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THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA POST OFFICE BO X 4148 ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30302 September 26, 1966 EDWARD D. SMITH PRESIDENT Dear Ivan: I have just returned to Atlanta from a week in New York City. I was up there to attend the 50th Anniversary World Convocation of the National Industrial Conference Board. This meeting was attended by officials of a great many of the major corporations of the country, some of whom I have gotten to know fairly well through the other activities of the Conference Board. I can't tell you how many people came up to me and told me what a fine job they thoughtAtlanta had done in the face of the difficulties created by Stokely Carmichael and his "Snick" associates. Most of these men knew you by name, a nd many of them knew you as "Ivan Allen, 11 not just "Mayor Alle n. 11 You would have been g ratified if you had h eard what the se m e n had to s a y a bout you and what they felt you had contributed to Atlanta and our city's posture in the country. The Hono rabl e Iv an Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 