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EDWIN L, S TERNE CHA IRM AN LE S TER H. PER S ELLS • E X ECUTI V E D I RE CT OR A1':> S EC RE T ARY C A RL T ON GAR RE TT GEORG E S . C RA FT DI REC TO R Of" F I NAN CE VIC C CH A IR MA N GILB E R T H . B OGGS D I R E CTOR or H OU S l t.~ HO WAR D OPE NSH A W J. B. SLAY T ON OIR F. CT OR FRAN K G. E T HE R I D GE or R E D E V EL OP M E N T GE OR GE R . SAN D ER T ECHN I CAL D I RE CT OR JA CK F . GLE NN 5 24 HU RT B ~ I LOIP~G A TL A N T A , GE OR G I A 30 30 3 JA C K S ON 3 · 6 07 4 December 10, 1969 -MEMORANDUM To: From: Mr. E.M. Laws Chairman, Vine City Project Area Committee Mr. Lester Persells, Executive Dire ctor and Mr. Howard Opensha w, Director of Redevelopment Present: Mr. E.M. Laws, Mrs. Dorothy Bolden, Mrs. Clara Bell Williams, Mr. Richard Hoffman, Mr. Ralph Jacobson, Mr. Lester Persell s , Mr. Howard Ope nshaw. Subject: RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS RAISED BY REPRES ENTATIVES OF THE VINE CITY PROJECT AREA COMMI TTEE AND THE I R LEGAL COUNSEL ON NOVEMBER 21, 1 9 69. 1. We re g ret that the situation in Vine City is such tha t repre sentatives o f the PAC h a ve r e queste d Mr . Ba rne tt' s tr an s f er. Mr. Parsells and I bo t h f eel tha t Mr. Ba rne tt is totally commi tt e d to s erv e the PAC and the Vine City community. We c er t a inly hope tha t a ny diff icult i e s t ha t exi s t c an b e wo rked out and tha t Mr . Barnett ' s r elati onship with the PAC wi ll b e effe ct i v e i n a chie v ing t he obj ective s of t h e Vine City communl ty. 2. The Atl a nta Housing Author ity has e s t a bli s h e d a p r oj e ct of f ice and a ppropria t e ·staff i n ea ch NDP a r e a i n order to b ring the program close r to t he pe ople and to enable t he r eside n ts , thr ou gh their PA C, to b e involve d in t he pl a nning a nd impl eme n t a t ion o f t h e prog r am. The pro ject d i r e cto r is the Hous i n g Au tho rity' s re p r e sentative in the c ommunity and , in tur n, r epresents the community in his con t a ~ts wi th t hi s office. Of course, all memb ers o f the Au t hority are ava i labl e u p on request f o r t e chni cal assista nce. If a n y problems c a.n be i dentifi e d in communications between t he Autho rity and t h e PAC, the n we will d o more tha n our share to c o rre ct them. 3. The PAC work ing dire ctly with the p roj e ct di re c t o r in the d ay- to -day p r ogram a c tivi ties h a s p r oven effective in a ll nei ghborhoods. The purpo se of es t a bl ishing proj e ct off ice s and p r oj e ct d ire c t o rs in n ei ghbor h ood s is to a l l ow the Housing Authori t y and t he PAC to c ommuni c ate mo re meaningfull y with res iden ts . All plans a nd recommenda t ion s fr om �I -2- /· ind5.vidual neighborhoods are reviewed by the Housing Authority and the City Planning Department with regard to the total program of the City and the financial limitations of the City and the Federal government. The PAC should be represented at all meetings of the Planning a nd Development Co~il~ ittee of the Board of Alde r men when actions affecting Vine City are considered (see item 6 below). 4. A list of the membership of the Citizens' Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal appointed by the mayor is attached (exhibit A). It is our understanding that Mr. A.J. Lockhart, 85 Griffin Street, NW, a resident of Vine City, is on the committee. Attached is a letter (exhibit B), dated August 20, 1969 to Dr. Noah Langdale, Chairman of the CACUR, respectfully requesting that each Project Area Committee be invited to appoint a member to the Citizens' Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal. 5. All project directors , man agers and branch chiefs from the Redevelopment Division of the Authority hold staff meetings every Monday at 10 A.M. at 824 Hurt Building. The purpose of the staff meetings is to report on pending activities and to coordinate the activities of the various projects and departments within the Authority. While these staff· meetings are not secret, no useful purpose would be served by PAC attendance, as no policy making decisions are made therein. 6. The Housing Authority will notify the PAC whenever the Planning and Development Corn.~ittee of the Board of Aldermen meets to consider any actions affecting Vine City. Prior to adoption by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of any plans designating acquisition or rehabilitation of properties, a public hearing is required, to which the PAC and area residents will be invited to represent the community's views. However, other committees of the Board of Aldermen may take actions conc e rning a particular neighborhood without the knowledge of the Housing Authority, such as actions on rezoning, street paving, utility installation, etc. 7. The draft of the Citizen Participation Report for Vine City, prepared by the Planning Consultants, contain s an estimated cost of $13,220. to support the PAC and includes costs of publishing newsletters, attend ing monthly me etings, and providing technic a l assistance to the PAC. These costs will be included in t he pl anni ng consultant's contra ct. ' 8. Following notification that Atlanta's 1970 -iNDP allocation from the Federal Governme nt was reduced to $7,500,000 it bec ame necessary to return the plans to the neighborhoods to determine priorities within the available Federal funds. The revised time schedule is as follows: January 30 Februa ry 2 Febr ua ry 3 Feb r u a ry 6 Public Submit Submi t Submit Hea ring s on neighborhood plans for 1970. to Board of Al derme n for a ppr oval. to Atl an t a Housing Authority Boar d for approval. NDP a pplic a tion to HUD. It is i mpera tive tha t PAC pl ans for each n e i ghborhood be final i ze d and submi t t ed to the Housing Auth ority no l a t er t han J anuary 15, 1970. 9. Each submission to the Federal Government of an NDP application •j �-3requires a citizen participation report including: (a) a statement from each PAC on the timing, loc a tion a nd appropriateness of activities planned for the Urban Renewal Ar ea, and (b) a report on citizen participation describing the inf o rma tion and technical assistance provided, prepared by the Housing Authority. Whi le the PAC minutes would assist the Housing Authority in pre paring item (b) above, it is not essential or required that the Housing Auth ority obtain copies of the PAC minutes. We feel compelled at this point to state a g ain that the PAC, representing all the area residents~ consultants, and the Housing Authority are a team, hopefully working together in a cooperative spirit to achieve the objectives of the Vine City Community. 10. With regard to PAC attendance at local, regional or national ~eetings at project expense, see attached letter from HUD dated November 26, 1969, (exhibit C). 11. The Department of the Public Works of the City ha s advised this office that street paving now under way in Vine City, was undertalrnn at the request of the Mayor. With resp e ct to new construction to be undertaken by the City in Vine City, I have requested Mr. Ray Nixon, Chief of the City Construction, to coordinate future work with the Housing Authority to determine if the improvements are in accordance with the plans for the Area and to dete1"'Illine the method of funding, ie., assessment against property owners or provided by the City. 12. Apparently the relocation activity report was not included in the Neighborhood Development Program application furnished to the PAC. A copy of the relocation activity report is attached (exhibit D). 13. It is our understanding that the PAC volunteered to assist the planning consultants in conducting projecr area surveys . In accordance with the consultants' contract with the Authority and mm re g ulations, all survey data become the property of the Authority. However, all planning documentation is available to the PAC at the project office. 14. The City Planning Department is responsible for the annual preparation and submission of the City's workable program to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Contact Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Director of the City , 7th floor, Cit y Hall, telephone 522-4463, for info1"Ination relating to Atlanta's workable program. 15. It is the policy of the Housing Authority to employ residents from program areas as jobs become available dependent, of course, on meeting job qualifications. Persons employed in jobs requiring minimum qualifications will be trained and promoted according to their demonstrated abilities. 16. The City Planning Department and the Housing Authority will p res ent to the Planning and Development Conµni ttee of the Board of Aldermen a proposed allocation o f NDP moneys and activities by neighbo rhoods based on available Federal funds and PA C recommendations and priorities, all subject to approval of the Cit y comptroller, Planning and Devel o pment Committee, the mayor and Board o f Aldermen and the Federal Government, (see attached schedules A and B, exhi b its E and F). 17. Structures in good condition will not be acquired unless their location and retention is contrary to the Urban Renewal plans formulated �-4by the PAC and adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen after a public hearing. The plan will designate good structures for rehabilitation. 18. Home owners can be told now wh ether the i r houses a r e subject to rehabilitation or clearance as determined by the plans prepared by the PAC and their pl a nning consultants. However, it is important to differentiate whether rehabilit a tion or clearance will take place in 1970 or a subsequent year and also to know tha t the pl a ns are not final until approved by the City and the Federal Government. The PAC has established a priority of activities to be undertaken in 1970 w~th clearance to be g in in area 35, then area 34, etc. 4 specific area must also be designated for rehabilitation by the PAC if this is your desire. In my letter to Mr. Laws on December 4, 1969 I indicated that , to the e x tent feasible, the Housing Aut hority will carry out the objectives of the PAC, ie., complete the clearance and redevelopment of a1,ea 35 before beginning acquisition in area 34. A determination must be made about this particular sequence of areas as to whether it is practicable and possible from the standpoint of street access, utilities, and construction of the residential units. 19. It will be virtually impossible to acquire property, relocate families, demolish buildings, install necessary improvements, sell the land to private enterprise and to construct and complete housing short of a year, which means that property acquisition of the second area will probably · not occur in the initial NDP year. It is simply a question of the time involved to complete each activity in sequence in accordance with applicable state and Federal regulations. · We will explore with the PAC the most feasible way to proceed, and concur with the PAC that families to be displaced from the initial clearance area should be kept to a minimum and every effort must be made to provide an opportunity for each family to remain in the area. In summary, we hope that this response adequately answers the questions posed at the November 21, 1969 meeting. We want to assure the PAC and all residents of the Vine City community of the commitment of the Atlanta Housing Authority to a meaningful invol veme nt of area residents in the planning and execution of all Urb a n Renewa l a ctivities to b e u ndertaken in Vine City . . The Housing Authority solicits the continued cooperati on of the PAC as we work together to make Vine City an outstanding residential area of Atlanta. Enclosures. �. : :- ·~ l. Citizens frorr. -t:1)c co •.nn.:,iJ.ty :,;i·,0 11.ld be., ;:;:·ilc: to tTC(:~r.~c,.n c: a res .i cl,::n t 01:· t }12 \l.ir~ :.: C~it:~/ t1r·e:~;.:. -fol" B.::::.;~r: i:.! t t ' r; ! )G~~:t. tic,~ l o l f.. t 1~1i~-> i z; r1o t pGs:d.:)l::.: , t hz..i:·, tlw )"i'. 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-· ! ·:<::r:J :-(: :C Of ( ! J: 5. ':··> ·: :'?,C '.1n0crs t a1)(_1 r.; th.J.t t:)1-2. _r·::: J. .:., n 'i:: .::i liou:~.i. n? 7:.;x::-.1:: o r. .i ty l1olds r~0 ·..:: ti~1<:~ ;~ or~ 1·cJ 11(~ 2 ~.. c:_~::-·.cr i:co:: f o1.- t1--_c. fl.i.~;c t:.c~;~.i.c: r1 c :·: i ::; s ue: s r. ,c. J ,-: v ,.,,1 1..: ::.c ·i.:Lc: '.'i r1c C' i t.y c,w.mun i ty. '.'.'; HJ t',\C: ·.:c,~ ld l i 1'-'~ tc u ·t.:cP c~ t!: e ::>c: r. ~c E~t irlg~.; . .l~ 6. 'The i\tla n ta Housi n g /\ut}wr i ty sho ul d notify t:w ;' , .C \·:hc.n -~ ev(~Y i:: Jlf..~ )"·._J_'--~ ~;1.--:.1tlr1ic~ i"3~;:~:1--f! i.~ !.1lz~ri!1ir\~! tc~ ·:.::~~,:.<.: a 11 r1_ctj_o11. ~.-:!: ich wi 11 af feet:. -:.: :~8 ci U.z-:.:ns of V.i. n-c:~ Ci t.y . 7. T i10 P J\C },. no·,..:::, notl1i n 0 .-:; ~.iaut tli2 i t ,~n:, .li ::; t.i2d o n f.1 ·; c .t··j_ v e o f th-2 C~i ti::e.11 Pa r ·ticj_~JciLio:1 :r~,-.:7) 01~7.: -· ·· .. ·\ ;ir!·? Ci~~,. ! ~~?.-c!-, C:l]:" C d ::>~/· the ,.,i tl a nta il o u '_; in q ;.1..':.:,·,:.:., ri t'. 1 • 'l:~c r·:-c \101.ild l i )-~L·: ;1.n CX!:)lc.na - tion o f t'.°h? costs l iste d . 8. ':.,he Pl·.C would like a t.ime t2:. hlc~ frc:-:1 the . ~

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l iutl~Ol"jwt~/' \-1:1ich (vould i r1~orrn tl-1s::~ o [ \·,1!1e n (~C-:cinic :1s 0 :1 j)'3rLi- CUlar it2ms hnva to b ~ Gade. 9. The .:'\. t:. 2 nt<'l Hous ing ;·. u th orH:y h as no aut)~o:::i t\' to use PAC mi:1ut c,8 .1.n an~,. ::1 L: ~ t:,.~:,.,-::· :1ts sent to an y feckrc::l a~1cncy. �r··,:,. '/ ;_ ,. ~ ·' . .,. Pa g~ Two The PAC ,·:ill prepare a st.atemc,mt. which the J·. tlnnta fiou s ing Authority may su!:.,rnit to t.l,G Dep?trtme nt of I!ous in9 a n d Urban Development \·1 it.h the uction p ,.opo ua.l for 1970. 1(). 'I'he Pl1.C' •1ou}.d like t o be informed of a ny o t h ~r lcJCll l , region a l or n a t.l 0 na l m1:!·e•1: i ng~J whi ch m.i.ght be o f i1-:1por t n nce to u r b ~ n recieve1 opment in the Vin e City community anC: have PAC represent a tion sent . 11. All construc ·:ion or roadwork which is not in confornity with tte Urb ~n Renewal Plan developed for the Vine City area Ghould ~o h i.: H.:~d irnr,;ed i a t.e1y a nd no n ew conBtruction or: roadwo r k should begin. 12. --..... , ...... Where ·is the r eloca tion a cti b .i ty repo rt . 15. X8 i t por-::si:)l e to tr. a.i n community p e orle to handle cer·tain jobs associated with urL a n re iJevc!.01;;:~c nt ·....,}:ich •vill become nvaila0le during the next few years? 16. ~-:..'J e h wi 11 th e [\IT:ount o f money ava i la'o lC:; for \'in e City u r b a n re n ewa.1 be r. no1m and how wi ll the ur:1ou nt :-:ie dct0rminc d? Is. thr=.:ire any way for t.hc Pl'-.C to i11 '1 lur-'.nce the ~i.ze of the grant? 17. Will a hou se which is in goo d condition be subj0ct to ur~an renewal ~ecause of t ~e poor c ondition of t~c hous~s which i.;urround it? 18. h11en wi 11 home owners ::)e told whether t!ieir house is subject t o rehabilitation or clear a nce ? 19. It should be made clear to t-ir. Opens ha~ th a t work 1.n Are a 35 8hould ho comnlP.b~lv f in:i.::,h.ad be fora any cle ar a. i ,ce I n t;,l:3 ·regard the PAC or work is begun inArea 3 ,1 ·: should know hrn-· Much T':'\oncy i f an y , will be l o st by pro- ceoding in this manner. �LAW OFFICES CHARLES LONGSTREET WELTNER 1644 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILOINO ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 522-7461 December 22, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: ALL PERSONS CLAil1ING ANY INTEREST IN THE PROCEEDS OF THE FOLLOWING CONDEMNATION CASE: RE: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA v. Charles R. Banister, et al Case No. &-50703 , Project No.Ga .A•2•(3) Parcel No.48•10, 11 & 12 This is to notify you that on the 19th day of December 19~, $ 20 1 000.00 was paid into the Registry of the Court in the above "styled case. Any unpaid taxes or other valid claims must come out of this award. As you know, the property owner may pay the taxes or other claims himself and take the full amount of the award himself or take the award less the unpaid taxes and other claims. In any event, after the taxes have been paid, tax proration may be obtained from the Housing Authority, and you may contact Mr. William Swanson, 523-6074 concerning this. cc: Honorable Arthur K. Bolton, Attorney General Honorable Harold Sheats, Fulton County Attorney Mr. Jack Camp, Tax Commissioner for City of Atlanta and Fulton County Mr. W. S. McGinnis, Revenue Collector for City of Atlanta Mayor of the City of Atlanta Mr. William Eugene Harrison Miss Julia B. Elliott Mr. William R. Greenleaf �· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · --- 824 Hurt Building Atl a nt a , G eorgia 30303 Tel e phone 523-60 74 Dee . r 12 1 1969 Hr . Charles Davi Comptroller City of Atl t Cit,, 1l l tl t, Georgia, ,30303 R.e : Project No. GA., R-11 Unive~ ity Cent r Uitben ~ wal Ar Hovard Op ha D1reotor ot co. •• t Collier Glad.iA ·10Pllll8Jlt, �DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URB AN DE V ELOPMENT PEACHTREE SEVENTH BUILDING, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3032 3 I C.-D Room 61~5 REG(i:tfif iJic e of the negiona l Act d ni str;;,t or

