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A TL AN T A , GEORGI A o 30302 October 20, 1969 Mr . Dan Sweat Mayor's Office City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dan: It was a pleasure to see you at the Atlanta Jaycee Political Rally at Plaza Park October 3. I was glad to see that you had the chance to stop by. From all we have heard, it was successful in every respect. Your ideas and assistance from the beginning were very helpful, and we certainly are appreciative. Jack Delius was very cooperative and the Showmobile worked out very well. Also, Superintendent Royal with the Police Traffic Division worked with us in handling traffic problems_ in the area in an efficient manner. The Atlanta Jaycees and myself appreciate your assistance in helping make the Political Rally a success. You may be interested to know that some film from the Rally was shown on the NBC Today Show on October 7. We, of course, were very glad to hear this. Thanks again, and if we can work with you in any way in the future, please let us know. Alfred K. Barr Research Manager da �