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THE TRUTH At approximately 1:15 PM Tuesday, September 6, 1966 in Atlanta, Ga. two white cops shot a young 25 year old Negro several times in the back as he was running -to his home ¾ blocks away. The cops were supposed to have had a warrant for his arrest. A crowd of some 200 Black people gathered outside the home of Harold Prather, the 25 year old Black man who had been shot. They were angry because a white cop had shot their friend. THERE WERE NO SNCC PEOPLE PRESENT. WOULDN'T YOU BE MAD IF A WHITE COP HAD UNJUSTLY SHOT YOUR FRI END OR YOUR NEIGHBOR? The 1,000 ·1ocal people demanded that the white cop who had shot their friend be dismissed from the force. The mayor refused to listen. He brought with him 300 white policemen armed with submachine guns, teargas, shotguns and pistols".1H.EY1IROUGllT ALL-OF ~THfS TO SEND UNARMED BLACK PEOPLE HOME. The local people didn't like all the white cops coming into their neighborhood with all that hardware. Wquldn't you be mad if 300 white cops came into your neighborhood and beat you? THE WHITE COPS PU~HED AND BEAT BLACK WOMEN. THE WHITE COPS THREW TEAR GAS (IT BURNS YOUR EYES AND SKIN) IN THE EYES OF 6 AND 7 YEAR OLD CHILDREN. THE WHITE COPS SHOT AT BLACK PEOPLE. THE BLACK PEOPLE HAD NO GUNS TO DEFEND THEMSELVES, SO THEY THREW BRICKS AND BOTTLES. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN WERE BEING BEATEN? SNCC STOOD UP FOR YOU. WILL YOU NOW STAND UP FOR SNCC? BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOW IN JAIL. THEY NEED YOUR HELP. THEY NEED $20,000 FOR BONDS. $20,000 IS NEEDED TO GET PEOPLE OUT OF JAIL IN ATLANTA WHAT CAN YOU DO? 1. SEND A DOLLAR FOR FREEDOM NOW! 2. SEND PROTEST TELEGRAMS TO 1) MAYOR IVAN ALLEN-ATLANTA, GA. 2) CHIEF OF POLICE HERBERT JENKINS ................ -------------------, I wpuld like to contribute to the SNCC Defense Fund. I want to pledge $ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Make checks payable to SNCC Defense Fund 107 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. 387-7445 I I I I I I I I I. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 107 Rhode Island Avenue, N. W. 387-7445 �ST_OKELY _CARMICHAEL JAILED IN ATLANTA, GA.! . WHIT,E RACISTS ARE TRYING TO FRAME ·SNCC AGAIN (· STOKELY CARMICHAEL, CHAIRMAN OF THE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATIN°G COMMITTEE WAS ARRESTED FOR SAYING l°HINGS A LOT OF US BLACK PEOPLE FEEL AND WANT TO SAY, things we are afra_id to say because we know white people are always listening. Sto°kely Carmichael has been talking to his Black Brothers all over the nation, in Watts, Harlem, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D. C. Here are some of.the things he has been saying: "Black power means organizing to fight fear and the development of "B lack consciousness," selfrespect, pride in the history of Black people, our culture and ou r in stitutions. "If you work real hard, if you sweat, if you are ambitious, then you will be successful. I'm here to tell you that if that was true, Black people would own this country, because we sweat more than anybody else in this country. "They oppress us because we are Black and we are going to use that Blackness to get out of the trick bag they put us in. Don 't be ashamed of your color. "We have to talk about nonviolence among us, so that we don't cut each other on Friday nights and don't destroy each other but move to a point where we appreciate and love each other. That's the nonviolence that has to be talked about. The psychology the man has used on us has turned us against each other. He says nothing about the cut-ting that goes on Friday night but talk about raising one finger-tip towards him and that's when he jumps up. We have to talk about nonviofence among us first. ,"We don't have to be ashamed of James Brown; we don't have to wait for the Beatles to legitimize our culture. "We've been worrying too long about what white people are saying and thinkin g. Black power doesn't mean that we are anti-white, it means that we are too busy tending to our real work, organizing poor black people, to worry about white people. "Black power is a search for a sense of home, for something we can call our own." BLACK POWER (PLEASE TURN OVER) ~.:.~ �