I ?1 ' \'; ( , . 1·\, '\J ,,- . l,..-' .~1-:_.,, .,. ~ I . ., - -' <"'\ ~~,,... IN REP L Y REFER T O: ' 3RF Mr . Lester H. Per sells Exe cut:Lv-e D:i.re c ~or Hou s i ng i\uthorlt y of th e C:L t y of AtL,nta 62h Hurt Builc.L.nr::At.lant.a , G3org ia 303~) 3 Dear Mr. Pe rsell s : Sub j e c t: Proj e c t Ifo . Ga . R-11 Uni ve: r s j_ty Center Uri)un Ri.; newal J..,_ rea Part II, iur..end.'..:ent Ho . 9 t o ·i1~c Ur ba.n Renewal P a n a ncl Loa n a nd Gro.nt. CoTtrf!Ct I Rm ·pl.f~a sed to confirm t h 2 te J.e .,3r aphi c a.nnou nc c:ne nt t lw.t the Ass i s tant Se cre tar y for P.c:n2wal ar::,i Housin[:; h. s s is t :.1..cc hs. s exe c uted a n ainend:J,to ry a lloca t ir:n orde r au-chorj_zing t he r evi s ion of y o ·,. r exist.i n 0 Contra c t i'or Loan £1nd. Gr a nt and Urb8,n He newal P ~ 2.n . Suo jcc t, ·co /our e:-:2cuti c n of u n a.mendu tory c ontr a c t , ti2i s ane ·1(.latory a ll ,:ic o:cio;1 or c."i.e r wlll i ·· c ruc.1 s e the amount of t :1e F ederal c ap i"i:.al r;r ant a utnor i ~~C!.ti0r1 -L\/ $318 , (;li.l~ to a total of' $5 , '. 5 65, 629 rmc1 i nc rei., se the ai, oum:; of t !1e lotm a u tilori ,1..::,; Gion by 4>12_.2, r(6 l~ to a total of $d, 76o, 427 . Your a tention i s di r c c t -·? d to t h e f a c t th2.t tlle Lriu n anu Gra nt Cont r a ct expres s ly s tate s that t he G::.lVe r nment ho.s no oll i 6 ::-st i on ·co ealt•=r i nto a ny c ontr a ct f or aLldi t i c :""!al Federal fi nanc ial &ss i s C8. nce in conne c tion with this p ro jec t . You ure he r eb y a dvise d that we huve no intention of inc re2. sin~ the pro,ject c apita l gr ant from t he 0J11ount nm, app r oved, e xc ept fo r i ncrct, ses whic h rni t;ht a r l Ge p u..'t"suant to fu tur e F eder a l le i islati on . It i s t her e fore your r e s ponsib i l ity to mo nitor t he c a rry- i n;!, out of a c t i vit ies pursua nt to t his c ontrac t in s u ch s. way tha t, if pro j e ct c os t s should i:.1crea s c) you will 1:: e abl e to a c t p romptl y to p revent ove rrunni ng the 1.; ud,:;e t on whi ch t he Feclern.l e;r a nt is b8. sed . I n s uch c irc .1.m stanc e s, and r e gurdless of the r eason for the addit iona l c ost s, you s houl d r educ e the scope of ]..Jroje c t c os ts and. a ctivit i e s so a s t o be al>lc to c o,.1pl ete t he p ro:i e c t with the p r esent p ro ject cap i "':;o.l c;r G.ut . The only a ltcrmi.ti ve' means by whi c h the Loca l Pul,lic Ji.'!,cncy c ould fulfill its o,>li~;ation t o co11pl ete ·t!:1:.:! -p r oJ .-~ct would be b y obta ini ng any ne ce ssa ry additional fund s from non-Federal source s; c ontrit ution of s uch fund s -co t~1e proje c t v:ould not cons ti t ute a locul 6--rant-in-aid . This s hould be made l;:nown to the i;overnin,s bod~' of the Loca l Public Agency, and. to the chief executive and go".erning body of 1 �I 2 the l ocality . Enclosed a re Forms I-IUD-6200 , Proje ct Cost Estimate a nd Financing Pla n, and HUD-6220, Proj e c t Expendi tu.re s Bud.get , with an explanation of differe nces hetwee n r e ~ue s ted a nd approved mnountB . Om· approva.l of the p roject ex:penditures budge t c onstitut es a conc urre nc e in your incurrine; c osts in c on:formity ·with s u ch budge t from the da te of app roval the reon . l Eu.ward H. Baxter 'fc:'Z'VReg iona l Administra tor I Enclosures cc: Mr . Howa r d Op enshaw �DATE S-If- TO ~ ~ FROM hl~ '7n~ SU BJ ECT D ~ 7 rr:. C. FOR YOUR AP PROV AL D D D FOR YOUR SIGNATURE 0 FOR FOLLOW•UP RECORD FOR Y O UR COMMENTS D F O R YOUR FILE PER OUR CONVERS A TION [M"'FOR YOUR I NFORMATION D D D D D {p Cf PE R YOUR R E QU E ST F OR H A NDL I NG F OR D IS CUSS I ON PREP A RE REPLY PLEASE RETURN TO - - - - - -- - REMARKS: ~ ~uu,J.ol. ~ ~~ tT µ;a:;,,.,~ /o/1"-~d 4 13, t'lb'I ~~,/-~~ " �EDWIN L. STERNE LESTER H. PERSELLS CHAIRMAN EXECUTI VE DIREC T OR A1'D SECRETARY CARL TON GARRETT . GEORGE S. CRAFT D I RECTOR OF FINANC E VI CE CH AIRMAN GILBER T H. BOGGS DIRECTOR OF HO USING HOW ARD OPENSHAW J . B . SLA YTON DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT FRAN K G. ET H( R I OGE GEORGE R . SANDER T E C HNICA L D IR ECTOR JACK F . GLENN 824 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 JACKSON 3-60 74 December 1 9 , 1969 Mayor Iv an Al l en , Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: In a ccordance with the resolut·ion adopted by the Board of Aldermen on November 3, 1 969 r e questing copies o f minutes of each meeting of every agency, board, commission or other organization created by the governing authority of the City of Atlanta, we submit herewith minutes of the special meeting of the Boa rd of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, held on December 11, 1969 and the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 16, 1 969 . Very truly yours, ~ 9/~ Lester H. Persells Executiv e Dire ctor and Secretary LHP :HO: :pc �I THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CI'I'Y OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA HELD ON THE 16TH DAY OF DEC EMBER, 1969 The Regular Meeting of of the City of Atlanta, 1969, at 3:00 P.M., in Hurt Building, Atlanta, th e Commissioners of the Housing Authority Georgia, held on the 16th day of December, the Conf e rence Room of the Autho r,ity , 824 Geor g ia. The meetin g was c al l ed to orde r by the Cha irman, and upon roll call, those pre sent and absent wer e as follows: Pres en t Mr. Edwin L . Sterne Mr. J.B. Blayton Mr. Jack F . Glenn Absent Mr. George S. Craft Dr. W.H . Borders The Minutes of the Regular Mee ting of December 2, 1969 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 11, 1969 were approved. i upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, on September 2, 1969, the Board of Commissione rs authoriz ed an engineering services contr ac t with Morrison J. S imm s and Associates in connection with the sit e improvements n eeded for temporary housing for Model Cities Urban Redevelopment Area, Project GA. A-2-J. WHEREAS, changes in the scop e of the work have necessitated an amendment to the contract to adjust the method of compe nsation and to increase the upset amount of the contract; NOW, THER EFORE , BE IT RESOLV~D 3Y TH~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA, that the amendment to the engineering services contract is approved and the Exe cutive Director _be and is her e by authori z ed to execute same . s Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Parcels 27, 41, 43, 57 and 60 in the West End Urban Redevelopment Area, Proj e ct Geor gia R-90, as shown on Dispos al Map 5 of said project, have been acquired by the Atlanta Housing Authority; and __J WH3REAS, it is believ~d that an offering of these parcels at this time, on a one or more basis, will result in acceptable proposals; and WHEREAS, James H. Pritchett appraised the parcels on November 3, 1967, and Francis Scott Key ap prais ed the parcels on October 9, 1967, and valued them as follows~ �PARCEL NO. J.H. PRITCHETT F.S. KEY $1,500 1,000 1,3.50 1,250 1,250 27 L~l 43 57 60 $1,650 1,200 1,350 1,350 1,350 WHEREAS, on July 8, 1968, the Depa rtme nt of Housing and Urban Deve lopment concurred in the establish."11ent of fair mark e t v a lue for said parcels as follows: PA RCEL NO.• 27 41 43 57 60 PRICE $1,600 1,100 1,350 1,300 1,300 'WHEREAS, a compl e te set of Disposition Docume nts desi gna ted uDisposition Docume nts, 5 Resid e ntial Parcels, West End Urb a n Redevelopment , Project Georgia R-90 11 , which are to be u sed in connection with the offering for sal e and redevelop~e nt of sa i d proper t y and which set fo rth a l egal descri ption of said proper t y and ·the ma nner and method of offering it for sale, has been prese nte d to the Boa rd of Commissioner s for consideration and approval; NOW, THEREFORC:, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAR D OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSI NG AUTHORITY OF THE crrY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: 1. That the propos ed procedure of offeri ng said parc e ls for sal e a nd rede velopmen t as set forth in s aid Disposition Do cuments is the appr opriat e method of making s a i d parcels available for r edevelopment . 2. That i t is in the best interest of the Pro jec t in which said parcels are located t o make this offering at this time. 3. Tha t t he us e of said Disposition Documents in connec tion with said offering is hereby appr oved . 4. That a n invitat ion be issued to the gen e r a l public to make proposal s f o r the purchase a nd rede v e lopment of said parce ls, all in acc ordance with the manner and meth od of procedure as se t forth in said Disposi tion Documents. 5. That said offering be made with the pre-established m1n 1mum sales prices as concurred with by the Department of Housing a nd Urban Deve lopment, and a s det forth above, which amounts are hereby determined to b e not less than the fair v al u e of the land for uses in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area. 6. That a redeve loper be allowed to purchase and redevel op one or more of said parcels, and that if an acceptable proposal for al l of said ·parcels is not received at the time of opening of proposals, said offering shall continue for a period of twelve months or until all of said parcels are sold, whichever shall first occur. 7 L �(,J · Upon motion made by Mr. Blay ton a n d s econde d by Mr. Gl e nn, the following resolution was unanimously adopt e d: WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the · City of Atlanta, Georgia, has acquire d all t he prope r ty comprising Par cel 53 , a s shown on a surveyor's plat of the p ro perty, pre pared b y Ch a rl e s L. Dean, Reg istered Surve yor, dated Ma r ch 1 8 , 1969 ; a n d WHEREAS, a compl e t e set of d is p o sit ion documents, desi gnated "Dis-:position Docume nt s , Pa rc e l 53, West En d Urb a n Re de velopme nt Area, Project Georg i a R- 9O 11 , whi ch a r e to b e us ed in connection wi t h the offe ring and s a l e of s a id pa~ c e l of l a n d a nd which set f orth a le gal description of t he p ro p e r ty a n d t he ma nne r and me thod of of f e ring it for sal e, has b ee n prepa r ed a n d p re s e nt ed to t h e Board of Commissione rs for c ons ide ra t ion a n d app rov a l; and WHE REAS, F rancis 3. Ke y a n d Jame s H. Pritchett have apprais ed the pro pe rty and v a l ued it as follows: APPRAIS ER VALUATI ON DATE F.S. Key J.H. Pritche tt $17,250 14,40 0 8-26-69 8-15-69; a nd WHEREAS, on S e ptembe r 5, 1 969, the Depa rtme nt of Housing and Urb a n De v e lo pme n t c on cu rred i n a minimum sale s p ri ce of $ 16, 000 ; NOW, THEREF ORE , BE IT RESOLVSD BY THE BOARD OF COMM IS S I ONERS OF THZ HOUSI NG AUTHOR I TY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA , GEORG I A : 1. \That the sa i d dis pos a l pro ~e-d u re of off e ri ng said p roperty for s a l e and rede v elopme n t a s set forth i n sa i d Di spos ition Docume nts is the appropr i ate me thod o f making sa i d l a n d ava ilabl e f or rede v e lo pment _. 2. Tha t it is in the b e s t inte r est of t he West End Urb a n Rede v e lo p ment Proj e c t to make this offe r i n g a t t his time . 3. Tha t the use of sa i d Di spos i t i on Document s i n connect ion with sai d offer ing i s hereby approv ed . 4. That an invit a tion b e i s su ed to the gen e r a l public to make pro- . posals for the pu rchas e and r edev e lo pme nt of s a i d p r ope r ty a ll in a cco rdan ce with the manner and me t hod o f p ro c edu re a s s e t f or th i n s ai d Disposition Documents . 5. Tha t said offering b e made with a minimum sales price in the amount of $16,000 . 00, whi ch amount is hereby determined to b e not l ess than the fair value of the land for use s in accordance with t he Urban Redevelopment Pl an f o r the Proje ct Area . 5 Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded b y Mr. Blayton, the fol .lowing resolution was unan imously adopted: WHEREAS , the regulations of the Housing As sistan ce Administration and the Renewal Assis t ance Administration each state tha t salaries should be no less than loc a l public practices; and �.,,----· - - I NOW, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: 1. That the employme nt-of Mr. John Bins b e ex tended until his 66th birthday which will occur February 22, 1 97 0 . ' ? Upon mot ion made by Mr. Gl enri and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimou sly ado pte d : WHERSAS, Mr. 'rhoma s J. Critt e nd e n, Assi stant Director of Housing for Management, ha s rendered comme nd a bl e se rvice to the :,. Housing Authority; and WHEREAS, Mr. Crittenden•will r each retirement age of 65 on Dec e mber 26, 1 969 ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Critt ende n i s in good h e alth and is capabl e of prov i ding con tinu ed servic e to t he Authority; and WHERSAS , the Aut hor it y 's Pe rsonn e l Policy dated Octob e r 21, 1 9 67, pe r mits the ex tension of employment on a year to y ea r basis b eyond age 65; NOW, THEREFORE, BS IT RESOLV ED BY THE BOARD OF COMM ISSIONER S OF THE HOUSI NG AUTHOR I TY OF THE CI'I'Y OF ATLAN TA, GEORGIA: 1. That the employment of Mr. Thomas . J. Crittenden b e ex t ended for one year beyond his 65 th birthday which fa lls on December 26, 1 969 . '" Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following r es olution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Mr. Mose s Mount, Fireman, has r e nd e red commendable service to the Ho using Autho r ity; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mount r ea ched retirement age of 65 on Dec emb e r 28, 1 96 8 ; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mount is in g oo d health and is capa ble of provi d ing conti nued s ervice to the Authority; a nd WHEREAS , the Authority's Personnel Policy dated October 21, 1967, permits extension of emp loyment on a ye ar to year basis b ey ond age 65. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF'THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: 1. That the employment of Mr . Moses Mount be extended until his 66th birthday which will be December 28, 1969 . Upon moti on made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was. unanimously adopted: L I l WHEREAS it is the desire of the Authority to obtain the best possibel retirement benefits for its employees;and WHEREAS ·1 t is desired to take maximum advantage of the amount of �I WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the Cit y of Atl a n ta h as u sed the practi ce of the. Cit y of Atl a nt a as the ma jor bas e on which to establ i sh compar a bility ; and . WHEREAS, t he City of At l a nt a e ffe ct ive the l a s t pa y pe r i od i n De cember , 1 969 , g ran t e d a n a cross - the - b o a r d c ost of l iv i n g s a l ~ ry increa s e a mounting t o s li gh t l y more tha n 8% for a l l empl oye e s e xcept Superv i ~ory Pe r s onne l who we r e gran ted s l i gh tl y more t han a 12% increa s e . · NOW, THEREFORE BE I T RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS OF THE HOUS I NG AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA : M 1. Effec t ive with t h e pa y p e riod b e g i nning De c emb e r 29, 1 969 a c ost of livi ng i ncrea se b e g rant e d . a ll Admi nist r ative and Mainte n a n ce empl oyees of the Authority e qui v a l e nt t o 8%, whi ch i s a 2 ste p inc r ease i n our e st ablished sal a ry sche dul e s . 2. That e a ch g r a d e l e v e l b e anIB n de d b y add ing 2 n e w ste p s tot a ll ing still maint a ining t h e s ame numb e r of ste ps within ea ch g r a de leve l as at p r e s e n t . 8%, t u p on mo t i on ma de b y Mr. Gl enn a n d se c onded by Mr . Bl ayt on , the f oll owi ng r esol ution wa s u n a nimous l y a d opte d: WHEREAS , Mr . Phi l ip E. Vrooma n, Chi e f, Real Est a t e Di s positi on Sect ion has r e n de r e d c omme n d a ble se rvi c e t o the Ho using Authori _ty ; a n d WHEREAS, Mr. Vrooman r ea ch e d retire me n t a ge of 65 on Fe b rua ry 27, 1 9 68 ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Vrooman i s in g ood health a n d i s c apabl e of provi d ing c ontinu e d servi c e t o the Autho rit y; a n d WHEREAS , the Autho ri ty 's P e rs onn e l Polic y d a ted Oc tob e r 21 , 1 967 , p e r mi ts the e x tension of employme nt on a y ear to y e ar bas i s b e y ond a ge 65 . NOW, THE REF ORE , BE IT RES OLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMI SS I ONERS OF THE HOUS I NG AUTHORITY OF THS CI TY OF ATLANTA, GEOR GI A : 1. Tha t the employme nt of Mr. Philip E. Vro oma n b e e x tende d fo r u p t o an add itiona l year b eyon d his 6 7 t h birthday which fall s on Feb ruary 2 7, 1 9 70 . . 1 Upon motion mad e b y Mr . Gl enn and sec on ded by Mr. Bl ayton , t h e f oll owing r e s olu t ion wa s una nimous l y ad op t ed : WHEREA S, Mr . John Bins, La borer , ha s r end ered commen da bl e s e r v i ce to t h e Hous i n g Authority; and WHEREAS , Mr . Bi n s r each e d retire me nt age of 65 on Feb r u a r y 22 , 1 969 ; a n d WHER EAS , Mr . Bins i s in g oo1 h ealth a n d is c a pa b le of provid i n g con t inu ed serv i ce to the Au thor it y ; a n d WHEREAS , the Authority's Pers onne l Poli cy dated October 21 , 1967, permits the extension of empl oyment on a year to year basis beyond age 65. �NOW, TH3 REFOR 8 , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUS I NG AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: 1. That the employme nt of Mr. John B.ins b e extended until his 66th birthd a y wh i ch will o ccur F e bru a r y 22, 1970. 9 Upon motion mad e by Mr. Gl e nn and se conded by Mr. Bl a y t on, the following r e soluti on wa s un a n i mo us l y ad opt ed : WH~R3 AS, Mr. Thorna s J. Critt e n de n , Assist a nt Director of Housin g for Ma n ageme n t, ha s rende re d comme n dabl e s e rvice to the Housing Authority; and M WHEREAS , Mr . Cr it tende n will r ea ch r e tir ement age of 65 on De cember 26, 1 969 ; a n d WHEREAS , Mr . Cr it tende n i s in go od h ealth and is capabl e of pr ovi ding continued serv ice to the Authori t y; a n d WHEREAS , t he Au tho ri ty 's P e rso n n e l Polic y d at e d Octobe r 21, 1 9 67, pe r mi ts t he extens i on of empl oyme nt on a year to y ea r b a sis b eyon d age 65 ; NOW, THP. TIEFORE, BS IT RESOLV ED BY THE BOARD OF COMM IS S IONERS OF TrlE HOUS I NG AUTHOR ITY OF THE CI TY OF ATLANTA , GE ORGI A : 1. That t he empl oymen t o f Mr. Th omas J. Critt e nde n b e ex t e n ded f or one y ear b eyond his 65th bi rth day which fa lls on Decembe r 26 , 1 969 . .-, I · Upo~ mo tion made by Mr. Gl enn a n d se conded by Mr. Blayton, th e f ollow~n g resolut i on was unan imou s l y ad opt ed : i WHEREAS, Mr . Moses Mount , Firema n , h a s r e n d er e d comme nd a bl e se rvic e to the Hou s i ng Autho rity; a n d WHEREAS , Mr . Mount r ea c hed r e tir eme nt a ge of 65 on De c emb e r 2 8, 1 968; and WHEREAS, Mr . Mou nt is in g oo d health and is c a pa bl e of provi d i ng con t inued s erv ic e t o t h e Authorit y ; a nd WHEREAS , t h e Authority' s Pe rsonn e l Polic y dat e d Octob e r 21 , 1 96 7 , pe rmit s exte n s ion of e mployme nt on a y ea r t o year bas is b e yond a g e 65. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHOR ITY OF THE CI TY OF ATLANTA, GEORG I A: 1. Tha t t he empl oyme nt o f Mr . Mos e s Moun t b e ex t ended unt i l h is 66th bi rthday which wi ll be Decemb e r 28, 1 9 6 9 . Up on mo tion made by Mr. Gl e n n a n d se conded b y _Mr . Bl ayton, the fo l l owing reso l uti on wa s un anim ously ad o p t ed: WHEREAS it is the desire of the Author i ty to obtain the best possibel retirement b e nefits for it s empl oyees;and WHEREAS it is desired to take maximum advantage of the amount of �of the Authority. Give an incre a se to the fo l l ow ing: Executive Director $ 1 ,75 0.pe r annum Direc tor o f Housing $ 1,500 .pe r a n n um Director of Housing $1,500 .pe r ann um Director of Urb a n Redev elo pment $1,500 . p e r annum Director of Finan c e $1,500 . pe r annum The r e being n o furthe r business t o come bef ore the meeting , up on moti on duly made and see onded, the meet ing was ad journed . Chairman Counsel Secretary �CITY OF A.TLANTA. March 21, 1969 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR MEMORANDUM TO: CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairman Housing Resources Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Housing Coordinator Mr. R. Earl Landers Administrative Assistant Re your note to give you my opinion on Mr. James A. Smith's Memorandum of March 14, 1969, to Mr. Wofford pertaining to first batch ofwee~ylists from the Housing Authority of families certified for Public Housing, the following is offered: Hasty perusal of the 45 certifications indicates that only 11 locations listed appear to actually justify Housing Code notic es (4 of these already had Housing Code notices, and notices were prepared on 4 others as result of these inspections); a few may have been justified because of overcrowding. The remaining 34 certifications because of sub-standard housing conditions or overcrowding include: Public Housing unit in Perry Homes 4 lo<iati1o.p outside of the City Limits Si~0 ' a8 dresses given which could not be found Remainder apparently unjustified (in opinion of Housing Code Inspectors) Attention is invited to paragraph 4 of my Memorandum to you of Febr uary 26 (copy attached) in which I pointed out the fallacy of the Hous ing Authority accepting the tena nts' word for s ub - s t a nd a rd c o ndi ti ons of housing as a basis for applicat i on fo r Public Housing. This pr a ctic e is c l early confirmed i n communication of Februar y 28, 1969 , from the Chief Tenant Selec tion Officer to Mr . Sm it h (copy of wh i ch is e nc l os e d ). This is obviously the pr i ncipal reason for the abuse indica ted in Mr. Smith's Summar y Memora ndum to Mr. Wofford. Unless this is corrected, no amount of ef f ort on the part of the City can ever produce enough Public Housing in Atlanta. The attached material appears to be positive evidence of why the current procedure should be changed, as proposed by Building Department Officials, that a prospective applicant for Public Housing �Mr. R. Earl Landers March 21, 1969 Page 2 because of inadequate housing conditions should first request and obtain a certificate from the Housing Code Division that the unit occupied is sub-standard or overcrowded to the extent that relocation is justified; and that such certification be presented to Housing Authority Tenant Selection Officials before certification for Public Housing is considered. I recommend that the Housing Authority be requested to adopt such procedure immediately. One other detail brought out during my discussion with Housing Authority Officials was that in reporting certification for Public Housing to the Building Department, an estimated date for move would be included (although it was mutually admitted that such dates would be tentative). This does not appear to have been done in these instances. It should be included in future reports. Sincerely, 12:54, 29 December 2017 (EST) Malcolm D. ~ s Housing Coordinator MDJ/mc Encls: Assembled correspondence Copy of_ Memorandum of February 26, 1969 �THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA HELD ON THE 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1969 The regular meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, held on the 18th day of November, 1969, at 3:00 P.M., in the Conference Room of the Authority, 824 Hurt Building, Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, and upon roll call, those present and absent were as follows: Present Mr. Edwin L. Sterne Mr. Jack F. Glenn Mr. J.B. Blayton Absent Mr. George S. Craft Vacant The Chairman declared a quorum present. Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: [ RESOLVED that Dr. William Holmes Borders is hereby elected a Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia to serve for the remainder of the present unexpired term of the late Frank G. Etheridge. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 3 C 4, 1969, were approved. Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: �tr Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: -\ 7 -, '- \, \ \, '\ ' \ ,, \. \ \ \ \ \ , "\ J ·~ �____,___ ' ...,. HJD-$272b JUne 1968 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Commissioner The following resolution was introduced by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -~Bl=a::.oiyt~o:..:;n:..__ _ _ _ , read in full and considered: ,, l HUD- 52 7Zb ·,. �lil'D-): l.J -~ (J,·,,~•·:,· rl:; i'ilA~;·, 1) ,I 4,~;-M liF.; :'IJ,.llTION HO. ________ ko~•: 1 -. · 1 :,,~1 111omrdin~ $ 9,755,000.UO principal arrcunt. f }!(.;; ii',1: :,1, :L Au t ro r lty.,,j,-c,_n.c,d_o_c,---~:,-[!-, , v_c_n_t.,...h---,Irs-suo) 0 f 0 _!!!.£..,!lc>~~in:: Al:th,:,rity of the City of Atlnnta, Georr.ia

