ou n g who run a ma jori ty especially@ Universitys - the UC campus ~as a staging ground & suc essfu l for the m - wh o defeated tbe - Gov't @ e a ch & every turn - next the rac e issue whic h has turned t he Negroes against the whites thru t he Musl i a, Bl a ck Nati onalists, Black Pan t he rs , Le Roy Jones teachings & his grou p s working in each & every Negro ghetto are a & c r e ating a Watts or trying to d61 Watts was a testing ground f o r eac h & e very U.S . c i ty - Castro defea t ed t he Cu b n · Gov't t h is way bu t it was not a race is s ue like being plknhed here . b y the Russ i an Communists & Age nts who have s i nce 1945 surr ountletl more t han 75% of t he world & are only 95 mi les f rom u.s. Viet Nam is a testing ground for them to teat u.s. strength - when u .s . troop s reach Chinese border over 4,500,000 Chinese troops will ann ihiliate them acc ord i n g to Cannadian obs e rvers who told me! China is now perfecting Atomic weapons to eve ntua l ly u se against u .s . in s neak atta ck! The u . s. wil l ~ave to stri k e first to survive as what is pla nn~d i n high Russi an circles - Missles oan be sabotaged - a n a ir f leet can strike: back but Mr. McNammra has ou t down on the •moveable" vital u.s. Bombers! This shou ldn 't h a v e b een done! Rus s ian s hips a re now off the coast of S.F. - this is also a te s t by Communists next, n ot now but eventually when the time is ri g ht 1* will b e submarine s with missles which wil l devastate the u.s. but re lying hidden & u n s een - China when she perfects Atomic weapon s will b e an •111e with the Ru ssian s l Expect sabotag e sabot ge of u.s. d e fense, Military here also & pickets u nho l ding war effort! Along with the Mu s l i ms, Black Na t i ona li sts & Panthers & LeRoy Jone s· g r ups working in each, heavy Negro g hettos to stri ke out O t he whites lik e Watt ' s & Negro Communist s who have Represe ntation in each & every Negro neig hb o r.ho ods f or a pla nned rebe lion next ti me only wors e t o kill the Police, break down all law a nd order, pres s uri ze e ac h Mayor o f each city & e ach Gove rnor 6f ea h State on up to the President & kill & burn t he whites apart like LeRoy Jones preaches - a William Taylor L.A., Calif- Negro Communist leader who now has rep r esentatio n in al l Negro ce n ters to eventually overthrow the U.S.Gov ' t in "hi s• peo p les beliefs[ And to side wi th Cuba & Russians ! Cuban age nts in u.s. & s.A er i o 1 Its beco e s o d ang e rou s in nearby Oak land, Calif- e s pe c ially for white policemen on some o f the Negro sec t i ons t h at they have requ es t ed o n li p olice of Neg ro ex- trao t1on 1 Many of these ~ e o p l e are not k nown by even the FBI as are some Nefr• Co muni st s wor k ing in sect ons t o create another Watt s i n each & e v e ry ci ty w th sponsership of the Musli e, Black Nat i onal i st s & Pant hers l Negro Co~u.nists backed by Kremlin - Agents in u .s. f r om u.s. s . R. Th ey are sec r e t & will not r ev eal the s e lTes & are so well Qi ~den people are not aware o f the or their belie ts1 I n bein~ & s taying hid d e g & go undetected is their pec i ality l Many white Com n sts g o u ndetect ed, Many Negro Communists in numbers unknown? Anot her Negro Communi st # 3 pub li sher of "The Worker" ame Jacks on , go es fr o• one Negro Ghe tto to anothe r & with hi g h r epre s e ntation in each & wri tings slips a r ound undete c ted! �' The moral decline of the u. s . ainoe 19j5 has b4en l rming in many other waya Communist hearings in 1960 in n earby San Fr noiwoo to pel & also identify Co munists - what happened t here was riot & pe opl e were h urt & all law & order broke down & the hea rings were disbanded! Surely the Senate Committee had a right - wha t s ide was this mob on anywa y? Co munist ! For Russia, Marxism, yes! Troop trains s t opped & the obs. turned to the servicemen & told them to abandon the Gov' t obj ec tives - these t~oops were on their way to war to fight the Communi s t s - trea s on on the mob s pa rt - but all law & order was