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Myrtle Beach, S . fil . September 7, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor CITY OF ATLANTA Atlanta , Ge orgia. Dear ayor All en : After what you and Atlanta had just be en throu _h at t he h ands of Stokel y Carmichael and what a Northern mayor, Robert Sabon jian of Wa ukegan , Illino is, so aptly des cr ibed as his 11 s cum 11 , "ani mals", "hoodlums ", et c etera i t was s h ocking to listen to y ou as y ou joined Kat zenba ch , J ohnson, Humphrey , Romney and the Ke nnedy s in your post- riot statement bef ore t he TV cameras ex cus ing if not j ustifying the actions of the mob because of the f rustrati ons of the mob ' s members - - t hey having onl y r e c ently moved into the city, - and th e ir being unable to co pe with its "compl exities" . Your fa il ing to order the City police t o make liberal use of bl ack owder i n overcoming the exhi bition of black power w7 ll s erve only to whe t the a ppetite s of Carmichael and other leaders of t he mob f or bigger and be tt er "demonst r ations " by t he lawl e ss el eme nts a mong t he negro e s and unles s I mi s s my gu e ss - - t he n ext time the mob will blast y our city with Molotov cocktails, arson, looting and anyt h in~ el se t hey can contrive. You should know bett er t han non-re sidents of Atlanta - - t hat t he el ement you are de aling with is t he same type if not th e s ame pe opl e who " picke tted" your lo cal U. S . Army I nduction Stations some 1 0 days to 2 weeks a go. 1 I doubt - and very much - Mr . Mayor, if the "Harl em voten i s worth your e f f ort at a ppea sement as exemplif i ed by your pos t-r iot statement as present ed v ia the TV camer as this morning . Very s i nc erely yo urs , ~ ii.t rt~Ak Apt . C-10 gmf CHICORA APARTMENTS Myrtl e Beach, S. C. �