~iri:.P:.~ The Hou!lin'.; Authority of tire City of /,tlanta, C~or~i.-i (hereir. csiD.P.,1 •r.or,J J, ,; thor1ty") has received, in response to its advertisel'l<~r. t., :-.•,.:-.i'Xi pro1: c:-: .,,l.:;i :c1 ot !.t:t: rvr.:h.a.:io of$ 9,755,000.00 principal amount

tlcw Hc-'.li;ine t..ut.!,c.r·:. 1,y iL: :d:! ( NC7,,l 'l'Hw?:F'0~t!:: 1 Sccticn l. .,;:; rssue) (herein called Seventh !T iir.SOLVr.'.D by the Local Autl1ority: ~t:13 p:-cpc ~:.l of an interest. rate of

6 % per ann\lffl to be borr.o t:; U-,,.:: 3or,:is :mu the offer to pay for such Bonds at par and accrued intere~t to t : :,:; ~t~· oi c\clivtiry plus a prerdmwn cf t-.9.._,~....15._5_.__n_n_________ .1 eubr.\i t.t,?d by ___n_~,_}_!r.F._·_.RS __ T_ R_ll_ST_co_:_:P_,\_N__..Y,_E_T_A_L_*_ _ _ _ _ _ in t.'le form hereto ..r.nexed ..c 51:-:- ··.i':,:: :'. a,~ m:.:!i.bit 1:, r.eroby accepted. ,;,!,e pru;;c.:ials


offer~ of the follo.,,ring at the indicated int-eres•. r ,, u,s ::..r..:I premi rr.u:r.s are hereby rejected: Interest Pre1r.iul!I I i IClm Seotien J. The S<"c rct:irv is authorized and directed to (a) 1,,imcc!!ate::.y noti fy tt,e ouccessful bidder by telegram (with a confir;,,ation by lett..•r) or tho aw.:ird of the Bor.ds, (b) return imediately the good faith . deposits e r.clo~ ~:~ :.-r ·~th the proposals which are rej~ted., (c) deposit the . r,oo-i f r.~ ~'1 .:!eposi t ir, a spncbl a r,::ount within the General Fund to be held as e;:;-:",;,!": ty 'L y t 'r'.E: Loc;,.l ;,1,;t.'1or:! ty \.:: til rt?le.;sed thcrefro1r. pursuant to the provic;for.s o!: +..~c arl·: crt::.~encnt and proposal, and (d) take such other action as r.i&y be r"1uirc'.i ~o carrJ out the a.iard ·or ~he Bonds. Sc~tio~ ~.

T!'li:i Resolution :ihall take effect i=ediately. Hie lps Fe nn & Comp:my Otemic al Bank HaITis Trust a nd s ~vinr;:i Ba nk filyth & Co., Inc . lkhman Brothers Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The Cha:ic M.'.lnh.'.ltt~n 13.'.lnk, N.A. JODrr 1'1ANAGERS AND ASSOCIATES Bank c.f America The Flrst Bo:iton Corp. ·• �HUD-52.302D Much 1967 (Fonnerly PHA~2.302D) FORM OF ffiOPOSAL TO BE co:-[PLETED, DAr.:.D, AND ADDRESSED TO TIC:: LOCAL AlITl!CiUTY The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta 1 Georr, ia Novcrnber 6 _.......,;;--a;.;;;.a_.;;;...._.___ 19~ ~ 824 Hurt Building 4tlanta. Georgia 30303 Gentlement For the $ 9,755,000.00 Housing Authority Bonds of aggregate principal l!J'llount of Nev The Housing Authority of the· City of AE!anta, Georgia (herein called the "Local Authority) described in your official l!otice of Sale published in The Dail:,· !!ond Buyer on _s_e_.p_t_e_m_b_e_r_1_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 19~9, •1hich Notice of Sale is incorporated herein by reference and is made a part of t h1 3 proposal, ve propose an interest rate of ____s_i.x _________ per cent ( 6 )% per annwn to be borne by all of such Bonds and offer to pay for S..!Ch bonds, bearin& interest at such rate, par and accrued interest to the date of deHver-J plus a premium of S__.9'-"'•..._7"'°'55~,o;;.;;o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Said Bonds shall mature as set forth 1n the schedule of annual. m&turities as prescribed by the Local Authority at the above interest rate. In accordance W'ith the tems of the above-r:ientioned Notice of Sale, we enclose hereW'ith a certified or bank cashier's or treasurer's check for $.__1_9_5_.,_l_o_o_.o_o_____ payable to your order as a good faith deposit. This proposal is subject to the approval of the validity of the Bonds by our attorneys, l·'.essrs. ___ _!~~-a_l_d_i_n_.g..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Atlanta , Georgi a • Such attorne:,s will (a) furnish a copy of their approvin 6 opinion to the Local Authority when issued, (b) prepare all docur.ients necessarJ to evidence t he validity of the Bonds sul::sequent to the award, or for corrective action prior t hereto, and (c) provide advice and assi stance to the Local Authority in connection with accomplishing such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to the validity of the Bonds and the deliver-.r thereof in ·accordance with the contract to purchase tile Bonds. The fees and charges of such attorneys will be borne by the undersicned. The undersigned a grees to accept delivery of and pay for all of the above described Bonds within seventy-two hours after notification to the undersigned by you that said Bonds are ready for delivery. I ! this proposal is accepted by you, the proceeds of the good faith deposit check are to be retained by you as part payment against deliver-,r of and payment for · said Bonds , or to be retained by you as liquidated damages in the event that we should fail to take up and pay for the Bonds in compliance with this proposal. The U10unt of the good faith depvsit is to be returned by you to us on the failure on your part to per fc m in accor dance with t he ter.ms of said Noti ce of Sale and this proposal , or at our election to be relieved of our obligations hereunder in the trn1nt that prior t o payment . fo r such Bonds the int erest received by private holders from bonds i ssued by public housing agencies in connection with low-rent housing or slwn clear anc e projects shall be taxable by the terms ot any Feder al law hereaft P.r enacted. Banker s Trust Company Phelps Fe nn & Company Chemical Bank Harris Trus t and Savings Ba nk 'l'he Chase Manh at t an Bank, N.A. JOOO MANAGERS AND AS3'.J CIATES Blyth & Co" 'Inc ~ . · Ba k T t C n_e~r~:s;..._ru

..;;;;s;:;.;...;:,;o_m~p_a_n~y'----Lehman Brothe r s -&"-·- = -

Kuhnkn, 0£Loeb & Co . Isl ______ Rob ert Wanglund Ba Americ a _....__._ .____E, ....___ __._=.:="---As sistant Vice Presi dent Co The First Boston rp . (Ho addition, alteration, or change is to be l!Wie to the above proposal.) �I\' HUD-S272g (Formerly PHA-272g) September 1966 c_o_"'_m_i_s_s_i_on_c_r_ _ _.;;.B.;;.l,;,i nyt.:..;;.;o;.;.n.:......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIOTed that the going reaolution be adopted aa introdueed and read, which motion seconded b:, Commissi oner Gle nn , and fore- va.111 upon roll call the "Ayes" am "Nays" were as tollowas ADS .HA1S Mr. F.clwin L. Sterne Mr. J, B. Blayton Mr. Jack F. Glenn None The Ch.airman thereupon declared said ad.ion carried and said resolution adopted. The tollM~ resolution wa.111 introduced by