broken down like u.c. whe r e a Com unis t inspire d center is now established as a testing GROUND fo r e ventually all center of u.s. What you a re nows eing like Cuba & Castro is a eventual overthrow of the u.s. Gov ' t & its demo c ratic pr oces s es ! Using bes ides above thods anar hy, caos, t yranny, obs , communist inspired, yes! They are not known by FBI are hidden,•ome when confronted plead innocence of their ri ghts of 5th ammend & have Attorneys to protect the m on side of Communist ways & cause! They deny everything! Hoodlums & rebe ls p icket General Taylor in San Francisco & created such a scene most Pol ice were a fra i d to do anything when obs of young savage Negroes entered the scene groups int imidated & traine d by the Muslims, Black Panthers & National-iets & LeRoy Jones & Willia Taylor a top Negr Co unist! Most of the Negro Co unist s wor king here & also in Negro sections are s worn to silence in the blaokw orld & not to take & give anything for i n formation to whites & that in- elude s the hated wh ites & u.s.Gov't which is majority whitel Reoiently a black bearded Negro dark glasse s whom oalls himself "Black Jesus• is lllC tive in Oakland to activate against all whites & Police & to threaten a riot & another Watts if something isn't done pronto "we'll go to the hills & kill all whites & burn everything downl" He viciously statesl This vile, vicious, siniste r, cutthroat i out to do what he saysl Another da ngerous Negro Co111Dunist who has aany working in Negro ghe tto area• thruout the u.s . to create more disturbance for a Co111RUnist cause is a RosooeProotor - & also Al bert Lima! A bigger Watts is planned with these indiTiduals who have peop l e working in all & each u.s. city of heavy Negro populationsl Now si nce Wa tte f ear from whites who are now buying up a ll guns & sidearms, rifle• t o kill & shoot back is what a Communist inspired uprising ca n do to the u.s if i t can happen in each & eve ry city thruout t he u.s. e t he c r i tical time but the t ime ele ent is complicated & has not worke d out with the Muslias & leading Neg ro Com unists t oo well a s yet! The hide behind illus i on its over t obleaa -ness l The Coaaunists (Negro) get by w ab dinf Negroes re the n fool ed he r..:r-e vi l intentions are hidden as well as motives · They ver8 suc cessful in Harle• •uaaer 1964: - Polioebrutality they s c re amed & f r the Police Chie f to resign which he did - Rochester, N.Y. a ci ty turned into another di saster - Wa t ts , Calif- - these groups were almost succe ssful in Richmon Calif- but Police Chief said he wo uld •shoot to til l" l awbreakers if any o f t he hoodlWI eava es took t o · l a wle s s ne sa & the un le war .- Marin City , Califco intual trouble - when the Negro extrea sta usliaa only her) & a Ja ea -Baldwin's visits who is rabbl e r ouser turned this a 11 N gro co unity int a shaables but not quite - they demanded a •red.no t ion• oi, or 5 Poiioe patrol oa r• t 1 or 2 whioh was done & the Sheriff o f Marin County gave in under t hr a ta & fear fro tough young ters. wham had f l l en vi ctims to t he Muslia & Blac£·. Nationali t teachings+ Negro CC01U111ni s ta of Yil l iaa Taylor & Roaooe Proctor vhe haTe unknown & unnoticed eTen t o t he FBI , reYolutionary's h re working eTen seen. te all 1 They deny, & ol 1• 5th Aame.n d & hire a Co11D111ni st'l at torn y wh tend1 & vi.t h pressure, threats , mobs, nothing is done1 After Watts - the aoreaa tor Police, Parker & Mayor Yor:t{ to resign - they did not __give nl The Du • Olab• f ne rby San Francisco n 8 agents tn eaob & eTery ~~ro r a tor aor• �I planned viole noe g ins t t he.