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. : :- ·~ l. Citizens frorr. -t:1)c co •.nn.:,iJ.ty :,;i·,0 11.ld be., ;:;:·ilc: to tTC(:~r.~c,.n c: a res .i cl,::n t 01:· t }12 \l.ir~ :.: C~it:~/ t1r·e:~;.:. -fol" B.::::.;~r: i:.! t t ' r; ! )G~~:t. tic,~ l o l f.. t 1~1i~-> i z; r1o t pGs:d.:)l::.: , t hz..i:·, tlw )"i'. C !·1:· ..-~ 1., J c';_ Le <-,1J. u.-.'(:c1 to n .i.d : cl \):COj<::: c t di :ccc t (' T f::orr: ct }.i.·0, ·i: of nt~!",'0 ~~ [::; u b;-c1.it:ted to tl 12 r l.C by t h e. i"\. t l .c1 n 't:;::i_ Ij Ot l~ i 1-1,:_; l). l1 ·::-,!:;C',r· i t.\.: ., .:'\. :J:i~< )j e:c! t "-~ i ;:.-·ec t.c,:r- p :Lcl( •2 rJ. i 11 t tl is r:.1.::·.l1:1. c :r \,r i. .l l c:,:, rLf' (~:.r ;:~ t-. n t~n '.~ f".; 0 5- r i ·L ". t)! ,1 ·t t l1e I)C~ c.,11 .1 r::: r 1:·c;r.·t t he co:,,Prn: i.t. v s];,)uld 0 : ·. :1 f::::orn C\'ei~'I a :=::i_)nct of' tl·,c li:.:b:l n i:~·::DCh'a l 0: 2. tl: ~ r.:i:-:(~ r;c, i·:t ~.u:li (:~~t .ic~. . .s L·,_ ::'c. .-:· -~; {~r1 -t: J1~ l'1t. lc..:.t~t;). r·.?"l -:-: 2:.c ·:~ r:~j(~(~J.r:• f 1. . l-\l::

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-· ! ·:<::r:J :-(: :C Of ( ! J: 5. ':··> ·: :'?,C '.1n0crs t a1)(_1 r.; th.J.t t:)1-2. _r·::: J. .:., n 'i:: .::i liou:~.i. n? 7:.;x::-.1:: o r. .i ty l1olds r~0 ·..:: ti~1<:~ ;~ or~ 1·cJ 11(~ 2 ~.. c:_~::-·.cr i:co:: f o1.- t1--_c. fl.i.~;c t:.c~;~.i.c: r1 c :·: i ::; s ue: s r. ,c. J ,-: v ,.,,1 1..: ::.c ·i.:Lc: '.'i r1c C' i t.y c,w.mun i ty. '.'.'; HJ t',\C: ·.:c,~ ld l i 1'-'~ tc u ·t.:cP c~ t!: e ::>c: r. ~c E~t irlg~.; . .l~ 6. 'The i\tla n ta Housi n g /\ut}wr i ty sho ul d notify t:w ;' , .C \·:hc.n -~ ev(~Y i:: Jlf..~ )"·._J_'--~ ~;1.--:.1tlr1ic~ i"3~;:~:1--f! i.~ !.1lz~ri!1ir\~! tc~ ·:.::~~,:.<.: a 11 r1_ctj_o11. ~.-:!: ich wi 11 af feet:. -:.: :~8 ci U.z-:.:ns of V.i. n-c:~ Ci t.y . 7. T i10 P J\C },. no·,..:::, notl1i n 0 .-:; ~.iaut tli2 i t ,~n:, .li ::; t.i2d o n f.1 ·; c .t··j_ v e o f th-2 C~i ti::e.11 Pa r ·ticj_~JciLio:1 :r~,-.:7) 01~7.: -· ·· .. ·\ ;ir!·? Ci~~,. ! ~~?.-c!-, C:l]:" C d ::>~/· the ,.,i tl a nta il o u '_; in q ;.1..':.:,·,:.:., ri t'. 1 • 'l:~c r·:-c \101.ild l i )-~L·: ;1.n CX!:)lc.na - tion o f t'.°h? costs l iste d . 8. ':.,he Pl·.C would like a t.ime t2:. hlc~ frc:-:1 the . ~

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l iutl~Ol"jwt~/' \-1:1ich (vould i r1~orrn tl-1s::~ o [ \·,1!1e n (~C-:cinic :1s 0 :1 j)'3rLi- CUlar it2ms hnva to b ~ Gade. 9. The .:'\. t:. 2 nt<'l Hous ing ;·. u th orH:y h as no aut)~o:::i t\' to use PAC mi:1ut c,8 .1.n an~,. ::1 L: ~ t:,.~:,.,-::· :1ts sent to an y feckrc::l a~1cncy. �r··,:,. '/ ;_ ,. ~ ·' . .,. Pa g~ Two The PAC ,·:ill prepare a st.atemc,mt. which the J·. tlnnta fiou s ing Authority may su!:.,rnit to t.l,G Dep?trtme nt of I!ous in9 a n d Urban Development \·1 it.h the uction p ,.opo ua.l for 1970. 1(). 'I'he Pl1.C' •1ou}.d like t o be informed of a ny o t h ~r lcJCll l , region a l or n a t.l 0 na l m1:!·e•1: i ng~J whi ch m.i.ght be o f i1-:1por t n nce to u r b ~ n recieve1 opment in the Vin e City community anC: have PAC represent a tion sent . 11. All construc ·:ion or roadwork which is not in confornity with tte Urb ~n Renewal Plan developed for the Vine City area Ghould ~o h i.: H.:~d irnr,;ed i a t.e1y a nd no n ew conBtruction or: roadwo r k should begin. 12. --..... , ...... Where ·is the r eloca tion a cti b .i ty repo rt . 15. X8 i t por-::si:)l e to tr. a.i n community p e orle to handle cer·tain jobs associated with urL a n re iJevc!.01;;:~c nt ·....,}:ich •vill become nvaila0le during the next few years? 16. ~-:..'J e h wi 11 th e [\IT:ount o f money ava i la'o lC:; for \'in e City u r b a n re n ewa.1 be r. no1m and how wi ll the ur:1ou nt :-:ie dct0rminc d? Is. thr=.:ire any way for t.hc Pl'-.C to i11 '1 lur-'.nce the ~i.ze of the grant? 17. Will a hou se which is in goo d condition be subj0ct to ur~an renewal ~ecause of t ~e poor c ondition of t~c hous~s which i.;urround it? 18. h11en wi 11 home owners ::)e told whether t!ieir house is subject t o rehabilitation or clear a nce ? 19. It should be made clear to t-ir. Opens ha~ th a t work 1.n Are a 35 8hould ho comnlP.b~lv f in:i.::,h.ad be fora any cle ar a. i ,ce I n t;,l:3 ·regard the PAC or work is begun inArea 3 ,1 ·: should know hrn-· Much T':'\oncy i f an y , will be l o st by pro- ceoding in this manner. �