Commis sioner _ _ _ _B_l_a...,yt ...., o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,., read 1n .f\1ll and. comidereds R&SOUJTIOH NO. _ __ Rl!SOLOTION EVI IENCIKl APPOINl'MmT OF FlSClL AGENl' AND Atrl'HORIZI?ll EXECUTION OP' J.. FISCAL .AGENT AOREEME!rl'. Bl IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS C, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATI.ANTA, GEORGL\ Section 1. That The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta. Georgia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , shall enter into a Fiecal Agent Agree111111nt with _ c_o_mp,;,.a_n..;y_o_f_G_e_or..;g"-i-a..;,_A_t_la_n_t_a..;,_G_eo_r ..;g"-i-a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1D Trust aibetantially the form set forth u.rxier Section 3 hereof. Section 2. The Qi.airman aoo/or Vice-Ql&irman is hereby authorized and direr.~-,1d to execute said Fiec:il Agent Agreement as set .forth .;.:ner Section .3 !lereof, on behalf or thic Authority-, and the Secretary !..s hereby auth.: rized and directed to i-:ipress •.-he seal or this Authority thereon and to attest such seal, and to transmit fiTe copies thereof to the Housi~ .Aasistance Administration. Section J. The Fiscal Agent Agreement referred to here!n shal ,. be 1D nbet.antially the follmn~ torm: •• �3G-0362 Pagel of 3 RUD-52173A (Group Financlng) January 1967 - Reiion 111 FISCAL AGi,;Nl' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered 1.nto thla day of by and between The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia 19 • Cheraln called the "Agent Authority"), a duly organlzed and exiating public body corporat• and polltic of the State Trust Company of Georgia of Georgia • IDd (herein called the "Placal Agent") 1 located at Atlanta, Georgia WITNESSE'nti Wl!EREAS, a certain agreement dated u of July 23, 1969 (herein 1 called the "Financing Agreement") between the Agent J.uthority and certain other housing author1tie8 which are or may become parties to the Financing Agreement (each of \Jhich is herein called "Member Authority") provides for cooperation in the exerci.ae of their powers for the purpose of collectively financing certain lov• rent housing projects of each Member Authority; and WHERE:AS, certain contracts (herein collectively and individually called the "Annual Contributions Contract") between each member Authority and the United States of America (herein called the "Government and in the Annual Contributiona Contract called the "Public HouainB Administration" or the "PHA") now or here.a fter included in the Financing Agreement provides for a loan and for annual contributions to be made by the Government to assi.at the Member Authority in developi.n1 and in achieving and maintaining the low-rent character of its low-rent houai.ng projects; WHEREAS, under the terms of the Financing Agreement, the Agent Authority acting on behalf of and for the Member Authorities agreeJI to issue Bonda and Notes and to designate a Fiscal Agent for the pay:nent of such· 3on ds and Notes 1 all as 1110re particularly descri~d in the Annuel Contributions Contract; and IJHEltF.A.S, each Bond aesolution adopted by the Agent Authority purauant to the Financing Agreement shall identify the pr o jects to be firuinced by the ia1ue of Bonds authorLzed by such Bond Resolution and e&ch Member Authority and ita Annual Contributions Contract in respect to any such projects; N~, nti'.llEFORE, in consideration of the mutual coven.ants hereinafter aet fortb, the parties hereto do agree .111,: fo I lows: 1. The Fiscal Agent has trust powers and is and ahall continue to be a 111911'ber of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation aa long as this Agreement la in force and effect. 2. nie Fiscal- A11.ent here'by accepts t he powers, <luties and obliga tions conferr e d and i.J:,?osed 1.. ?on it as Fiscal Agent by the Annual Contributions Contrect and by t he 3ond Resol utions which m..y be a do pt ed from time to time by the Agent Authority and each s ucce~so r A~cnt Authori ty pursuant to the Finan c ing Agreement and vhicb confer and i.i:.;io s e 1..;:,or, the Fi.seal .~e,e nt the same 0r s imilar :x:>"" e rs, c uties and obligations ""1tn res pect t n a adi t i onal ~ssues o f Donds 11s the Bond Re.solution authorizing the ~ssuance of the first issue of Bonds pursuant to the Financing Agreement . · 3. The Fiscal Agent shall, as provided in the Bond Resolutions, establish and mai ntain a Debt Serv i ce Fund and a n ,\ dva nc e All¥:lrtization F\Jnd for the receipt, deposit and dis bur se=nt of c:ioniea. Each Mem ber Au t hori ty shall deposit with the Fiscal Agent in t 'l c res;>ecti.ve Funds and the Fiscal .A gent shall accept for depoa i.t all monies (i.nclucing a nnu al contri~r.Lons payab l e to the Member .Al.lthority by the Govcrn::ient ""hich are de?O S Lted with the Ba nk as Fiscal Agent pur su ant to the Annual Contr i b\Jt i. ons C,rn :.ract ano c-.., Bond ~esolutions. All 1DOnie.s s o deposited with tbe Fiscal ~ge n~ shall be held by the F is ca l Agent in trust in the respective Funda and shall be a;i plied by the Fisc.l Agent as provided in t he Annual ·eontributiona Contrac t and the Bond Re so luti.ona. ·. �HUD-52173A (Group Financing) March 1967 - Region Ill 4. Page 2 of 3 A. The Fiscal Agent shall purchase, w·ith monies from the Debt Service Fund and the hdv3nce A.n0rti zntion Fund, and sell investment securities as the A11:ent i1uthority 1,1ith ti ,.- a:,;,roval of the Government may direct. The Fiscal Aeent shall in any event sell any such securities to the extent necessary to provide cash in t:1e Funds to make any payments or tranafera required to be made from said Funds pursuant to the Annual Contributions Contract and the Bond Resolutions. Such securities shall be held by the Fiscal Agent in s'afelteeping for account of the Funds and interest on such secur1t1es and the proceeds from the sale thereof shall be deposited in such Funds upon receipt. B. The Fiscal Agent shall honor any directive of the Comptroller of the Government to pa; any monies out of (1) the Debt Service Fund in excess of the amount necessary to provide for (i) the payment of the Bonds and , interest thereon and (ii) the Bond Service Carry-Over, as provided in the Bond Resolutions, and (2) the Advance Amortization -Fund, to any Member Authority or to the Government, and shall upon request, advise the Government of the balances in said Funds. 5. All monies held by the Fi.seal Agent in the Debt Service Fund and in the ~dvance Amortization Fund shall be secured at all times by the Fiscal Agent with either direct obliiations of the United States of America or obligations of a public housing agency as required by and described in the Bond Resolutions which may be adopted from time to time tr/ the Agent Authority pur~~ant to the Financing Agree- ment. 6. On or before each date of maturity of the principal of and interest on the Bonds authorized under the Bond Resolutions, the Fi.seal Agent shall make provision for the transfer of monies from the Debt Se rvice Fund to the bank or banks (herein collectively call ed the "Alternate Paying Agent") specified in the Bond Resolutions as the alternate place or places for the payment of the principal of and interest on any such Bonds in amounts sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same mature or become due and are presented to the Alternate Paying Agent for payment. 7. The Agent Authority shall pay to the Fiscal Agent for its services and th3 services of the Alternate Paying Agent the following fees and charges: A. annual admini.s.tration charge of $100 plus 1/100 of 1% of the principal acnount of bonds in excess of one million dollars, but in no event to exceed $350 for each issue of Bonds~ B. For the payment of coupons of each issue of bonds: An 1~ each for each coupon of each maturity. c. For the payment of bonds (registered or coupon) of each issue: $1.25 per bond. D. For the payment of ii:tcres~ on registered bonds: 25C per check disbursed. E. For registration of bonds: An -F. initial fee of SOC f or the registration of each bond. For_ sorting, listing, cremating, and furnishing certificate of cremation: lC for each coupon and 1½¢ for each bond or minimum of $10 for each semi-annual cremation. The Fi.sea} Agent agrees to pay all fees and charges of the Alternate Paying Agent �3G-0362 HU[t'52173A (Group Financing) January 1967 - Region Ill Pace 3 of 3 8. The rights and dutie.s of the Fiscal >gent under this Agreement shall not be transrerred or assigned nor shall this Agreement be terminated by either party except that upon the assignment or termination of the rights, powers, and dut id of the Fiscal Agent pursuant to the terms of the Bond Re.solution.,, thh Agreement shall be similarly assigned or terminated. 9. The Agent Authority and the Fi.seal Agent agree that at the end of three years or such earlier time as reasonable aecurate data are available to el1able the determination of the reasonableness of the fees set forth above for the services of the Fiscal Agent and the Alternate Paying Agent, the parties shall renegotiate the amount of such fees by decreasing or incre.asing such amount to provide a re.aaonable margin of profit for the services provided for hereunder. 10. Thi.a Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and such counterparts shall constitute one and the •ame instrument. IN WITNESS :.Jl,EREOF, the Agent Authority and the Fiscal Agent have caused this Agreement to be exec11ted in their respective names and their respective seals to be impressed hereon and attested all as of the date and year first abo~e written. 1llE HOUSING AUTilORITY OF THE CITY OF Agent Authority ATLANTA 0 GEORGIA (SEAL) ATrEST: By_ _ _- - , - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cha irman Secretary (SEAL) TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA Fi.seal Agent AITEST: By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,,.. �'( I • ~ r . Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Urban Redevelopment Plan for the Bedford-Pine Urban Redevelopment Area proposed that privately owned utilities be placed underground in the streets adjoining the City of Atlanta Civic Center; and WHEREAS, the placement of privately owned utilities underground is an eligible project cost; and WHEREAS, an agreement to install said utilities underground has been drawn up and approved by the Georgia Power Company; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of theHousing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, that the Executive Director be and is hereby authorized to execute a contract in the form attached hereto with the Georgia Power Company for $523,561 for the purpose of placing their facilities underground in the streets adjoining the City of Atlanta Civic Center. t Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: [ WHEREAS, in response to our Invitation to Bid, the following bids for the demolition and site clearance of certain buildings and structures in the Bedford-Pine Urban Redevelopment Area, Project GA. A-2-1, were received and opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 P.M., (E.S.T.) on the 7th day of November, 1969, at the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia. BIDDERS BIDS Hudgins and Company, Inc. Complete Wrecking & Grading, Inc~ Continental Wrecking Corporation $16,636.00 14,764.00 7,988.00 WHEREAS, Continental Wreckin$ Corporation having submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $7,988.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA; That the Executive Director be and is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Contract with Continental Wrecking Corporation for the demolition and site clearance of certain buildings and structures in the Bedford- Pine Urban Redevelopment Area, Project GA. A- 2 - 1, as covered by their bid received on November 7, 1969. · -- -C . --- �THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF ( -·:. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA 2 GEORGIA i HELD ON THE 2ND DAY OF DECEMBER, 1969 The regular meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, held on the 2nd day of December, 1969, at 3:00 P.M., in the Conference Room of the Authority, 824 Hurt Building, Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, and upon roll call, those present and absent were as follows: Present Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Edwin L. Sterne Jack F. Glenn J.B. Blayton W.R. Borders Absent Mr. George S. Craft The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1969 were approved. r· Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: I I l_ WHEREAS, on November 25, 1968, the Atlanta Housing Authority accepted a proposal from A. P. S., Inc., 515 Plaster Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia, to buy Parcels 22 and 23 in the West End Urban Redevelopment Area, Project Georgia R-90 and to develop same as shopping center; and WHEREAS, under the terms of the pjoposal, the said A. P. S. , Inc., is required to execute an Agreement for Disposition of Land applicable to said property within one year; and WHEREAS, said A. P. S., Inc., has requested a six month extension in the time set for the execution of said agreement to permit time for finalizing arrangements with the City of Atlanta and Sears, Roebuck and Company for a suitable connection with the Sears store which is located across Dunn Street from said Parcels 22 and 23; and WHEREAS, said request appears reasonable and should therefore be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA that: r-·, r i LJ The granting of the request made by A. P. s., Inc., for an extension of six months in the required time set for executing the Agreem~nt tor Disposition of Land applicable to said Parcels 22 and 23 is hereby authorized and directed. ·- �There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. ~;r.~G Chairman f:, Counsel ~: ~ 7 - ' ,y; = t ·c- ~~J 7 . . Secretary · , I ' - <'-· / , -, / / _/ , J �' Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, East Lake Meadows (Ga-6-30), a "Turnkey" Project, has not had the street and major service drive names approved by the Board of Commissioners to facilitate occupancy planning; and WHEREAS, these streets and service drives as tentatively named by the private Developer are not in conflict with any other city street as stated by the Planning Section of the City of Atlanta, on November 7 J 1969; . I NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the future streets marked for ~edication be named East Lake Boulevard, Mirror Lane, Meadowlake Drive, and Alston Drive, and that the two service drives be named Walton Land and Evans Lane. Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: · WHEREAS, The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, deems the acquisition of Parcel 1-11 in the Georgia Tech II Urban Redevelopment Area, N.D.P. Ga. A-2-(2) (as shown in the Georgia Tech II Urban Redevelopment Area and more particularly identified on Land Acquisition and Boundary Map RP-1, dated November, 1968), necessary for its purposes under the Georgia Urban Redevelopment Law; · THE_REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the acquisition of fee simple title to said Parcel 1-11 is necessary for such purposes; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the attorneys for the Housing Authority are authorized and directed to institute condemnation proceedings against any and all persons having any interest in s nid property and to prosecute such proceedings to final judgment. Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the fol l owing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, deems the a cquisition of Parcels 21 - 19 & 20 in Area Cl in the Model Cities Urb an Rede velopmen t , N.D.P. Ga. A-2 - (3) (as shown in the Model Cit i es Urban Redevel opmen t Ar ea, N. D.P . Ga. A- 2 - (3) and more particularly identif i ed on Land Acquis i t i on and Boundary Map number SD #3 , dated Novembe r , 1968) , nece ss ary f or i ts pur poses unde r the Geo rgia Ur ban Redeve lopment Law. TH~REFORE BE IT RES OLVED , t h a t t he acquisiti on of fe e simple title to said Parcels 21-19 & 2 0 in Area Cl, is n e cess a ry for such purpos e s. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the attorneys for the Housing Authority are author ized and directed _to institute condemnation proceedings aga inst any and all persons having any interest i n sai d prop~r ty an d to prose cute s u ch proceedin gs t o final j u dgment . Upon motion made by Mr . Gl e nn and s e conded by Mr . Blayton, the following resolution was unan i mously adopted: WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Atlant a , deems the acquisition of Pa rcel 29-1 i n Ar ea C5T21 in the Model Citie s Urban Redevelopment Area, N.D . P. Ga . A-2-(3) ( a s shown in the Model Cities ·] �./ ,--~ Urban Redevelopment Area, Project N.D.P. Ga. A-2-(3) and more particularly identified on Land Acquisition and Boundary Map number SD #3, dated November, 1968), necessary for its purposes under the Georgia Urban Redevelopment Law. I THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the acquisition of fee simple title to said Parcel 29-1 in Area C5T21 is necessary for such purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the attorneys for the Housing Authority are authorized and directed to institute condemnatfon proceedings against any and all persons having any interest in said property and to prosecute such proceedings to final judgment. Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Mr. Glenn, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of Co:mmissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia as follows: SECTION 1. The pending proposed Seventh Amendatory Contract (herein called the "Amendatory Contt'act"), to amend that certain Loan and Grant Contract No. Ga. R-ll(LG) dated the 30th day of June, 1969, by and between the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (herein called the "Local Public Agency") and the United States of America (herein called the "Government"), is hereby in all respects approved. l~ - l-: SECTION 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amendatory Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and the Secretary is hereby authorized and dire·cted to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart and -to forward such counterparts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, for execut i on on behalf of the Government, together with such other documents relative to the approval and execution of ,such counterparts as may be required by the Government. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect i:mmediately. Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and secon ded by Mr. Blayton, the foll~wing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the regula tions of the Housing Assistance Administration state that salaries should be comparable with local public practices; and WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of ·· Atlanta has been using the practice of the City of Atlanta as a major base on which to establish comparability; and WHEREAS, legal holidays and other fringe· benefits are a part of salary consideration; and , - -, LJ WHEREAS, the City of Atlanta has passed a resolution granting its employees Friday, December 26, 1969 as-a ho~iday sith pay; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF Tl;I~ CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: \ �1. December 26, 1969 is hereby declared a legal holiday, with pay, for ail employees of the Housing Authority of th~ City of Atlanta. Upon motion made by Mr. Blayton and seconded by Rev. Borders, the fol- lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: 7 .J WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (herein called the Local Issuing Agency") has previously adopted a resolution titled "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE , ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF PROJECT NOTES AND THE EXECUTION OF REQUISITION AGREEMTNTS" on , the 18th day of February, 1969; and WHEREAS, the Local Issuing Agency and the United States of America (herein called the "Government") recognize the desirability of the Local Issuing Agency obtaining funds for the purpose described in the aforementioned resolution from sources other than the Government despite the existence of abnormally high interest rates which presently prevail in the private money markets; and WHEREAS, the Government proposes to enable the Local Issuing Agency to continue to obtain loan funds from sources other than the Government by the Government making payment of a placement fee, where necessary, to the purchaser or purchasers of the Local Issuing Agency's Project Notes (herein called the "Notes") hereafter awarded: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Local Issuing Agency as follows: Section 1. The Secretary after receiving Government approval of a recommended· award of the Notes is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Local Issuing Agency to award the Notes at the lowes t interest rate or rates, not in excess of six percent (6%) per annum, offered in the propos a ls, without reference to premiums; prdvide d , however, that as among proposals specif ying the same lowest inte rest interest rate and specifying a premium , the award shall be made on the basis of the highest premium per dollar principal amount of the ·Notes specified in such proposals: Provided further, that in the event eve r y pr oposal relating to all or any part of the Notes specif ies a pla cement fee to be r e ce i ved by the pur cha ser a s compens a tion fo r the placemen t of such Notes , t hen- t he award of the No t es to whi ch s u ch proposals relate shall be made on t he ba s is of t he l owe s t pl acemen t fee spe cified per dolla r amount of such Notes. Secti on 2. Each pr opos al s ubmitted fo r all or a part of the No tes shall be substant ially in t he f orm of HUD- 9402 which is inc orporated herein by r eference, and which is hereby a pproved by the Local Issuing Agency . Secti on 3. The Local Issuing Agency he r eby authori z es t h e Gove r nment to pay to any purchaser of the Not e s a placement fee as compensation for s erv i ce s r equired in placing the Notes. Section 4. Any and all pr ior r e solutions of the Local Issu ing Agency are hereby amende d to the extent n e c es sary to enabl e t h e carry ing out of the actions authorized _herein. Section 5o


~ This Re s olution sh all take e f ·f ect il'llillediately. Upon motion made by Mro Glenn and seconded by Mro Blayton, the -fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: ,_ �RESOLVED that all resolutions adopted by this Board, and all other acts of this Board, since the death of the late Commissioner Frank G. Etheridge are hereby ratified and confirmed in every respect. Upon motion made by Mr. Glenn and seconded by Mr. Blayton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS a parcel of land in the Red Oak Community lying in the unincorporated Fulton County has been proposed for development as a low-rent public housing project; and WHEREAS this matter comes before the Fulton County Connnissioners at their regular meeting on December 3, 1969; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA: THAT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IS AUTHORIZED REPRESENT TJIB INTERESTS OF THE AUTHORITY I N CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IN THE RED OAK COMMUNITY BEFORE THE FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. r. L_ Chairman Couns e l Secre t a ry �November 20, 1969 Mr. Irvin Stevens Citizens Central Advisory Council Economic Opportunity Atlanta 101 Marietta Street Building Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Stevens: May I acknowledge receipt of your wire of yesterday. I regret that you do not agree with my ppointrnent of Reverend Willi m Holmes Border as a member oi the Atlanta Hou.sing Authority. Dr. Borders' ide exp rience in the development of low , com.e hou_sing units and uccessful ork in the Wheat Street G rdens Project eminently qu lifies him for thi pos on. With best wishe , I arn Sincerely your , Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �IIILII w e-s-tern~ I\ - MAYOR IVAN ALLEN CITY HALL ATU C!TIZE~! CDtrP.AL ACVISCR':' CCU-lCIL ECOtl<»!lC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA INC HOY&.!ER 1S '969 A RESOLUl'tON WHEREAS THE TENANTS OF PUBLIC t«lUS!NG AP.£ 0E£PLY CONCERNED AS TO VHO SERYES ON THEIR GOVERNING irl.P.r. NI) trt£REAS TI£ HOUSING SUB COMMITTEE OF TH£ CITIZENS CEJ!TP.I\L ACVISOR'\' COlf'IC?l Of ECONCffIC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA INC K\S YO!CEO ITS DESIRES Of" DECEMBER 17 196S ANO THE DESIRES CF PUBLIC HOUSING TENANTS TO HAVE A PUBLIC HOUSING TENANT SERVE CN THE BOARO Of THE ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ANO WH£«EAS THESE CESIRES HAVE B£EN IGNORED VHTH DENOHINATION Of' REV VILLTAM K)LI1£S BORDERS TO DISPOSITION THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT /1---THE CITIZENS CENTRAL ADVISORY CO~CIL Of' ECONO!tIC OPPORTUNITY ~ , ... ..., WU 1270 ( R 5-69) �T:eJefax ATLANTA INC RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT THE REY vtLLIM HOUIES N#I£ It lfITtllRA _, "t'f f'MTffE.'R 1'ES I/IC ALL CCNCEP.t.ED MEET lfITtt A SPECIAL CXlt:nma CF' PUBLIC HOUSING mwrrs NC THE HOUSING SUB C01HITTEE OF THE CITIZENS C£N111AL ,DVJ.SORY COUNCIL OF' ECONOMIC OPPORT~ITY ATLANTA INC TO HEAR 1'£tft OP.IEVANCES AND TO CONSIDER THEIR UST OF' .NCltlHEES BE IT F!tlALLY RESO~'IEO THAT HO APPOINTMENT BE NAO£ "4TIL THIS SPEC!AL CCMHITTEE APPROVES~ Tt£ NOHINtES TO BE APPOINTED ~ THE ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY SU1tlITTEO BY THE HOUSING SUB COHl1ITTEE CITIZENS C£NTMl. ADVISORY COPMITTEE tVIN STEVENS • WU 1270 (R 5-69) I\ �EDWIN L , STERNE CHAIR MAN LESTER H. PERSELLS EXECUT I VE D I RECTOR AP,.:O SE CRE TARY GEORGE S. CRAFT CARL TON GARRETT V ICE CHAIRMAN D IRECTOR OF FINANCE GILBERT H . BOGGS D !RECTOR OF HOUS ING J. B. SLAYTO N HOWAR D OPENSHAW DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT FRAN K G. ETHERIDGE GEORGE R. SANDER JACK F. GLENN TECHNICAL DIRECTOR 824 HU RT B U IL D I NG ATLAN TA, GEORGIA 30303 JAC KSON 3-6074 November 17, 1969 N well D. Johnson Federal Program Offic r Office of the Mayor Mr .. Omaha, Nebra ka Dear Mr. Johns on: Your 1 tter addressed to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr~ has bean referred to our office for reply. The Atlanta Housing Aut hority is the City' s agency' responsible for the planning and execution of Atlanta ' s urban renewal program. In an attempt to answer your questions nd to give you information in order ~or you to cite examples or some specific projects, we are enclosing some material that describes our program. ~ie feel we have a successful urban renewal progr the.t has bean a

revitalizing stimulant to private onterprisa..

