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Johnson City, Tennesee September 10, 1966 Honorable Ivan All en , Jr., Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta Georgia Dear Mayor: I am glad to note that the law has at long last cracked down on one of the Communist dominated Black Power, birds namely Stokeley Carmichael, there is more yet to crack down on , and the sooner it is done the better Ame rican Society will be. I congratulat e you upon the stand you have taken in getting the recent riot quelled in your model Cityo We, a nd all of the Ameri ca n people knows where the blame lies in our Nat ion wide race demonstrations ( the Administra tion in Wa shington,including the Justice Department ) Demonstrations could be stopped almost over night if the Justice Department in Wa shington, would issue an order that no further protection would be given to Demonstration activities, by the FBI Agents, and then the Governor's of States issue the same order that their State Police, and National Guard would not render t o any type of Demonstrators protection, and the Sheriff's Department of Counties, and the City Official's follow with such order like wise , then the demonstrations would immediately cease , Martin Luther King and his gang of thug leaders would not dare stage a demonstration. Butjust as long as the U.S. Justice Dept ., and our State, County and City Governments guard and uphold such demonstrations, (at the Co sts 6f Million of Dollars) then that is just how long the demonstrations will go on. I have recently been in the States of Mi chigan , Ohio, West Virginis, Kentucky Virginia, Alabama, North, and South Ca rolina , Pennsylvania, Tennessee and your own State of Georgia, and I find that the American people are getting sick and tired of Demonstrations, and they are hoping for an end to such law violations, I am frank to say I think that deep down at heart about 70% of th Negro race feels likewise; You take Ma rtin Luther King running from State to State hiding under t he cloak of Chri stian nonviolence leadership, such is farr from the truth, he always shows up just after a masacre of violence, Arson, looting and de struction of private property, he says to make an investigation int o the matter, and the very next day he comes up on TV and charges Police Brurality, such is farr from the truth and he well knows it, and the American people ought to know it, if they dont they are very dumb indeed. Martin Lut her King should be deported from the United States, maybe he could go to Africa maybe they could indure himg Mr. Mayor you know there is a gang of thugs on some bodys payroll, running from State to State stiring up these demonstrations, some in the guise of Priests, Ministers, Actors, I brand them all just plain low down thugs and racketeers, neither cares one thing about God, they dont even know or care where there is even a God or not, all they care about is to raise H--- and encourage a weak minded race and people to follow their suit, for America to upfield such is a disgrace inaeede �