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NBC NEWS A DIVISION OF NATIO NAL BRO A DCASTIN G COM PA NY , INC. 104 - /06 SAIG ON MA.IL: OABLE: NGUYEN HUE , SAIGON, VIETNAM, TEL. 2 /06~ BUR EAU P.O . BOX N 7 NATBROOaS T SAIGON Septe mber 15 , 1966 Mayor Ivan All en City Hall Atl ant a, Ge or gia USA Dear Mr. Mayor: - •, I have been d" stre s c ed to h e ar abou t Atl anta's racia l dis orders. I had hoped Atl anta would be spared such hool i ganism in vie w of the city ' s s ensibl e and progres s ive approa ch to t he race problem. However, when it did hap pen, no one could have asked f or more direct and courageous le adership than yours. I am sure most Atlant ans, i ncluding us "expatr i ates, " are very proud of you. Warm regards, ta<M~~P~~ George Page, Correspondent SAIGON BUREAU GP/suu �