•white• &/or • power structurel• They have a attorney Vincent Hallinans on who defied the Attorn y General of u.s. whoa to this date has backed doWD for tear of reprisal!? . The FBI also is a planned t rge t - so e "'!'N_e_g._r_o..,_c_o_mmun _ _1_s..,,t~s_o...,f_..,f_h_i_.c_h_n__o_b_9_d..Y..,..kp....,_o...,w.,..s or can identify thru others of well me ning whoa are all hidden portrayed to have Martin Luther Kini t l k to J. Edgar Hoover in person situation, was planned but didn't work out as planned to exploitationl The . N~gro "Ebony" gazine, has had issued now for several year article• directed against the "power stnucture• to ore te aore feeling gainst the whites who some of the Negro writers are or their background is probably question ble & not even known by the u.s;Gov ' t or the FBil . . ' A weekly TV show & Channel-9 is the evtnings "Where is Ji Crow• by Bu zz Anderson a well educated refined Negro seems to contually stress like James Baldwin and .tlarlems rabble rouser ' s Paster Duke's & Jesse Grey their hate of the whites but in a different mood - th Negro audience O home on TV can be aroused against the wh ites by watching the interviews weekly of alienated Negroea - "your fore - f t here were brought here as slaves - n ot much has change• since - then, hoy de they treat you now? " Each we e k are another bunoh of Negro people, kid• or auch eve n unde•ti fied Negro Co 11UDists(?) their Ideals agree very muoh with Marx!•• which they then deny who have same thoughts like Abdeka Abdeoker? O UC who ' • f ather is a leading Co-unist tryinf t o enlist in Negro areas, trying to stir, create a wor•e situation, haie; vio enoe , thru aobs, mob violence & all this add• up in the Negroes frustration for equality & justice which was too late in ooaingl In Watts, Poliee & law & order broke down so 111Uoh & was so weakened that •Nation- l-Guard 1 had to be called outl The Muslias, Black Nationalists, Bl ck Panthers, LeRoy Jones & his teachings & all of them in their wioked bate teachings should · be watdbed closely espeoi lly in the coming months & futurel This has hurt the poor Negro Civil Rights moveaent of the sincere one• wbo need identification but are severely hurt by these group• working in their organizatio~sl Another one da~erous to the whites & U;S; working in Negro ghetto s to the 'worse are Ed Brown SNCC - (Ne gro) Paul Sweezy (Monthly-Review) - Mic ha el Harrison, Fred J ero e (Progressive Labor Move ent) - Rennie Davi a (SOS) - A Sau l Alins~ a suspected revoluti oni st in hear Negro concentration to priae t he black s or more anar c hy & fu tur e s ituat i ons Another one with Marxist progr e ssive labor mov em nt par ty •he con tinuously rabbl e rouses Negr o obs in many ci ties •we will not be free t ill we smash this state , oompl e tely d e stroy & se t up a new ata,e of · ou r own choo i ng, ki ll all whites, for our own kin4!" he tells doped, drunk, Negro l awbre ker•, mobsl - - •and in process of sma shing this state w 're going t kill lot of thea d i rty oops & a lot of these judg esl" He t i me & time a gain te l ls th e oba of unfortunate i lliterate, drunk, doped, jobless Negroes - his teachi ngs had a lot to do wi th t he ob vio l e nce now being p l a nned i n heavy Negro concentra tions - his Marxi st & Cuban theo r ies t o revo l t & revol u tion is backed by ·ht de fense lawyer whoa t akes the 3th hmend for his c l ient & actu lly believe his lies so incerely he actual ly tanda up for them1 "Villi m Epton• ?!!:• Epton now h s agents in all Negro area ' 1 Th citizen should have the right to rent , to sell to who he pleases without atate &/ r Federal interference but now Congre s both House & S nate are byPasaed for ruling of th Supr ae Court some theoretical but not praotioal rulings l Tbe Dorado & Escondido decisions where murders w re freed without haTing first Leg•l Tio• - now th re are thouaands of otheta waiting for the eaae petition & fr e -d •1 Of odurs the Negroea (law-abidin~) right• had to b etended & y net lty t wht'tea then the Federal ·oov ' t h d to enf roe so• y law~ l �to the ou ~r Ne roe s thru more militant, · extre 1st, left and a na rchy , oa os , tyranny & revolution· with Marxist and i s tra jic & will annilia te the decient Negro Civil aigbta ovement- - these must be retrained by tlie u.s.Gov•t before its too late as theJ, .!.!!.!!!, indoctr in ted the wrong way! A gig ntic progra but it must be done. Russian Co unists broadcast ·on 3lmeg., band shortwave & 25M., band late at