Let us hear from you if we can be of further servics. Sincerely, ~ Howard r;penshaw Director ot Red velopment HO/lm Incl urea cc: Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Chief Adm. Officer Off ice ot the Mayor Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia )0)03 �TO: FROM: Ivan Allen, Jr. D For your information D Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D Advise me the status of the attached. ? FORM 25-4 �M. EDW I N L . STER NE B . S AT T ERFIELD E X ECUTI V E DIRECTOR AN D SECRET A R Y CHA IRMA N LES T ER H . PERSELLS GEORGE S. CRAFT AS S O C IA TE EXE CUT .IVE D ! R E CT OR V ICE C HA IR MAN C A RL TON GARRETT DIR E CT O R J. OF FINANCE GILBERT H . BOGGS B . BLAYTON DIRECTOR OF HOU S ING FRANK G. ETHERIDGE HOWARD OPENSHAW DIRECTOR JACK F. GLENN 82 4 HU R T BU I LDING ATLANTA , GEORG IA 30303 JACKSON OF REDE VE LOP M ENT GEORGE R . SA NDER T EC HN ICAL DIRECTOR 3-6074 May 2 , 1969. Hon or able I van Allen, Jr. Mayor 101 Cit y Hal l Atl a nt a, Georgi a 30303 De a r Mayo r Allen: En clo sed f or your informa tion i s a lis t of the Pr o je c t Area Commi t tee for t h e Edg e wood Ne i ghbo r hood De v elopment Program Area, f ormerly designa t e d the East At lan t a NDP Area by resolution of the Bo ar d of Alderme n, dated De c ember 2, 1968. This Committee, e l e c ted by residents of the NDP Area, enthusiastically supp orts the Neighborhood De velopment Program and have pledged their c ooperation to utilize this Program to improve the c onditi ons of their area. The Atlanta Housing Authority has leased a project office i n the neart of the area at 198 Hutchinson Street. Mr. Curtis Parrish, the Project Manager, has established a good rapport with the Committee and h a s been invited to spe a k at many of the churches in the area. The Project Area Committee has approved Adley Associates as planning consultants, a nd they are presently preparing data on existing l and use a n d structural conditions. The Ho u s i n g Autho r i t y, in an effort to make t he program more r e sponsi ve to t he n e e d s of the p eopl e, h as pledge d that the Pro je ct Area Commi tt ee will part i c i pate i n the fo rmation a nd exe cution of t he pl a ns for t he are a a nd tha t are a residents will be kept fully info rme d . The Project Area Committe e has been particularly pleased to have been involve d fr om the very b e ginning and to have a voic e in decisions affe cting their ar e a. We are pleased with the attitude of the Committee and the �-2- progress to date in the Edgewood NDP Area. Very truly yours, ~ ~ d / ~~£(<_~,t,Y ?.e Howard Openshaw Director of Redevelopment ' HO:pc Enclosure cc: Mr. Rodney M. Cook Mr. Charles Turner, Chairman PAC Mr. Curtis Parrish �· .. 378-00l.6 E. J. Sc~g-g s I ql_WeslevAve •• N. E. · 171-2lL7 · ,----j~:_;;;,.=-..;==.:;;..------:---.;;i;..~=:.i-.::.;.:.:;::.:.z....:.:.::-=-=------------t---..::..:...:...=:.t.:..--. -:.,. -------1- ~) F:-'__?;.·:r~~-----'


-V~io=l=a_·.~E~ld=e=r'-----!-_ _1_7=4_1~,.Jh=i~t;;.;;e_f_or~d---A~v_e..::,,•.--;. •N_•....=E;;;.._ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _-i-_ _5~2~2_-~55~;9~O:.-,- ~ - - - - - · - - -t I l •._I__ C.:..•__v_._T=r:;..;o~u=o_ _ _ _ _ _--1-_ _ _1.:..;6:;.;7~H-=oward St. , N. E • .· ~-!. Stanley G. St.,rk ·( W) 373_q1,_ 61 __ _-:1"""'3~34;._,,;;;La~Fr;;.;;a=n=c;;;.~_s;;.;;t_... , _N=..•...E=·•___G=r;;.;;o_c_er_·_ _ _ _ _ _l,,__,;6;;...:,1;:;.. .;l-l.;:i;..1:..;::8_1_ _~ :6;.;;;8_,8-_,U=6~l.---_ __

·.. l

Thoma ~ J. Butts 1 lj Leslie St •• N. E. 688-l.1 40 I i'.1 1-· I Rev. O. E. Mvle·r 1'361 Dunant Ave •• N. E. S23-6787 ATJ ran Watson !'.,~-,-J_a_m_e_s_Co_s_b_>V-------:-- 685 Caron Circle, N. W. 142l. LaFrance 7qJ,-9727 377-6123 )_'2! nev. C.' W. Hill 163 Flora Ave •• N. E. l ·I , 363-5769 377-17l.8 ·-~...;;..;.;.;_.;;_..;;;,-"-"'-"""'---------t---""="---'~;;.;;;.;;.;;.;;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l-_ _.:_.:..-=-:,.;;;.:;._ _-+-___________ ,~J ! ~ ! Rn loh l.~J Lo~n..g_________1-_ _ _ _c...o__ on~S;;.;;c;.;.;h=o_ol=-...B;;.;;o=u;:;;l__ ev.;.;a=r..;;d..,_.Dr~.-~z,_;;.;N..::.•--E=•------- ·- ---:--------~3_77.:--...1_7""4-:8_ _ __ Glady Jackson I I l Louise 688-6t;L..9 1560 Foote Street. N. E. John Gni ther ,, I rI ;, ,t John Crowlev White 1l60 Hardee Street. N. Eo 688-71'58 220 Hutchinson St •• N. E. 377-l.l.66 .. 50 Mavson Ave •• N. E • t. (, t Emorv Houseworth · 185 Marion Place. N. E. l1i Charle s Turner 1567 Paxon Ave.·. N. E. 378-5165 1l.1l. Ha~dee St •• N. E. , , 688- 6544 i ·!,, (Chairman ) !· 521-0612 ~ J .' l Willie Gre shm, [~l 'Thorr.o~ Davis 1 ---+--..-: t:, ..!.,.:..~....!A!;.!l~t::::o.!.!.n....:P~-!-.!;L:;;,13~C.I-! . S::;r,.!.__ 7~J:_l.:..:-1~or::,.:t:,.:iarn.:;;.e:.. .:.:; r ,_:S:;.:t:;;:;r..:;;e.:;;. et .;:..i...,:. •N:.:.•.;E..::.•- - - - - --- - - - 1 ~ - -5:.;;2;,;;2_--'=9l1_.9'-_-_t-l_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,I

 :~ Ruby Groo:nes

,i, 1l.23 La.France St •. N.E. 162 B-Weslev Ave •• N. E • •. ~!.. P.r·nnie Honner E0A Boulevard Dr . , N. E. \ 1-,,. _ Georee Hilborn ~~ _..::__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,__ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ ·· r-:, . I 177-l.06'5 _ i-- 378- -3643

i-,-------- �.. JruSIN~S~ . f I 1gg Hut chinson St • • N~E . Curtis Pa rrish [". : Rev. Lonrt:le Youn• ~-. ·: E. J. Scrug.gs I , ( ~l Mr~. Viola . Eldnr ! [ 1181 LnFrnnee St. • N. ' I i ' 167 Howard St. , N. E. 1 1 --:--1 i 133/~ LaFrance St •• N·. E. I '373-2l11.7 · . Caron Circle, N.

I . !

• I 1 ·I I I I. , .. I --===-----1-...;:;.~.;i;.:.;;;..:-_-1-=-=~--- I Grocer' 611.-l.181 688-2l6l. 688-1..11~0 363-5769 I I i 685 'l77~709b 688-2'110 l · 1361 Duoont Ave •• N. E. · I ?58-7g26 I . I 11'5 Leslie St •• N, E. z.• I Rev. O. E. Mvle·r l 1 373-01,61 --.I---..:....=~=..;;;.;;.~. . . !. . . . ,r; . j -----"=----"--"------------.....;Stanley G. Sfo.r k 'dn 1.... _ ~:·.• I Thoma s J. Dutts I 1:· . ._ I


' ' 378-00l.6' NJ E. · 117A Whiteford Ave • • ·:· I I. II Acron Watson i . Ql.WeslevAva •• N. E. f. • l C. V. Trouo r Pro1eat Mana~er . I I I '523-6787 ·W. 7qJ,-9727 ·· 377-17l.8 I r· - - ---~----------=-----.. . .---------------------· . }--~r.....:...:..:::.~--~~...:-..:..:.;;i;=:.._ r..·-·~--J=ol!l__.e-'s__··..;;;c__o__sb;;;:..>v.__ _ _i _ __ +-_ _ :.,:.;1l.~2-!4;r;.....::La~.;;.;Fr-'a.; .n;;.:.;:c;.; ; e_ _ __ , _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~--""37.:..7.:..-..::6;..:.1.:;:;2_3_-¼------·-· - -i'.', I )~!! i 163 Rev. C. W• . Hill jJ John Gnither I.·t Lone t. J ackson _~"l,·: ! ' 220 Hutchinson St •. l;, l J ohn Cr owlev [. (~! :-morv Housewor th ·

18'5 Mar i on Pla ce. N.

I [;[ Charles Turner ( Chainnanl !nr .. N. E. ~. N: E. J. ,·! 1• P.c·nn ie Honner I I 1-·;; ' ! . . I 688-7158 ,. 377- 1.1.66 ' i ·I i I l 521 ~061 2 ' I ·1 I . ! 355-1 65'5 . 178-'516'5 I • I I I l ,. I f 1l 1l Hardee s t •. N. E. 688-6'ill. 7.3 Mortimer St r eet. N,E. ,;22~q1..19 I Ruby Groo:ne s 177-1748 ) '; '

1567 Paxon Ave . ·. N. E.i

\ ,~ Alton P. L':!c. Sr .

.. 1-~

• I I ·:,,l Willie Greshor.t - j I 688-6'iJ~q '50 Mavs on Av'e •• N. -E. ·, ' "'- I 0 N. ·E. 1460 Hardee Street, N . ~I f Lou ise White Tho~o s Do.vis Foote St reet.

Coon School -Boulevard

_ _ Gl'-l dy .[J Flora Ave •• N. E. I l 1560 Rnloh I ' - l I ' - I ! 1l.23 La.France St •• N .E. 162 n-Weslev Ave •. N. E. 377-4065 I ', 378-3643 EOA Bouleva rd Dr., N.E. '( -~__.:::___________ _________________ . ;. . _____1--------...-------\ 1.,_ Ge or ee Wilborn

·; f·-;1

.J ~ I . �,. . /- - -. I r-,,-==-=:...:::.=~~---i--.:._-_'-= , ·' · 198;...;.;.;;:.=~: Hutchinson; ..;;:._.;..-.:.;..:r.;;;;.:.._:;.;~~=ia.=--.;..:,--:....~~- 12:54, 29 December 2017 (EST)-St •. N.E. Proiect Manaf!er · 758-7926 _ · · '378-001..6 Curtis Parrish 1 tL~-;___RP"'""_v__.;_,;;:L;._o.n.;;;n;.;.:i::.;;e.. .,;;;Y__oun=,1!-----;--- -1...1=8...1_1.a=F--r=an=c=e:;_;;:s--t.:..J..o:; .N.:..:•.;;E.,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4-_""'3~7.:..7-_7,:.::0~19;,,:;0____.;:.68;;;.;8;;..-_2::..1:.,:.10.:::,_. , _ _ __ l1

~:· .·: E. J. Scrug.g s I. f qJ. Weslev Ave •• N. E. 373-2ll,7 · I '-:-?'""·:r-_~--·'--'V=i=ol=a.__--'E.. l=de=r--------~---1_7~/L.__Wh=i__t=e_f__o"'""rd;;....:.A=v...e_._.....N.:..:•---E.:.•- - - - -,-----i--...,5"-2::.:::2:...-.:...5;54.i9.:..:0:;.__-i-_ _ _ _ - • .-· ·- - - - 1 " ._1_C__ • _V__._T__ ro__u;...;0____________1.;...6-'7'--"H~oward St. , N. E. . 373-ql.61 [j'· •j.....;;.~=.i..--=:-_;;;;.;;.;,.~--------:----.:..-i:..:_:.;:i_:....;;;;:;;.::..:::.;:;.:.:=....:::.;::..:..i.-:.:..::...;;:.:-_;;.:..:::.::;.:;;.::.---Stanley G. St..1.rk °!V) 1334 LaFrance St., N°. E. Grocer· · I ( .l __J 611,-l.181 ·688-?l,61.. 1'5 Leslie St •. N. E. 688-l..1l.0 363-5769 1'361 Dunant Ave •. N. E. 523-6787 ~ I l--~:t...:1~.:--~~;;;;;;..-.:::i:.;:::.::i:.....;..._ __ .. Thomas J. Butts I I I, .1 Rev. 0. E. Mvle·r 377-171..8 l;~.1 Jomes Cosbv 1L..2l. LaFrance ~-d ITev. C. W. Hill 161 Flora Ave •. N. E.

. .2J

J oh.!'l Gni ther 1560 Foote Street. N. E. ~~ [ Rnloh Ln:.:.::n.;,e_ _ _ _ _ _, --i1--_;;C--o.;;;.;on::..:...::S:.:c::.:h:.::.o.:::.:ol::;.-..::B:.:o;.:::u=.le::::.v~a:.::r~d-::;.;Dr::.:•:...:·i-:.;N.:.•..:E::.:•=----·-· __1--i--------~...:.'3'7.:..7.:..-...:1:..:.7~48_ _ __ ,. I " Lll Gl~dv Jackson I, / l Louise 1·lhite rI L·;, l j· ~J [~l fil I 11..60 Hardee Street. N. E. - . /4 • ,1 688-6li/,.q 688-7158 ,. 0 220 Hutchinson St .. N. E. 377-ll,66 '50 Mavson Av·e •• N. E. John Crowlev F'.morv Hous eworth · ··- Charles Turner (Cha11"18A) I ·i,, l Willie Greshm, '377-6121 18'5 Marion Place. N. E. 521-0612 1'567 Paxon Ave.·. N. E. 378-5165 1l1l Hardee St •. N. E. , 688-6li/./. 7.'3 Mortimer Street. N. E. '522-91..19 · Tho'!:o s Da vis I , -J.I Alton P. L~e. Sr. - - ~ '377- 1..06'5 11..2'3 LaFrnnce St •. N.E. , -~!·.~P.~c-n~n.!1i:.!:e:....£!.H02JID~De : £ r ~ - - - - - + - -~16~2~ D=-'~W e~s~l~e~vA !!:v~e;?..!•u·_ ~ N. -f\1• Georee Wilborn E0A Bouleva rd Dr., .E. ,. ,, . .~-·. __ ,.:___________ _________ .:._N ____________ t - -378- -3643

t---------:·: :~ nuby Gr oo:nes ~ ..-; ~E~-~ ---------;--=~':77:::----t-------- ~


.j L �!: -.~<fye Woe;/ /YLJ/J /j,,-~ · - · /?0,1 ~e c~ //r~tA a.,_,,,,_;~c_. HUI-Wi r/·-+--....;...---------,-------~l-=---- ----------,..--------1~------i .

' Parrish 1qg Hutchinson, St •• N.E. i---.~Ct1rtis

_____,;=,.;;;.;;~-----;----"""'--====~ 1 L ·' li Pro-feet ManatZer 75g_7g26 · · 378-001..6 377-?ogo 68$-2.110 ..;;;;...::~~----.,;;..;;.w.---~=,;;,._..~--:,...:.;::.....:...,~--1-~....;;.;:;;~-~ Rev. Lonnie Young I 1381 La.France St •• N.E. - -·-· . r:,~ · ··: _E;;;;.·:...•_J_._;;;.Sc;:;.;:ru;.:;:;.t;:g~ ·g.;;;.s__- - - - -.- , · · _q~l..:.:.W.;;;.es:;;..:1::.::e:.-v;.;Av_e~.::..i·r...:..:.N.:.•-:E;;:.:•:-----------4--...:':..:.7..:.3-...;,:2:::.:!ll;t:.t.l.c7_·......~ · _ _ _ _ _ __ t 1 ,_:_?:..;.; ·:r::..;~-·----Va:.:to;:;.;:1::.::a:...··..;E~ld;;:.;e;;;.:r:-_ _ _ _! -_ _1:..:7.:;.ik;...1.:.:.:,.fh:.:.:i::..:t~e;.;:;.f.;::;or::..:d::..:.;A~v~e.:.•.i...:; .N:.:•....:.:.E.:..•- - - - -,-----i--..:5:.:::2:::.2-::..·5"";5~;9~O~.;.....-1------·- - -

" . I C. V. Trouo

167 Howard St., N. E. f-!-st_ _ a_n__l-ey ___G________ s~-a-r_k_'-.(-w -,-, -------1--3_,;3_4.;.;.La=France St., N-. E. r.J l_.! I Grocer· 373-ql61 ... 631..-l181 Thomas J. Dutts 1'5 Leslie St •• N. E. 688-1..11..0 Rev. 0. E. Mvle·r 1361 DuoontAve •• N. E. 523-6787 363-5769 \_ ~._I, 11.r.ron Watson 685 Caron Circle, N. W. 7q/,-9727 377-171..8 ~ /<~1....;;.;.Ja=r.i-'e=s;.....;.;.Co=s=b""",v=---------:---:----1=J..a..:2;._.;;.l..La~F=r:...a..;;;.n=ce=-=::..:;;..J,-=-:..::....:.;:.:-------.;._---i----,:....,7:.:i7;..._6-'-1.:..:2::..:i3---:-...:..!..:.,_:..:..::1;:::.._ _\ _.....; 1

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,, !_Re__v_;;.___ C... • -"W........;H=i=l=l-----li----16;;..,'3'---F=lo=r--a....;A;.;..v;.;;e;..:.•..-·-=N_.___ E••- - - - . .------:-l_...;::;.68;;;.:8::...-..::::6:..:.::t..t:,/,.q'---:---. _ _•_ __ 1'560 Foote Street. N. E. John Gnither I;! Rn loh Lo~n~e-----..---1---...:;C;..::;o.:::;.;on:.:,_:S:..::c:.:.:h.;;;.o.::;.:ol=--...:;B;.;:;o;.:;:;u.:::.le:::.v~a;;.::;r..:::d_D::.:r::..:•:..J·i...::.:.N.:..•..:.E:.:•:----·-----i---------l--'-'37w7:.;;-;..:.1.:.74::i::8::::__ _ __ 1 [.;~]--=-Gl=-o:..:d:;..,1y--=.J;;;.ac:;;..:J.::.:;rn;;.;:o:.:.:n_______...,___1~l;i;.;6:..:0;,_::.;;Ha::;;.:r:..:d::.:::e_e___ St=r:..:e;.;:;e...:;t•..;.:N~.:...;;;;E~.---~- - - - - - --ti~ll·. -i--..;6;;.:8;.;:;8;...-.:.7.:..1'5.:.;,8;..__-+-_ _ __ _ _ __ ~~.,_:;;;L=ou=1= · s:..:e-~W~h1=-·t~e--- - - - - --1---~22~0;:;_:.:H~u..;;;.tc=h~i=n_s..;;;.on_ - ..;S_t_.~·--N;.;..•:-=E~._ _ _ __ _ _ _, _~_, -1---,3'7~7~-~·ll=66::;,__-+----'· - - - - - - - r.. i ;-~Il ~ 'i0 Mavson Ave. • N: E. ~---+--~;.;;;.:.:...:.;~...;;:.:_-----~- John Crowlev .('~ Emorv Hou s eworth · ... .. 18'5 Marion Place. N. E. ---1-- - ,- 521-0612 [ J..:.l_c:::.:h.:;;;a:.:.r..:. 1.: :.e ..:.T;.:::u~rn:.:,:e:::.::r:.__:(=.;t!hit



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I \ )t Al t on P. Lee. Sr .

