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t· EDWIN L. STERNE LF.Sl ER H . PEPSELLS CtcAIJ\M.:..U Ctl:CUTI YL: Dlll C CTO ll ,-.._-::, S£CR(TARY CARLTON GARRE TT OIH(Cl O J.t G~OflGE S. CRAFT or r-ll'iAJ-;C[. VICC CH.\l kMAH GILUERT II. UOGGS DIR [CTO~ ur fl~ '..•s : ... : llO WARO OPEt;$H~. W J. Cl. BL'-YTOU O I H[CltJlt Of'" Rf.O l \' ( L C.r'l..• i: "- ! FRAIII( G. ETHERIDGE GEORG E n. SA!,G E R TCCHNICAL DIHL~T OR JACt: F. GLE fltl 62~ 11u n1 f3U ll. OING ATLl, NTA, GC:OflGI :, 3 0 303 JAC KSO tl 3-&074 November 14, 1969 RE: PARCEL 4 MODEL C rr I ES URBAN REDEVELOPH2~NT A REA PROJE CT GEORGIA A-2-3 Gent l e me n: We are offering for sa l e and deve lopmen t a 5.43 acre tract approxin,a t e ly tl1re e - qt::.~rters of a mil e southeast fro:11 th e stadium. A dime nsional dra wing and location map of the property ii att a ched. The development mu st consist of not less than fort y and no t more than fi f ty t c wnh o u s e dwel l ing uni ts for low and mod e rate inc ome famili es and must be built unde r th e Conununity Unit P l a n. The d ev e lopr:-,e nt must con f o r m to t.h e requir e me nt s of th e Mod e l Citi es Urban Re d e v e l opme n t Pl a n which ha s b e en adopte d by th e Authority and the City o f Atlanta. The minimum price will b e e stabli s h ed b y the Fede r a l Housin g Ad.ministration a n d compe titio n will b e on t he b a s i s of a r c hi t e ctu ra l d es i g n, qu a lity o f propos e d c on s tru ct i o n, and the financial r e sponsibility and demon s trated capability of the Redevelop e r. The Re dev e loper must: (a ) be a n on- pro fit or~ani zation or a pro f it motivate d dev e lope r who agree s in his proposa l to se ll the development under a turn - k ey arrangeme n t to a sponsor who is a non-prof it orga ni za tion; �Page Two {b) reside or be located in the Model Cities Area and be engaged in business or nonprofit endeavors in the .Model Cities Area; (c) demon s tr at e a substantial and meaningful degree of co1rnnuni ty involvement in the Mode l Cities Area; -and (d) _ demonstr a te a cap ab ility for and an intention of providing maximum employment opportunities for Model Cities' residents in the redevelopment of this parcel. The Atlanta Hous ing Authority ,:,1i ll complete the following site improvements at no co st to che developer: 1. The con s truction of Primrose Street through the Project Site from Tu skegee Avenue to Atlanta Avenue. Primrose Street will have a 50' right-of-way and wil l be constructed in accordance with standard City of Atlanta specifications. 2. The installation of necessary uti.li ty lines (sewer and water) as a re needed to serve the proposed development. These utility lines will be install ed in conjunction with the construction of Primrose Street. In the case of sewer lines, n e c ess ary laterals will be stubbed out at the property lines. 3. The installation of necessary storm drainages to alleviate any flooding that takes plac e in the lowe r part of the site. 4. Rough grading v1ill b e done in accordance with an approved site plan . The rough grading is not to be constru ed to mean finish ed elevations but to mean general conformance to the proposed development. The proposals must be submitted in triplicate on our forms in sealed envelopes and opened at a public me eting in our office at 10: 00 o'clock A. M. on January 7, 1970. �Page Three 1. The Redevelope r shall submit not more than four pan e ls, maximum size 2' x 3', restricted to black and white drawings, including: (a) S it e P 1 ,1 n_, at 1 " - 4 0 I 0 II s c a 1 e showing proposed development of entire site. (b) Floor Plun(s), at 1/8" - 1'0" scale s11owing each type of unit. (c) Elevations, a t l/8 11 - 1 1 0 11 scale showing t ypical el evations. (d) Pe~spective(s), optiona l 2. Narrative Desc riotion of Prooosed Devel opmen t. The narrative shall pre se nt full information about the Proposal including es timat e d construction cost, construction material, proposed l andscaping, proposed r e nt ranges and management program, and spe cia l faci lities to be provided. The n a rrative shall include th e proposed method of financing the deve lopme nt a nd an indication of the ability of the participants or sponsors to _obtain construction and permanent financing based on the Prop osal submitted. Also inclu ded with the narrativ e should be the name s of the architec t and prof ess ional coll ab orators for the developme nt. A propos a l deposit or bond of $1,000 is r equired with the Proposa l. Earnest Money of $3,000 is to be paid at the time of sig ning the contr act (the proposal d epos it may be credited against this amount) and the balanc e at the time of closing , which must be not late r than nin ety (90 ) days after th e signing of the contract. Constructi on mu st start not l ate r than thirty (30) days after the closing of the tran sac tion. If you need additional information, or desire the proposal forms, please advise us. Ver~y tr~ly yours, ~ L~ ~W~~ I.· PEV:hcn Enclosure Philip / E. Vrooman, Chief Real Estate Disposition Branch

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