nite sometimes in Russian & also English - typical - •A erican i perialists especially t he whites have held the Negroes as slaves & mistreated them - you u.s.Ne groes s hou ld riot, r evolt against the Police who are for the whites" - Cuban broadcas t tres s ing fo r all u.s. teenagers & especially u.s.Negroes to strike out " a gains t their parents & laws which weren't ment f r them!?" Didn't qui te get all Cuban broadcast as.it wasn't too clear. Also a Communist broadcast which l hea~d but couldn't identify as they gave no I.B. states •we oan control all countries - riots & revolts O all u.s. Embassy& in the world thruout S.America, Japan - - • see wliat I mean - you realize a lot o f t hese broadcasts are heard in many countries around the world & to be indoo- t r inated i nto this list e ning especially as a foreigner you'd eventually hate t he u.s. if y ou li s tene d to them too - no wonder there are riots in Japan,Domincan - Republic, s.A e rica, etc - these broadcasts have their effects - like the Nazis teaching of bate of Jews & it worked then as now with the Communis-ts broadcasts against t he u.s. Ru s sian 31-Megacyole band - 9.5 - 9.7 - - :m mega cycle band 11.5 11.7 11.9 u.s. ove r seas rad ~o ,seem weak tneffeotive too mucu · music, sports, · doesn't seem as effeotiv• as Communist broadcasts for revolt! Prapaganda1 Moat of the 255,000 Cuban refugees who are newcomers to the u.s. seem t o b l aw abiding, civi lized as well as tae almost 1,000,000 Puerto Ricans but have cr_e_a~t_e_d_1 quite a job s ituation ba ck east as well as out here! . A leading newscaster+ a ma gazine affirmed tha t ove r 1/ 2 of the Cuban ~efugees were Communists sent by Ca stro & Kreml i n to e ventually overthrow the u.s.Gov't when the time is ri ght & se tl Armmed Cuban• will attack u.s.Base in Cuba ba ck by Ruasia eventuallyl I c a nno t substantiat y a nymo re of this & have not any proof here of t ha t! Another vile , dan~erous party here is t ~e • Ntnuteaen• r gani n d i n various parta o f the Pacific Coast heav i ly armmedl "'Dr a ft Ca rd" burne r s a n ew highly organized group with an inkling t hr u r evolution t o de f eat the u. s .Gov 't thru this purpose sponsered by the VDD (Vi e t nam Day Com ) who thru subvers ive fron t r adical • & alee revolutionist submit the u.s. pull out o f Vietnam - what i s no t i ssu ed he r e by this dangerous organization agains t u.s. Pol i cy & u.s.Gov't "i s f or the u.s,oov't t o s urrender t o the Communists i n Vietn mt • China & Russia a lao agree! Al so a ques t i onable Co-unist inspired l awyer to de fe nd them t aking 5th Ammend & p l eading also t heir right•, ! innocence! · · Just beard about it & the terrifi e d white s who at t ended - a new Negro Organization besides the others mentioned i n s . F. on Fi l lmore St- called the "Black Arts• Theater - sponsered by LeRoy Jones outfit - a t yp i cal play seen - "Negroes brought here as slaves oontinously beaten by whites (Negroes painted as white) - _wthi• is what they did to you - kill them" goes t he dialogue - n~xt, the white polioe enter - attack Negroes - " l ets kill all w bite Policeraen" & "get the white11• in •their neighborhood• nextime l " •Th whi te s a r e no ood we must e t O them and create a revolution in each Negro community in u . f we re suooea•full then this country will be oura & our Slave mae~ers we 1 11 burn O burial" - These Negroe • here re branch ing out to Hunters Point S.F. leo Richmond, Calif- Marin City, Oakland & E. Palo Alto , C lifl P rts of ply filthy, dirtyl These Negro revo l ~-tionist• i n determination like the Musli s, Black Panthers LeRoy Jones outtif• ar 3etermined to rouse, to create a situation O Law & Order, Courts, u.s.o v' 0 whi te people - Co uniet inspire d - with Collllluni et •ot i va t i on it fit s we ll in with Karx1·s t Revolution t heory - they re prepared to f i ght thru V.iolenoe - W tta �T -testing ground to each & ev ry city & have Co unist Attorneys taking 5th Ammend for protection & a good organization of oba ade up thru their teachings aost a