._1J nuby Gr oo:nes

,.!!. P.,-nnie Hoooer

.1:. Georee Wilborn

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., _ ' .I I 7.1 Mortimer Street. N. E. '522- qJ, 19 1l2'3 La.Fr ance St •. N. E. 162 B-Wes lev Ave • . N. E. E0A Boulevard Dr., N. E. 377-1..06 '5 - 378-3643 1----------~---_,.;...i--------t--------t-------~ I - .:_...::::..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


. , �Hay 8, 1969 Mr. Forrest Gee Pm:chasing Agent 403 City Iln J.l Atlanta, Gcorgin RE: Bid t3296, dated April 29, 1969, for the Demolition of Structures under "In Rema Proceedings Dear Sir: A review of bids received on 17 p:cope1:ties on the above mentioned date indicates that the companies bidding are well qualified and bids are in line with previous experience. Th.:::re f ore, I feel tlrnt the contracts should be .:iwarded on the basis of the lowest bids submitted by each cor,1pany e.s shown below. W. H. Allgood & Company - 1181 Campbellton Road, S. W. $165.00 $250.00 $150.00 $250.00 $350.00 $268.00 $200.00 $283.00 665 Julian Street, N. W. ll5 Kelso Drive, S. W. 1162 Lucille Avenue, S. W. 1102 Marietta Street, N. W. 938. North Eugenie Place, N.W. 189 Polar Rock Road, S. W. 1276 Size.more Drive, N. W. GA. H-1 Hudgins & Company - R-208 First Avenue, S. E. 128 Fulton Street, s. E. 227 Little Street, s. E. 65-71 Pope Street, S. E. $130.00 $200.00 $125.00 t11 Watts Road, N. W. $295.00 $200~00 GA. M-1 95• 99 Flat Sho ~ls Avenue, s. E. $300.00 �Mr. Forrest Gee May 8, 1969 Page 2 Tri-City Wrecking Company - 1601 Hollywood Road, N. W. $345.00 GA U-1 530 HcDonough Boulevard, S. E. 1425 Murray Street, s. E. $628.00 $360.00 We are now preparing the Resolutions authorizing the Mayor to execute the contrPcts n~d will present these Resolutions to the Aldermanic Boord Meeting on May 19, 1969 . You.:-s truly, W. R. Wofford Building Officinl jb cc: A. C. Wnddell \ �February 26$ 1969 MEMORAHDUM TO: Mi• o R. E~:r.· 1 L anders A<lmiuis tra tivc Assist~nt Ptn:suant to your insti·uctions P I met Febrmu:y 24 ~r:l th Lesto r P01•sellfJ , H. B .. S~ttQ!'fiold :r Gilbe1~t Bo 6 ga and Ho\val'd G1·ig=--by o f t he Ho\.1s :h1g Author tty and o n J?cbrua "Y 25 wit 1 Bill of ford 3nd Jim SMith of tho Building Dc~nr t ~out to i usuro nplro,rie ta c oordinntion poi:tain ng to the nt-tncl eel Memoranuum . oP .As a 1•csul t --t..:-o- thoso diE<.mss : ons • the Eous 111.., Author:l ty hos agreod to repo:rt ., _ o the Buildincr Dcpart"1out ( Housing Code Division) on a weep;:ly l>a:Jis , th J nth ca n .1.d 3dclreSfJos of 1n,i1ilies .. nd indiv:tottl:lls which t llc y have 1 =cc>:t.i ·ficd " to move " n"to Public nous · ng, becauoe o f ~u stnudard housing C OJ 1tious e ~his report is to als o incluc1 ,'.l nu ~ ppropr:i..ato date o-Z, anticlpntod no re ., Upon rocoipt of thi3 r e port~ th~ B1ildiu3 D~p~rtment 1roposes to i nspect tho loc~tions involved within t ~o ~orki ncr cnys c~ tor r eceivinc t he Yoporta and to in tintB a p·ropriete ~ction ~lore u oc~SfHu.--y foi cowpliance with t he row-..dn8 Codo . 4 ( 'l'he o nly :fallncy t hn t X c ~n sec \'ritb re:Jpa ct to thir; ~u·rangemon t is th~t curl~ently t 10 Uousin~· Auth_ority t nkos the p ro3 --ectivo t oun nts • \:iorcJ th::.t thoy riro living in s ,~st::rn.dnrd • · ;.;ing ar..d npporontly mD~e~ no vo ·ifica tion of tl1is . I n diocussing thio point witi1 the Buildin~ Depnrtmont , it np e ars tha t before cortifini v fn mi ly to move i n to Puhlic Housin~ , bcc~lUSo of J. iving in s 1iJ ... stnnd~rd hous· ng , tho f~uily invoivo<l should first ~equcst nnd obtnin a cc=ti:fic:1tc :h·om he Housinr; Co<le Division that the u rit i s subs,nn<la rd and thou present such cortific~to to the Dousing Authority.) · The DuildinIT Dopartment b39 • eon subnitting requcots to t ho Housing Aut.ority from tho Hour;_ng .Code Division nu<l tho Couos Coupl "nnce Offico (cs result of Court "Ction) sopnrato ly for r elocation of for.lilies . 'l'ho Ho'l.wing At!thori ty hns herotofo1·~ 1·cportod bocl: to tho Duilding Dop3:.·ti.1 ent on a t1onthly bnsis those f am"ili<::·S which · thoy hnvc r eloca t ed o · ., ,:- -- . -.:· - -==-- .---- . C -,,


=7-- = ' ____ ,=-.-~ - = �Mr e lL, Enrl Lr: nc,C! 4 kf l'.-'obxt.~u.·y 26 P 1969 Pflg(} 2 (The Building Donn·tment bas now dec:d ed to cons olidato its reports P t hrough t he Housi11~ Code D vision o nly, to tho rlou.sin g Authority, and tho Hou..:> i n~ tmt wri ty hns ::.ig . ecd to 1~opo= t b:ilck to the Housing Code Div.:.siou o u 2 we oi"lY b3sis . ) Tho Housil c 1·0 1 0..,.:.i t i ons Author:lty has i•cq t cn ted , and tho Building nepa~ t men t h ns agreed , t ha t r oque- ts for ro l ocation ho moro s·)ocifia t ha n thoy h ave been in t ho past i n order to provi<lo be tt er unclerstDndinrr ~s to wh y 1·el o:::~tiou i s noccsrrn:-..· y and d e t crrrd.nn tio l t s to when it should be a c co-i!plished . Ml... 8~1tter field suggest ed t' a t he di<l not t hin~ tirn t t 10 Housing Authoi· -ty should pp:roach a f.n rn · l y to p1·ovido 1•0location assistance u ntil ~ he p1'ope:t"ty .. nd the ne0 · t hcx•efol' I) h ad b een ndj ud:ic ~t ed by t he Courts ; tl~t o ' herw i so tho Housing Aut hority ~-ght c recto ant'""'oniom on the pa1· . of t he L~ni:1101· • 0 1· <li::.turhance of t ho tenant s , or b oth nod t herefore ho c rit ~c · zed ~s actin~ uuconstitut · ona lly . I po:;. uted out timt tl ia would bo cmtiroly too loiY n d vw~lld not a ccomplish t·i0 dost ·eel :resul ts and t 1~t such (l0lti y is u n ccopt~ Jl , . It also <levGlo·~ad thnt 0 11 t he i n.it ~a l v isit by a Housing Autho ·ity Re ocation Wor ·er t o a f ~l '1:lly O thnt rJtcr:1)t 1s • i:30 t wn rmd t bc1•0 to nrr~ ngc for i·olocat on ( uo •;:m lly tti~ :ts unsucces:::Jful ),, N:t . Persolla su::;r;c.Y·tod that por iaps the fii:st v isit to tho pro-po •t,· by tho Hou~ing Authority nol ocation l~rkor 0 hould bo pure r e~plornto~y t o find out ,-hn t tho ci.::cuTit;i t nncos rn,c , wi·t~l viow to sd:isoque2r~l y .~aking staff dotermin~t iou ns to D bropr· ~te Dctioo w' ch slould be t nton . I henrtidly a~roa . llow01cr , -it .~as t 1cn brou½ht ou· by tho Hous iC Author ty t ha t t h.s type of visit i o more in t ho nn·uro of soc~nl ,1;01·lt and t ha t t ho Hcus1oa .Aut 10xity r~3 o .·oci ,1 l'lo~.'crs ; only hclocnt~.on Workers . It sco;is to no t .nt tho solution ·s obvious . Tho Holocation t'o:r.kors should dotermino tho soci.n l aspects , S"JS p~rt of thoir rolocat.,,on as£"-;icnr.'lont , bofo:te tho t cn."111':;.J or tho l andlords nro not!fiod that rolocatiou i s u~nuntor y. If t he in1t i~ l v isit wns done qu1.:tly and on pm cxplol'ato:ry b~sis t uuch nnxi~ty nncJ di::;tui-- anccs on the p~rt of tho tenant; nn an oyanco ~nd hostility on tho part of the l nudl01~d \'iou ld be cor-.siuc1·ab ly 1"'e uccd nnd in oost instnnces c ould concaivcable bo eliminntod nll to3othor . · + ir,) S fi.'I JC_.,,,": fl\«!.. I~ ii: c; L,._ ./L ::-:!--;:; Tho Housing f1uthority fools t hnt in Wlny s:t-t'~~r.c.qu'"'G.ts. from tho Iluildinrr D~p:u~tuont for rolocatim1 nro cverly sit1pli£icd in that tho names end ~mbers of people nre usua lly not provided ~nd , if t·eloc~tion is being requostcd :tn 03.~chn· to 1·ed1.wc overc1·o· ~ding , that tl10 people z·~:.]uired to raove and ones pc1-nitted t o i·oma iu ~:t·e not specified . �Mr.• n~ Ea1~1 L8n<.kn:•s Febru~ry 26f 1969 Page 3 rrhe Building Department :f ~els t ha t those c.Jotnils ax-e :\:uuct ...ons which c ould "' nd t:hould bo cJo to·"mi n0d l>y tho Reloc a tion Work\..;:t•s , ~s p a1·t of t he is 1·e l ocat lon as s ign.Lm1ts , usi11g t ha Ho.j:F; · ng Cocle ~s t: guide· and should 1'.HYt be e:i.~pc- •· .od o ·" i'1e Housing Cod._,. !P....sp~ctoi·s . I n J1 iuclin(.d to :1gr-oc with tho Building Department in th:ts r espect , bu t h::1ve req u ested tho Building n,.:-p:.1 ~;>tm.cnt iu t:mking i ts 1,eque:s,t s to the fousing Authority for rolocation to be as hpecific as practica l. In general" 1·eloca tion con~3ists of t wo c at0go1·ics P i oe., :.':nmilies l iving in Urba1 Lencwa l projects and those liv~ng outside of Urban p:::--njoctso Th e Hous i ug Au-th01-}ity is ~ut hm:ized to provide f1.. mmcial rolo-cn tion a ssi;:jtanc o to f ~rJilic s rcs i <l ; n 0 in Ur bnn Rone\1~ l s1•ons . These fo railies also get nm:-bm: one p1.•ior ty

Public Uous i ng .,.

'l'he Hou,, ginc: Authority cla:,m,.c; t hn t t h 1.s p :.:• osr..uts no ma,jor.o p robl 0~n, b u.t ttm t t he p-•inn i pa l dolf' yinG f~ ctor in reloc nt i o n o1 f ~r:i:ilies res :i.c ing Q12:54, 29 December 2017 (EST).+~ of Urban l enm.sl 1n :ojects is fi uancinl i n~b-l l 'ty of Re m~a l for the fnm i11o~ to pr ovide f unds f or d r~yaae ~ utility met e r dnpoG ita n nd f b ?s -t r~onth ' s ron-~ o Thc:3e f an-i l ic3 g ,:;,,t s cconcJ pri o1~i t .. for Publ i.c Ho~,si.n;;; , t i' x-equi-rc<l to move, b ecn u~e o i Dous i ne Co lo Bn:fo r c om ~nt and t hird pr i orlt y p i f r:iovin.; o..a t hnir own v o l itio._,. Hcw~cve1: , the Htms i n~ A 1tho1~i ty has no iun·}s f or provi.cL.. n° t ho ·· r,,.=:· in l fimlncia l n::.mis;~n1c r equired for t ile ln2 t t wo c ntcgo;.··· c s and c onocqt1eatly • f~GC1.'c-.1t ly it wee -s and somcti mos even montl1s e l iwpo before t 10 ft:1111 lio... involve· n1·0 nlolo to nccm:mlnto enough c ~s h vd.--· h vJh:i.ch to n1ce1; t hc3c :i.nit ~,~ 1 1.· elocntion ci·ponse-s . As 0 r esul t , t ho I'ous-' ng /rntl ori t y hns proposed thnt it be permitted t o use , s a n_ oxpor i t.snt , $2 i 000 f r om r e l ocation funds allocated to i t f r om tho Ci t y of Atlanta , · s a r evolving fund Lnd

fxo,a r,hic 1 tho llo· sin;; Aut 101•1 t y riould , on its o•·m deter !ir..!· .... ·• on a

mal~a 140 i 11.to1•ctJt r a t e l o:lruJ of frm1 $10 to $ 100 t o sue 1 f n ilim.) 1 t o bo r cpnid to t ho Houoing Author i ty 0 11 a wcokl y bnsis ovc-: n period of timo not to oxceod one yc~r o etinco it bas b oon point ~d cru-t by t he /\.dr.iiniH1r.tive .A ssistnnt t hat tho C1.ty of Atl:nrt~ r, pp:ropr.: ati::'<l .funds cannot b e used for· thi s p m:-poso , I hnvo c on-tnctcd Doll t.'ntkins , Direc.tm: of tho Greater Atlnnta Uousin~ D-evclop1!lont Cor--:,02.·ation , sucr;csting t int his :fund m~ko a grnn-.: of $!1 , 500 to the Uous in:; Authority for u se by t · 1:? Houcling ~uthoiity ns a ~evolving ~·nd for the purpose indicntc tl nbovo trn.d thnt in cons 5.c.:ci·~tion o f such g:r:.uit;:f'.1 tt ~ G:tcatoi· Atln 1ta Housing Devolopr,1:mt . Corporation 1·cr1uire the Pousin3 Au ·-11ority to tr.aka o sor.1i ... ~nnu~l ropo::t to l ·t ns to tbc utiliz~ tlon :'\nd !:,tutu,., of such fund ~ llob Wnt~ins thinks thnt he can got favo1·abla action on this p1·opos:1 l within 10 o~ys . �Mro R~ Enr l L~n<lers J?e b1.· trn:r y 2 Gp 1 9 69 Page 4 l f th i s - s h ould ·"a il P D;.u1 S·,•, crt h as c on t :J ci:ed J in P;nthnm of EOA wh o i ;hfa:urn that h:ls o r['.nn i ~~3t ion. r-."TY b e nb l e to ass:tGt b y p-e;-i•mittins; t h0 Hor·s i nr,. At i.: lmri t y o dx-~-.r, oga i us t c o&'t ~in EOA fu nds fo r t h~ purpose described above o I m:u req uest i ng bo th t he Housing An thoi~:tt y r1nd the BuilcH ng Dopnrtb.ent t o f ollow up c losely on t ho effect ivenes s of c oordina 'ion a ncl c oo )er:..,, i on e ffor t s enum0r~t ed in t h i n pa p ~r ~nd t o a· v i s e i::ie o:f a ny bre akdo·. n Vt hicl. occurs o r of i mprovemeu:t in pi·oc ed urcs whic h s houl d ba es t ab l ished . Sinc oro ly 6 Mn .cblm D. Jones Dous i ng Coordin at or MDJ / mc Enc ls : cc : Men o da ted ·'o1J. 11, 1sa:n "lr . Dan E.. Swant II Jr . . -·----·-·--------------- ------- ---- - ·- --:- -


-- ·~ =~ -- -·------ - - - ----- - - �8 24 Hurt Building Atl a n ta , G e org i a 3030 3 T e l ephone 523-6074 Mr. Peter P. OU eociate Dean, Executiv ProP"UIJ tte tnst1t\1te ot Technology Massa Alfred P. SloeA School or llllll!flKau:s11t 50 Memorial. DriTO· C&mbridge, H&lieac:,mH»tta 02139 Dear Psterl I to upreu IQ' a ctaticm tor the 8Ullllll8r7 evaluatiozl ot tbe 2nd K. I.T. Progr tor Urban kecuti and ,g roup photograph received earlier. I haw Sflllt a cow ot the program eval tion to Dan t ( ~ promted to Chiet Administrative Ott:loer tor tba CiV of Atlanta) NCO · 1ng AtJ.ant&'• continued partic1pat10A 1n the Urban ut1 Prop-am. HT tour-week atq at M. I . T. the moet ·cbal.le 1ng awl reward1 experi ~ q 11.te. I preseatq ilrf0.1:ved vitb. Prof, r Don Kalle, ot tbe Oeorgla Institute ot Teclllaloa in naluating the Hou 1ng A.utbor1tq's mr:l~tmlftlt, process. pro to eatabl.1 h a allia«t!111181:l't expll,Ullll,l;il, ht 1sno bl Atlaftta '• Hoclel Cities !ho n. utead to Po.111' krb -., s1Dce,rut via.bee tar a speedy' NCOftl7. 1011 aig~ IIIDJOT tbe attached exa9"1 e ot "relevance. " KalQ" tbaaka to ,ou tcr yo coQt:!QUed mterut. 1n a gratetul. graduate ot tbl M.I.! . Pro tor Ul1,en kecUtift8 e a Dan �Ai~ CITY OF ATLAN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 501 CITY HALL ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 August 12, 1969 CHARLES L . DAVIS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE W. ROY SMITH DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE EDG AR A. VAUGHN , JR . DEPUTY DIREC T OR OF FINAN C E JAMES R. FOUNTAIN , JR . DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF F INANCE lj, 1'0 :


