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1604 Richmond Avenu e Portsm out h , Virginia 23 704 Sep tember 9 , 1966 To wh om it may c oncern : Dear Sir: Thi s .:.s an e~pres s ion of my fe eling o f t _e tr o· bl e you are having throughout t he nation , in v.rhich y ou are placins the blame on some l eade r of some group, maki ng yourselves innoc en t of this great t: ansgres sion . But , the way I see it , you that a re sitting on the judgemen t seats and running the states are to bl ame for these race riots and po itical disturbances o \'/hen I l ook back on the dark pa e s of history , and see how that men of your r ac e have entered jails, taking out negroes , beating them , hanging t hem , draggin e; them t hr ou gh t he stre e ts behind automobiles , and shoo tin g them dovm lil.;:e dogs , and buryin g them deep in the marsh , under dams , whil e you that are suppo sed t o administer the l aw sit idly by and doin g nothi ng about it, then, it is you who are to blame , and n o t Mr. Carmi chael. But , to cover up for yotrselves ,nd the di rt that you peopl e have s·::ept under the rug fo r years , you 1 11 always get some outstandinG negro, who v1il l stand u p for hi s ri hts and try to liberate his peopl e ; y ou v:ill take this man and try to impose punishment upon him . But, let me ~'Tarn you , yo u V!ill not get a\'lay v,i th t .is. You may b e able t o take a man , put him in prison , and keep him locked up f or ye r s, but you can not stop the storms of God. They will come and de:::; troy you by the thousands and you v1ill not be able to do anything about it. Bear in mind , it is v1ri tten: " As a man sowth , so shall he also reap . 11 So , you have so,m conru:ption and you are c;oing to reap the same . There i s no " maybe so" about it, no getting around it . You ' re c oin~ to reap what you sow. 0 I am a rJ.iniste r of Chris t, not of men ; therefore, I speak freely the thinc;s that are right and are tru e . I don't believe in violence, neither do I intend to get involved with the political affairs of Lis life, but, knov1 ye this thing, that you have imposed slavery , hardships , cuffering , nnd much afflictions upon : :1e so-called ne cro man or appro:rir.-12.. tely two hundred years. V/hen you broke jail and took h.:.m out, a nd huns t im, i'Iithou t givinG hi:'! a trial, you v1ere taking away his constitutional rights; these ;;rea t crimes have i; one unpunished for appro ximately two hundred years , and you blame ~,1r. Carmichael for �Pac.:,c 2 Scptei: be r 9 , 19 66 rioting , fo::'.' riot i ,. Geo - ::;i a . e t :··: c s e-y unto ::,· ou l a;,: - ma.rnrs , enf orcer s of th8 law , an d ju~ceG thct ere sittinc on t~c judgo r.ien t sea t s , you have bettcY' ezc.: ·'. ..:._ne •·oursel ves and sec non , aren ' t · ou t he bl o.n1c . •.-. peopl e have served -our c hil dren, ave nursed t _en , for theD , an I' ~ sur e soae bl ack 1an _ as ccrea _or you . They ~~ve even co c: c. •ou: _oo and ~ashed y our cl o thinG , and y ou __ ave even raped m;; nomen an c aused them t o bear children fo_ ~ou . ~hen t.e c i ld i s ,orn , he cones here in ocen , but , e cau se he is born in t.e _2~~ rcc e , even t.~uGh a \7hi te man ' s his :at_1er , .1e h s to suffer sa:1e \'lay . an _ ca~e 7 ~ru:e up an stop beinc a foo l . It - s God that made ~an , an not {a1 , hin self . ~e e~e rnade after the _irencss of Go tl ere f ore , re~·erdl ess to c compl e:~ion or e col or o f t e s dn , a man i .:; stil l a man n _ t __at 1 s a l . e i s . l, . " n c_ ai , ccl1c . hie' r ife ' s name Eve becc:-.use s. c v.ras t c mother of c l J. ivin 6 . " Genesis 3 : 20 1 1.'/hen yo·: r .,is l etter , I ope you will un erstand r\y e.d knov,l c Ge in the __ yster 0 Chri st vr.1ich i n other o.ges \VD. S not mad e 1:nO\'Jn to t.e sons of men 2S it is IlO\'J revec. e to His holy prophets an apostles y the Spirit . LookinG to hear fro n you soon . I reDain. conten er for the faith \'Jhich n s once unto the Se.in ts , Bishop£ Bishop el~vere J3_,,~-<~ • ~ro~n r. - - �