ade up of prison parolees, prostitutes, narcotic addicts, drunks - many of thea release for serving time for felonious crime• including murder, rape & asAltal .,.., The Negro Civil Rights Move ent was needed for the u.s. - The Negro, militant, extreme right & left, Marxist like Castro to murder, kill, mai e, trigger a planned oaetrophe race hate for u.s. - These re !!.2! the good, law bidding Negroes trying so hard behind the Civil Rights Movement which the u.S.GoV't spon- I -sered - what is planned I' afraid will hur t the Negro Civil Rights movement very badly & hamper it! These grou~ sponser to obey laws they want & the ones they don't like - not to - to make LSD . & dope leg l & they have attorneys to defend their cause like the Communist Chinese & Russiansl Law & Order must be maintained - all law enforcement agenoys + Mayors & Governors of each· state must be dispatched information by FBI which is planned target eventually by these ~gr ups - they have had a difficult time siataneously with timin,g - if they break the law they must pay for it like before the population explosion of Negroes started like the whites did before them - now the next race the Negroes in majority - if they coDUDit a crime like a white man they must be apprehended by Democratic Law & Order - no exception must be made "either" if he is a Negro or Negro mobs - here again your not dealing with a sparse few law breakers of the 30's & 20 1 s but •MOBS• - Law enforcement department• will have to be enlarged - I hope it doesn't happen down here in the San Franoisoo Penin-sula as we have a •small, weak, Police Department" stressed to deal with a few trouble ome law breakers who go out or a few wild teenagers but no~hing like Vatta , Harlem, liocheeter, Bakersfield or what may happen if p Inned democratic processea & law & order get out of handl A Negro who was law abidding of the old told me a castrophe is planned gainst beside& all u.s. cities against the Federal Gov't in Washington,D.c. but the Black Muslims Black Nationalists Panthers LeRo Jone• Aline William Talor, LeS .Con., Paul veezy 1 Midhael rrison, red erome have had difficult time in ti ing the situation planned - timmig was off which is to suppose to over-throw the u .s.oov't - They have only been successful in determing with 1§5 of the Negroes to •hate whitee• & to go against aooietyl A white Police motorcycle officer told ·me pitfully that on his tour of duty thru heavily Negro infested areas that he is viciously, verbally attacked & espcially spit O•1ooo•s of times a day• & felt worried about his life & job & never saw a bunch of people, like savagest nimals, acting with uncivilized viol nce 1 hate, - its unnatural he aid - soaething oomin~! "I may quit the Police & rettr te ranch like friend did in 196, in Lake Countyl" The Co-unists should be regi tered like the Nazis & Japs of VY-II & not given free reign - the dangerous Negro organizations should be stopped & the Negroe• aany of them living in primitive African culture gotten away from these dangeroua Negro organizations & a progr m adopted by Feder 1 Gov't to eave the & train, indoctrinate the• to de ocratio training to saTe a planned .viol nt bloodshed, against Police, Officials, Gov't, whites - whites scared!!!!! buy guns & shoot bac then what - revolution? Civil Yar? Pl nnedl And Negroes liTing in sub-African cultur thru segration or lack should b giv n their chance not in only deoient jobs by Gov't but decient hou ing & should h ve right to move into any neighborhood groviding they are law abidding a ny one else - whites panicky, so red - u.s. ov't will have to stand b hind housing 1 w long with u.s. Supreme 0ourt1 A youq (2•·-25) kind Negro in Oakl.