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DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URB AN DE V ELOPMENT PEACHTREE SEVENTH BUILDING, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3032 3 I C.-D Room 61~5 REG(i:tfif iJic e of the negiona l Act d ni str;;,t or

I ?1 ' \'; ( , . 1·\, '\J ,,- . l,..-' .~1-:_.,, .,. ~ I . ., - -' <"'\ ~~,,... IN REP L Y REFER T O: ' 3RF Mr . Lester H. Per sells Exe cut:Lv-e D:i.re c ~or Hou s i ng i\uthorlt y of th e C:L t y of AtL,nta 62h Hurt Builc.L.nr::At.lant.a , G3org ia 303~) 3 Dear Mr. Pe rsell s : Sub j e c t: Proj e c t Ifo . Ga . R-11 Uni ve: r s j_ty Center Uri)un Ri.; newal J..,_ rea Part II, iur..end.'..:ent Ho . 9 t o ·i1~c Ur ba.n Renewal P a n a ncl Loa n a nd Gro.nt. CoTtrf!Ct I Rm ·pl.f~a sed to confirm t h 2 te J.e .,3r aphi c a.nnou nc c:ne nt t lw.t the Ass i s tant Se cre tar y for P.c:n2wal ar::,i Housin[:; h. s s is t :.1..cc hs. s exe c uted a n ainend:J,to ry a lloca t ir:n orde r au-chorj_zing t he r evi s ion of y o ·,. r exist.i n 0 Contra c t i'or Loan £1nd. Gr a nt and Urb8,n He newal P ~ 2.n . Suo jcc t, ·co /our e:-:2cuti c n of u n a.mendu tory c ontr a c t , ti2i s ane ·1(.latory a ll ,:ic o:cio;1 or c."i.e r wlll i ·· c ruc.1 s e the amount of t :1e F ederal c ap i"i:.al r;r ant a utnor i ~~C!.ti0r1 -L\/ $318 , (;li.l~ to a total of' $5 , '. 5 65, 629 rmc1 i nc rei., se the ai, oum:; of t !1e lotm a u tilori ,1..::,; Gion by 4>12_.2, r(6 l~ to a total of $d, 76o, 427 . Your a tention i s di r c c t -·? d to t h e f a c t th2.t tlle Lriu n anu Gra nt Cont r a ct expres s ly s tate s that t he G::.lVe r nment ho.s no oll i 6 ::-st i on ·co ealt•=r i nto a ny c ontr a ct f or aLldi t i c :""!al Federal fi nanc ial &ss i s C8. nce in conne c tion with this p ro jec t . You ure he r eb y a dvise d that we huve no intention of inc re2. sin~ the pro,ject c apita l gr ant from t he 0J11ount nm, app r oved, e xc ept fo r i ncrct, ses whic h rni t;ht a r l Ge p u..'t"suant to fu tur e F eder a l le i islati on . It i s t her e fore your r e s ponsib i l ity to mo nitor t he c a rry- i n;!, out of a c t i vit ies pursua nt to t his c ontrac t in s u ch s. way tha t, if pro j e ct c os t s should i:.1crea s c) you will 1:: e abl e to a c t p romptl y to p revent ove rrunni ng the 1.; ud,:;e t on whi ch t he Feclern.l e;r a nt is b8. sed . I n s uch c irc .1.m stanc e s, and r e gurdless of the r eason for the addit iona l c ost s, you s houl d r educ e the scope of ]..Jroje c t c os ts and. a ctivit i e s so a s t o be al>lc to c o,.1pl ete t he p ro:i e c t with the p r esent p ro ject cap i "':;o.l c;r G.ut . The only a ltcrmi.ti ve' means by whi c h the Loca l Pul,lic Ji.'!,cncy c ould fulfill its o,>li~;ation t o co11pl ete ·t!:1:.:! -p r oJ .-~ct would be b y obta ini ng any ne ce ssa ry additional fund s from non-Federal source s; c ontrit ution of s uch fund s -co t~1e proje c t v:ould not cons ti t ute a locul 6--rant-in-aid . This s hould be made l;:nown to the i;overnin,s bod~' of the Loca l Public Agency, and. to the chief executive and go".erning body of 1 �I 2 the l ocality . Enclosed a re Forms I-IUD-6200 , Proje ct Cost Estimate a nd Financing Pla n, and HUD-6220, Proj e c t Expendi tu.re s Bud.get , with an explanation of differe nces hetwee n r e ~ue s ted a nd approved mnountB . Om· approva.l of the p roject ex:penditures budge t c onstitut es a conc urre nc e in your incurrine; c osts in c on:formity ·with s u ch budge t from the da te of app roval the reon . l Eu.ward H. Baxter 'fc:'Z'VReg iona l Administra tor I Enclosures cc: Mr . Howa r d Op enshaw �