• y 1 on, Ralh Ruley, aul W.ir, ttatl 1,. 1 t d • Jl �.! DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PEACHTREE SEVENTH BUILDING , ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 . -.-~-j -:-:_.) ·, . f . ' \ \ -- - ~ ._<, ·, . REGION II I ( i)r·r·.~ v , _._ i,.- . . Mr . Lester H. Persells Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta \"'c~, ~-CJ .. , ?' August 6, 1969 1 IN REPLY REFER TO: tu9 _-~ - \ ~, . y-) '•, 0 ~;' 1' ... , " // A ~b. - ·-~rr,~ I'-- 3RF .,-<\ \ ., --...,_. . · ., ..-·.- iv ~~ ~. L~ ;,.-/' I \ ~ - ._.. · - . \! 824 Hurt Building Atlanta, Georgi a 30303 ' \ I. Dear Mr . Perse lls: ! r,,o,;lla,r'C'l'::".'1:7"!'.Y~, , Subject : ~ ..!."':::l°:' 7.'f:1T"..3>lU-tl j Project !o. Ga. A•2 Nei ghborhood Development Program Eligibility as Part of en Urban Renewal Project (Regul~r l'rogram or NDP) of Certain TP.!llporary Project Improvements During the discussion in your o ffice on July 30, 1969, attended by Mr . A. F. Milne a nd members of his staff, mention wa s made of Interim Ass i stnnce Progr arn t yp e activities now permitted under s n NDP . The follo ,ing i n for mation may bo of value to you in prcp~ring the LFA's G~-, ~Ay~·~A· ~-- -···· , n ~n -t'~·-~ ~ ~- It i s nov HUD poli r;y to allot-, as an eligi ble Item l or Item 2 f>roj cct cos t: (a ) t he i ns t alla tion or construction of t emporary parks and playgrounds in an NDP or urban renewal are project ihere provided for in tha Ur b n Renewa l Plan nnd where found to forther the accomplishment of urban r ene,a l ob jec tives, and (b) ~emporary construction or recon• s truction w rk on existing pub licly•oimed streets and utility l ines in , &n NDP or urban r enewa l a rea where such ,~ork. is provided for in the Urban Renewal Plan &nd is determined to further urban renewa l objectives . Modifica tion to existing Urban Renewal Pl ans to a l low an LPA to install' or cons truct t emporary parks ond playgrounds and perform temporary eon• struction or reconstruction ,-rork on publi c - owned s treets and utili t y -z li~es can be accompliahed only uhera the land involved i s a lr ea dy in public ownership, or ha s been or h to be acquired for other fiDF or urban r enewal proj ect purposes . s~ch modi fica tion::> are con.sidered minor !)lauchanges and do not require another publ i c hearing under Federa l l aw or prior HUD ap prov8 l of the action . The LP. must , o f course , meet any appli cable public hearing r equi r ement of St te and lo cal l nw. The policy change, coup l ed wi t h existing HUD p~!iey , particul rly existing policy rela t i ng to LPA pr operty ~~ nagemcnt ( s ee Urban Renewal lln ndbool 7211. 1 0 Chapters 1, 2, and 3, ond NDP Handbook 7384. 1, Chapter 5, Section l), �, - I -2- ,... is intended to grant eligibility as part of an urban renewal project (regular program or NDP) to al l activities now permitted under the Interim Assista~:.ce Program with the exception of repair or improvement of non-LPA•owued properties . To be eligible costs, these interim type activities must be pr ovided for in the Urban Renewal Pl an . Under the Interim Assistance Grant Program, expend itures for the following nctiviti~£ are eligible to the extent necessary to alleviate harmful conditions 1n , and to protect the health and safety of residents of, the program area: 1. Systematic clean-up of public areas and ways, including the carrying J, (;;out of comprehens ive r odent control and extermination measures. / /..,,,~ · 2. Specia l collection of r~fuse ( garbage and trash) and bulky junk such as old ~pplicances , furnitm·e, and autos parked by owners and tenants for removal and disposal as part of an area-wide campaign to clean up priva te premises. 3. Repa ir of ser ious deficiencies in public streets to meet needs consistent with shor t term continued use of area prior to under• taking of permanent action (exce pt expressway, free,;-iays, and other limited aececs streets) , such as t emporary patching of holes or cuts in pavement and the repair of curbst gutters, culverts, aud sidewalks . 4. Repair of publicly-owned buildings and publicly•ovmed utilities ·. including stree t l · e h ting and stationary !:ire and police coillillw.ti~ cation systems . The repairs sha ll be limited to the extent needed to meet n eeds c onsisten t with the shor t:• te1.. n continued use of the a~;,;.:t prior to undertaking of permanent action . 5. Repair of serious defici enci es i n par.ks and playgrounds to meet needs consis tent -with short term continued use of area and establish• ment of t ernpcrary playgrounds on vacant l and within the area~ including re.asonable costs of l easing such land for this purpose. The foregoing policy change is intended to provide LPA flexibility to alleviate harmf ul conditions in renewal azean prior to the time that perm.anent renewal o.f tue area can be achieved . Work performed should be of an interim teoporary nature and shall not include upgrading of contin uing service~ such as r egular garbage and t.ra:Jh collection . For examp le , the Regional Office sha ll give priority consideration to the systematic cl ean•up of a program are r ather than the upgrading of a continuing service suchaas combined refuse collection from a bi ueekly to a "-1<!akly basis . ~.10recver • '1he-re such services art! inadequa te. ~he Regio11al Office shall give priority consideration to LPA requests for '-

�-3- fina,ncial a s sistance for interim type act ivities whi ch i nvolve colll'!li t • ments by the l oC8 lity J o provide 1 in addi tion t o federa lly•funded a ctivi• ties ad quate lo ca lly• financad recurring services t o mai nt a in the pr ogr am area in a clean condition on a continuous ye.ar•round bas is . If we can be of fur t her aHistance , pl ease f eel fr ee to contact this office • Acting / . 1 /1 (I / / ~-, ' L-,;.,: : Ai si~tnnt 7 cc: Mr . Howard Openshaw Director of Redevelopment ' · John,.'l'. Edmunds g ./.'.~'r,'1) . D./ .ncer ely yours I I /J · · I . ,. · 1 / , • /,/i/f / I /./ v:~v Rcgionai Adrnil}istra tor

tor Renm~a l Ass i s t ance

. �.. - ··. .-: . . . - .~. - -· - - .. r . - I TELEPHONES: 52S-5992 52S-5993 APPLICATION AND TENANT SELECTION OFFICE · 858 HU RT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 '\ February 28, 1969 Mr. James Smith Housing Code Enforcement City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 · Dear Mr. Smith: The enclosed names are families that have been certified to low rent public housing dur ing the week of February 19, 1969. As we no longer make home visits, a small percentage of these families may live in standard housing, but are classified as sub-standard due to overcrowding. We are now verifying applicant housing conditions by accept i n~ applicants sta t ement. Due to our low va cancy rat e the list of names are f ew, _but will increape consider ably as new public housing becomes available. From now on the list of names will come to you weekly with no cover l etter. MT..vl-I: ad Enclo sures : 8 .. �TELEPHONES: 525-5992 525-5993 APPLICATION AND TENANT SELECTION OFFICE 858 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 March 4, 1969 Mr. James Smith Housing Code Enforcement City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Smith: The enclosed list of names are families certified during the week of February 24, 1969. / Melvin w. Rush, Chief Tenant Selection Office MWR:ad Encl: 1 �·,J.. · TELEPHONES : 525-5992 525-59~3 APPLICATION AND TENANT SELECTION OFF I CE 858 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 March 4, 1969 Mitchell, James Alton 775 Confederate Aveo, S. E. .~ ~ ~aylor, Wha tley, Mi s s Mary 321 Augus ta Ave ., S. E.-Duplex Tex. , ~ ay, Jackie Eugene ~ 2 2 Grant St., S. E., Apt. 1 0 °· Or<. ~ ~- - Barnes , _Mrs . Viola 2284 Alvin Dr . , N. W. .i(:ctJ~ ~ /f r~<:.- ~ · /~-o O ) N. w., Apt. 8 Br oughton, Mrs. Miriam ~rke, Miss C1.assie 220 Bass St ., S . W., Apt. A ' JI,, _--1/UU _ John - Veronica 2036 Robson Plo, S. E. Blu35ttOsMa,Mrs. V T iada Rd 11J yson urner • , 1· • CL«c.& A -~ 1/1307 Bonneville Terrace, N. W. ·~ /2sh, '7' .,Allison, Phillip J. - Jerry Dean 83 Delbridge St., N. w. ,, 7~ /' rt p /41exander , Rena ( IF.ir s --JN~V 352 Dixie Hill Ci r., ~ 11 --f.,UVr--ftv Miss Patricia 3066 Azlee Pl., No W. dct~cGriff, Be~tha Lee 94 Glenn St., S. E., Apt. 1 ,} - ..1y'-t Ci ~ .......#-///J.G ibb s , Lawrence - Patsy Ann 6!i Solomon St.~ S . E. '-'<:.-- .f--c<7~ e:, ~ ~, . , / /2tton , Mr s . Gloria 334 Chappell Rd . , N. W. , Apt . B-5 " C!'iirter, Earl E. - Emma Lou Me'J.dor.i Ave., S. E., Apt. 7 ot-ak~Vii ~ t.r ederic 'k, Jame s c., Jr.- Doris 575 Lindsey St., N. w., Apt. 3 A t -A~ 24l p • - xander, Mrs. M~mie r.r . 3005 Del Ma r Lane, N. ,v ar:~Jj~ ~ . oore , Clarence - Maria n Diane ty~ 1245 Northwest Dr . , N. W. /~-9 -(,,~ (:,,(),c, 3., 1 ,t, I �INTER--OFE'ICE MEMORANDUM Atlanta Housing Authority TO: DATE: MRS. FRANCES BARNES MANAGEHENT AIDE 2-19-69 BETMAR APARTNENTS FROM: TEChvlOOD TENANT SELECTIOH OFFICE SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS COMPmrED FOR RENTAL I I ·' -1 I M~e[e . )l'arver, Ella Lee lER V171 Howard Streets. E. · ~~- ~ Edwards, :t-".lI's. Lillie ·: 7 239 vrmond Street s. ~ lBR s. 2BR , •••• 12-16-68 $2227.68 10-3-68 $2659.20 $1124.00 W. Liggions, Mrs. Fred Morrison ??1c-d c.> ,-.i/'2883 Glenwood Ave. u. E. Evans, Otis & Rilous ~J~ 259 Church St. N. Eff 0 12-18-68 . 12-27-68 E.5-,.,2}-l? - ~ < , § Covington, Mrs. Jessie v-278 Thornton St.

---L ives with mother and Step( mother

Lives ~ith relatives 10 peep] $2925 .¢)~; in 4 foams • . Lives with Aunt in 3BR house $4027.20 12-30-68 , Living. with' relatives in room house Lives with sister in a 4 room house 4 �INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Atlanta Housing Authority TO: MRS. FRANCES BARNES DATE: MANAGEHE_NT AIDE BETMAR AFARTl:JENTS FROM: Febo 20 1 TECHWOOD TENfu'I·r SELECTIOH OFFICE / SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS COMPrnrED FOR RENTAL $2447.10 2BR /Saf£o, Vera Aa.e 12-12-68 1ef Y 560 Middle St. s. W. Apt. 1/rf, H~using Inforrnation: Lives in 2 room apt. Old House in poor repair. 1969 �TO: FROM: Mr. Ed S. Cook Techwood - Clark Howell DATE: Feb. 20, 1969 Tecl)wood Tenant Selection Office SUBJECT: Applications completed for rental I lllR $612.00 8-15-68 Lives ,d. th son and his family in two bedroom house. ~ates, Mrs. Janet Louise 2BR 12-12-68 $1152.00 ?,.,f ,.,c.-tv\., 898 West Peachtree St. H. W. Furnished apt. 3rooms Harden, Mrs. Joyce C. 2~R 12-2-68 $4068.00 l ~vfU!--- J(' 6_~1 Queen St. s. W. Apt. #2 Living in a two bedroom a pt. • ~·vff~ / Bennett, Mrs. Beryl 166 Berne St. s. E. V �TO: FRCM: Techwood Tenant Selection Office SUBJECT: OATBS Suf f-> • , r;.. • - v( I DATE: Mr. Ed S. Cook Techwood - Clark Howell Applications completed for rental FnBD M. l B.11 6-6-68 $ 3349. 39 19811 \iJELLOOUHE DRIVE N. E. APT /J 6-oNE ROOM EFFI('IENQY...... " ) , ~ - -...-~"' - �INTEROFFICE MEHORANDUM ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ,. -~ Mr, James H, · Derick, Manager Joel Chancq_er Harris Homes T01 Date: F ob. 24, 1969 FROM: Mrs 11 Melda Mo Bennett, Supervisor Teehwood Tenant Selection Office SUBJECT: Applications Completed for Rental a Ray, J ackio Eue;coo 622 Grant Street 5, B, Apt,, l ~- 1-27-69 4BR $2416.00 Lives in h roon1 house. In v -17 poor r e;,air �MER~OFFICE MEMORJu\lDUM Atlanta · Housing Authority DATE: MRS. FRANCES BARNES TO: Feb. 24, 1969 MA1'\JAGEHENT AIDE BETMAR AI?ARTHENTS FROM: TECHWOOD TENANT SELECTIOH OFFICE SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS COMPmrED FOR RENTAL /) /_/Mitchell, James Alton ~c,i:}r 775 Con.federate Ave.$. E. ~ ·.. . _ _).tme t,,_t,yV24)5' ' ~ ..... fiellye Percy Blvd, Apt, 35 l r.JR Five room house ., in bad condition., ceilings e.re sagginz , some plastering has i'ullen; ,1; gas heat er in four rooms, but inadequate. Rooms have very high ceilings. · l BR ll-4-68 $80u.OO hroom apt. in _b ad condtion. �AHA-104 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY TO: Mro Melvin Rush, Chief Tenant Relation Dj_vision FROM: Nrs o Elizabeth Jo 'Wilson, Acting Supervisor Application Office SUBJECT: Certifications for the week of 2/17/690 . February DATE 25, 1969 URBAN RENEWAL: Georgia - Eugene (sep) - 474 Bea.rd Street, SWo Apto 3 Branford: OTHSRS:- Louis e - Ce cil (se p) - h62 Ira Str8et, SWo Apt.,_ Bell: 4 (7..;i.t ..(;/- ,q~.2~ 5 \ Fannie Lo _- _ F.,ddie (s ep) - 1061 Neal Place, N.vl.Apt. 16 f'&:/ i/eha ney : Adell - Les t e r (dee) - 866 Crew Stre et, S.W.Apt . 9 Rhonda - Cha r le s ( s e p) - 1386 Ke rry Drive , N.W. Apt. 183 ~ J .,,,wv'°Copel a ~d: .9 7~7 v6ost ~ Debora h (s"ingl e ) - 1014 McDaniel Str eet , SW l c L\VDunn: Benni e - Judy - - ~ nders on : t2-,-c€<-1o.10 .ey : / Ett a - Wi ll (de e ) o 14 936 Fair St r eet , SW Ernrna J ea n - ·Wil l ie J ames (s e p) - 42 Lea ch Str e et, N.W. Tc7t-4f fe tt:· Mary L. - J ac ob (div) - 985 Srnith . St reet, SW Fa nni e R. - J ul i u s ( sep ) - 270 Tr oy Street , NoW. Apt . 15 C:Z~icl'.1-v/ 4r r ay : Viola P. - John Willie ( d ee ) - 843 Wood s Stree t, N. Wo R ~ ".fVSanford: i,(!_. {£· , Kennett Str(~et, SE Patrici a Ann ( singl e ) - 1240 Simps on PJ;1 0 NoWa A.pt {t;td ,;,J /Grant : ~ Jli6 £{( -iJ Smith: Bobbi e N. (singl e ) - 712 Coope r StrAP.t , B oi " l ~ h u ~ rnith: ¥1at tie - J ames ( sep ) - 136 B Richa :rds on Str8et , SE ~-il<f/v arncr : Liz z i e Hae - Cl a rk ( s ep ) - 4 22 As hby Street , Nav! o /(Jl.(.t.cf ,v{,i ll iams : tJJ::. Shirley R. - Ke nni, th ( s ep ) - 375 Chestnut Stre et , N,,"W. Apt o C-6 �AHA-104 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ATLANTA HOUSING AUTHORITY DATE TO: Mr. Melvin Rush FROM: . Dorothy Ruskin SUBJECT: Subo Standard Housing L BR WJLDON, Douglas-Maggie pJ·f Nr.Nt/4. J571 ,.,. .