& d told •e th other day Sul Alin ky wi'Ua hi• group oaae to oailand & thru aeor t aeetinga 4wi}h vo1erish d lWI gil • by the thou ands told thea - "you Negroes have a na s tua~ on nee - 1~ �'#bites fault• - •they brought you here alaves & abused you~ - •tt is the whites fault for your predicament• - the Negro told me the meetings by Mr. Alinak)~ta the Negroes feeling• against the whites bitter with resentaent - be thinbl • Alinsky ere tes situations •talking thia way• alao riots like the others ~ already aentioned - when asked by a bearded Negro if he, Mr. Alinsky belteTed in taking a life - he replied •no, unless that man were ·a~med & out to ' get ae, or hurt ae - & this wbite power structure is ar ed against ydu Negroes, they have hurt you, the Police are all armed.:. lets get I them, the source; the whi~e p wer structure who have put you people into this predicament1• •This Po~etty program ·· is no good• - •Sargent Shriver is only for himself - he hides behind President -John on & they g:tve you fools money to keep you animals quiet• - then the Negro told me Mr. Alinsky went on •you have W tts here - we work in slum areas - like Woodlawn - the Police & Sargent Shriver & even the President don't give a daan about you• - "they just give you fools money like O Watts to keep the Animals guiett• •Like the Boston tea party you've got - they did, they turned against the Red-Coats - you Negroes, you've got to turn against the power - white power structure in numbers, organize so you'll be heard, march & don 1 t let them stop you - you've got nothing to loose - the Police have guns - buy guns - they'll kill you - you protect your right• - they the Police are for the white power structure & the Police & Johnson!" •GET WHITEY SCREAMED SOME OF THE YOUNG NEGROES AFTER ~ MEET.ING1 • We v nt •blaok• powerl -We want •black" p werl • Mr. Alinsky has made friends of these people & thru hate against law & Order, the whites, & Gov't •white power structure• & thru caoa, tyranny, an rchy, nd Marxist beliefs & creating a situation of hate of these unfortunate people wh • are running a jority of mobs making up of lawbreakers, drunks, urders, & ot r unfortunate wards of society has created a situat i on against the democratio processes of law & order & society of tlie u.s. & thru revolution & situations & . prote cted by Communist inspired attorneys whom take the 5th Ammend like the ·other organizations .are dangerous to the u.s. Gov't, other races & the d~ctent Negro Civil Rights Movement - some of his & other org nizations must be . stopped & broke dQWll & the young Negr9es retrained by t9e u.s.Gov't before a planned uprising & revolution "Castre-styled• & Civil War & t hru theae processes & other organiz -tione plan to . overthro the u. s ; Gov't, eventu llyl Today a Nalpha pl nt • Redwood City , _C lif- which manufacture defense teriala for our boys dying in Viet. aa to fight against Coamunist agree ion has sloppy bearded cutthroats all OTer the place - refusing to let in iaportant truck convoy• tor our needed war effort against the Communis ts1 Their tactics are questionable - W-II would have not been won in 1945 if we had this - Roosevelt could have prevented WW-II had he stepped in China 1 931-37 , Germany 1937-38 - WW-IIIis now being prevented by our fine President Johnson by his necessary altern tives not against the Axis & Japanese e pire like · 1945 but the Communist 1 · B ker field, Calif- Negroes indoctrinated thru organizations to get at, a bate whites couldn't find any except 2 white law enforcement Officer who they attacked with Tengence & defiance - Negro kid tel ls me after some Black National -i•t meetings bl cks look for white to "get at 1 - ikill white?" couldn't find any - panic attacked Mexicans, then 2 white law enforce ent Of icer• whom backed down for fear not only of their lives but mobsl - Maroh 1961 - a white man ccidentally shot by Police taking his wife to ho pital speeding - nothing happened; Watts, Calif- Negro LSD, drunk: crazed, or lying driTing between 75 to 8'5 aph over 50 blocks shot by Law Enforcement Officer oreated riot & threatened Tiolenoe - here again "to create a situation" & thru Black Nationalist & Muali• teaching · bat against •whitey" "power structure" these groups dwell upon has now thru a sit •tin pl nned by the• & Negro Co_ u.nieta, unknown, unidentified, teeding upon these poor d sp rate Neg~oea have tried an alaost euooedded In