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STATEMENT BY lVAN ALLEN, JRo Sentencing of William Jame to Life February 9, 1967 The conviction of William Haywood James for the murder of Hulet Varner, Jr. iB proof certain that all per ons are equal before the law and subject to the demand of the law in the City 8£ Atlanta, Georgia.o On September 11, a few hourt after the shooting of the youth, I reminded the people of this city that Atlanta 1 · effotta which have been unexcelled by any other American <:ity, to eliminate racial prejudico and inture the Negro citizen of equal ri.ghte and opportunity. Thie cannot be accomplished Ol' carried (u,it except under ihe auth.o rity of law and order; and that these two are ins e rable., and neither can · ucc ed without the other. This belief w: · A put t0, it · highest teat in thi . ca e. a teeult, all citizen• of tlanta c etand little atr iahter and el ep . little eaeier tonight. I m inati-\1.CtinS the City Attorney to con£ r with Chief Jenkin• ~ a,..rdin the dlabutaement of the $10, 000. re ard which le to th and convie ti n of 1:he murd rer. ~r t �