Linden Avenue, N. E. 2-20-69 $ 14h.4.00 2-27-69 �ROUTE FROM: SLIP R. EARL LANDERS 0 For your information 0 Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D Advise me the status of the attached. 1¼12~ ~<',, 4c-~_r2""-L'. ~------- FOR M 25 - 4 - L �OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS MEMO Prom the de sk of - W. R. Wofford, Inspector of Buildings FORM 4-22 �Tl CITY 0 TA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 14, 1969 JAM ES A. SMITH WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. CHIEF HOUSING CODE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ELMER H. MOON, E.E., P.E . ASST. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Memorandum To: Mr. W. R. Wofford, Building Official From: Mr. James A. Smith, Chief Housing Inspectoz Q / ' ~ Subject: Weekly lists of families certified for Pub7 c ~ Housing. Several days ago a system was instigated whereby we would receive weekly lists from A.H.A., and we would go out immediately to inspect the property unless we already had an active case in our files on the particular property . The first "batch" has been checked out and a list is attached, which gives a synopsis by Housing Supervisor Eidson of remarks as reported to him by the Housing Inspectors; also of the action being taken. Attached is a copy of the A.H.A. lists furnished us . My observation is that it has generally resulted in very little gain for the effort involved as far as correcting housing conditions within the City. It also seems that just about anyone who wishes to live in Public Housing is eligible, if they say so! I am continuing to check out these lists for Housing Code violations as directed, and will report to you as they are checked out . JAS: lm Enclosure ATLANTA Tl-IE D O G WOOD CITY �In reference to a list of properties furnished to Mr. James A. Smith from Mr. Me lvin W. Rush, Chief Tenant Selection Officer. We report on the fol1owing conditions as found by the Inspectors of the Housing Code Division. RE: 651 Queen Street, S.W., Apt. #2 Tenant is Mrs. Joyce C. Harden and 3 children Owner is Mr. Weathers This is a 6 room apartment, in livable condition Condition of house is fair Tenant lived here 7 months (rent $65.00) No apparent reason for moving except for a better apartment. Minor repairs needed, painting biggest expense RE: 575 Lindsay Street, N.W., Apt. #3 Tenant was James C. Frederick, Jr., apartment is now vacant This is a 2 story, 4 unit apartment building, it was compli ed over a year ago. Extensive maint e nance is a constant ne cessity to ke e p them in condition to be lived in. Each apartme nt has 3 rooms, with sep~rate bath and kitchen. Onl y r eason this could be classifi ed for relocation would be ove rcrowd ed. RE: 334 Chappe l Road, N.W., Apt. #B5 Occupied by Mrs . Gloria Cotton Manag ed by Ideal Re alty Company This is a complex of jumbo brick , stee l steps apartments with approximate l y 30 units. The premis e s need to be cl eaned, but outside of this it could be classified as a #1 Proj ect. Onl y re ason this could be qua lifi ed f or r e location would be ove rcrowd edne s s. RE : v' 352 Dixie Hills Circl e , N. W., Apt . #8 Former occupant was Mrs. Re na Al e xand e r and 2 childre n, who moved fr om this apartme nt l eaving a siste r, to Mrs . Al exand er , he r mothe r and 4 childre n , which this would qua lify Mrs. Al exander for Public Housing r e location . Als o, a Housing Code inspe cti on is qua lifi ed on this a par t ment c ompl ex. Ex t e nsiv e r e pa irs a nd ma int e na nce to be d one . Sc hae ff e r Realty Compa ny, Manage r . �RE: 3005 Delmar Lane, N.W. Former tenant, Mrs. Mamie Alexander moved into Public Housing Project, leaving 2 children in a 6 room concrete block, single family dwelling. House is in excellent condition on exterior and interior, this house would come under the category of Complied When Made. From our information there is no justification for Public Housing relocation. RE: 2435 Perry Boulevard, N.W., Apt. #35 Former tenant Melody Lowe Manager, Mr. Robert Daughtery Reason for moving unknown (rent $59.95) This is a 1 bedroom efficiency apartment, which is in excellent condition. Mr. Daughtery stated that as far as his knowledg e , no one lived he re othe r than Melody Lowe. RE: 1386 Carey Drive, N.W., Apt. #188 Tenant, Ronda & Charles Copeland This apartment is part of The Pe rry Home s Re as on for moving unknown The s e t e nants we re r e located from one project to another project. RE: 1245 Northwe st Drive , N.W. Marion, Diane and -Clare nce Moore we r e the t e nants r e located; on 10- 8-68 , Jame s T. Wrig ht was listed as t e na nt. Owne r Ellis Farre ll, 3020 Collie r Drive, N.W. We found this house to be in a livable condition, RE: ../ 2284 Alvin Drive , N. W. Mrs . Vio l a Barnes i s t he name on the list f or be r e l oc a t ed. Owner , Mrs. Eni d W. Lawson According to our r e cords Loyd Johnson & Anni e Ruth We lch are the t e nants . The hous e is i n a liva bl e condition . The r e is a V cons iderabl e a mount of re pa i r s to be done. Mrs . La wson was mail ed a notice f or repairs to be done on Fe bruary 24, 1969. Considerabl e amount of tras h & d e bris and t e nan t respons i bil ty i nvo l ved in this house. The housekeeping is d epl orabl e. Most cond itions i n t hi s house was brought on by the te nants. Mrs. Lawson has until May, 1969 to comply wi t h Housing Code Notice. �r RE: • 843 Woods Street, N.W. Applicants Viola & John Willis Mr. & Mrs. Sanford were living Mrs, Palmer, House is in good shape, it was Jenkins on September 12, 1968. No Housing Code Case necessary Sanford with their daughter, complied by Mr. R.A. now, RE: 375 Chestnut Street, N.W. Applicant, Shirley & Kenneth Williams It is occupied now. and the tenant is satisfied, No Housing Code Case needed at this time. RE: 422 Ashby Street, N,W. Applicants, Lizzie Mae & Clark Bonner This house is in good condition, clean and comfortable, No apparent reason why relocated unless it was due to overcrowded conditions, No Housing Code Case needed at this time. RE: 775 Confederate Avenue, S,E. Applicant, J8~es aAlton Mitchell Owner, W. A. Johnson, 1449 Bolton Road, N.W. This house is in fair condition, it needs minor repairs and general mainte nance. Only reason this house would qualify for Public Housing relocation, would be if the tenants we re ove rcrowd ed. There are 2 remaining tenants • RE: 321 Augusta Avenue , S.E . Applicant, Mrs. Mary Whatley This is a duplex~ 1 unit vacant and 1 unit occupied. Minor maintenance items to be done, an e stimated $50.00 cost. No justifi ed r eason for tenant to move unl e ss it was ove rcrowd ed. RE: 64 Soloman Stree t, S.E. Applicant, Lawre nce Gibbs Owner, Be thel Baptist Church, 438 Fras e r Stre e t, S , E. The r e ar e no Housing Code violations. The hous e is vacant at this time, and there is not any appare nt reason why occupants moved. RE: 220 Bass St ree t , S . E. Applicant, Mrs. Classi e Burt This is a 2 unit a par tment, 1 vacant, 1 occupi ed . minor repai rs need ed , e stimate of $75 . 00 to br ing up to Housing Cod e, No Housing Cod e Ca s e:Zl:o/½e a t t his time . �RE: 2036 Robson Place, S.E. Applicant, John Nash No such number located on this stree t, nor in the Southeast part of city. Neighbors living on this street claimed they never he ard of a John Nash. RE: 622 Grant Street, S.E. Apt. #1 Applicants, Jackie & Euge ne Ray Owner, Ledbe tter Construction Company, 2171 Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E. This is a 6 unit, 2 sto r y building, occupi ed by 9 tenants by the name of We stbrooks. Minor r e pair s, e stima t ed $50.00, a s f a r a s Housing Code violations. RE: 94 Glenn Street, S.E., Apt. #1 Applicant, Be cky Lee McGree r Owne r, Kapl a n Inve stme n t Company This is a dupl ex, 1 occupied, 1 va c a n t . Mino r Housing Cod e v i o l at ions , e stimated at $200 , 00. No appa r e nt r eason for moving, unl e ss ove rcrowded. RE : 46 Me ldon Ave nue , S. E., Apt. # 7 Applica n t, Earl E. Carte r Owne r, Edi t h Price Mrs . Price occupi e s 1 uni t a nd othe r unit i s va c a n t. Only minor r e pa irs ne ed ed f or Housing Cod e complia nce . No appare nt r e as on_why t e na nt would move . RE: 171 Howar d Street , S.E . Applica nt, Ellie Lee Tarve r Hou se i s in g ood c onditi on . No Hou s ing Cod e Cas e would be mad e at this time. Ove r crowd edne ss would be onl y r eas on why t e nant would move . RE: 278 Tho r nt on St reet , S.W. App li cant, Mr s . J ess i e Coving ton Owner, Mrs . Sally Morr i son Mrs. Morr i son , t he owne r, state s she ha s lived here for 20 yea r s a nd she d id not make an a pplication t o be rel ocated a nd s he a l s o s t ated she did not know the a pplicant . We a l so note t hat t he hou se i s i n exce l l e nt c ond ition. No Ho using Cod e vio l ation s. �RE: ·- 2883 Glenwood Road, S.E. Applicant, Mrs. Fred Morrison Liggions We find that this house is outside the city limits. It is vacant and has been for over a year. Damaged by fire over 75%. Applicant fal ~sified this address to the Atlanta Housing Authority. RE: 560 Little Street, S.W. · Applicant, Mrs. Vera Mae Saffo On inspection we found that this address - is a vacant lot. We have no knowledge of how long this house has bee n torn down. RE: - RE: RE: 166 Berne Street, S.E. Applicant, Mrs. Burell Bennett On inspection we found no such number as 166 Berne Street, S.E •• Some other explanation could be made about this address, we don't have it, 1984 Wellbourne Drive, N.E. Apt. #6 Applicant, Fred M. Gat e s Inspection r e vea ls that this is an 8 unit apartment building, approximately 1 year old. The complex is in excellent condition, No Housing Cod e violations were recorded at this time. v 462 Ira Stree t, S .W. , Apt. #4 Applicants, Ce cil & Louise Bell As of curre nt record, we show that this !&d~t'"{s' is in the Code Compliance Office for further action. RE: 1061 Neal Place, N.W. Apt, #16 Applicants, Eddie & Fa nni e L. Bixby Our inspe cti on reveals no such number as 1061 Nea l Place, N.W •• RE: 866 Crew Street , S.E. Applicants, Lester & Ad e ll Chaney We found this to be a n ew 10 unit, brick apartment complex fully occupi ed . No Housing Code Cas e is nece ssary a t this time, No apparent reason why tenant s should leave these apartments. �RE: 1014 McDaniel Street, S.W. Applicant, Deborah Cost This is an owner occupied house. No Housing Code violations apparent on this house. No case made on this house. No apparent reason for tenant leaving this house. RE: 146 Kennett Street, S.E. Applicants, Judy & Benny Dunn This is a 1 family residence and it is occupied at this t -ime. Minor Housing Code violations were found, possibly a $100.00 cost to repair. There are 8 occupants living in 7 rooms at this time, which justify the house as being ove rcrowded if the tenant (or applicant) has as many 3 in his family. RE: RE: - 1.240 Simpson Road, N.W., Apt. #14 According to the numbering system, the re is not a 1240 Simpson Road, N.W. No report on this otherwise. 985 Smith Street, S,W. Applicants, Mary L. & Jacob Maffeth Owne r-Occupi ed, Albe rt Holiday This is a dupl ex , 1 unit occupi ed, 1 vacant. An e stimate of $250.00 minor r e pairs, will put this house in exc e ll e nt condition. No apparent r eason for this famil y to l eave unl e ss of overcrowdedness conditions. RE: v 270 Troy Stree t, N.W. Manag ed by Be n T. Hui et & Sons This compl ex is approx imat e l y 10 years old, The r e were some Housing Cod e Violations no t ed and a Housing Code Case will be made on the e nti re proj ec t. Overcrowded conditions would be the onl y justifica tion for vacating this apartment building. RE: 136 Richardson Street, S.E. App li cant s, Matt i e & J ames Smith According to our inspection there is not a 136 Richardson Street, S.E. record ed nor not ed on the street . We have no further information on this. RE : 807 Bonnevill e Terrace, N.W. Applicant, Mr s . Miram Broughton We found thi s house complied on first inspect ion . The owner, s tated that 6 people were relocated leaving a total of 4 in a 5 room house. ?. ) / �RE: V 583 Delbridge Street, N.W. Applicant, Phillip J. Allison This is a duplex, occupied by 2 families, 2 occupants to each side. Housing Code Case made against this house this date. Estimate cost of repairs around $500:oo. RE: V 1245 Northwest Drive, N.W.

Applicant, Clarence Moore There is an existing Housing Code Case against this house. RE: '1"' 898 W. Peachtree Street, N.W. Applicant, Mrs. Jeanette Bates A Housing Code Case made against this house this week. RE: ...,.- 712 Cooper Street,S.W. Applicant, Bobby N. Smith A Housing Code Case in existance now. RE: RE: R-571 Linden Avenue, N.E. Applicant, Maggie Douglas Weldon Inspector found no such number on Lind e n Ave nue. i/ 239 Ormond Street, S.E. Applicant, Mrs. Elli e Edwards Our r e cords show that this hous e is in the Codes Compliance Office , be ing handled by them. RE: v' 936 Fair Stre et, S.W. Applicant, Will & Edith Henderson We found this to be a duplex; 2 - 3 room apartments. One vacant and one occupi ed. A11r rH. !,D All Housing Code violations~ on the apartme nt and this building . RE: " 42 Le ach Stre et, N. W. Applicants, Emma J ean & Willi e Key Owne r, Q. V. Williamson , 855 Hunt e r Stree t, N. W. This hous e is in n eed of e xte nsive r e pairs, our e st i ma t ed cost is $1500 . 00. It is a sing l e famil y, 1 unit. It has 6 rooms with 5 occupants . RE: - 259 Church St ree t , N. E. App li cant , Otis & Ril ous Eva ns Accord i ng to inspec tion , we a re unabl e to f ind a Church St reet, N. E. nor Chur ch St ree t , N. W•• ( :; \ ~ �S eptem b e r 20 , 1968 M r . Don Hummel ,Ass i s t ant Se creta r y fo r R enewal and Hou sin g Assistanc e Depa r tment of Housing and Urban Development 451 Sev e nth Str eet, S . W . Room 9100 Washington , D . C . 20410 Subje c t ; Reques t fo r Approval - Proje ct GA . R -101 Bedford Pine U r b an Redevelopment Area Dear Mr . Hununel : Thesabove proj ect is in an area of acute raci 1 tensions . The Part I for this project has been submitted , a.nd we have been waiting for approval for a c onsiderabl e length of time . Public He rings h ve been held and the Part II submittal will be made immediat ly after approval of the Part 1. The new Housing Act gives Atlanta an opportunity to convert this project to the new p:ttogram entitled Neighborhood Development Progr m. We wish to make this conv · rsion at the rlieet poesibl dat , which we stim te to be within approxim t ly three to four months. Pending such conversion , how ver,. it 1s important to Atlanta that this proj ct be approv d as pr a ntly constituted immediately. without the del y necessary to convert it. Any st ps you c n tak · in view of the foregoing which would result in e rly pprov 1 o! this project would be greatly ppreciated. Sincerely yours. Iv n All n, Jr. Mayor IAJr:fy •- - .. �r C TY OF A TLANTA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Atlanta 3, Georgia WILLIAM R. WOFFORD, P.E., R.A. July -11, 1968 IN SPECTOR OF BU ILDIN GS E LMER H. MOON, E . E., P.E . ASST . INSPECTOR OF B UILDINGS MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Re: Dan E. Sweat W.R . Woffor~ _ Bedford-Pine GNRP & J U. R. Project As a result of our tour of the above area with the Mayor on July 9, 1968, and our prior conversation with the Housing Authority, I feel that I am in need of a specific written policy to follow concerning the activities and extent of jurisdiction of the Building Department in the above project area. I have had many requests to " hold off" in the above area because of contemplated action by the Housing Authority ; but I can see a need f or inte r im a ction befor e the proj ect reaches the execution stage. Inasmuch as both the Housing Authorit y and the Building Department along with other departments of the City are involved i n the tota l ef for t that s hould be made i n the Bedford-Pine Proj ect Ar ea, I would appreciate a letter establishing a definite policy to be fo llowed, particularly concerning the demolition and rehabilitation of buildings in this area. AT L A N T A THE DOG W OOD CITY • �D R A F T Mr. Don Hummel Assistant Secretary for Renewal & Housing Assistance Room 9100 Department of Housing & Urban Development 451 - Seventh street S. W. Washington, D. C. 20410 Subject: Request for Approval Project GA. R-101 Bedf'ord Pine Urban Redevelopment Area Dear Mr. Hummel: The above Project is in an area of acute racial tensions. The Part I for this Project has been submitted, and we have been waiting for approval for a considerable length of time. Public Hearings have been held and the Part II submittal will be made immediate:cy- after approval of the Part I. The new Housing Act gives Atlanta an opportunity to convert this Project to the new program entitled Neighborhood Development Program. We wish to make this conversion at the earliest possible date, which we estimate to be within approximately three to four months. Pending such conversion, however, it is important to Atlanta that this Project be approved as presently constituted immediately,without the delay necessary to convert it. Any steps you can take in view of the foregoing which would result in early approval of this Project would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, �D R A F T ~.:.:?~.;v.:;;·"-· for Appro Proj .ot GA,. R•lOl ord Pin. Urb: B evelq, o Project a in an. T p of I ta t tin • Public for proval oft T ti ~ l. ppo - n1 to eon rt �• Dear Mr. Baxt e r: I have be cbme ~incr e asingly conce rn ed with the conditions existing in an area of Atlanta that is d e signat ed as th e ~ Pope~ed Bedford - Pine ~~,~

Not t_ l

R Quot HH , Urban J.2.oRe,M: 1 Area ) G,,q. '!.-lt> I • I hav e r e c e ntly made s everal tours of this area and find the structures in an e xtremely bad and oft e n dang e rous ·stat e of repair. In reviewing this with the city's Building Insp e ctor, he has advis e d me of the practical difficulties that h e has in requiring a property owner to made a substantial inv e stme nt whe n it is anticipated that the pro perty will soon be acquired as a resy ~ ~ ~ rb~n re newaJ. . /'J ~_;iz__eq , 0 ~ The c it Y(tia~ alread v/Jo~; ; $1,600,000 of its own funds in ~ ._!_~is ·· , t ~ - ~ 1 / area to acquire str ee t and sewe r rights of way a s well as properties of those persons who, it was fe l t)were s uffering a severe hardship because of the impending urban renewal act i vity . It is now obvious that every resi dent and prope rty owne r in this area is suffering a hardship and the City Comptroller has advised me that)even if funds were available)there is c on s iderable risk involved in advancing funds for any further acquisitions that are outside · l e tter of c ons e nt areas . This is because of the ' rule that requires us to accept the amount we paid, or t he appraised value, whichever is lowe r , at the time we eventually resell the property to th e project. I am cognizant of the fact that the combination of the original Buttermilk Bottoms, R-91, Project with the ~ edford-Pine Proj e cti R-101, Proje c t, after we had rec e ived Part I approval on the original project, rra.-t hc.w,c._ S1> r-..lL,. f'#.i.,Jj "rt' . ~ caus e dp robl ems and de la ys that ~ otherwise ~ have occurred. :i.lilr. c ooo e ctioo u it tt efi o @e e'"1< lio e H8ff'S . I am sure tha ~ ~ caused by factors occurring at all lev e ls, including our own. s h,e~ .i Regardless of the reasons for the de lays, howeve r, I am sure that you can appreciate the pligh t of th e r es id e nts of this area as a r e sult of living with the impe nding urban r e newa l act i vity for this pe riod of time . The situation in this ar ea is now critical. In revi ewing the si tuation wi th eve r yone ro nc e r ne d, it s eems to be th e concensus that i mmediat e approval of th e urban r e newa l proj e ct effectiv e factor in me e tin g th e p r ob l e m. would be th e single most For this r easo n, this lett er is to r e qu e st tha t th e pro ce s s ing of this application be pl a c ed on a n e me rgency �sta t us. I wou ld iince r e ly appr e ciat e any assistance that you pe rsona lly can provide in obtaining this approval as quickly as possibl e . Needl e ss to say, your continued cooperation and assistance in he lping Atlanta meet its probl ems is very much appreciated. Very truly yours, CLD:cy �Bedford-Pine , R-101, Urban Renewa l Proj e ct Chronical of Events Augu st 1, 1968 November 27, 1963 R-91 Survey February GNRJ!= 4, 1964 Planning Applications fil ed -~""' & by ~oard of Aldermen February 27, 1964 GNRP / filed April 3, 1964 R~91 Survey & Planning approved May 6, 1964 Contract for R-91 planning services executed June 9, 1964 GNRPJ approved July 17, "1964 ELA-Auditorium area submitt ed GNRP termin taed by city-S & P, R-101, authorized July 20, 1964 R-10 1 Survey & November 17, 1965 R- 101 Survey & ~~ Planning February 2, 1966 R-101 contrac t for pl a nning servic es executed March 7,, 1966 ELA-Hill School site submitted June 15, 1966 Submitt e d Part I, R-91 . qJ Se pt e mb er 20, 1967 Combined S Novembe r 30, 1967 Combined Survey February 5, 1968 & P Applciation, R,Q"!'-R-101, submitted & Planning approved Submitted Part I, R-101 "i)~: R-91 Origi na l Buttermi lk Bottoms Project Area de signation R-101 Original Bedford - Pine Proj e ct designation and, lat e r, the designat ion of the combined proj ect area . GNRP Genera l Ne ighborhood Renewal Plan s Survey and Pla nn i ng & p ELA Earl y Land Acquisition �