breaking down all •1av enforcement• & thru hat I moba Tielence & defiance tor authority have tinallf brought a law Officer be • t �9 ob_ & the jungle war secceded in Brook l yn in 1964 (Officer attacked, then shot Negro boy in defense ) - next time i t' 11 be worse - there have been attempt.a @ l oca l Of ficials Mayors & Gove rnor s , Press even after Watts 1965 - there was such harrisment that ' the Mayor blammed the Police Chi ef & others critize~ the G~vernor & a situation wa s c r e ated a mong st hig her Officials - ~ attempt failed!!!!.!,!!.!!! but a lmost su ccedd e d - innocea:t· City Offic ials, Police, Mayor, Governor blammed, but real mo t i vat ion & e v il intentions hidde n in this situation! Gov't almost down , h opeless l y t h i ngs were so s eve r e ! The young Oakl a nd Negro who wanted no part o f the growing dange rous organizations pre ferre d Martin Luther King - Mr. Farmer - & law a bidding Father Divine's group in Phi l adelphia but showed g rowing concern how s ucc essful the se organizations are menaceingly becoming & a l s o reveal ed t hat " the y would k ill me i f t h ey knew I told a white ma n what I said ! " Se veral de ci ent , law a bidding Negroes alrea dy murdered! A Civilian Review Board plac e s i nto t h e hands of these groups the i r evil desperate motives & eventually c urbs P olice Law enforcement too & even out of the juristic-tion of the Chief of Pol ice who ori g ionaly qua lified for hi s e n force me nt job - if it does happen t he r e s ult wo uld be obvious! Communists, revolutionists hope for it as well as Rus s i a n Ag ents & Communi s t s f or a foothold he r e t ool SNCC - not a s dangerous as the Musl ims & LeRoy Jones te a chings + Communist Negr leaders o r ganizations & t e a c hings thru the fru s t r ated h a ndi c appe d, u nfor tunate, uneducat ed, se g rega ted Negro g hett o s has sti ll some b a d & d a ngerous inkling in us i ng the se unf ortunat e Ne g ro people whom a ma jority are s till s i nc e re in c reat i ng equal ity but will fall vi c tims inno centl y in t h eir nei g hbo rhood s & b e used as vic t ims for the evil int entions o f t hes e groups to reach t h e i r g oalsl SNCC' s new Stokeley Car mi chael like the oth ers claim thems e lves enemy o f t he u . s . Gov't - the whites - the P olic e , Mayor s , Governors & conti n tually insult t h e President o f t h e u.s. f or t heir vile , vicious , wicked attempt s & thr u their un-fortunate , poor illit e r a te, dop e d, Negro victims , get v ot ed , eventually exp e ct to attain their goal with th is exhortion! These g roups are sworn to secrecy espe-cially against any of the "white power structure" & never t o give any information - when you make a statement before the u.s. that it is Communi s t Inspired - a ma j ority of people ha r d l y unde_rstand & these g roups "deny it to save them s elves & evil mo t ives before t h e p ublic ! " And thru ev e n worse s ubversion & ran.ks of 5th Amme nd . 1 Attorneys hav e protected t hemselves before the public for sympathetic good favor & ewen the P olice & FBit /4 /,/ -~--c"d),' ~ -· ~-~

P .s. Also Adam Clayton Powell - Harlem Ne g ro l eader has been lately lashing out against u.s.Gov't, Police , Cou rts & especial ly •white-power-structure " i ndoctrinating Negroes wr ong way ! Bad .!2.!: Negro leader~ do this ! The Burns report on University of Cal ifornia is accu rat e - what h appened af t er(? ) - t he innocent ones denied it & then t he Communists ( hidden) JOINED IN & also"denied• it & revolted & shouted de1Iarioe which made report a dogma withthi"'s'c'aos - again , I repeat the Burns Report@ u.c. is 100% accurate - u.e. contains - Communists, ho esexuals, sexual deviates & Revolutionists with Marxist beliefst June 1966 Miss, since shooting of dedient, law-abidding Negro James Meredith by "white" man Negro Civil Rights movement liQ.'!! hampered fro racial hate, violence, planned to use this "epi ode• the Muslims, Black Nationalists , SNCC, Black Panthers, "LeRoy Jones" Soul Alinsky, Negro Communists hoped for! �